Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1956, p. 2

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r r- n pacu two the acton free press acton ontario thursday april 8th ibm r bltf artiiti jtae firraa tea only gaferer p t aawn founded in 1875 and published avery thurs day at m miu st r acton ont member of the audit bureau ot clrculatlona the cw ma and the ontwloquebee dlvtelon ot the cwna advertising rates on riqueat sub- scriptiona payable in advapce 3q0 in canada 400 in the united states six months 175 slnsle copies 1c authorised as second clan mall post office department ottawa r paaualm ay tao tie q a pills miterla chief oavld r dilla production manager james a dub john black i associate kutaca business and editorial office pis ejfj acton do you know acton during the ptttfcw weeks we have been compiling data about acton end district for inclu sion in a booklet to be published giving similar information about other towns lncaneda its facts that are considered essential to give a picture of a foundation km life the market of this area when school boards and teachers appear to itv surprising how much research has been- be preoccupied with buildings and pedagogical necessary to accumulate these fech and enlighten in to know t in t liihed there are many of the questions that can- not be accurately answered whan we encounter ed so much work ve wondered how much the average citizen or business man knows about his town and trading area its interesting to know too that so many- other people are interested in these facts about the various towns in canada last week there were recording devices here and there on the highways about town recording the amount of traffic one never knows what group or department it is that seeks the informa tion gathered one can never be sure for what purpose the data will be used there is however one thing certain every businessman and every citizen can be a good am bassador for acton with very little effort when a stranger makes inquiry about our town be a booster you never know what sort of a survey ij being made if you cannot answer his queries intelligently be courteous enough to endeavor to direct him to where he or she can get the answers if you cannot speak good of the town or dis trict dont knock the town or your fellow citizens the stranger may be making a survey for a new industry and nobody wants to settle among a bunch of knockers or pessimists if you want the own to grow and progress be progressive your self its surprising what the booster can do and what 3 rotten impression the knocker can leave with a stranger learn alt the good about your town and be ready to pass it on theres always a fevv who can be depended upon to give the bad impression without even being asked put a telephone in our home we refused to make the expenditure on the ground that there were so few who could be called that it would be useless now we have two sets at home and three sets for various parts of the off ice and most everyone has a telephone in the home and considers it a neces- sity actons streets in those days were cluttered with wires on mill street the north side had hundreds of single telephone wires and separate electric light poles the south side had telegraph wires to the station from the post office now nearly all the wires are underground along the backs of property lines or carried in big cables it took us a week to get used to having two lines ringing in from central but it took us a jnonth to get used to and hear properly over that early line and for longdistance all presses had to be stopped and complete silence assured in the office to carry on a conversation suppose though theres nothing unusual in this doubling up since the free press in those days had only four em ployees where today there are sixteen the space occupied is more than double and the equipment more than doubled in these days it seems double or nothing is the rule forgot to mention the free press number in thossfearly days was 1 1 a and today its 600 and 601 those decisions techniques says the toronto telegram it is well to have art educationist such as sir rictiarovtiving- stone former vicechancellor of oxford univers ity point out that of even greater importance in the education of youth is the inculcation of high moral standards in a thoughtprovoking address to the ontario educational association sir richard stated that the greatest need in education today is to teach the knowledge of good end evil for without this knowledge the use of ell other skills is sterile youth must be taught to strive for excellence but the labor is without direction and without foun dation if it is not based on a knowledge of good and evil only by that knowledge is it possible to distinguish betweenexcellence and cheapness between virtue and vice these abstractions have their reflection in everyday life people are honorable decent relig ious the opposite are also evident and sir richard suggests thit a decline in values and standards accounts for them success today is an end in it self how it is achieved is of small significance and if the method is shabby and underhand it does not matter so long as one is not found out success itself lias as many meanings as there aie people who seek it and the meaning an in dividual gives it depends on that persons stand- aids and sense of values for this reason sir richard emphasizes nothing is of greater import ance in the education of children than to give them a moral foundation upon which they may knowing good from evil build their lives brief comment weather possibilities for even april may to- aiytej rem ember those qood old 3af4 tmwvowwwwmvit back in 1936 phata by cither tli the spring lamb has had a tough time getting his gay gambolling in this season but at least the turn for the better in this weeks weather suggests he with everybody else may be in for downier days this perplexed innocent hardly older than spring itself seems unlikely to argue anyway the bible rev o p parson upper canada bible ba recently we attended a meeting in which a certain part of the budget presented by- hon wal ter harris was under discussion it is one of those controversial points in which newspaper editors have a vital interest- the pros and cons were carei fully considered and the discussion ended in a nodecision bout the issue was neither condemn finance ministers must have ward the end be snowtlurries had spring and summer r but always xe ve the end of the month of april brings not only the opening of the fishing season but also the requirement to complete your income tax pay ments before you take off many who appreciate and wsee- the bible could not put into wards their reasons for doing so c e holmes has analysed why he be lieves the bible as follows because it is the champion ot hu man liberties because it is founded upon just ice and mercy because it fills men with n desire to help others because it presents the divine- iiu muii person christ because it lioints out the wny from sin to salvation because it brings jeiice and ioiiiroit to heart and mind becuuse no other book has ever boon so loved and hated because its life stories have a perennial universal charm bieauso il reveals thi only imlis- omsihu man christ lesus hetause its influence is rapidly travelling to the whole world because after 2ihm years nf uli- licntion it is still the best seller because its benefits are not tun itett to any race- olor or eonilit iii becuuse when accepted irten tni- mcttiatcly seek for better thmns because it provides the only real consolation for men dyinn in war because in stuityiiu words we hretie the atmosphere of etern ity because its messages of hope have saved many from selfdes truction because it reoojjnies and up holds the dignity and individuality of every person x bev those wliu mmhl dciln it have not furnished any substit ute of value sujjuested bible readings for the week sunday john 7 3253 miin- dav john 8 132 tuesday win 8 3359 wednesday john 141 thursday john lo 142 friday john ii 129 saturday john ii 30-57- i poets i i corner i heal t1ie8e hearts of pain where cross the crowded ways of life where sound the cries of race and clan above the noise of selfish strife we hear thy voice o son of man in haunts f wn tchttluess and iiiimi sliiuitiwei i tlirvsl oi tiltis tlarlj willi frais from ikatii vhrt- hid tho lures of nrti v ratrli tin visum of thy w irs taken fraaa the tasae at the free praia ml thursday april st mm at a recent meeting ot the local branch of the canadian legion british empire service league colonel g couiens commanding officer of the lorne i scottish i rifles wus present for the purpose of decorating an exserviceman with the meda for long service zone commander km mcdonald was in charge of the meeting arid sgt gould was invited to tite pres idents station and during hie fast ening of the medal to his breast the colonel recounted many incid ents of the old days both the colonel and the sergeant had serv ed as gunners in the artillery blr g masalea of acton was el ected president of the lialton pres bytery young peoples union at the spring rally held at waterdown on saturday and sunday mill street still continues to be far from a perfect roadway but siunrwer time is supposed to rectify all its shortcomings but summer seems so slow in coming mrs peter smith misspearl smith mrs james symon mrs j it kennedy and miss m c nelson spent two days in hamilton last week attending the annual prov incial convention of the imperial order daughters of the empire a mock air gas attack on tor onto was held as a prelude to the campaign tor peace 10 airplanes xoomed down from the sky over theclly greafvohirrrea of smoke- pouring from their exhaust pipes their cargo was thousands of leaf lets warning the city against war the whole display was arranged by the toronto branch of the league of na society in the streets men in gas masks distrib uted leaflets jack van gooxen and gordon bilton are the two boy scouts sel ected to attend the annual forestry camp at angus over the weekend of may 24 the first annual meeting of the childrens aid societies of lialton and peel was held in milton tues day with the president j m denyes in the chair during a 15 month period 00 new child protect ion coses were referred to the soc iety is children in all have been committed to the care of the soc iety back in 1906 taken frasa the taaua at the fraar press of thursday april m its tlib terrible earthquake and con flagration in san frohsisco cal has caused earnest solicitation oh all sides for the safety of trjpids in hint unfortunate city mr a a secord received the following mes sage on tuesday from his nephew a a marlatt who is employed ou the daily chonricle self and wife aafe but lost everything municipal officer price has a bro ther who has a wife and five child ren in the city and he has hadtnb message from them the dust has been most offensive- on the streets the past week the merchants will appreciate ths- early advent of the street sprinkler ttrelnnual vestry meeting in connection with st albans church was held on monday evening the energetic rector of the church rev m wilson informed those present that the mortgage on the church some 89 had been paid off and they were starting the new year with a clean sheet mr j o chapman presented the financial report and mr j wood the sunday school report mr j b lake was reelected vestryclerk i mr w landsborough young st is one of our most successful poul try fanciers with his new regal strain of white wyandotte he has been most successful his hens have been laying continually since the middle of november the annual meeting of those in terested in baseball was held on tuesday evening in the council chamber the acton club was or ganized with the following offic iary honorary president o a t beardmore president w r roche first vicepresident w a storey second vicepresident a j leh man patrons i francis n patter son d henderson mp ii p moore and h jeans managers p brown o ii cook n mcnabb s hornby secretary o h cook prohrty committee m mceachern w pearson g llynds h statham w mcpherson c f goodeve and co our honey is kood for colds und the price is only 10c lb so you ought to use it a well known citizen is thinking seriously of erecting u second chopping mill s taaii professional directory and travellers g tory iuide i mkiiic at ijkfiai from tender cbihiliofmls helpless- iiiss i from womans uncf hums burden- hi toil i kioin faimshid stalls frtmi sorrowsv stress i thv heart ims never known recorl i the clip of water kivcn for thee still holds the freshness of thy i jjraeo yet loan these multitudes to see j the swwt compassion f thy face o mak ed or commended mapy a headache making decisions the following week we read and appreciated bruce hutchinsons columr in the financial post j clock aheaci an hour on sunday morning in which he said he had yet to hear of a i finance minister rise in parliament and reniark by vvay of introduction i am of opinion far speaker that my budget is lopsided cockeyed and dangerous but what carj i do against a cabinet ravenous for pioney a house of commons that demands the impossible miracle of more spending and lower taxes a taxpaying public that already works two days a week for the state without knowing it and in addition to four summer re- this is the weekend when to be in step yousorts the island has a bin herb i i- it farm and an art oolonv rnust adopt daylight saving time in this district youll be confused all summer if you dont put the why spring housecleaning why at one cer- oui time of the year must the familiar and ade- quate routine of the household be interrupted we ask these questions in an impersonal way h there anyone brave enough to ask his wife j pointblank kentville ns advertiser master frimi the mountain side luftsto to heal these hearts of pain anions these restless thrones abide o tread the citys streets auain till sons of men shall uarn thv love and follow where thy feet have trod till glorious from thy heaven above shall conic the city of our god dr w g c kfnney iliysiriaii and surgeon office ill symoii illock 4ta mill st k acliii office ihone 78 krsiitriicr us church st k rhonr iso or d a garrett ihyslclun iind surumn oi iki lit willow and itiver st kllllallee it vi i street actiin ontario ilionc 23h dr robert d buckner ihysiciiui and surjron l wellington st c f ltatherland qc j itarrlblrr a solicitor notary public office mollis lil a in izmjq ajn i ml iii r oi j m j siitlldavn liv almiiitnnlit only otty- u ihine it s iri acion levlr hoskifj thartrrcd accountants 1 main st n ttiiiiniitoli ilicn vi attme attini unt fhonc ts9 office iloui s ci m ilknta i dr a j buchanan liental kurgeon office iusiiinan it lock mill st office hburs l i in to c pm xhav telephone uh- dr h leib dental surxeon office- cornvr mill mil friderick stncts office hours 9 i in to fi p rn tflkpiione 19 acvton t1 vatia st tnntfto km 4 yiai m mandfpsou ra itarrlster solicitor and notary public 4 ma ii st s thiaiikle 7 t4 mis kiiankois optica i seems determined by its demands on govenn- ment to work still more and to tell the truth this paragon of treasury society people will like you if you are polite ers might add i dont really like the looks of things at all when were largely- financing the boom on the sale of our assets to the americans and in fact living beyond our means that is not the- customary language of hans ard yet under present conditions it could be the kirx of advice we need if not the kind usual ry demanded iri the newspapers lj just looking back recently when we installed in our offices two telephone lines to central we ware reminded of our boyhood days when one of our first jobs was to work on odd day at a i browns drug store to take out messages for long distance calls to parties who were called in town there werent many in those days when acton had about 20 tel i the i town united church of canada acton omtarla b d in days of short supply when anyone could sell anything courtesy- too often went by the boards today we are back in a competitive the free press phone was party line when weertedlhe printing there was e t at office and another at the editors home they seldom rang we recall when firs approached to r they will live iri yoor town if they find it pleasant once again courtesy pays off campbell river bc courier raising speed limits- means drivers must think and act faster points oajt the london free press r- are we doing to raise the mental standards cf drivers or at least to reduce the number of ow reactors safety oevices are only amelior- nts the driver who is less efficient than his car for any reason is the cause of nearly every ac cident were- always a little disappointed to find a canadian whose family probably arrived in this country less than 100 year ago who is hardly aware of which country his ancestors came from its amusing too when people with say english names ridicu the ra trait nf rt fngiiih rev gerdon adams ma minister parsonarc 29 bower avenue phone 80 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 78 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday april 29th iji 900 am morning prayer 1010 am junior church and church school 1115 am mom ins worship ecning prayer canccllcfi presbyterian churcrf in canada kxox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bf mlntttvr sunday april 23th 1956 945 am church school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm divine worship they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you the angucan church of canada st albast cherck actm ont rev evan h jones ba lth rcefem- 1954 when their own grandfathers came from thai country iirve think the scots are the roost detefm- ined in retaining their iowktyrtarriand nb4letabte coswkaeil ot iwdlctabavo- qhimvar tpaae ihsca aftnrard island has sunday april 3bth easter iv 830 am holy communion a5 am church school ii oft am beginners class 110ft anru mornins prayer 4s pm holy baptism o- infants 70ft pjn evenins prayer all times are daylight saving ttmb in proportion to population brit ish oil ima h tho hlehatt io baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bowrr- ave phone 108w 19m sunday april 28th 1000 axn sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pjri evening worship sis pm bypu wedneaday 8 pm mm- week ser- iftcton pentecostal assemuy meeting in lol hall crewsons corners ptor tbirr k j rrkl 9 cook st ttlephoae tew sunday apiul attfcrwsr 10w aan sunday sobsoel lte mnrntng worship tjo pjbl awaaeallstie aenrica e l buchner ro jj optometrist 18 mill st e bhone 115 office hoiira wednesdays 1 30 6 00 p m evenincs by appointment veterinary ruaaley funeral home lltrd ambulance plmrii- cjj nirht ir dy sri ii tti- cnriiriitiriity fur 40 yiiirs olive w lampapd a t c m kmt trachrr of piano acton stuuio st alhans ilirish hall m ivhk ave guklih rhon2ac travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton st f g oakes bv sc vetrrinarian office and residence 2a knox ave acton phone 130 6 d young bv sc c l young dvm veterinary sergcoata office bropkville onurio pkone milton tr 89177 real estate and insurance f l wright 20 wllbnir st acton ontario phone 93 appraiser read bataac w r bracken tatato kaabraaee phooe x acton list your farms buainsas or boose with us we invite you to use our xaeilities in securing a i fu y sjp v r f bean limited r ac eaatbaaiml 6 38 am 8 58 a m 1 1 33 am 2job 208 pm sm pm 633 pm 8i pm 1008 pm sun and hoi i westboand 107 am 1142 pm 2s1 527 pni 7jz7 pa 912 1132 pm 112 am fri sat and holl canadian national railways standard that daily 840 am daily except ben days 1000 am 713 pin sunday only 801 p jn daily eacept sun day flyer at ge tjb aav tjx7 pm daily flyer at george town 10h pjn r i daily 1144 pjn daily sunday at sub4 us pas stop taa pm sa oaahr li rip pat dattr eaeapt sat flyer atoucipa ix pun asstfefefes

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