Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1955, p. 5

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i i i thursday novgbcbbr 17 1055 the acton free press acton ontario paajbwva staffen meats st a ree delivery phone 692 mill acton vvv devon rindless bacon lb 53c first grade b u 1 t lb 59c snowf1ake shortening 2 lb for 39c weekend bonus pork sliced liver lb 15c will tour world r with famed orchestra a basd player with the london philharanonia oroheslra john mey er visited with mr and mis j philips and family rjr 4 acton on friday that evening he played willi blie worltliimeh orchestra at its concert in mimsey hall in tor onto his aunt mrs philips and rubent hciiiiiin nf alderwood ut tended mrs philips hud a welcoming iinner for her iionjiew from euu land on friday lie was one of hi lumen to piny al ttie coronation he will now he loiniuy uie prin cipal cities 1f the world with the oivhestra mr ami mrs meyer huv two chrldren niohnlas six ami julia three ttuir home is in lou- don england want ads are your community marketplace for winterlong comfort pollock and campbell 1 manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait tauphona 2048 new home opened to ospringe ladies mrs e fisher opened her lovely new home to the ospringe ladies aid of knox church on wednesday evening november 0 the presi dent mrs ci- aitken presided and opened with a hynm and ihe lords prayer repeated in unison the stvidy hook the planner house was lilven hy mis tirimdy predicting the realization ot broadening com munity itevieliipment both material ly and spiriluiully mmiiigili whieii the ivhiilenls were helped io liltel their inanv nctits the roll call wa answered with a verse in tliinikskivliik mrs sun- ter ihe secretary lend the piliiutes o h p iiiw th fo aids lynm shutins and items of imisiuess ftillowtul plans were made for the christmas supper and concert to he held on december 8 the motto it you cannot say any thing good about a person do not say anything at all was given by mrs sinclair scripture question naire 1111 the 211th chapter of mat thew was taken by mrs it bruce a christmas contest was couductthl with mrs mckwan and mrs iv bruce as winners the meeting closed with the ml pah lleiiedletuin luncheon was sel veil and a social half hour fol lowed change to gas heat now your budget will be thankful for these furniture values livingroom suites twopiece chesterfield suite wool frieze reg 220 159 xa tuorierc half sofa sectional w stitk in forest green wool frieir twotone grey and black reg daveno suite cherterftd 245c make into a comfortable bed for two persons easy chair with reversible spring cushion 189 a a well spring twopc chesterfield jkww ch pie loose reversible springfilled cushions special king size dunlop am rubber pillows sa8b reg prick 795 fa 4 ea hollywood super loungette take off back you have a com fortable single bod beautifully- upholstered only 3950 cedar chests walnut limed oak mahogany sea mlst etc from console plank top and waterfall models 59 i 50 modern bedroom suites frerr to each purchaser of a cedar chest a sarcrmtencirpoodtelipprox 2- uvrrall ribbon bou- and scotch hat hi class bed suite sea mist mr and mrs dresser 4- drawer chest bookcase bed reg 22900 184 50 as illustrated slightly soiled special 3 pc walnut bed suite genuine 3 pc walnut bedroom 100 sou 11q oo suite with bookcase bed i afc j vt74 i i m ww quality space savers 4950 mattresses serta perfect sleeper 6950 simmon special 2950 and others from 1895 ait above mattresses springfilled home furnishings the house ofr quality 107 quebec st phone guelph tcxxr hazel tc presenting the keys to eden mills lnjted crtyrcvs new ghiislwsn education rbojiy is william g wallace 1 icjht centre is rev ernest f baskiei gulnh while at leltvjs william slinn pasloi of llen mihs uiemvei anil aikell united chinches llnswns aiil the lieila tit inn 1 eieniony wlenlhe new room was openeil ituim ihe tecent anniveisaiy e lu nlmna ballinafad rev g adams guest speaker at anniversary a 1 m iv mii v siivltv wua held wilh tiiif- ifiit alumn ulujuhl imiii 1 vlri ltv iin alm at loll wiih tuil ludrlll lilklltg hlm 1vl tilth i mtt it nctv ai 111 tin1 a iiim jil lli tin- ivimiik li- u a lli m ittlni i i ihlrt is niv oiiiiniiiithiiil dial yt- lov one mi hit 1 it- 1 liuvi wivm1 you holh wfl vl ii lsl mtf- mimta null- i tn l i m yiitht sinti it lli iiitiiiiiik 1 l ji luunimt in lli- tlntu llu kl lf tuai lt hitil cti hi 111 tin- v iuisk iimi iitll l tile vl vltc til rlnuiti wni ceoiiiliil willi liiskil ini lniiiuftsi ot itivtly ohryaunthe- illtlllwi a jlllrtcv mlml wiir ilim oh ltis4l infill w- hit 1 mtlimlil iltiwil a ntl pi ti id 11 of ifliii- lll jiuij ltiuml 1 1 im 1 lilt i i ub 1- 1 1 jovimi lv nil tilt- mill 1 lit i 1 1 let i lll the hit i linmml hull wit licit j n mtinduy nielli kivxihmi snow was lthld ihaii iiuiit m itl mb k smith stv t- ijii loi llu- iiitvtiiilj ml mi tea of llu- i11m incllh wilt- itiul mill up- 1 i 1 tivnl kiti hit- m kiiii y ki lillll v ll iilll 1 i i itjjthl i ijtiyil mia i jlift 1 1 wi it- tlt tctl jim inifitim- fur lliitf yiiiih lin mr kim 1 y iiiul airltif lawi ait- alatt 1riihlh ahtl ki t in- m icimi y mh- tin y 1 1 a m j 1 t 1 a liiithy ilihtiih- mii mi uii s ami iiii-aiir- of n inud llllllf iii i ii lull wll a flllkl wnn liil 1i it lu lilrm llhilliv willi a viry 11 ut vlarl imih iiim ii- w iiojit- 11 in iv iiicifiim- iiiiilly in i tii sw mil it in 1 1 l wi appoint fil intmir 1 t lli- imjiiiiii fund wt- wn mh 1 u iu 11 mi alik mlulltll wii ml 1i1 ilt hlli lull- n ins wh- in a ihihiiiil li ip up north tin tin iiilttl to mp at a top mii lit- hint h iiavc a mittlifi hi ills foiilaail m t 1 tin titd to lus iiuiim- rockwood accepts tender for pjowing at liu- ni vfiiihti iiaioii il rdrkmuml lirt fllluinn riurf ievlnliill th- liiilii f iiimiii clurilrrliiui ft klin mill- fr knovc tluwin fni lif hl l win- ti vt- i itiil mihjc i 1 itinv- alof t lie rivniiuil ln limi 1 1 highways mlnimtim piiyiiiint nf 1x a ninnui wi iissuirci actoiints iiuiiintiri ti iot fii wire iwssed fur payment everton countr abshm 1 winter dr put firestone town country tires on rear wheels d forget driving wor ries the steady vrfs ries 1 y gearlike self cleaning tread pulls you through snow slush or mud win tersure yourar now driveln today lorne garner motors ltd toth motors town country tires v tube or tubeless v white sidewalls or allblack weekend visitors in district homes suiutiv vimtxi wllli mr iiiii mia jolui allhi m11 liiu1i tiivll wif mi ntl mi miiviv ait hi itmittuii mi mill mi 1 hll all 11 hwl 111 mi ami mi lilit lalln ml tiilillv liuulpil mi nut min ttit taliii itiul liin hn v imi11i on suliliv willi mi 111 i mia hill 1 alt- uiit 1 ku i ii mi hi mia llmi lisiin il lloliliy vlilliit siliinln v iiliim willi mi ml mia jo- iluh mil i11 mi ihki mi- iiulia k in i in vlallct 11 siiuti ullli linn a 111 iiiul wire mr ani mra iy k111 lain iintili mia lilili all 11 vllll nil tila lli willi ml hi i mia sliilifv mmikh liull mi jim mihf kriiia amiii lilt- uk til i i llu- hii tl mi iiiul mia wt i 11 11 1 tiuiilu kit ill vlallni a willi ml lt i ml win mrurt- mill ramllv mif mi win i tar i id hwmit mia m m tai mi jtilni lt- vihui 11- intlpli tlirtiuh cllt- k antl suiitltv vlailnia willi ml ami mia a ii nil win itlr mia mtlv mltllltf v tintl son ltiina kikk 1tt1nl mi 11111i mia kiital ktiiila ami tainlli kiuititvill mioj slmliv ktii ifi mia hilly lliillilllu alal joan illtlll limehouse recall armistice at s s meeting iii tflati -t- taf allulalltt- ml snlnlii l i 1 1 1 1 p r ii- stl ttlll stlin1 iiiinta f mi 11 in 1111 if 11 in fii llu inal wtill wi ulti rlt hill ii mill tl lll iv lllmi kilhpili i k ml ll ii sttinl wtiltl wi l ill 1 iv ita ill- w m li hilmp waa lilt 1 j iii lit iii i ml- lllk nrlllil 11 tlnitaflny rvitimp intlh h intlitif alltlltlllil stl 111i1 1 t ia aa i tal ly mia sal ft hi ml mi l mia mllla tlti fiillilltia mltnif vt ta tlativ i tll in intinni y if tlim- i lint ivtll lllfil livti lit ii t- alll wala i ftllitwttl ly tiavil rtatl liy llu- inltiil mis mlti liill svial liillta 11atl a l h itlt- jiaaaalta lil lairvilif nf aifitiali mull- wia hit- tixl wtltl uatl in 1 vli s lljiluii- ii 1 ijill i 11 li thr-iorila- 1iayii it iiiiin rlntrrt- lii- mtfliiit hi ayiiipiliiy tf in- 1imnmiil is rxttmiiiil it lit family f lit- late william sluiltnii fi- win lil auildtlily tiily sa tiutly iimfitli viniltiri- mr uivil siiii linriii- will mi a v- irtiufiii ftr rtif wiikintl mr aul mia stin ilvvi nf tm onto a- 1 tii tin iiiltfll siinlur mr ami mrs vk lir milia nf to niitn with mi ilil mw t mlma llfi miaa helen mill il mr fj mn llriniilt nf iili a 1 on i f miss linns miu li me rtnttt turnrtn mr nl mra fliiirf tntrtn aill lii ririimrir mra iint ori siturlay mr ami mi inls snnl ml mia kuthlmml au tl itmalls 1 with the a c lltt5ri arl mrs- sinclair atre mr mxa frerl sinclair i dnriaw sinclair mrs dan mckcchnu- mr nnrman sinclair f ballinafad mm roi hlisjci hillifemikfaimr and mrj elliiftt pattervin mr- rotxrt fat- terwin actnn mr ari mrs wiltiur patterson and marilyn rckuoifjd mr and mrs charles meredith iid mr and mrs e icarn and family yiriiilin turonl sjrday where they attended the chriafn- inir ot donna may geary mr and mrs karri were fxtparenti at the ceremony in st cypriaps anguri church the a w bervir visid w greenlees at caniibelville on gunday ospringe pastor resigns local charge for mission heimt waa ttil taaei 1 iii- i aipiialinii nt mi allan wluiil iua- lin til hit itti al il aliylil i ill tllllltll ml wllilll it uvea alitully in work ill allianlalall alllinllull ml all i mm witni have ttiily httii lu-ii- a year hit ii inaa will lit itll ll tlleil li it lull hi ma an i inltual liww- en ittltil llitlll ttl all wli lltv iii i hi al w lain a nl hla ft inn 1 1 mi ii v inl- lot i li- ii i iii ihla ihtiae of llie mah- iti win it mi tinl mia tilewall mel lulllill llavnl ami jinly nl h ileal i ny aeiil a lew tlnva wllh llu- rh lliaitt inn it- mitl mini ml iiiul mlb ituvll slewail mi mitl mia alnti inv- tl 1 iweii sniiiitl aieiil linn aluy al llie aiiliie llniiie ml alltl mia llliliy altnll of ifiif imigiiishfiif weir wu end tint aia wilh he liitteitj lirilher and aiatfi in law ml mitl mia ictllku 1 lliiliei laim vial i iii li snniluy 111 iii- allllle llnlllt- lllllll itll mlbu v v nne mil i tmi illl mi mlaa jiycs kjltlertatill kltllenel ml llllti mb william wt lib anil tmiilly iuelih lownahip mi mill mia dinttiu hi- liei latin jim mitl shuiiu ouelpli mis rlitnlt sliuklaa eiitiuiliied u nilllllil nf lllitles lit llel lllllle on wtllitalay veiling lit ll brush iltliioliallalloii wllh mia ml llll vi ay nt iuilih iii tinny- at tlia t tia nt an inleisliiip n mi inn ttit i ales- ativftl ililnly i ef f ealill tenia mi antl mia l 1 lniiciltiii mid hi ian vlaltetl tn sllllilliy cvlllnj wllh hie loliniia a ml ml s j 1 ii i i la u i iiiiiki villi mi mitl mia leii j liiirh judy ami mainy iilteiitletl hif mlnh show al lhe knval winl i i an in im tint nil il itlay ami salillilny sllieeie ayuillllliy la ex lllltlfll ti mia l wntitl and family in tile alitlilfli taaalliff tif ml wtujll lual week itihit merltng the chnaitrir wtinirs kfllnw- ahiji nt the hveltnli hill ill of ihilal lllatlita held llieu iiiniitlily mil tint m the lionit nf mm muitlia jai katin on weillifaday limei iitxin vllh lli 1 1 in a l tat lit mia itffuld mi i loneall i aided und mis unas daly waa in ihalee nf iiastin fti the day the hostess usslstud hy mia llaivy jalin antl mrs llert lltilfrtanii aei veil aaml wirhs and itmklea at tilt i hill liislnn f mi in- fi matlve meetlrik ftiluivin an attack nf pntiimnr la mia a llnyie letiurirl lo iiir duties mi monday as senior tta tii ut the l it a hool knuruin nelgliliort mi aiid mia k ilsliireiitertaln id 70 of their iiijkliljijrii t ilielrj itvely ntw lurie nil lf idu y evening kui hn- and darnmi wiie noytl m tin- rcreatinn ioi4uu4ullijttd by a dainty luiuh lrii fur cards a -n- won hy mra f il1 mrs harvey fishr mr krid anhihald and mr halh sinclair imay panel iime mia harold mcmillan waa host- availabl through your state farm insurance agent n- w h denny ea for lhe fisiiruike won ens insti tute foi the noverithi irilirik with ladies iiicsli ivnljrtaji was an- awtjtd hy a furrent kvitit the tniiiuteittirid traaiirrii riirt were hiven liy mis wilfitd ariy mrs flettrj rruiiily reported on cards atnt to the sick miss orih fines kv- the report of the xhifoit at k karr ifcfairli -muzi- ucjuiu1 fttizju mrs tanaley voicd her aprecia- tlon for a box of frujt the had re ceived a report of the rwent ijlstrict iiirctors mertiiik wag iiiven by mrs kn stubbinijtori five dollars was voted to the unitarian vrvire ftvr relief to gnui- and krea highlights of the canadian aa-ia- lion of f orisiimrs hutlftm was given hy musi dorm fines the firit vicepresident mr ken stubbington vfjk charge of the nicting and fpoke a few vordj of rzrwton losing mrs gerrkr yun frim our community mn yjung was presnted with a table planter although taken by urprie she made a fitting reply a paper on the topic community activities and public relations was read by mrs e archjbaj mrs d g robertson acted as master of ceremonies for the panel show ive lot a secret- member of the panel were mr i fisher mrs george young mrs dan whi ter the contsianti who puzzled the panel were mrs a tansley miss doris fines and mrs w aw- rey an aurtion of plants and per ennials with mrs g young as auc- tioneer concluded the prosram an exchange of christmais gifts was planned for the next meeting when miss dons fnws will show films of her recent trip to tlse west coast lunch was served by ttie 38 brodi st 00 ajjjfttssy notm 455 acran ho assisted h davua margaret and mrs mrs dan winter a tasiley and li arc

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