Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1956, p. 2

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l mmcbktwo the acton free press acton ontario thursday january 5lh ttw 3hr acton w flrrfia tlw eauy aaaer ever j founded in 1875 and published every tnure- day at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circulation the cw na and the ontarioquebec division at the cwna adverusinc rates on request sub scriptions payable in advance 300 in canada 400 in the united states six months 175 single copies 7c authorised as second class mail post office department ottawa t- ov c a duh bditornchlef david bl dills production jamas dula john associate katttora business and editorial office ph 1t4 acton off with pld on with new the old calendars are coming down with the records of 1955 tossed away and the bright new 1 956 clean sheets with their promise of 366 days to be filled the new year resolutions have been made and the forecasts for business trends have been published the plans and probabilities hav ing been stated for the new year there is always the doubt not so much to their general applic ation but rather as to how they will affect us in dividually whether it be a new year a new month or a new day life for all of us is something that is charted but can not always be kept on course each new year and new day brings its challeng es and its accomplishments or failures but new starts and new beginnings thave a thrill that is always alluring the past is gone and left its experiences behind the unknown future lies ahead this year end and new year beginning has a significance which is important to all of us as we discard the old calendars and put up the bright new ones to young folks this year seems a long way into the future to older folks its days will go all too quickly but whatever our age 1956 is on the road with five days of it already ex pended less talk more action the holiday record on our highways would seem to indicate that the warnings issued oy the government departments required some applic ation and less talk ontarios record of highway slaughter can be improved when the few mot orists who refuse to obey traffic regulations are taken off the road the great majority of motorists are con scientious r careful just why their lives should be endangered by the few is difficult to understand a governing body that collects the license fees the gasoline tax and the tax on liquor should be financially responsible to elim inate the lawless few police officers on the whole are most anx- ious to enforce the law but too often are frustrat ed in the courts by technicalities and evasion of the penalty which is due the careless driver the number of hit and run cases reported in toronto over the new year weekend would seem to in dicate that many considered the easy procedure for themselves was to get away from the scene before police could lay a charge of impaired driving or intoxication ontarios highway record can be improved not by warnings but by law enforcement and less talk exceeding authority if there are sufficient objectors we might find that some of the numerous government boards are not essential and business might get back to normal trends as in the years before the last world war recently the milk control board of ontario refused a license to a distributor on the ground that the area involved is being adequately served whether or not that was so said the ontario court of appeals was none of the milk boards business and provided the new distrib utor meets the proper requirements in the way of experience financial responsibility and equip ment it is entitled to a license among other things in his jugdment mr justice hogg pointed out that administrative boards under the guise of regulation or control have no right to prohibit a person from carry ing on a business it was time that point was made clear far too many of these boards have been exceeding or attempting to exceed their authority these boards says the financial post were set up simply and solely to ensure certain stan dards of sanitation honesty competence and financial responsibility they were not set up to machines and humans thirtyeight years ago we helped uncrate and assemble the first new linotype to come into halton county these typesetting machines in those days were just starting to make their ap- pearancev fn weekly newspapers replacing the old method of handset type today of course tel5 a ne of-anystzc- which kj doesnt use one or more of these intricate machin es and everynewspaper in halton has at least two of them in operation through all those years that machine has never failed to produce type each week for many years it produced all the machinesettype until another machine was added its had new parts added here and there and improvements occasionally put on for greater efficiency last friday as we watched it being loaded on a truck to go to toronto where it will be thoroughly rebuilt we had mixed feelings as it was lashed to the truck and started out for its renewal of usefulness machines even though mechanical contraptions can form an attachment that often borders on the human unfortunately however humans unlike machines cannot be shipped in and given another lease of new life every 38 years after a few hours we couldnt resist calling up the company and finding out if our faithful companion had arrived at its destin ation in good conditio it had and the mechan ics had started the work of dismantling and adding new parts as were found essential while the machine is away the remaining linotype will do double duty and be operated day and night until its mate is returned and put in operation but that spot looks awfully bare while its away and we are going to be very glad to see its return just as glad as we were 38 years ago when it started the new era in the county of setting type by machine incidentally the price of a new machine of similar usefulness today is four times the price of the machine that is being repaired and the work entailed and the replacement parts re quired on the old machine will cost approxim ately as much as the original machine cost when new it was as you perceive more than sentim ent however that made the decision for re newal rather than a new machine a growing canada with a million and a quarter immigrants accepted and absorbed since the end of the war says the financial post canada does not have to take a back seat to anyone in the matter of re distributing world population arid building up our own j few countries and certainly none with a winter climate likfeours can approach this rec ord in actual numbers we are a good 200000 ahead of much publicized australia where the nillionth immigrant since the war was greeted ceremoniously only a few weeks ago not since the five years prior tol929 or- the early days- of the- century wtheffwe had im mense tracts of free westerrrlarid to offer has there been anyth ent movement with the s ng tefcompare with the pres- udstantial immigration that has been permitted there has been objection and criticism in some quarters one can well imagine the howls that would have been raised had we pumped people in faster than we could have hoped to digest them the present policy is wise and politically courageous photo b either taylor 1956 is here a fresh and youthful layout of days waiting to be utilized to their best or to their worst advantage and whether you greet them with exuberance and optimism like this worryless young fellow or with apathy and pessimism could well determine the foibles and fortunes that will be yours in this new year the bibl rev g p parson district secretary 7dcuf upper canada bible society a 2b year drama of translating the whole bible into ukranian ended recently in winnipeg can ada has the bible available in over 100 languages and dialects and to day it is rare to find further trans lation work in progress here steeped in intrigue this dramas last act began in 1935 and the cur tain fell only last year its early scenes were set in europe its hero dr ilarion ohicnko professor of kiev university in the ukraine began making notes and collecting source material 30 years earlier while working in warsaw univers the story reads like an odyssey after years of devoted effort his task was interrupted with the out- break of the second world war then some of his precious notes and manuscripts were burned there followed a flight through poland to czechoslovakia and on to a mon astery in austria thus the remain der of the carefully preserved work was smuggled from place to place until it finally reached switzerland there it was rescued by some british soldier who sent it to dr ohienko by that time he had reached canada since 1950 until the translation was completed aided by two am erican ukranian scholars dr oh icnko has labored to put this new version of the bible into the hands of his people the british and foreign bible society has now begun its pro duction and distribution this soc iety which has 16 auxiliaries ac ross canada has been responsible for 75 per cent of the wojk of translating and publishing the bible around the world suggested bible readings for the week sunday matt 10 122 mon day matt 10 2342 tuesday matt 11 1330 wednesday matt 12 1- 30 thursday matt 12 3150 fri- dak matt 13 130 saturday matt 13 3158 cows climb stairs ies or dry cleaners or taxi drivers or barber shops they were hot set up to stifle competition or prevent any citizen risking his capital and setting up in business if he chose to do so brief comment flew year resolutions do not take as prom inent a part at the opening of a riew year as they i did a few years ago the editor and staff did appreciate sincerely the many kindly greetings that flooded in during the holiday season remembrance by friends old and new are things that improve as the years roll on our thanks to all the new motor vehicle license plates are now available and the white and blue will be re placing the blue and white for some unexplained reason they are going to cost more in 1956 of the irishman who talked continuously for 133 hours the st thomas timesjournal points out this is the most stupid marathon yet but he would be a valuable member of a political party that is staging a filibuster in parliament i the credit squeeze which the bank of canada and the government have been trying i to impose on us has not been popular such i policies of restraint never are by the very nature of things its always more pleasant to keep on gomg up and up canadian business failures in the third quarter of 1955 were 25 per cent lower than those for the previous quarterand7r7per cent lower than those for the third quarter of 1954 according to statistics compiled by dun and brad- st a total of 252 firms failed in the third uarterj compared to jo iri the second quarter and 273 in the third quarter of 1954 the total to milking parlor grande prairie alta cp fred drysdalc is putting the finishing touches on a new loosehousing barn first of its type here after two years of milking 10 cows twice a day by hand drysdalc has finished a modern milking par lor complete with two inodern milking machines he says its getting almost a pleasure to milk a cow now the cows walk up several steps to get to their milking parlor from the main section of the barn des pite popular belief that cows wont climb stairs drysdalc says the ar rangement is more satisfactory than a ramp because it does not become so slippery when wet poets corner the christmas reindeer comes the deor through the sil ence of the night fleet of foot under the great jew elled sky carelessly disarranging the pure white snow oblivious that the trees nearby sprinkle their icy crystals all along his velvety antlers and graceful back as though to delay him and thus prolong the season when he draws the ohristmas pack thalia a roohlitz the good old days f may have seemed better back in 1906 ft i the issue of the free press- et thursday jtnosj tin 1w the defeat of the local option by law on monday was the first defeat of any temperance measure by the electors of acton in her history but this was just a case of temporary error it will be remedied- in the near future at the united church of canada actan osnane rev gordon adams ma bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday january 8th 9 50 am junior church 956 am church school 1115 am morning worship 7 00 p m evening prayer 1956 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert hl armstrong i ju hd minister preparatory service friday 8 pm rev gordon baulch sunday january 8th 1956 communion sunday 1100 am lords supper 945 am church school 700 pm evening service a warm welcome awaits you they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength the anglican church of canada st albans church acton ont rev evan h jones ba lth rector baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206- sunday january 8th 1956 i first after epiphany i 9 ix am holy conwunion 10 00 am church school it 00 a m beginners class 4 30 p m holy baptism no evening service on the second sunday of the month 1956 sunday january 8lh 10 00 am sunday school i 11 00 am mormrig worship v 7 00 d m evening service i wednesday 8 pm midweek ser vice acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lol hall crewtoni corners pastor rev k j r lujon sl tivvfnt the archbishop of ranks as the sixth most important- sundayantjary 8th 1956 person in ow bnush realm hejs m g 000 in the previous quarter and 8479000 in prince philip and the three royal l m evinsuaticsfervtce dukes the prime minister is num- wednudaw ber nine wcauwor new years day was quite ortho dox winter weather the young folk hive had a jolly time skating on fairy lake during the week j bahentlne coal dealer has ser cured a location for- his coal busi ness between the beardtnore ware houses and the noble elevator he is building a temporary house and will unload coal tbii week the mass meeting in the interests of local option held in the town hall last thursday evening- wasone of the best meetings of the kind ever held in acton eloquent and im pressive addresses were delivered on wednesday december 27 at five oclock hi the afternoon a hap py nuptial event took place at the home of mr george locker when annie c youngest daughter of mr wm anderson acton became the bride of wm osland of rockwood found a goatskin robe owner can recover same at free press of fice at crewsons comers skating parties are the order of the day and night in our little burg sergeant wm e cripps no 8 company 20th regiment leaves on thursday to take a threemonths course at stan ley barracks toronto will is one of the best sergeants in the regiment and will no doubt give a good ac counting of himself counterfeit silver dollars are in circulation here a sample of them may be seen in the free press win dow which was inadvertently taken for a subscription the other day a good plan for people generally would be to refuse all united states silver our own silver has better intrinsic value and is much better looking besides tory one of beardmore and cos best team of draught horses slipped on the icy street on tuesday and caulked himself severing one of the leading arteries he is a fine animal of 1700 lbs and worth 225 back 1m 1936 front the issue of the free pitas i thur j im at the inaugural session of acton council members agreed to arrange- ments to test the new sound equip ment in the local arena it was fear ed the music provmed by the band was not drawing large enough crowds in a race for the reevesbipv of ea- quesing township georce currie defeated l l mulluu sleeted to council were w a wilson howard may and b e harrop inaugural meeting of the public utilities crsruniaahat wtuj sawrlmu with commiatioacra b g arnold and c m hansen present in a new years eve accident mr and mrs l- g allen and sac j winslow were injured alter their car struck a hydro pole in guelnji mrs allen suffered three ribs and a fracture of the hip equipment u now being moved in and work going ahead on the inter ior of the glove factory on main st which has been closed for four yearsl mr l brown guelph is the leasee and will operate a glove fac tory in the building it is expected production will soon be started in the new factory the boy scouts enjoyed their first birthday party a banquet given by the scout mothers in the yjica gym the assembly sat down tr wellladen tables music was sup plied by an orchestra under charles mason there was an attendance of about 125 the united farm womens club december meeting took the form of a social evening and was held at the home of mr and mrs t a storey nassagaweya the members and their families met together when they welcomed a number of the brides and grooms of the u jyjpo who have been married recently december 1935 was said to be the coldest on record the mean tem perature was six degrees below nor mal long distance calls the united states does more long distance telephoning than any oth er country with six per cent of the worlds telepthones and last year made more than two billion long distance calls professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and 8 u office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phene 7s residence 115 church st k dr d a garrett physician and 8urgen corner of willow and river sta entrance river street acton ontario phone z3s dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington sl acton ont phone 679 office- hours 68 pm dental dr a j buchanan dental 8argeen office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 8 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental snrgean office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 8 pm telephone 19 afton optical e 1 buchner ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone us office hours wednesdays only 130 800 pjn wednesday evenings by apooint- merit vcterinarv f g oakes bv sc veterlnartaa office and residence 34 knox av acton phone 130 bto young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary 8a a office brookville ontario phone milton 185rll real estate and insttranf f l wright 30 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 apstratser real estate and inaaranre y w r bracken real eautr in phone 36 actor list your farms business or hou w us we invite you to use ou fn iiiiiitjii in mint a nrnnst f- your property liabilities were down ou 8000 from 9v55- i preceded the third qfoarter of 1954 wednesday pm cottage pray er meeting and bible study bean limited legal c f ieatherlamd barrister a bouelter notary office hours 1000 am1200 ioo pm5o0 pm saturdays by appointment only office 32- phone rea 181 acton lever hoskin chattered awontsntu 51 main st n brampton phones 2478 44 victoria st torontr em 40131 m e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 77 mill st phone 588 office hoars tuesday 15 pm thursday 15 pm georgetown office by appointment- 4 mom st s phone triangte 72464 miscellaneous rumley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years olive m lampard atcm rmt teacher of piano acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 traveuhts quip gray coach unts coaches leave acton 838 am 858 am 1133 2 08 pm 508 pm 8 30 pm pm blo13 pm westbeaae 1027 am 1152 pm xstt pjaw 5 27 pm 7 37 pm 9 11 pm 1132 pm 112 am isua to kit chener only a daily except sunday and dayk- b saturday sunday and days canadian national railways daily 640 a m daily except sun days 1000 jm 113 pm sunday rlj 8 01 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 908 i 8 37 pm daily flyer at- george town 1011 pm tjaily 1144 pm dsily sunday 8 48 am 155 pm qag- stop 7 49 pm saturday only 2jbv pm suiulij milj 9li1a utjflaf- stop sunday only flyer n guelph 705 pm dally except sal and sun to detrain psatenaera from west toronto and beyond 810 ptmi daily except sal mi sun flyer at guelph im pjn l vyfe

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