Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1955, p. 12

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ww iiuiauviavi yv 24ihatcte page ten i local news the television aerial jvaablown off the roof of the runiloy rttr al home during the gali on tuc- day day taking pari- of the roof with it the winds lashed at the tmt making necessary- repairs during the storm an evergreen at umehou presbyterian church snwumbed uv hiah winds and cracked thrcjigh no damage va dv many ptwpl ling the rv press office haw wf sriwrd jw the larsr aov vnh m a- who- wiftdow j stanley simwnua a tudw tor the mutuary v rmnvmhw cv4- wp in tvwnfcrv r th si wnnual the united tftuiefc sunday wknus ts rasa day of oof4 th unnt le4 w of th aiwnmt ta t fv tf ts alrnvwi o jav driving nw- aivac ver fcad itew jywsvjfns h b akh at i 3fc sf nova swtia a i dkvc sai hen wkv swthe j vib td ww are- ne helvf 4bw trt nexv-miv- ay t t5e tits kv3 3bi u a spmi da t i s- aawt iv fhodnnfi and are cvni the rounds sfxai oatcrssyvt tfme vm v- tac ivnrl tsnc the actotf fee press acton ontario t thuhnday march j4 ibm free press ads for quick results mill rl no uliuiue for announcement at blrllw mainagus puatlia and engkgententa liimtmiuiiuin noo plim i0o per lino fur veies artlclaa fin aula fuiil ulcv uu a word minimum cash 8ftc link n to tins off iub lfiii aililllumal coming eyanu- kir per imiint lino film minimum carrta of thanka ue uillinu uliu tf of i hu added ho all acpoiinla if not paid imul bfoirinborrmhanrt added for eanlrtjlll reimard liliiai time for loiwrllah i ptn wednamuy births marriages dath mcmn laiimtim irkrnm and a orn hhvv aottm th wrth of thwf oh ajun fiiirtck hit matvh 14 ims ns5ctvwt mr and my 1xm s ttwnwv tnlilraty iwanttav xithwr vw 8atiittav maivh v vv a dauhtor ioxnttt mr an1 mri holwrt tmiit aw hay to announce 4j audtlorlum fla j3 nims ar haiung t jrs w- mac ii xl th hijrih f hir vn wnnsta uttitv at ottolh or4ora hosnlt- a w sat urday march 1 1w twvxisatr and mr a ilrvhih rr- a avii ar vrs lest to attiknuno tw arrival of sttmiv vai at the nurlnt home on mvvu march 31 mother ad tvariy uat fine atk13s0xmr iid mr hay- atkwaon a ha u i vk u birth of a difihlcr katmmi lmramo at c5onj c5w- t jviivtl on sunday slarvh 3i 1j a tr for stephen a jcvsjr ajsr sv iwi vter jv dvsi he fle je va3s ir vt ni aorun jieawanjer tiwsw iesri i lp- rr xkrtvvny for lit f eee tss ase or jvhoae coming evntt thta offiea oaoiiol h retjioimlblr for mwfliclha tal obiwhu aotw lun concert hiinday maivli 87 at twn irhll school lety plrealde rlumlav aimll a li9tt vm ihitled cluinui lluiatratod rllteaaage lniau l-efreah- monta aailu repeal performance rbenecer mllllrl in itrookvllie hull kn- dav marcft 3ft tt30 pm adolla site- children free b tiiwelnuie hall hoard will hold a euchre in ldmehnuae memorial aauir cartlaftiw stt- admtiuilon 40c tt1tta ktaiuciilni arm forimv rally siewaillown hall mmch sh at isajvk whlteuwk ajteaker kikwiiiu weev control owter pro- iiram kveryone welcome b third annua dada and laids itaiujuet kriday march 39 h30 p m loxlon meavrlal hall special tumt oxerhood of anglican churchmen sunday march 87 byiu son- dy acton baptist church special steakers prof h iang and siboi ed by bypu rally b19 ai kirst baptist church brampton a auction sale at luxton hall on tuesday- march 29 mr a r haskell of better biutlnesa bureaii will ad dress the ladles of acton his sug- jiot spring fashions in fraud vkal solos by mr frank old- field a oclock free will offering k- understcked te rerejc l t sel- iry jxihliry surticu is itm mike scnnt jc 5 hf- a jr sri imt iwisssjf of trj- sattuat atktl ad iviucwaj i i 3tse5 a30 hakxes5 i tan i trermd ruccij black percrierit nues 9 aid ixvears cc ucl tirker rriort- par sc- autirf ritttkis- colieje btnti cattue 1 ret krditit cow 3 3ts aicl due urre of stle 3 rg snisieii yetrj oii at my 3p s praif sjiorlhrrr rows due t-rrtr- f sie these row5 bred o jtai kres z shcnhcvrr heifers 2 rear cud oper s sbrchorri bef- j en yn cud hoi5ein fer i t jftrc ic t holsien civei 2 srinnrjorr ctlnss- hogs hay grrn and statir vork sow doe ume of si i yok sows not bred 10 1 ce tees micuj4v 200 biu oals rntaftflfonfca cttiftir- vn oa saturday- mrch it 1vv vwvrce a blair son of he ute mr al mrs thomas blair of jiiciriie d ss years 4 stossy suddenly as the result o in acvidesit on march is 19sj tixmnas haniia stvirey son of th xxf tiioiatas and klia mccurdy srey and beloved husband of sirah ccsifiex in hii wth year ute of ss stratheona sl win- rupei mai b as at guel on thur- 3ayt marc5 it edward henry f coolo ashman beloed husband m kdra haines and cjear son of eisabelh and the ute a w ashman of toronto- funeral service was held in to ronto or monday afternoon march 1 lrterment park lawn cemetery trojtito saunders suddenly on wednes day march 16 19s5 at her home manitoba sv guelph marg- j home wwe a number of cus- are- marj- nesslin in her 63rdj want to buy reasonably year beloved wife of john properties in e acton dis- snaers nother of mil wil- g with us fred htller i florence mrs aares basim ijeaiir kitobener mrs michael sorocky crare branlford and the lale ittjciitrs 3 tor wheat strsw baled 5 toti oat ftrsw looser 5 ton hay baled qukrtirv of loose hsv mixed tractor jorn saunders i funerai service was held in gueipr or saturday interment was r afton- cemetery powers at th douglas memor- js hbspftal fort erie ont4 on i friday march 18 iiabelle simpj son robortson widow of the lav j percy powers ard dear mother of mrs bart purpura marian fort erie mrs robert kelly maude vancquver bc mrs artiur elngleby jean george town laura m at home mrs herbert gashgarian ruby brantford mrs g e montgom- cr- helen goderich in her m e real estate listingwanted on farms homes businesses buyers waiting bowen bortolottl brokers jack holmes phone smm m church st acton th1nkjng of selling your phone j m roughley acton 792 representing w kelly real estate broker long branch auction sale of farm machinery and cattle funeral service was held m the i united church rockwood on mon- i day march 21 interment was in and implements johnsons cemetery eramosa power machinery etci d tractor ar on rubber int 3 fur row tractor plow new int tractor sranure spreader on rubber new the undersigned have received instructions from donald e orr to sell by public auction at his farm lot 24 3 sds township of trafalgar 2 miles east of bronte 3 rmlf- wost nf oalrvillp nn rnriiai cards of thanks 3d double disc new int pickup baler- used 1 season jd 4 bar side rake new int cutting box new bear cat hammer mill new inj 13 disc grain drill new int- grain binder 6 ft cockshutt mower 6 ft s section spring tooth cuitivat- nnfirca crohitnr or 2 drag cultivators 5 section i v vlbuitora drag harrow rubber tired farm wagort and flat hay rack sloop sleighs electric mh cream sep- arator whitewash sprayer single furrow walking plow scales fan ning mill and agger itay fork root pulper forks shovels chains and ot small articles turntture white enamel em pire cook stove new odd cook stove quebec heater organ 3 piece chesterfield suite walnut chest of drawers kitchen table all persons having claims against the estate of fred turecki also known as fred turesky late of the township bf esquesing in the county of halton laborer deceas ed who died on about the 22nd day of december 1954 are requir- ed to file proof thereof with the un- 2 beds complete with springs and dersigned solicitor on or before the mattresses other small household second day of april 1955 lafter e j which date the estate will be dls- tfrms cash with clerk on day j tributed having regard only to the of sale nothing to be removed un- claims of which he shall then have th settled for i tad notice the cougar patrol would like to thank scoutmaster dave dills very much for taking them to to ronto on saturday in the ealiate f fred turecki jao known a fred itareaky de- no reserve farm sold rtotbiary ant elliott auctioneers george currie clerk b432 iatea at acton ontario this tenth day of march 1955 c f usatherland astfs solicitor for the executor we are pleased and proud to have been chosen to stage the st aldans guild fashion show we wish to thank the kaye shoppe rachuns jewellers and all others who cooperated in the show to make it a success i gvl j vi j i k s rb u wio clothing store t a acton rmrlr- rd between highway no 2 and queen elizabeth way on tuesday march 29 commencing at 130 oclock the follo cattle 1 reg guernsey cow brooklea provost betty fresh 5 yrs old 1 grade guernsey cow due april 12 7 yrs old 1 grade guernsey cow due may 25 4 yrs old 1 grade jersey cow in full flow 4 yrs old v power machinery etc mjd tractor model w30 heavy duty tires loaded bissell 8 ft disccockshutt grain grinder int heavy duty 8 tv disc almost new int steel threshing machine 22x 38 with ebersol shredder seed re- cleaner 14 ft eleavtor extension blower pipe and bagger very good condition 100ft 7 in belt m h hay loader cockshutt power grain binder 10 ft mh grain binder 6 ft int single plow m h corn binder 40 ft pipe corn duster 2 wheeled int corn bin der int cutting box 12 in mh 2horse corn scuffler 2 mh 1- horse corn scufflers mh steel land roller 40 ft ladder ferguson side delivery rake 2 mh dump rakesr ferguson weeder int stiff tooth cultivator 10 ft wide 14 ft flat wagon rubbe tires very low like new seed cleaner 14 ft trail er wagqnyjyyjow rubber tires ford 7 ft power mower nearly new heavy duty snow plow elec tric fencer 5 section seed harrows 2 24 ft ladders 3 section spring tooth cultivator mh seed drill 13discs graham 6 in chisel plow nearly new m3i circular saw and frame set of weigh scales 2000 lbs 2 buckeye 1000 chick coal brooders stewart clipmastei clip pers quantity of single wire saws shovels chains small tools etc hay fork rope full slings baled hay straw steel wheel wagon quantity of cattier oats terms cash with clerk on day of sale s no reserve as farm is sold htndley and elliott auctioneers gee currie clerk b382 for sale hmt ack mleb4up hus gallon plume htw after f a von jjialbaiovo woiii eiiiiing mid norton um mill hi pioniti tor if folt haik cliiio jewel elmitrlo raiiiier mia frank terry phone 174j koii halh hobteln hull ralf tliomua hemuley iih a anion piiono 07ja rxm salb lrue llpally four- tiiiniui eluilrin atiive praitlnaltv uewlhnna uuma hw4 r sale 19 ci tpnd iiindltloiii ttluo uaed vntnium elean- er iminne twiir ofiar a for salteachumn pfaiio ftluu iii good condition apply w wut- a b kins phone hullwia vlor saikovcr ioo bua ver oats uuluible for iof a moioi nn need from acton a ifor saie wine- trimmed with horace blyth rr 1 srnrshtnb prom ivory mrs phone 23wl2 electrolux cleanera and pol- is phone rock wood 00r4 or at ion 301j fo and horseu old iiormkh e one of ou irutka anaes your dlhtiiel daily call belwood collect 23rll 24 hour acrvic georgt qlto aim atf or servloe atf for sale- six room houtte with all modern conveniences one acre of land full price 0000 phone acton 702 a for sale dropin type milk cooler newly overhauled new mo tor 100 60 cycle a t woodley milton 483r22 b for sale babys brown sjeel crib used only 3 months singex drophead sewing machine apply walter lamberts farm first line a oil fi fo air furnaces complete installation 200 gal ott tnnk and all duct work 505 con version units 205 w j guild and son roekwood phone a302 for sale started pullets from february 2 hatch on available also day olds hatch every wednesday thomnsons poultryjfarm ard hatchery georgetown ont b388 for sale there is only one genuine hyline chicken do not overlook it fishers can supply you hyllnes and 10 other standard breeds and crosses write or phone the fisher orchards burlington ont a24w sewing machine and vacuum cleaner sales and service new and used machines rentals guaranteed repairs to all makes a complete line of sewing aids at neighborhood sewing machine georgetown tr 72802 45 main street north btf wanted illoiiu 1 wanpko ilttliy mtlthg iivimlok in weekeiot in4w wantku anlenngrapheitt frill lltne- molilalia w iiibiii itiiru agei- iuu mmd hi mlll iw 2 haiton joulflty prod lltrm ioultry and gg wanlad toullry uimwirn uxikcd cleaned ana nut up lhorm milton i one btl itka re fro your farm promplly for nlla ill ik out i teleplioiii colel georgetown tr 7t74l or kunirt ftordow yoiino mmitkd m dkadmtock hervich 000 each for dead ordlaabud horse or cdwia old hormkh te ih for prompt service phort collect fittelloii 22r2l oir llannon 27lr2 hleve peoonl t dkad animaij1 km 0o each for deuj or illailed wanted tenders are lovlled lu murth 31 for painting elaa rooms etc acton public jichosr apply to mr g mann caretaker for particulars ceiling to receive 1 coat flat white walla etc 2 emits first quality aemigloss paint 2 classrooms to be painted during ehsut holidays balance of work to be completed during summer holidays by july 23 highest or any tender not necessarily accepted actoti public school board wr4 middlelon secretarytreasurer a tor reht room and board for two share room twin beds good home tv call 98 main st n or phone 275r a forrent3 or 4 unfurnished rooms convefiences write box ik free press a for rent pasture for 40 hei fers plenty water p kroes rjt 1 georgetown phone tr 73130 after 6 pm a miscellaneous fergus salvage we pay- cash for your rags feathers scrap iron and metals call fergus 8981 collect a365 shed for sale tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 5 pm on friday april 15 1955 for the purchase of a shed 48x20 located at st johns church stewarttown a marked cheque for 10 per cent of the pur chase price to accompany eacn tender nod the successful tenderer to agree to remove shed by june 1 1955 william hulls rr 2 lieorgctownt tp392- notice gordons hardware arc now agents for marvello prod ucts the gentle bleach with x7 and are propped to serve your needs a commercial and domest ic upholstering add look and comfort wih skuled restyling your furniture can be handsome a new again low cos call us oni week servire phone 88 acor a- for salecanadian approved chicks no reactors in oih- flocks 95 per cent of all eggs set from our own flock several breeds to choose from rop sired white leghorns light sussex barred rocks and rhode island reds ap proved red x leghorn leghorn x rock hamp x rock sussex x hamp and red x sussex reason able prices order eaflyv- thomp sons poultry farm and hatchery georgetown ontario b386 why go to toronto to buy a car wa will meet the price of any dealer as advertised on a new pontiac or buick car for car and dollar for dollar we have some outstanding values in good used cars trucks aftd trac tors 55 plymouth 4doo v8 gone 1000 miles 550 off top allowance offered for good used cars lome garner motors ltd phone 452 acton clearing auction sale kitchener upholstery have your chesterfield suite reup hotstered for as little as 99 re finishing also rugs cleaned and re paired for prompt and efficient service call 103 acton one weeks service tf incomfe tax returns completed personal business a j bishop 65 main st tr 73351 office open monday and friday 9 am to 900 pm tuesday wednesday thursday 9 am to 5 jm notice to creditors in the estate of prudenctk ma son deceased holsteln cattle sheep pigs feed tractor and machinery satvkday april 9th at 12 oclock property of- clifford httorey lot 25 4th line esquesing frank petch auctioneer r pqttiicia attn beauty salon hairstylist -all-ftlnes-c- beauty culture clomd all day monday n l for appointment h6rie341 i mill st bj acfoci o all persons having claims against the estate of prudence mason late of the town of acton fn the county of halton married woman deceased who died on or about tht thirteenth day of november 1954 are hereby notified to send into the undersigned solicitor for the ad ministrator on or before the ninth dav of april 1955 full particulars of their claims after that date the administrator will proceed to dis tribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice dated at acton ontario this twentvfirst day of march 1955 c f leatherland solicitor for the administrator a393 clearing auction sale of 50rjrg acer vacc holsteihs farm and dairy equipment feed etc are you one of the many without inside plumbing if so you will be amazed at the low cost of modern conveniences streetsvoie ontar write today for fre catalogue of plumbing nd heating applies c the property of whxiam emsue half mile south of georgetown and no 7 highway on tuesday april h implements at ii anv httlsteins at 230 pm 20 cows 6 years and under ip 2 years 20 yearlings and calves fri jin nrtngers- 20 bred for late summer and fall all bred on the farm frpm sovereign and mon ogram sires 2 tractors threshing machine milking machine milk cooler and the usual line of farm machinery farm sold term cash frank pttch auctioneer tel georgetown tr 73w geo currie clerk a392 acton tv buyers only at the can you buy tv for aerial or set two full years to pay first payment june 1 only at the house of television in guelph can y0it get tv at such low prices and terms special acton representatives john burke charles packer phone queiph 653 collect for free home fc mltri ttt laiwittlttjbtijltifc ivvjw wm

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