Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1955, p. 4

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the actbn frejepmss actbn ontario thursday march 24 1955 motty cciusm ttw knmbl for wmlohfrww indusmos ll ttyiwil ihkjiiawit ontario bin the vra eltt5 vk tolly rlts th prob femi tft eokfrortt thw wkvv urtdrtu such vvi kv rw kiwiy ovaylln t grnlno fi v is tmuming- ow ilnt ni th jntnyor v b wo wi kxijiih it trfd months aflio few jop m hw innhinlanuhflr lndlvtcjul ttmttifcutiftrv can t and llli mtitikjo cam hct th tortsioft m n industry to local in town 1 rtju vwsjfcscord ropom that too ftaiivi crfojtort locatad irv fergus but went k sii1knvi qn reason given was that the head ol the company in the usa did not like il th united stoelwoliers ot ameiic m toe big tmiotv recently y had a falhrom a union organir- t who w endeavoring to organize for hi union plant in acton which had lust started to hire wcvier he wanted us to aiist in hicatnpaign with release of propoganda we refused and i him v-r- to where he came rom until the new firm was at least moved into town that weekend a scandalous letter was distributed ioth work the result was no more people are being taken on in that plant at the present time until the management considers its position and the desir ability of expansion we have known of towns that lost industry because the townsfolk whom strangers interview ed did notspeak well of their town no indus trialist wants to locate in a town where the pre sent populace ii not happy or congenial getting- industry or making any town a pleasant place to live in is not the work solely o councils committees or boards it is a job in which every citizen can help even m your greeting on the street with those you meet aid to municipality the ntrtltlcallon that municipalities now operating under provincial petite would be oblig ed to organfte their own torce at the conclusion otthls year wasnt mentioned by premier frost in his ty to nuiniclpallllet part of his budget speech h came in a direct letter to councils arid the blunt termination has left them with a real problem in their hands ij has been said and denied that the ontario government was having difficulty keeping r force up to strength appearsthe denial came too soon and the easy way has been taken of dumping the problem right back in the lap of municipal councils having been out of touch for several yean with police administration and hay ing let go all the former syslern tht doespose as i real problem horthosewho administer munici pal affairs in our own and many other towns after setting up all the necessary equipment requiied for provincial police and becoming ad justed to the system row these 40 some ontario municipalities will have to revert to the former municipal police arrangements and pick tip the potato which the ontario government has ap- tarted par fowndtoohottohandlejall theprovinc serving its pay we were pleased to note that acton and mil ton have decided to continue with the plan of engaging an engineer and sharing the cost the experiment has only been in operation a short time and we feel it is too early to state whether it has been successsful or not it may be that the work was too heavy in three towns to meet gene ral satisfaction and that two towns are all that can be carried in the one office certainly with the expansion that is going on in all three towns the services of an engineer devoting his full time tc municipal problems have not been lost during the time the arrangement has been operative the day may not be far away when acton and aailton may also need the fulltime services of en engineer in fhe meantime the present mutually beneficial arrangement seems to be meeting the need for many years halton and peetcounties operated cooperatively in the matter of a home for the aged and the work of the childrens aid society with steady growth it became necessary for individual operation of this work but in the early years it served a very useful and economi cal purpose the yjorth halton urban board is to day serving the purpose for which it was found no one can foretell how long it will be sufficient to meet conditions which are changing so rapidly spring optimism in these days of stocks going op and down and budgets and taxes and great growthetc we liked the note that bruce hutchisoninjected in h article in the financial post we liked it even if we do not plant seeds or tend a garden because it had an optimistic note that only spring can give they the seed catalogues contain the cheap est and surest investment in the world for 10 or 15 cents they offer a package of miniature vorlds each ready to explode into blossom and vegetable at the touch of spring manmade bombs may make a louder explosion but what have you left afterwards a seed costing a frac- tion of a cent will provide you with beauty and healthful exevqise all summer or food through next winter the seed catalogue is the only pros pectus i ever really trust when i buy a stock it invariably goes down- the seed invariably comes p i wide communication system set up ts apparently to be scrapped fvery municipality will again be its own unit we presume the provincial govern ment will look after its own convicts who escape from institutions and round up the criminals who roam the province with no fixed place of abode the duties of the municipalities would seem to be just to keep these criminals from its own borders what we might ask also is what is the oniario government going to do to enforce law and or der with the drunks it creates by the sale of booze and the administration of liquor control there is no indication but it appears that all the re venue goes to make government surpluses and all the expense is shoved onto the municipal tax payer is this the kind of aid to municipalities lhal is planned by the present administration of ontario one might well say that if such is the case it surely is time for a change urgency these are the days when the ravages of win ter to our rodstome into view when the pedes- tri i l to g mud or d w or all over his clothing itsthe time when the sun may be shining overhead- but underfoot one needs to watch his step often it is the time of flooding in many unexpected places and its not always the most opportune time to visit a new subdivision where building is in progress and drainage has not been completed with the light snowfall in this district this year however none of these disadvantages are likely to last too long in these days ol moreriders and fewer walk- ers road repairs seems to get the most clamour road graders cannot be put into operation too quickly the load of road material that must carry traffic when the frost comes out olj the ground be comes an immediate necessity we are an im patient people who are always in a hurry to get the benefits of the season just ahead to get where we want with a minimum of inconvenience but to get there anyway so at this time of year drainage and roadrer pairs do occupy ones attention whether one rides or walks the sooner the road graders and the loads of material make their appearance the bet ter pleased will be trie public generally ofher papers say the business man and the consumer already have been bludgeoned into neanjnsensibility by federal and provincial taxing authorities and they can onlywait supinely for the next blow to fall prince george bc citizen m m in areas where attendance at anndal general civic meetings is high progress is rapid and jeccomplishments are greatest poor attendance on the other hand shows lack of interest and a dir o the men and women who through the year have devoted time and effort to running the affairs of the district inriisf all alta pro vince- lit artmt 3xn prrss the km paper ever pat founded in 1875 and published every thursday at m m st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the c wjna and the ontarioquebec division of the gwna advertising rates on request subacripttana pay able in advance t90lncahada9dj0 in the united states- six monthstt0 tingle copies c authorized as second classma11 post office department otttmw ttt pamhh by the dills grtettsg and pahuahteg co 6 a dills editorinchief david r dula production manager it james dills john black associate editors and f d i to rial office telephone 1 7f wmwsbgaitlai lip the good old days may have seemed better back in 1935 back in 1905 prarnj ms hms m ism praa pras wis9l im with the rtifriftktu a ot hugh cltxmvtsf t hirer tfhiuu irt rituervktlvfta j nftlag it 4 llml tlf ihfe fflttrtlufl r fthfl t on mihnu evr itm mwi mr mrh mr curntufii aituec m th rtfut ot tuwtr kkfuut hrn john hlreal ir a1f the i of very tiiu family ic iwi whi mffffit fifty tfurruu mtfi reullvm ot mr fcj mr ijsvut mkncry gsftrrt i lrsu their gilfltr wtumlot on vrut trlui urle were ftct t shiaa wtiich t ul ftfly ym mgo another hcg rally of- th iot no 4tti afurr wu hut lit v firo c k hrovifi oxist siii v reminiscent of earlier doys thii log cihin symbolizes the pioneer life of halton now abandoned and of little use il passes its way lo oblivion as decay continues to remove it from the landscape found in nassagaweya it is easily seen by the passer by who may be altrarted by the- simple irjes and the siurdiness with which 11 must have been crudely constructed ast n v h w s o u th tst driverleas can craah jn erin the local pappr reporrs how two driverless cars crashed uithoiit the assistance ok anybody oni- driver parked hls ca beside the road ahdiefl a second driver parked his car on the same side of the road further up the hill and nlioteft car number two slipped out of gear and being on a patch of ice started to roll right into car number one strongarmed prowlent in milton some strongarmed prowlers made use of their spare time in the darker hours last week- end by making off with three 400- toot rolls of cable left lat the cpr- cnr diamond the welding cablo copper covered with black rubber was valued at an estimated 300 players are injured in georgetown it is reported that while en route to a pjaoff hockey game in sundridge a oar carrying two local players apd their wives was struck by a iack- and caused serious injuries to the occupants of the car the accident occurred rifra- graveijhurst ruckus over strapping in bronte considerable todo is being raised over a ruckus in the public school which involved the strapping of an eightyearold girl whose parents claim the child was cruelly punished while school authorities concerned figure the whole incident is exaggerated some clamour has been sounded amicable and profitable in oakvillu representatives of the town and township met recent ly lo discuss possibilities and hear engineers reports on a mooted joint services plan current con- iderntions deal with sewer lines it was reported after the meeting tmn arrsmlcable and profitable tme was had sohoola and traffic in bronte public school trustees were told by ll stcuie halton school inspector that plans should be set now for new school building next year when it is expe the piiianiuri gg wl titixtji w the oltur if wrrahipful ychtkaf ot tz unkilodju afttf th irttal- thllfr sifffr trfia jefvefl xlfrtii tilofeil a rrtfat erilyiufc ttr t ol tre firlar iill if t5 y 1er mcl firari arw v- of log- f liiai tcc utt a ivty vrmm mm at lie prae preaa aff thandar maresi u ims thfc fcrfuil metlnc of acton fyr ot tra held in the council vyitffiixr on turtjlay evenitlf wis il ditended- ry i illy number of irirtd htixaa and bustnaaa rrri aru ttut twntamtr wr yttry- irtivr ur a rylshlln tac- imurirm iftnx4- -inieaur- tgirigit ffli vlii tjflh town of tnu tftfjukuo riiauvm sun and lwwr- vr fit ot whom t a in lyt ij chssnnvciut wmr ira rrr ts tn ivaruumnt f kkur rrjivkriil procnaa 1km rxiitirir4 rt tutt mirtan arid m- fltrioit th ia ittfifwm vt out- iorrr attift u urtl vrc rkiu ffillrrr h f vusatm vliut- tliy eatrerirtf rtj it -a3i- ui- hrnve ot mrs ft if vii vf hrottiit ahfcr alljirr rrilatcr miilr rri ihelr qr t f irf tj irr trui tjmi vt a hfuftt jr tcfrnrut it ft si fjalcc hrutsnrr a t tufml jtwli air ir lut d h imr- ry w j titcfir- a ituhllt a j iatcfff fr ti o lifurr i toitf r t3frt st fjt ifrnrjv v 1 t- ilwrt lf zzl rri i trrfttrt jirtifs r lti aij public school population will have overgrown its present facilities traffic dangers were also a topc of study during the meeting another new school in milton still another new school looms up for taxpayers i the public school board took ac tion to confirm an option on more property in a meeting last week at the same meeting the pricipal was tasked to conducto survey to del mine the potential school popula- i tion in the north section of town where presumably the new schoj i site is located j band geta around in burlington it was recently re ported the popular junior band which gets around in 1954 had 144 assemblies 102 rehearsal and 42 public appearances twenty two appearances were in burlington hrouftha tertyfifiii anriveriar of thcrir tzflflitii mr htrnz waabrouha binhay 4 sam charters m p zrrnurf ifi r rellrfrmenl at the rrmui rrtftrg the peel courty oirsirvaivi a- scition at ita meetir n hrrrr- trfn on saturday he hia raj 17 years of service r the hu ctijrimor gordon- graylor 1 named a candidate v surrirfi mr charters nrcr three other anrt- dates withdrew canada will have a n ao-er- norgeneraljohn buchar the roads are all drying up ncey and almost all are quite jiajsatie maple syrup i5 row on the oa market march ha beeh almost deali springlike the 1935 models are row qure in ief- ppcarntre ittt the roads the rock wood choral socety had a successful concert in tr united church r monday urr the direction of their leader mr j r pears lle ji f iljm l jt illv fcrrrjr t jjr -lehru- n nr rvrrr airer prr- hr coin u trm ariur a nit itttll i toifr vf lzkrful fjfllk rmr il t nr cinarttaii hnrut ejwmaruie jifal riiht me mar ltfici 4r 4f- ir 7 it2 is 3 rihts i v fir yn ir orrhinin -1- it jump- cr mr afrui j rr- uittit rriry t srjikiff i eti vp vf toe rhf oeatty mr a a vv n i ouf icviiatooj a rtrietuon ft nut to b- hed r may n he jun aaii te ever r urii r axjift reherre affji- 4- r tiibz vl or larsfeiy iifjuimrt rev father ferfi7 trt ui rficic- jl or satirii trin n rout for outn f h- on sun day h fourri rrziir- to t th-oiijf- jli2 t o- 7ai ani rirr r- professional directory and travellers guide medical tor a public hearing make deal to swap in oakville its reported ottawa has given a green light for plans to acquire the old joost office building as a library a osde is in the offing between the government and th town which will see the old post office building swapped for a new post office site moot new hospital in georgetown last week possibi lity of a hospital was dicussed t a meeting called by the chamber of commerce it was reported the town would have need of a 30bed hospital which could- cost in the neighborhood of 300000 support is to be sounded out in various local organizations the remainder out of town- many trophies medals and prizemoney iropnies meaais ana prizemoney cirme ihe bnrtd s way in compeiu- tions last year dr w g c kenney phymlcun and surreoo office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 1 residence 115 church st e phone 15 real estate and xscka3fc f l wright 20 wibur st acor octaro phore 95 appraiser real estate andl insnrance poef s corner the little things high in th sky the clouds roll by the birds sing songs so merry smell the scent of blossoms the apple and the cherry hear the chirping of the crickets the buzzing 6f the bees hear the whistle of the wind as it blows through all the trees see the farmer ploughing the gardener turning sod yet none of these are possible without the help of god mrs edith sharpe dr d a garrett physician and sorreon i corner of willow and river sts entrance rivar street acton ontario phone 238 dental attmt united church of canada acton ontario a prjendly church rev e a currejr ba bj minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 90 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday march 27th 1955 1000 am sunday school what better influence 1100 am morning worship sub- ject the choice of the multit ude 70 pjnevening worship sub ject common delusions con records hymns of y6ur choos- in everybody welcome thought for the week heaven itself has ordained the riht washington st auancmurch rv evan h jones ba lth 6unday march 27th 1955 fth in lent 1000 aim church sch6ol 1100 a jrf beginners class 1 1x anv morning prayer and sermon v im pm evening prayer and scitikim wednesday march so b pjn evensong and sermonette presbyterian church in canada i knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ula bj mtotater sunday march 27th 1955 945 am church school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service because of redecorations being made the services will be held in the class room a warm welcome awaits you they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength 1 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office lcishman block mill st office hours 9 am to s pjn xray telephone 148 drh leib dental surgeon of f ice corner mill and frederick- streets office hours 8 am to 8 pjn telephone 19 acton veterinary f g oakes 6v sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox a v f acton phone 130 w r bracen real estate phone 26 acton list your farms business or houaa with us we invite you to use bur facilitius jn securing a purchase for your property r f bean limited real estate and insnrance 83 mill st acton phone 585 r h elliott real estate 76 bower avenue phone representing g w goldstraw broker milton phone 349 complete real estate service- covering halton county use our facilities miscellaneous b d young bvsc ct young dvm veterinary 8nrgeans office brook ville ontario phone milton 18sr21 legal baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 208w sunday march 27th 1955 1000 ajmrsunday school 1100 am morning worship spea ker rev h lang professor of new testament interpretat- ion mcmasger 6i45 pjn- evening service spea- r ker rev p r clifford tpro- fessor of practical theotogy mcmaster 115 pjn byju rally first baptist church brampton v c f leatherlanb barrister a salleitar nalary paati office hours 1000 am- 1200 aa 100 pm5j0o pjn saturdays by appointment onlj- off ice 22 phonev- res 151 acton lever hoskjn chartered 1 aeeaantants successors to jenkin8 and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 music a v- n olivtm lampard 1 atpm rjtt taaeker ef psssk acton stuttto 4t albans parish hall 14 park avev guelph phohe 298 rumley funeral hoaarl heated ambalanee phone- 899 night or day serving the community for 48 years travellers guwf gray coach lines coaches leave acton rssllisaiiil 6 38 am 858 am 1133 ajn 2 08 pm 508 pm j3 pm rxf pm bl013 pm r westbfeand 10 27 am 1252 pm 257 pjn 5 27 pm 727 pmt 912 p 7 1132 pin 1 12 am sun to kit chener onlyi a daily except sunday and holi days b saturday sunday and holi days canadian national railways standard tlase eaatbasnse daily 640 am daily except sua- dayi 1000 ajn 713 pjn- sunday only 801 pjn daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 sum 637 pjn dsily ftyer ht georrsm town 1011 pm daily except sun and moiu 128 am sun and hon bnly llji am dally exejs m 8j pjs pt ntllt jit fffli onto 3jow only flyer at oowph 1m daily exespt ttsti mod sun stop actoot0usn r 1 ihji j h

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