Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1955, p. 9

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thursday november 17 1865 the acton free press acton ontario page ninb childrens clothes need expert cleaning too rv that deepdown dirt that invariably gets in childrens clothing can be cleaned out in short ordejr at our plant send them to us for expert care and cleaning phone 272 custom cleaners main st n chrysler increases newspaper lads addressing more thin 200 chrys ler of canada fieldmen at their an nual convention in windsor r t brown advertising manager of the corporation described newspapers as the cornerstone of our whole campaign in ontlining the companys ad vertising plans for 1956 mr brown announced that chrysler of canada wul expand advertising coverage during the coming year providing increased assistance to its dealers merchandising efforts the bulk of the increase will go to local newspapers he said for it silveitwood tour dale estate see royal flowers as the november meeting of the silverwood womens institute was agriculture and canadian indus tries it had been arranged that members meet in brampton fif teen ladies wen conducted through part of the vast dale estate green houses and much enjoyed the hours tour they were told about the 360 acres covered by greenhouses over 20 million cut blooms produced an nually under glass of the roses car nations mums etc shipped all over the world also many other flowers and the were fascinated by acres is at the local level primarily thul of ng pia the display of we must meet the buyingpublic plants bg prepared for the royal during 1955 he added corpora- winter fair in toronto was particu- tions outlay for newspaper advertis- larly fascinating many potted mg was the greatest in its history plants such as cyclamen african tremendously increased sales of violets and caladium in all of its chyrslerbuilt automobiles through- many beautiful colors the boiler out the year reflected the value of the program and warranted next years substantial increase imuml 9 mill street acton upt01t8 tea bags 75c oulmcb fancy t juice rff 23 king8way christmas cake 1lb 2 lb 4 lb 59c 117 233 toooeooeoeooeoooooeoooopoooooooooooopeooo ttwrv frozen peas 19c 00ban spay whole or jellied cranberry sauce n 21c monarch bpohqe pudding mix 19c dr ballards champion dog foodro 352135c clover leap solid white tuna fish 33c instant am1i ifa llkjj us ifll l w iv w pro 00 pro t redman tour lover tarpons at grand union surf jk 39o ps75c wixsu 42c s 81c iooooooo fresh produce buysi fancy macintosh apples 49c romoa grapefruit snow white mushrooms arizona crisp and firm head lettuce florida radishes pollards green onions rj 10 for 49c lb 49c t 2 heads 29c 6 ox colle pack 2 f of 19c bimlcnte9 3 lor 14c consultative committee opposed by esquesing township council 100 donation by erin council a donation of 100 was made to the building fund of hillsburgh rink when erin township council met at hillsburgh on november 7 all the members were present and reeve griffin presided council instructed the treasurer to pay the secretarytreasurer of school a no 2 3000 on account for 1955 the erin township mun icipal telephone system was paid 44 the balance of account from 1954 other accounts paid included general 31664 selief 85 80 sheep 200 00 and road 1017186 campbellville room and refrigeration plant held i great interest also when leaving the plant the ladies were presented -rt- with a box of roses and they then i paaiat cjttifarc came back to their meeting which rvc j was held at the home of mrs rus- c- a rtrxttior tarm sell miller on the 8th lane 1 nohier i erm trm some farmers in the picturesque lowlying suffolk broads district of england bring in the hay by water so it was logical for a british boat builder to use light weight aluminum to produce a 650pound punt capable of cap- lying a load of hay more than six times its own weight in canada aluminum is better known among fanners as a non- nsting heatreflecting easily iiihih material for barns and roofs and silos though of course it has many other farm oses from milk cans to windmill blades no hayboats though aluminum company op canada ltd alcan in the absence of mrs harry marchington who is ill mrs w r j norton took the chair roll call was answered b the members naming their favorite flower mrs norton welcomed a new member mrs clare wilson knitted articles were brought to the meeting to be added to the two lavettes which are now ajmost completed for the childrens aid used warm clothing was also brought and a bale will soon be packed and sent to dr hischman- ova for use in korea plans were made for the exten sion service an oimcc of preven tion to be held in december mrs bert corbett took charge of the meeting and called on mrs ann lindaucr for current events a flower poem was read bv mrs r corbett and the province of the month ontario was taken by mrs d peck this paper was particu larly good and brought to light many details of our own province which mav have been forgotten at least nine members of this com- i mumtv are attending night schoal classes in georgetown taking such objects as millinerv rug-mak- i ing interior decorating and wood finishing and upholstery a social half hour was enjoved mrs miller being assisted bv mrs george burt and mrs don lindsay mr mrs a ross honored by friends dublin school was well filled recently m honor of mr and mrs alex ross who are leaving for a trip to vancouver shortly a glad stone club bag for mr ross and pullman case for mr- ross were presented short speeches were made toy c thomson alex near and c cutts willard britton called on walter fryer to read an ad dress lunch was served and the re mainder of the evening spent play ing euchre for sale good useable pry lumber d4s american pine for repair work around the farm 28000- 1x6 1x8 1x10 1x12 will behold random widths and random lengths can be seen at kipling lumber kipling ave islington 6500 per m cash and carry hurry for this while it lasts j mr- gordon mcphail was hos tess to the ladies aid on wednes day alfternoon mrs crawford op ened the meeting with a favorite poem by grace noll crow ell what is in our hands mrs parker and mrs e marion were in charge f the devotions after the roll call the secretarys yeport was read by mrs m mcphail mrs greenees read the treasurers report and m s menzie- read several thank you notes it was decided to combine the women s missionary society and ladies aid meeting for the dec ember meeting it was decided to send 25 to mrs dixon in formosa to be used for the children the 1955 officers were reelected for 1956 some other items of bus iness were discussed after which mrs r elliot took charge of the program mrs grecnlees gave a reading how a man should be judged mrs elliot road a poem smiles mrs elliot conducted a contest trees mrs a t moore had all questions answered correctly the offering i was received and dedicated by singing one verse of hymn 576 the president closed the meeting with prayer a pleasant half hour followed which was enjoyed by the 16 ladies present the november meeting of girce mission band wras held in the sun day school room on saturday afte noop beverly roberts opened the meeting with the call to worship after a hymn mrs grecnlees com mented on part of the lords pray er the bible reading wi given by betty jeffares and linda walton gave a prayer the offering w is received and dedicated by the president sixteen members answered the roll call a piano solo was gien by jean ella and a birthday song was sung ifor margaret mcphail and betty walton joan early gave the treasurers report mrs greenlees gave the financial in the opinion of esquesing toiwn- shvp council there is no necessity for the appointment of a consultat ive committee of county council regarding the north halton high school district that no useful pur pose would be served by appointing such a committee that this coun cil is opposed to the setting up of such a committee and that a copv of this resolution be forwarded to the county council for their meet ing on november 8 1955 wiith the request that they rescind the mot ion to appoint such a commute which w passed at their list meeting esquesing council rnet in the township hall on november 7 mem bers were all present with reeve wilfred bird presiding bylaws providing for elections were passed the treasurer was instructed to pay 100 to l w mcmillan sere- ary of the milton fire area no 2 as an interm payment on the ex penses of the area the tender cheque of hamilton construction for the bridge on no 5 sideroad in the fouith concession was to be re turned road accounts passed am ounted to 2 735 75 other accounts passed included claims for sheep killed to ro johnston and william ponton and to the valuators amounting to 34 a total of 24 was paid to clarence anderson john ruddell william tuck john chisholm and harold sheppard foi foxes killed a relief charge back amounted to 42 10 the treasurer of acton was to be paid 41750 charged to acton fire area no 2 for an air- pack standby time and charette fire accounts for fire inspection of schools were paid to j newton and w d mion totalling 7 6t other accounts included indigent 100 postmaster at goorgetow n 5 70 clerical asistnnce 46 sup plies 24 10 bell telephone 18 85 report and it was decided to give i prayer money to the childrens aid instead mrs arnolds of exchanging christmas gifts amongst the members beverly roberts reada5tory present certificate to mrs e lambert the womans missionary society of the united church met at the home of miss m z bennett on tuesday mis m z bennett pre sided the meeting opened with i hymn and prayer and the worship service was taken by mrs r ft arnoldand her group with miss f brown and mrs shoemaker taking the scripture raedings mrs arn olds theme talk was coming our way and home missions a nominating committee of mrs h r force and miss m mairvpri7e was named book shelf was report ed on toy miss m mainpri7e and community friendship by mrs f cleave a certificate from the society w ns presented to mrs e lambert in memory of her mother the late mrs a hamilton a very efficient member of the society silent pray er was offered for mrs c l poole who is a patient in toronto hos- pital the meeting closed with from fig tree village to the young er children and a story from chand of india was given by mrs green lees a short work period followed and the meeting was closed with pray er toy gwen wallace lunch was served by linda smtih margaret mtiphail and mrs greenlees canada buvs 91 per cent of its coffee imports from latin america group served re freshments and a social time was spent together a vote of thanks was given to miss bennett for her home and social helpers ibest wishes were extended to mrs c l poole who is a patient in toronto hospital for an early recovery to health friends hope she will soon be able to return to her home ginger farm written specially for the acton free press bv gwendoline p curke a week ago i went to toronto to see how dave was getting along nftei his throat operation he was home but had lost quite a lot of weight and artnougn ne teemed in fairly good spirits he was still quite croupy qn wednesday he wras tiken bark to the hospital for sick children for further treat ment the doctors said his chest condition had not completely clear ed and could not toe dealt with sat isfactorily at home so now i sup pose dave w ill rent tin under med ical care until hi has completely recovered the poor little chap did not take very kindly to the idea of going into hospital again but before his mother left the building he was sitting up in his cot playing quite happily j suppose once lie settled down he would bo ajl right es pecially as there are plenty of other children for jiim ki plav with of course his parents ire quite wo ried about him ind so ore we but we know he is having the best of care and at the moment there u no moie that anyl of ms dan do for him wo still seem to be having all kinds of queer weather dont we last week sunshine one day out of seven and this evening a thun derstorm compared with some places we do well if wc get away witfli minor inconveniences the day i went to toronto i was really caught mapping got a ride down and wore a lightweight top coot over my suit and i nearly froze after leaving the car i stayed over night at dees place ind next morning she lent me a heavy coat for the rest of my visit and to- come home in so there was j walking around toronto in borrowed clothes a bright green coat vivid red and blue silk scanf and n black hat was a choice color combination believe me but it was better than being cold anyywny partner hasnt been liking the wet weather at all he has been putting up a new fence in the back lane and of course he would get one or two pestholes dug und then it would rain again however i believe he finally finished the joto and has since started digging the garden hardly a day passes but what i see him somewhere around with ihis rubbertired al uminum wheelbarrow shortly before we sold the ctfws the old barrow steel pan on a wooden frame fell to pieces which was just as well as partner had reached the stage where he found it too heavy to push around so the ne o h to b ajwmnmnrjust did you know that canada was the first country in the world to adopt the standard time systen that now is in universal use all under jone roof a branch of a chartered bank is much more than the best place to keep your savings it is an allround banking servicecentre that provides services useful to everyone in the community j in every one of 4000 branches in canada people are using all sorts of banking services they make deposits cash cheques arrange loans rent safety deposit boxes transfer money buy and sell foreign exchange only in a branch of a chartered bank are all these and many other convenient banking services provided under one roof a visit to the bank is the way to handle dlt your banking needs simply safely easily see the bank about it only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services including savings accounts current accounts joint accounts personal loans commercial loans farm improvement loans nha mortgage loams home improvement loans foreign trade and market information buyingainlselling of for exchange commkrcial collections i money transfers money orders and bank drafts travellers cbeauet letters of credit safety deposit boxes credit information purchase and sale of securities custody of securities mv9m4 atawf stwfasf frstf by mail the chartered banks serving yofjr community i ns big but much lighter in weight it was tlhe best buy he ever made that barrow is used in dozens of f ways all my wastepaper and magazines were carted from the house to the car in the barrow when i potted my geranium slips along came partner with a load of good soil collections of rubbish from the house and woodshed ready for a bonfire are transported the same way and in the hot weather when the garden needed moisture partner filled the barrow with water to let it get sunwarm ed before toeing used on the garden ait night a very versatile piece of equip ment that barrow and easily washed when necessary the rea son i have told you about it is this the other day i was on a farm where the owner is a man past 70 he was cleaning out the hen pen and using a heavy steel- pan barrow it took all his strength i am sure to push thatgborrow what needless waste of energy so if there is an elderly man doing the chores on your farm wouldnt it he i good idea if the women of the family paid a little attention to the equipment he is using for the job christmas is coming father might be overjoyed with an alum inum wheelbarrow from 6anta claus one thing is certain as long as the old one hangs together he will never buy one for himself he has become so used to pushing a heavy barrow he doejnt realize how much strength and energy goes into that ordinary everyday chore bob fixd up our old barrow and took it down to hi place he has plenty of use for it as half his garden lot is a conglomeration of rocks and stones the remainder at the g must be marvellous soil as it grows the moot wonderful flowers fruits and vegetables joy has been oringing me airxarmful of beautiful mums for the last four weeks they had one sunflow er selfsown that was so immense it toppled over with its own weight help please we have another casualty in our animal kingdom mitchiewhite has some kind of eruption on the tack of his neck of course he scratches and makes it bleed so i have bound op hi foot asj did once before what to do to cure the condition is another matter a friend whom i visited in toronto has a cat with just the same trouble another friend says give u a teaspoqnful of either olive or mineral oil every day it ht good for their fur tf my friends cats are any indication it must be she has atoou a dozen cats with fur ail sleek soft and ihiny as a mink coat i have now started feeding our two eats mineral oil t

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