Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1955, p. 7

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thursday november 17 1665 the actor free press acton ontario page seven goriim intrant rr 1 milton markers monuments cemetery lettering quotations by appointment phona milton tr s6522 i i i television and radio service by r w grant phone acton 594 coltod located at watsons music store w c barrie f gait ont- a i past president of the ontario ager of ike canadian plowing- team at the third annual world plowin matcht in sweden has sent borne onetheapot reports of his trip with team members joe tran ol curemont ont and j ivan mclaughlin of stouiyvule onl here is the first of hia re ports i by wiu barrik liverpool we never knew we had so many friends in eastern canada until shortly before vc set i out on the first leg of our journey from toronto to montreal i perhaps i should explain that by i we i mean our party of five joe tran wiho won the 1954 can- j adian plowing championship at bal- lantrae ont ivan mclaughlin i who also qualified for the trip by finishing second mrs mclaughlin i mrs barrie and myself who was climbed a rope ladder thrown htm- by some sailors on the boat but no sooner was heon the boat than he dived in again we figured there must have been some easier way for him to sober up on returning to our cabin i was pleased to receive a telegram from one of our popular opa directors robert campbell wishing our team every success in sweden the first day on the empress was quite an event for the whole party because with the exception of j d thomas mine of us had been on an ocean liner before narrow squeak i the weather was pleasantly wtirm lucky enough to be appointed team anj thp courinr of maples on y river banks was marvellous as the tpteawr ttnrthibrio mnke pn iiiiiii rppointmeht iiiii for vour photo needs at st watsons dairy bar see us for kodak projectors cameras lighting and photographic equipment films admiral 24hour service om film developing and printing slightly longer for enlargements 7zuj- vac a phone 14 manager the- first indication wasa most enjovablc luncheon given for us by imperial oil which was sponsoring the teams trip to the world plow ing match the luncheon was held in toronto and we met many friends there new and old next at union station we met a party of york county council members and their wives who were just return ing from a can jidian good roads association con vention at banff lonc of my plow men ivan me- joe tran laughlin who is reeve of whitchurch and a member of the county council of course knew them all but the most surprising encount ers we had came after we were on our way to montreal we thought it would be an uneventful trip but joe tran seemed to have at least one relative and usually several waiting at every stapjon the way we kidded joe a lot about having so many relatives all over the coun try but the boxes of chocolates cakes and other things they brought as gifts were most acceptable to the rest of us as well as joe we arrived in montreal and were halfway to the dock to catch the empress of scotland when j d thomas who was making the trip as president of the world plowing organization missed his cane and declared he had left it in the stat ion we had one of our taxis turn back and after i had searched all over the railway station for the cane mr thomas found he had been sitting on it all the time aboard ship ivan joe and i left the ladies to handle the unpacking in the cabins and we began a tour of the vessel suddenly v e saw a number of ere w members pointing excited ly to a man who w a swimming in the water beside a boat anchored nearby we wore told he had jump ed out of a win dow more than jo feet above the water a f t o r at quebec the crowd on the top deck held its breath because it looked as if the mast and funnels would be swept off but we sailed through all right with what looked ci district the news hems of interest gleaned from the newspaper of the district one more infraction is passed by council infractions of the building by law in georgetown have become so common that its rarely a couri- cil meeting goes by without the subject coming up it was noted re- last week was no exception as council passed still another one this time a house constructed by swnaek brothers which extends a couple of inches over a maximum to be only a foot or two clo space allowed on a building lot to spare cr douglas sargent and reeve on the second day we awoke to stap allen consistent opponents of find the waves splashing high over concessions to builders again put the decks and the passengers up strong arguments against letting walking around like drunken sai- contractors flout bylaws mr 6ar- ailrite steel ironing table it is adjustable to all heights seamless chro miumfinish legs tip- proof tiltproof far trorrger than others more leg room use it standing or sitting from either side ventilated top selflocking steamdry iron kgptia new morphyrkhards clo ca uses any tap water automatic heat- p1us tradein auowanci 50 controlled gives more steam for heavy fab rics less for light ors tlie water in the ships swim ming pool splashed over the sides and sometimes even skittered the ceiling we derided to postpone our early morning dip although one bathing beauty seemed to be en joying herself in the rough water many passengers turned up for breakfast but left in a hurry for the rail that was the morning i discovered i could still run a hun dred yards in 1 1 seconds flat the third and fourth days out were even worse and we figured hurricane lone must be following us across the ocean special treat it was not until the fifth day that we were back to normal and able to take our meals by this time most of the officers and first class pas sengers knew- the purpose of our trip and at dinner that evening we were served baked alaska a spe cial ice cream treat not shared by the other passengers later that evening the captain gave a party which im sorry to say ended with a minor disaster just when the party got into full swing the ship lurched violently to the port side and the 25 couples who were dancing at the time lost their balance and slid to one side of the room when order was res tored a lady from new zealand was found to be unconscious and several other people were badly shaken up and bruised the following day a sunday gent asked for a recorded vote which found only himself and mr allen siding against the request reeve allen reiterated his views expressed several times before in council that unless a stand is taken infractions will continue deputyreeve allan norton dis agreed buy road coiies for two schools purchase of four rubber traffic cones was ordered by burlinsubn council on motion of crs william hewitt traffic chairman mid frank darton recently the new comes will be placed to slow down traffic at crossings for east burlinetoii and central schools the action- followed request from the public school board for better protectiop for pupils cross ing the busy streets cr hewitt told of a traffic survey conducted the previous week in which 1800 cars had been checked in five hours with the electric tflmnn device little more than one per cent were speeding he said thirty miles an hour is no good in a school zone the councillor declared but there is nothing we can do about it we cant force a driver to slow down to 20 but i think legislation started by this council some years ago soon mav boom puzzling building inspector despite all the talk about a building boom trafalgar building inspector angus gregg is puzzled the reason value of building per mits issued in octobe w 739- 869 only about half the3eptember value though developers line up at planning board sessions nowadays to have plans approved the puzzl ed inspector issued only 56 resid ential permits hist month valued at 631200 an ikm item was a port able church to be erected on reb ecca st just east of suffolk park by the united church value placed on the building permit was 6800 weve given concessions to oth- i enable us to put some teoth in our ers and i can see no altcrnativcan efforts to control sjiecding this case he remarked saying he said double lines for cross- that until someone has a concrete walks in school areas wore to be suggestion about how the practice i painted with diagonal lines fur back can be stopped he will have to from the crossing tr give motorists continue voting the way he has ample warning itwsss trafalgar council learns all palermo parksite land sold trafalgar council which more than six months ago allocated 3500 to purchase a palermo parksite learned last week all available sites had been bought in the whirlwind speculators buying spree raging round the village we spent a lot of time running around trying to get land but weve reached our limit said h w brittain who headed a paler mo delegation wed like council to set up a committee and get the land we decided on the wisnicki property i understand its been optioned and the george fox prop attended shipboard church services i where the teams play baseball and saw a movie that night nls bmn som sleeping warrior mr brittain and george richard- the trip up the clyde the next approached township fathers last day was by far the most pleasant spring and as a result council bud- part of the ocean journey such places as ailsa craig or paddys peak that mountain of solid gran ite which is the source of curling stones used throughout the world came to view on the suith bank of the clyde the sleeping warrior a row of hills reserribling an arm- j ored warrior lying on the ground made a splendid background for some pictures we took on deck at greenock we saw a number of foreign treiglitcrs anchored it midstream and mr- barrie and i remembered that ii was from south of there at aiyshue that our an- weeks says cestors had come to canada 12a undisclosed years before our ancestors of course made the trip in a sulini vesol and im told it took them six weeks dur ing which they suffered al sorts of privations and discomforts arid there we were after making the same journey but in the opjxksite direction- in ne week with all the comforts of a modern hotel even if the hotel did heave and rkk considerably at times soon we were preparing to dis embark at liverpool to begin the third leg of the journey to lon don needless to say both joe and ivan were pleased at the prospect of getting their feet onto solid ground again l- next week our flight to swed en mt ws fomtsm mew stainless steel washer twotone l2uluttiwc finish double tubs one inside the other 6minutc wash ing action 4part ball bearing mechanism in destructible cast if n safety wringer 6year guarantee allwhite or colour choice extmyalk iimim tulell total extras phone 76 no money down terms to suit you come ctonont in and sltus shortill sheet metal plumbing i heating gar wood furnaces etveitroughing shop 126 main st n phone 464 residence phone 346j4 option acres of trafalgar in few weeks julinskuhl largest of the oper ators who have optioned several thousand acre- nf trafalgar town ship land in the pat several ie has orders from hs principals to mtke ure you vml leave any had taste in the seller- mouths mi matter what ultimately happens lie is be hoved to liive itvrt offers t pur chase on some x000 acres iutveen the ninth and town lines north of the u netas highway and south of no 5 side road majority f the transactions eon- sumated by mr kuril and roer hill ami co ltd call for a binder payment of one per cent to two per cent of the a creed linj prict a further payment of fivj per cent hi six months with the balance over a period of years if the principals decide not to yo through with their plans- the seller retains the binder payment a one trafalgar farmer is reported to have insisted upon an agreement calling for payment of 50 per cent in cash on or before january 15 i9 a i- ha- gfcrtttm- -it- 300th birthday for giant tortoise ontarios most longlived fish is considered to be the carp at iso years the pike comes next it close to 100 but trout bass and fioted 3500 for the purchase of an athletic park councillor sewell told council hed take it upon himself to do some negotiating with the real es tate companies to see if he eon 111 get part of the wisnicki property end said hed have n reorl ready for the next harks selection board meeting at palermo on november 17 council jkissed a bylaw author izing the purchase of the 12tucre park in drumquin at a cost of 40000 which will be paid over a fouryear period council gave the goahead to ex propriate alex wilsons five acre- south of lakeshore highway t east for a parksite and to ask the coun ty court to deride- what the town ship should pav for the lakeside land the motion to take legal steps t acquire the parksite fiiiiud a meeting with mr wiimh after which council members indicated he had refused to budii from his snoihh asking price the township had offered s30000 promote induslry couneil authorized a 3111 grant to the t indtistrint cnmmis- sioii for any service or infoiljiit ion in promoting industry in the town ship and djided to advertise for 1 trafalgar jndutrial innmissioiicr before the end of novemhrr township clerk sleldn ponther- ktine said that the tonmni itulus- rial cmmission would handle anv inuiries about land in trafalgar for industrial sites ami shmc pot ential liuyers site- in return f ir the grant townslnp clerk sheldun feather- stone was authorised by cmrvil t kee if he could rent some rf til buildings near trafalgar ha 11 for township office space it looks like weve gut h settle down and get land and a new streetsville fair disbanded through lack of interest ijick of interest on the part of streetsville and district citizens brought about the death of the to ronto township agricultural soc iety last week when less than 10 local residents turned out to a well advertised meeting concerning the future of this 108yearold assoc iation only one citizen mr sherlock other than a half dozen directors of the show was present along with a j metaggart and james mccul- lough representing the agricultur al department to decide the soc ietys fate mr sherlock urged a continuance of the show and offered to do all he could to revive interest but it was pointed out numerous meet ings of the public had been called with this in mind without success a committee nf three president richard house past president a s mendell and director norman nixon was appointed to htld the associations small assets m trust for one year and then decide on their disposal it was minted oiil n new fnir could be orgamded if sufficient support could be obtained the boards historical minute book is being turned over to the fairs hranrh of the ontario do partment of agriculture for safe keeping two years ago cooksville fair dissolved due to lack of interest also waterfowl up see good year with the advent of the waterfowl season october 1 international ex perts and officials of the ontario iepnrtmrnt of lands and fnrest fish and wildlife division agreed that in geneial pn perts for good lllintllg seemed lo lie above avel- age especially 111 kastern canada in the misisipjn klywiv which include ontario production iu veys duttng july indicated that the combination of 111 early season arid favorable conditions on the breed ing uroinds paid off ilnindantly 111 saskatchewan and south albert i is also indicated that there will be increase in the fall flight from ninth dakota and michigan in canada iteesc and coots it is estimated that there will be a moderate increac 111 the fall flight but there will in- little if any change in the numbers of blue i geese passing through this areathis building said deputyreeve donald v bath lets get some architects out i here to discuss designs for a new i building in the meantime i think the clerk should try and rient sunn- space around the hall the motion to build an extens ion onto the police office was with- drrwn reports on waterfowl status and hunting prospects indicate that out 1 west in the area covered by the j pacific flyway increases in breed- ing populations of waterfowl in saskatchewan alberta and north ern manitoba should more than balance losses tlie v ought tu be a phone 128 acton and be sure of the best ll i c i u i i v samitone council discussed possibilities of slight increase in the fall flight of paying 10000 toward the purchase i ducks in thiit flyway canadi geese of an automatic signal gato for the will likely be hiss abundant than eighjtli line railway crossing to last year while other geese will stop trains from whistling and j remain about the same coots are authorized township enkmecr ger- leparted to have suffered heavy aid brisco to bring in 1 reort on j winter mortality and may show a the gates for the next meeting j decrease this fall tk thr-cprrtmi- noon received a letter from the flywav conditions were quite perch rarely survive to 15 years of halton county health unit asking variable during the past breeding ake that all building permits be with- season in general however it i biologists also find that beaver held where sewage systems were anticipated that there will be a con- may survive 50 years deer 25 bear not completed and townsiiip fath- siderable increase in the fali-flight- j30 and foxes 10 years the wolf ers agreed that building inspector of ducks in this fly way condition bare of the northland may exist angus gregg should let buildcrsv for canada geese appear to have 20 years by sagaciously avoiding know when and where sewage sy j been good but increases may tend the snares of trappers and the guns 1 terns would be installed so houses to be offset by decrease- which oc- of hunters which he seems able to wouldnt be sitting idle i curred last winter overall the fall do with amazing persistence at the ssme time deputyreeve flight should be about the same as the life span if most ontario donald bath asked that more- in- last year ittvlc cash n cany at 5 mill w phone 128 cton birds ranges from three to 30 years formation be obtained as to what exceptions are vulture owls and area the health unit was concern eagles some of which reach i the ed with and said he thought the century mark the wild goose nay unit was more concerned about exist 70 years the pelican 0 to 50 j occupancy than actual construction and the heron 80 i of houses of the smaller animals the snow- hoping tn eventually take over i shoe mbbit may survive seven to the power system for the whole of eight the cotton tail eight to nine the township trafalgar publrc ut- aquirrelj seven to 10 and mice three ilities commission requejtod cnun- i to five years some coldblooded cil to ascertain from the hydro el- creatures live lengthy lives newts ectric power commission in esti- and lizards for instance sometime- mate of the cost of the hfpcs j celebrate 25th birthdays the larger j er system and equipmc nt rinakes their 25th and toads their j 30th i died at 111 certain exotic creature are no powell river bc cp ed for their longevity ostriches chief tom 11 1yearold former 60 years old and eagles upward of chief of the shammon tribe died 100 have been known centarian here he was with the tribal party elephants are of record and rhin- which brought the first missionary oceri have been known to survive j from ew westminster in 1w0 i50 years crocodiles too may at- tain the age of 50 sometimes 60 crowded fimuat years but the greatgrandaddy of surrey bc cpthis tnunic for the easternmost section of north america which comes with in the atlantic flyway increases in breeding populations were re corded in the maritime ftovinces saskatchewan manitoba arid north dakota decrease were recorded in y quebec labrador ontario north west tcrntories orxl a few othr areas to the west of ontario there were increases in product ion in some areas decreases in some others arid little or no change in quebec labrador ontario ai- aska andlthe northeast states in general it is considered that within the atantic flyway the increases will offset the decreases to the ex tent that the fall flight of ducks should show a moderate increase over jast years figrfls canada gceje seem to have had a successful breeding season and it is anticipated that there will be a moderate increase in the fall flight them all smito s00 pounds- in jipa ttyhasdoubledin imkere isin e weight is the giant tortoise which 16 years and reeve charle schultz hunting coots it is believed is considered by scientists to have warned that schools juall be oh to live some 300 years to attain his for 10 years unless sen- full growth ior goyemments aid tsmlaing that there will be a slight increase in the numbers of this species this fall t

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