Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1956, p. 5

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thursday april smh 1mb the acton free press acton ontario pack nv botawf olub presents the one and only gracie fields in person in an evening of old ipavomtes mihor arena toes may 1 830 tickets 150 avahabie mow write j costigan milton or pick up at free press office tby monday noon shop friday nights t1u 9 pm 9 mill street acto peas oreen giant or 15ox blue gold 2 29c trek8wket grapefruit juice 25c grand union pickles 29c oha8e a 8anborn instant coffee buy 1 soz jar at regular price 9195 oet 1 toz jar for 10c 2w par dead clover vaixey oaruc and soz regular tnaibler vel deteroent 10c off deal lakoe size 27c 29c dares fantaisie mailows oexlo rao 35c graham wafers pnjjjbtjrys cinnamon rolls 29c pxll8bdry8 buttermilk biscuits 19c white swan toilet tissue 2 2fc christies 13vioz package christies vanilla wafers 27c niblets corn whole kernel 14os 2 33c frenchs instant potatoes 8 29c mclarens jelly powders 3 19c monarch r margarine 29c success wax automatic wax appliers 198 california head lettuce i florida crisp and tender radish largo firm hoods 2 for 25c 8 oz cello pkg 2 for 19c 2 lbs 25c dutch sets onions three year old rose bushes each 69c alsoa pull line of flowering shrubs appreciation day special saturday 14 pm only christies raspberry and lemon jeilt rous 25c elwopd snow new president the ballinafad local farm union met in peacock school on friday night toe president wr fred boyd was in the chair to open the meeting mr sam bowman of elora who was present to speak to the meeting took the chair for election of of ficers for next year mr elwood snow is president mr lloyd mar shall first vice presldehtr- secretary mrs frank smith the directors were mrs el wood snow mr ernie mcenery andmrfred boyd m bowman cave a splendid ad dress which everyone enjoyed the ladies served lunch ii was decided to hold regular meetings the fourth thursday of every month every body is welcome to come out and rloaay prints a any staff s pictures which appear h the free press are available at than offtee delivery is osnauy less than a week prints ess be obtained hi 5x7 er felt inch sties orders akoald be made at the free preasr efflee mrs c abram heads eden crest institute eden crest womens institute met nt the home of mrs ted barden eden mills for their april meeting the election of officers for the new year took placo mrs irene st or le noted ns cluiirmun yjiose elected were as follows mrs c abrnm president mrs bet ty marshal first vicepresident and mn w nunbnr as second viee-pre- support the local sident mis evelyn barden secre- gnest speaker tarytreasurer assistant secretary- mr jim kirkwoud who is study- treasurer mrs k perry mrs betty ing for the ministry was guest l district dircetnr mis h speaker on sunday morning every- mephcrson mrs r thompson and photo prints one enjoyed hearing jim all wish him the best as he goes to saskatch ewan next week as a missionary mrs a gibson branch directors mrs m iowrie community ac tivities and public relations mrs he is returning to stone sask i irene turner agriculture and can where he was last year i industries anniversary services are to be miss m berlangnet citizenship held sunday may 6 with turkey j nd education history mrs h supper nay 8 lwk for particulars mack mrs hewal home economics on another page i courtesy conveners mrs a mr and mrs norman mclean whiiktr and mis ia gibson flow- celebrated their 25th wedding an- i cr card convener mrs f wcwulhmisc and press reporter miss m pterin nguct pianist mrs c brink low it is planned to have some kind of in exhibit at the hobby show being sponsored by the wellington county historical research society iit the armories in guclph on june k and 9 the august meeting when the sneaker was mrs augusta wikrana niversary saturday night rockwooo snow storm hinders scout tree planting as it was planned by the local boy scouts for the weekend a tree planting was interrupted by iiavlm of ceylon watvoted the best the unexpected snowstorm satur day forenoon on the farm of frank stout the excavation for the new tele phone building on main st was done last week material for foundation was delivered monday since the disappearance of snow and ice the sand on main st is being cleaned off and makes for better walking miss minnie nickell returned home during the past week from her trip to europe and cruise on the mediterranean sea sunday evening mr slirtn of the ebcnczcr church conducted service in the united church sunday afternoon the fire alarm was sounded for a grass fire down in nassaunweya but members of i port was given which revealed a the fire brigade did not go owing othci successful year to distance mrs william bnllentinc conduct- muss pat lmfoot of victoria el the meeting for the election of hospital london was home for the offici rs which resulted as follows weekend i past president mrs- c storcv mr and mrs eldon iamhert and meeting of the year it was also announced that there is to be a tweedsmuir history book contest for south wellington district at the district annual to bo held in id eden mills presbyterian church on may 31 officers elected by bannockburn wi tlic annual meet inc of ban nockburn womens institute wiis held in the school on wednesday evening of last week the roll call was answered by payment of fee- ind written suggestions for next years program the secretarys re- staff photo diamond wedding anniversary of mr and alrs edward free man 5th line of fsquesing will be celebrated this weekend at the home of their son frank few couples in the district liave lived to rnark this event the celebrants came to farm here in 1914 it v vi3rw campbell ville campbell v fish trip card party rallies anniversary form village news ns anglican womens as welcomed many friends family of fort william are in town for a months holiday with mr and mrs fred lambert a family gathering took plnce sunday at home of mr and mrs george day when mr and mrs frank day rnckwood mr and mrs fred day and family ancast- er mr and mrs milton greer and family aldershnt and mir roy day toronto were present for the occasion j e trout bashaw alberta is continuing his stav with mrs j a little on speedvalc ave e at northeast city limits now open thursrri april 8sz7 you know what sailors are salmoo april border river tuevwed may 1x rainbow jacket thurafri may st living it up 2 shows nightly children under 12 years free president mrs w iinhiin first vicepresident mrs sunlair seeund vicepresident mrs s morrison secroluv treasurer mr- ii wilkinson district director mrs c sin clair flower convener mrs rns- jull press reporter mrs w j mcdonald branch directors mrs 1 fox mrs m gordon miss m young program committee mrs s matthews mrs dick and mrs c storey lunch committee mrs ros- zcll mrs a brooks mrs m gor don auditors mrs j fox mrs s morrison pianist mrs w j mc donald standing committee conveners agriculture and canadian indust ries mrs s morrison home econ omics and health mrs c storey c and educat mis c sinclair historical research and current events mrs rnszeil public relations and community activities mrs w j- mcdonald resolution mrs s matthews the new president took the chair for a short business meeting two members are to be sent to guclph to attend the banquet to meet mrs berry from australia president of acww a committee was appointed to look after the last euchre of this season a small token of remem brance was presented to mrs bal- lentine and lunch was served st johns anglican womens as soeiation welcomed many friends and neighbors from lowville mil- tun and burlington who gathered for cards thursday evening in the sunday school roonv indies prizes were awarded to mrs graydnn stover mrs doci of milton and mrs james deforest gents prizes were awarded to donald small jack stokes and mi peer of burlington committees in eriarc were mrs l fllacklock and mrs james deforest the next parly will lie may 3 at b 30 p in luiyd mathies of uuelph junct ion and son billy enjoyed a fishing trip to windsor last weekend ami wre successful in bringing home i gixhl catch of smelt wr and mrs jams defonvt were host and hostiss tn their rel atives friends and neighbors m silurlriy evening n the occasion of iruir 25th wedding anniversary ttie evnmg was spent in io- grssiv eiichn- mr ieforist pre- sezilid his wife wl4h a tilevision set the family iresenttl thelt ikirents with an elelric clock ami friends gave persohal gifts the enin ended with lunh and happy rrmimscine at an amiteur rontst in low- ville school on friday evening mrs lints wallace rami home with a first prize for her song and the fampiiellville vcimens institute receivchi sectiiui priyr fr a stpiarr da nee fnenris of miss shirley parchein ir pleasel ti hear she is hoim frm st josephs hosiilal hamil ton after a toe operation ivlfcslr neil robertson is confin ed tc st josephs hospital hamil- tntt after a hernia oprition we hcjir h has lieen a real good boy while there miss donni westr spnt ok- weknfl with miss 1iis lnglts and miss katharine ivlirtin spent the veekcnd with audrey farly everton -alr- nd m ji c i hiehard weekend visitors in district recorded mr int mrs i kolmrtson and brian osprink viiiiud sunday tviiun with mr nd mrs t d mooutcheon mr nid mrs htrvy justin and ftohby visittil on sunday with mr ifi1 mrs kobitt luiitohmin hid diinc kthnir misss miry anil kdith hlmrtstm atid ann falkiut clviland shnt itic witktmi with mr and mrs william k hlttrtsun miss rn kuiiritam fiihlph simiii lh- wkrl il llw honii of lii itrtnts mr jind mrs charles koiinliiin and family mi inn miin krus sixnt ihf wimknd at tt- timiu- kf mr ind mrs vvvslry iillu- and family mr nnrt mrx htrrv hiirio arid family and mrs w h hirtop visit- nt satiirdi v tvtn 1111 wdh mr and mrs larfiir lltirtnp hnckwkhi th- liapiiy rrasnji was mrs w ii llrtips htrthflay missis kliiliflii and nancy llm itp sptit tin wftikind with mr und mis claruuv ltnrtnp hk- mi and mrs tii justin palsy ind naiic- visitl sundav rvtninn with mi and mrs max mllno churchil program follows pancake supper thi- woinn if churchill served a paikiki upn r n widnesday iviiuni in thr rlhurrh following lh siippti mr iindshnroiih monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers y a good display in stock wm c allan prop 64 qimn st w brampton shop phone 1410j res 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 603w torontii spent monday with the litters mother mrs james robert son deepest sympithy cf this com munity is extended t mr duff auxiinler during the recent be reavement of his sister the late mrs william johnson of milton friends of mrs george mitchell will be sorry to hear she had a fall recently several of the young peoples society of st davids presbyterian church attended the annual spring rally held in st andrews churcti kitchener on monday evening it is hoped there will be a good attendance at the annual sunday school rally at st andrews prei bytcrian church fergus on sun day- at 3 pm r iigmyufferin r- mayfair restaurant acton east on no 7 highway replace year old unit with this wholly new concept of burner design readability economy cone in or phone for fall feds root hardware open daily from 800 am to 300 am m breakfasts ft lunches ft dinners ft special lunches daily ft steaks and chops a specialty good food at reasonable prices wi deliver boston church yp meet at currie home mr and mrs j gorman hamil ton called on mrs a mckcnzie nancy and keith on saturday after- noon congratulations to audrey brown and peter peddle of lligny school both won medals at the halton music festival last friday xht- young people of boston church held their meeting on sun day riikht at the home of mr and mrs finlay currie scotch block wi had a very suc cessful lunch booth at mr starks salt on saturday april 21 iwlen and the krr family played several orchestra numbers mrs jhn freeman anl family of rock- wntd intirtiiiod with vical and piano nuniliers mr dave gray of rnckwood shared his very lulutif ul pictures of lirs rti nt trip to smth america and the west coast the quartertyfiroird ineeiing and w a met on friday evening at the home of mr and mrs w swack- hamvr a friendly social turn- was enjoyed following the business friends and rclati ves of mr and mrs norman mcuan enjoyed a social time with them on saturday on the occasion of their twentyfifth wedding anniversary i m ijaiach jif rujf summer work at stone sas- i arv maetinn ttatchewan where he was last sum- p veei ing rner and is going for another term the april meetinu of st johnl ma iw a was held at the home of mr and mrs a swackhamer mrs ken nevills last thursday ev- visitedwith their families in hamil- cning with 14 present ton over the weekend miss iiura rid of hamilton visited with mr and mrs h griffin lor the weekend ospringe i wi sponsored variety program held in school under the auspices of the wo mens institute a variety program was held in the school recently an excellent program was pres ented by members of the greenock institute including a short play among us girls and pictures of a trip through western canada shown by miss mary reld each number was well given and thoroughly enjoyed mrs bert ro bertson and mrs byriwi bruce won jjie lucky boxes of urocrries sand wiches cookies and coffee were served at the concrusioiv parties are knjoyed mr and mrs muni mccutcheon entertained at a family dinner party in honor of their dmighter muriels ninth hirtlulay and also the 37lh weddinc anniversary of their sister and brother inlaw mr and mis hoy tinney their kiitsts intliauil wr and mrs cjeorge mcmillan mr and mrs murray mcmillan and son toronto mr and mrs k lias hall and sons of hillsburgli ami mr and mrs hoy tinney ki in on wednesday muriel entertain ed her school chums to n birthday larly games were itjoyed fol- hivyed by a delirious supper and traditional birthday cake gail fuller young daughter of mr and mrs stan fuller town line met with a painful accident recently at her home while run ning she trippm anil fell into hot ashes of a ixinfire severely burn ing her right- hand wriich tcquired treatment by a doctor visitors in maurlet mrs j came mccutcheon acton is visiting with nr and mrs george grundy and family sun day visitors nt the same home were miss shirley grundy georgetown and mr bob slater fergus visitors recently with mr and mrs d k robertson included mrs h henderson toronto miss u teagarden danhiiry conn rev norman kolui tsun and mm mc- kenyie of co iph mr and mrs william stadt nee marie kloostcn and three daugh ters of huston hc are spending a months vacation with the latter larenls mr anil mrs k klooster n saturdav evininic over 40 mem bers of the family gathered at their parents home to help celebrate mis stadls birthday j mr and mrs fmcrson griffin ami family sent the weekend with i rlilivs in hamilton mr bertha nelhs of acton has been visiting with mrs fred john- son j ll and mrs w a wylie of i hlt ii visited with dr wylies i cousin mrs w h mkwan and mr me k wan on weilnesday mr and mrs not man mckcnzie and iinda visitil on sunday with ri1itives 111 itockwmiii 1 mrs harold theaker returned home on monday after undergoing surgery at guclph hospital mr and mrs aubrey itichardson and babv son of milton visited snnilav with mr and mrs ed stewart a number of netghtxirs and ft nnds attendd the fumral ser- virt- at orangeville for the laic i percy mrkachern former resid- cut f the town lline frands here of mrs irvin jack- j son mother of mrs ken stub- lington will he sorry to learn she suffered a stroke last wrck and is ronf d to tin luelph ho on viiosdiy trie children of he lcil and surrounding schools received the polio vaccine injiht- ion at the ilinie in the ifmal pres- byteiin church assisting with the clerical work wire wrs i buck mrs b robertson and mrs s snvrler barry bruce is confined to his home with chicken pox congratulations to ktr and mrs fred archibald on the arrival of a veiling daughter on friday april 20 at st josephs hospital guclph a sister for stephen orton uiui anniversary 1 r r jim kirkwoid jr took the c u kf a mac wii service on sundav and told l jtrn r ndb fffectivo sunday april wth gray coach lines sorvicos will operate go daylight saving time new hmertables are available at all offices and agencies gray cooclh lines limehouse birthdays visitors village news items owing to- a church schfjol teach er worksiiop meeting in knox church acton on sunday after- lux n our local sunday school clas ses met at 1030 on april 22 may we extend birthday greetings to mrs g sinclair who has been shutin for some months the james famiiy visited her mother in hamilton on sunday happy birthday to michael noble who celebrated his seventh birth day with a party for 14 of his ffiends at his fiorre on thursday last with the a c- pattersons on the occasion of mri sinclairs birthday on sunday were- mr and mrs s- smith and mr g sinclair weston mr- and mrs charles sinclair don na and cakl of welland mr and mrs herb sinclair gloria an danny of hamilton mr and mrs forfie mr and mrs albert taylor and elizabeth of to ronto with the ibriatgs mr and mrs w greenlee mar ianne and lois and mr bill elliott mrs leslie collins president op ened the meeting the minutes of the previous meeting and cams i pondencc were read followed by a j short business period j the bible reading was given by 1 mrs earl hooper and the study bookhjcmrs william nevills a short program consisting of a poem by mrs mreachern reading by mrs ken nevills and a contest by mrs leslie collins and lunch brought the meeting to a close tha may meeting will be held at tha home of mrs jack mceachern visitor lb district mrs john glover at toronto u visiting withher mother and sister twrs thomas hay ward and mrs i wilfred till earl hooper spent sunday with his parents at beton mr and mrs john iocker and fan ly have moved to their neilr home at orangeville robert king of guelph visited thursday with mr and mrs jack fmcrlachern mr and mrs earl brown and family of rockwood visited recent ly with mr and mrs william nev- ills and family- mr and mrs leslie jackson and girls visited saturday with mr and mrs william donaldson and paul mr and mrs ken nevills and family visited last sunday wtiti mr and mrs tom jlorden eden mills a family catherine xnd surprte party was held at the home of mr of campbellville with the a w bentons- j and mrs norman jakkson second with trudy scott over the week- line erin on sunday when mrs end were joan btadd and june jackson watt guest of honor on the flight of toronto occasion of her birthday

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