Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 29, 1955, p. 6

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paobsdc the acton free press acton ontario niinisday dbcgmdeit 20 1039 reports and article from heltons farmland and farm organizations wfwm metalhr for the aowe pre press d x fred nurse is winner of grain well ma it a gootk christmas ut your house or wet you ceteb- aatlna anvay from home quite likely a ifamiliea- grow up parents and niuuviod children of- taut take ll in uun to hold christ ens in our family our young married folk like to atari christ mil iii their own homes end alien come to the old tanm houac for noonday chnlstmaa dinner but i roust tell you more about that in a later column jusht now it is time to wiah you a very hupuy new year which i do wiui ull my heart u ause aw are all shtd to com contest with 114bu crop rphc awards in connection with ciunpbcltville tofl bus pioneet elu- oruln crop cunhniuon soii- hw tenth rosa rlarbotele kllbrid sored iby the hallon soil and cr i 7t1 bus dekajb 66 improvement assmciution were an nounced at the jutnual nieelins of thtt association held in the milton town stall oh wednesday at thin week many hiulon folk have been wondering for home time who grew the 114 ibusnci orao of grain in halton in iks finally the sec ret was unveiled the winner in the past president of the halton association in the person of fred nurse of aahfirove ihi record yieki of im49 bus f corn at 14 per cent mouturv con tent wad frown from a mixture of ftioneer 4ft and 3t7a ttie field in plowed in the full of ltt54 out of u good aualfa foronw- mixture uiist ulni the field received an applic ation of barnyard manure ul around eujhl tons to the ucre tlie crop was planted on may lit in it inch rows at utliich tune it nwiv xl an application of 200 jus of 4 meuuxlot selection incidentally these yiolds were tmiaed on corn picked from eight rids of row in ouch field two rods uh each of lour puices ten average fiira werfe then selected in each field taken to the department of field husbandry at the ontario agricultural college where the moisture percentage and shelling percoevtafie was determined and ylnlds calculated on a- is per cent moisture basis the competition called tor a minimum of three acres imid naturally earth competitor sel- ected the best three acres in his field we were interested to learn that che winner fred nurse harvfeated lui cry with u combination picker mid dheller muahlne it was chen uakoli ui a drier wthere ll was kcichod in at btve existing moisture tuuis on tills bums ttie field aver aged slightly over 09 bus per than the beaver had tlft lowest iiercentnge jodfiiiu land ihe ieaal amount of rust kroun liie sltrfutvuiil of weight per bus t was excelled only by luram t sliapl hased oifohe years exjier- lence the rodney looks very pii- iiiiing the college autliorities also hud is auiiilur tests willi eljht vuciei les of barley scattered over the irovinoe in theser lsnnt variety 5hi2 to the acre applied in bunds j tiatx friends is quite a ll lh usuhtfc lkunk ilfci 1 klii un second place and a very clusi ereot that mkntlolcluk little stwmld walkt bru8j cheruti uiom we have come t accept as iqmdiollc of uu mew year ivrtwi ilu- is resptihsuile for thv feoluu we gel as we aj moucli the now year u feeling that aart of fills os wltli renewed hoie oumism aiul all kuidb of good intentions after all isnt the new yeur hke un uiuhnel book wltli twelve unwritten chaplers as time pusses we owmelves alkali jou to write hose cooplers just as we luled to write hume of 1056 chapter und verse ue im1 always written the way wi ekmcl oi want uiem to be beoiiuni so oftjmi fate ciikie nnd iiintruls our ilwutd even us we write nevertlieless greeting the new yisur us a joymis occusion is there uiiythlng lovelier uuui lusir cliuivh bells ringing out ucross uie fi-ostj- ntht welcoming hie imav txuii year irllig out the old rmg in tile new it 111 tiuppy tells acrttss the snow pile yeur is going jet lunv go itiiik oul tlw false ring in ulu- true wlieii tennyson wrote uiose cliarniing wrds et iisicl t in tile new year hut now ulis too often tle mvil of the ihus is drtwiuhl by lb noise of horns blowing whistles slirieking claiv jowl oilier riwity eilwlmliiins uiat ariin u be ue nmnleni way of gltftnxg ue new yeur custuius in otuier kuimls sometimes strom very strunge to us yet many ol them iiiv far more romantic and certainly leas noisy uuui our own for uislaivee in span on mew ytars eve almeria grapes are pulled from their stems and put into bo9 wuive gnaes ui a bag in restuurunls patrons handed krajhtwiijk and hicy- can also bo bought xrom vendons on the atreet jvt tile first stroke of mid night spaniards wttio believe in the old superstition try to swal low ill twelve grapes one at eaci struke of uie clock- good lues witt a yield of m3s4 bus to tin acre wuah won jolut irleltaelschi special of one husltel ol dekalli seed corn the walker bros crop uuis lanted on may hi in 40- inch ivws und 4 tle funks li ii variety tins particular field waa also in earn in 1us4 when pkwd it rtvelved 200 lbs of 3 ky- cent mtnogen und 2s0 lbs or 4 1 1 ei acre at planting ume uiioukt 2to lbs of 412141 as sown mm ucre tturd fourth ftibon the t ipnize award wlucli took with it iraynei ititu smhlu1 ol uuaoetof1ioueor seed corn was won hy tom c foster of uu- liw vllie district llelf uie yield- was km 4 lus to uie acre aiul was ol uw- funks g 174i variety plunted in 40- inoh rows tins fiejl also grew irn in 19s4 recoivml un upplicaliou f five tons of liuruyard inaiiui u uw acre olf may 1 uie field received 200 his of 33 per cent nitrogen jkm acre and at pluitinc liiiie on may 0 ait ailditioncd 1lm1 lus ol 4 4 1 i ure was applitd yttild lit any jiuuis kunguage cer luinly ull 14 of the coinimulorsi had it lot iium feed off their iesjectlve fields shnn they- would sad hud it lieeii in oats or bul uy kwtld aitpear u be the best yet it is however closely followed by g b 61 and galore oil the woiki- lcarifamv dhe same three varieties and husky were in the leal it doenl seom so long ago tlkat oac no 21 was uie top barley how ever in recent yeura the old ojvc no jl standi at uie bottom of the list this year there waa a differ ence ol 176 bus between brant and oajc no 41 the fourth man with over kill 4uuiipuuauwu4hulshiiihoi4 ilewwus harvey nurse of ashgroye this crop of rli 1ioiui it7a variety was plunted in mmeli rows on may 2h tlie field was plowed this pst spring oul of sod und recei in application of eu tons of barnyard munure ht am plus 2im1 lbs of cyniumd uls jiliw d in at planting tim un addition al 250 lbs of 4 24 12 was applied with uie corn planter ouier award showing yields and variety were as follows fifth burdge gumlv miugrove t 1 hus d- kaib 240 sixtb gorge coiusm lowville 1 4 bus dekalb 56 sev- enui brock harris uvvville 808 bus pioneer t77a eigjtth lin smith and s4ns kilbride 806 bus funks oil ninui gordon llmne rodney oats tops halton test one of tie pivijects sixmsond by the hailton crop lnroveuuirt as ntfecumion during 105s wius u rejplir- ileft variety lest wltli imiui iwits and burliv ttbis was laid down on tilie farm of a t woodley near mlluni in co oerutuin wiui uie field huhlmiiidry deiiaruiknt ut tilw ontuio agricultural cotllege the test included eight varieties each of both uils and burley in uie woodley ust uw rikbiey vur lety of olt was tops witok a yleul of w4 li ikiis u otic ucre i in secund place came uo craig nil americati variety wiui 04 1 bus uien sumbe witlk til 4 and garry with til i bus 20 sundar tisls wre coiulucttxl by die field husbandry leurliticit mrtets ue pihmce rlu- 5rovincial average puts uie gjfcrry anety in finst placi 4loscly follwihl ilty itodnev then siincc wttli the craig in fourth place the is four hi five ttnys latei comparefigures on corn vs oats when one notes the y lei da the competitors in ahc ruin corn oom- leiition sooured an average of 85 bush of irtteued ooirn to the acre it makea one wonder if we should be growing as much outs as we do in this county let us briefly cijhpare uie two crops front uie standpoint f total digestive nutrients to uie acre using so bus as an average yield for corn and 4s bus air outs corn according to morrislous feeding standards runa around 110 ki cent total digestible notnienta and outs around 70 r cent on tills basis a- 50 bus crop of corn would give 2240 munds of total digestible- nutrients to uie acre a 46 bus crop of outs in contrast would give 1071 lbs of total digestible nutrients from the standpoint of total protein giving- oats un analysis of 12 per cent against 06 per cent for corn we gel uus picture 183 lbs of pi-u- ulii lien acre for outs und 200 lbs for corn coin luis nil ulu- belter of uie story toti wlieii one kniks at uie fibre uiealysis corn 2 3 er cent ugauist 10j6 pel- cent fu ouu uuok eight oi ten years ugu we did a ill- tie work on grain corn und ut uiut tunc we cunie to uie conclusion uwat while grain com bad u pjav on our jnore loamy soils uiat u wus out on uie heavy soils ttu hau ls for this conclusion was first ulose on the heavier soils did not get uu yield secondly no often dlii growers did not gel uw corn picked tvarly enough to enable them tu get tlie stalks plowed under 111 uu- fail wlul- spring lowing generally sirak mg is xik on rnir uinmy and lighter suls we are still of the op uu ui tlitj our heavier soils must he lull plowed if ac are to get a sal isfalory crop tilie fillowing year hmce uiat luue titrarvn- i kit ikvn learned about giwing corn in tlie first place we now have earlier better corn hybrids sv iutlly we- have fhinl that corn iioiinially ixsinls to tiuiy lieiivy i llldlnl ions of oiiuni vial fertill er true the fusl piue winner una yeur dull nl use us nuicli eoin- lllivwil fertllier us uie majority of tlie compclilors hovvi the field u question wus in hh opinion in high state of fertility foruiermorc u good alfblfa and bionif soil wus turnett under iwmg wltli around eight tons of manure to tlie ur however uhiv are a lotof alights to uie juesliin is custom equip- nieian available when required etc certainly we would be one of the last to want to see some of our op eratora on our heavy soils jump in to the growuig of gram corn in our opinion it is a croji wiah which one ahould feel his way at the same lime we cant helti but uunk that ihe day will come wtien we will be growing tnore grain corn in this county that it providing we dont sell it all off or bousing and uvd- uatry treat your clotmis to individuauxfo cleaning fiom ihe sheerest fabrics to service- weights vye give youf garrtienls ihe indi vidualized care thats best for each try us and seel pmome custom cleaners main st n make th new year a thriftier by shopping for all your food need a your friendly independently owned i a food store we luive become fur more prosaic and praetieul in our ouuuok we for the comuig year dciends oil aiavt tf1mh k klhwun ut tin- iiumlx1 tf grnjhvs a pereh an swallow if two or uuve are leftj ovr it hum ns tliat a corres- pondiitg noinbtr of niontlis will el agxe invfore gnnl fortune begins jn jviissia nvw years lis libe day on winch gifts and greetings are exchanged fir trees are st up m homes and public- siiunrcs by december 24 but gifts for die childivn iwr not vlacd under the tree until new years day clirist mas with the russians is just an other day on the calendar observ ed only by uie old people who remember happier days or were they young people who have grown- tip sinv tlie revolution have never even heard of christ- kias except perhaps as a legend in the ussr there are no chrust jhrhups we have lost someuiing th- an idealism winch w jire not likely to regain so in keeping with tin tunes i wish you all nit only n happy but a irosmimus new year wihmi i write this column next wiek it will be 1956 uid uie tirst cluipter suirted in that unwritten book one book m whi can not turn to ue last page to find out how the storv ends nws cards but at the end of tre yeaf pvwtcards are issued by tlie russian postal service and marked tor tlie new year typ ical of such cards is one with the picture of a skyscraper apartment house in moscow aganst a snowy background and in she foreground he clock -tower- of the spaski t christ gate of the kremlin at midnight the hands of the clock end the great star on top of the aptre are iuurmnaled i china hs a wonderful new i years custom all debts must le paid bofero the new year dawns otherw a man would lose face for this icason there is great act ivity 1iusv farmers merchants and eiooniors to settle every debt before the old year dies that is one custom that our- western civ- uiuoh might do weli u p but what would baih to at uie oars and television sets bought on the installment paui there wouldnt be so many around thats certain in korea sii tve been tow fath- er makes a brightly colored kite in tttevonm oif a dragon to the tail ofhe kitehe-ties-red-slips-of-paper- beartng the age name and birth day of oach of his sons the kite is ttwn released in the wind if the paper children are not torn from the kite then the father cure his real sons waq be safe from dtrr for anottier year photographers the ymca camera club invites you to attend the january meeting of the club thursday january 5th 80o pm at the ymca further information available at the ymca i 42 mill st or call 268 chase and sanborn instant coffee 2 oz jar 55c frenchs prepared mustard 6 oz jars 2 for 23c shirkiffs all flavors lushus reg pkgs 3 for 26c ay1mer choice halves or slices 15 oz tint peaches aylmer sweet gherkins aylmer fancy tips asparagus welchs grape juice iga embossed serviettes betty crocker cake mix devhs food 2 for 35c- 16 oz jar 29c 12 oz tin 35c 32 oz btl 39c pkn of 70 2for29c 20 oz pkg 31 iga table rite branded beef guaranteed tender i prime rib roast short cutfirst 5 ribs lb and in scotland there is a sup erstition about first footing itis unlucky to have a faizhaired per- aon be the first to cross your treahold on new years so for a- ay at least dark haired persohs are very papular very tw people nowadays be lieve in oldworld kuperstitidns back in the nineties a patent waa issued for an irrigating device consisting of a balloon per forated water pipes and aa active fanner to haul the whoat contraption along by its guy ropes today of course irrigation al a lc4 easier proposition ata- minum irrigation tubing for instance can be laid lifted moved about with the gieat ease with it one man can water more land than an army of balloon operators shows how -ataeaaear- canada is the worlds moat efficient producer of ihe metal wf rasimple job out of a tough one alu minum contpany of cv vada ltd alcan trust and loan shares are attracting increasing inter est as longterm invest ments financial post halton peel trust company shares at 11 per share offer an unusual opportunity to invest in a trust com pany which is making very substantial progress assets exceed 1000600 june 499000 march 315000 these shares may now be purchased on a monthly payment plan 100 shares cost 1100 cash 220 and monthly payments of 44 for 20 months enquire aboj our 4o fiveyear guaranteed investment certificates if you require an investment for trust or estate funds 12 insurance companies and 16 societies and muvfici- palities have invested o e call or write manning manager jjajt t t savings company oakviue ontario phone victor 43216 51 maple leaf hoclcleu picnic style fully cooked lb pork shoulders 37c greenspans all beef 8 oz pkg sliced salami 39c swiffs premium party favorite i braunschweiger 0 oz uver and bacon ost liver and cheese afcv greenspans all beef lb salami chubs 63c reesweet pure california orange juice 48 ox tin 43c fluffo shortening 1 lb pkg 25c i new instant quaker oats large pkg 35c iga royal guest coffee 1 lb bag 99e r satae holiday feature i golden ripe uhjldcn ripe zfv 0 bananas 22 r new crop california seed l sunkist navel size 220h doz size 288s doz oranges 49c selected n 1 firm red ripe t0mafo 39c cello pkg 15c california iceberg crisp solid heads jumbo heads lettuce 2 for 35c california new crop fresh g tops lg bchs carrots 2 for 25c fr o z e n f oo 0 f e a t u r es pictsweet green frozen fresh 12 oi pkg lemonade 6 ox ttn 19c ledgers i g a a i i ilujaa rsl-

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