Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1955, p. 7

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iv tlw t v v- thwrday march 17th 1955 the acton free press actbn ontario page seven bill ng cays 4 i-xlkraa5wr- r v mllsav you mohyl e sure to taw advantage of the new price on asphalt shingles 3 in 1 210 lb asphalt reg 975 now 900 tocf 1 u as 825 abo complete line of hoofing cement and accessories fix now and save later har kenzle d bni b 1ber mblll cupplics 9 mill street acton fb5e o k hew white klx0tri0 light bulb with maplf leaf flakes or quix sir 69e atognlax retail price of light bulb 27c r golden dew irvi til cti 4 1 c 1 3i 4 2 llb pkqb 49c mcoobjnck8 mzboet mix candy 25c 2 ftobin hood pkq8 tomatowup mfeos tins milko bjrjiiiia mzlko whan mgjrina ooooe pimintt ipromm soups te slb mo soo tim society dog food pip poo food 2 15c 21c healtho dog food 2 19c society cat food 12c auction sale un the township of erin of brood sows feeder cattle young cattle btc the undersigned has received instructions from roywbeeub to sell by auction at the farm lot 25 con 3 erin twp situated on the 2nd line 5 miles north of 24 highway at osprlnge 4 miles sputh of orton on friday march 85 1955 commencing at 150 oclock sharp the following brood sows york sow with 10 young pigs at side tarn sow with 12 young pigs at side tarn sow due march 15 sow due march 16 york sow- due april 1 tarn sow due april 33 tarn sow due april 30 york sow due may 1 york sow due may 12 york sow due may 18 yprk sow due may 29 tarn and black sow due may 29 150 young pigs 17 thrifty chunks ahout 150 lbs 32 thrifty chunks about jo0 lbs 45 thrifty chunks about 70 lbs- 14 thrifty hoats 21 weanling pigs this is a choice- thrifty lot of hogs all raised by owner feeder and young cattle 8 hereford steers about 800 lbs 14 hereford yearling steers 6 hereford heifers abtmt 700 fljfe hereford heifer due about time of ale 4 hereford yearling heifers 10 hereford summer and fall xalves above cattle have all been raised by owner auctioneers note this is the sixth auction sale i have sold for this owner and as in former sales guarantee is made by owner and auctioneer that evety animal will besold to highest bidder and with out reserve sale held under cover in case of unfavorable weather terms qash with clefrk on day of sale wm a gflbsobt auctioneer phorte guelph743w hernian peering clerk a canadian red cross welfare workers have been with canadas armed fonces in the far east since 1951 x-i- picture of a man improving his community whether hes working or playing eating or sleeping this man helps to develop canadian communities in many important ways how 3rhc do this simply by owning life insurance you see every time he makes a payment on his policy the money is invested for him in sound securities and these securi ties in turn finance the building of many new homes utilities public works and industrial plants even thesecurity his family enjoys with life insurance also bene fits the community for if anything happens o him his loved ones will not have to depend upon others for their support in all of these ways millions of life insurance policyholders are j- helping to make canada a better land to live in ps from your life insurance man all ihm invmtimirti hot inmml thai imim it pot- ibu lor you and your family la noy ik bamflt of lif insurance at tuch low coil if you havo any quos- riom about how to mod lifo insurant fit your own ottrtit b titod to hotp youl the life insurance companies im canada camprhlng mora than 50 canadian british and united staffs companies it is good citizenship to own life insurance l7md therapy treatment is verv important to the crippledchild to ensure that all of this provinces crippled children receive the treat- in they requ the o soci f cr ch sociafion with more than 300 service clubs throughout the province are conducting their annual easter seal campaign which lasts until april 10 and bps objective of 550000 r acton rotary club one of many groups which ald crippled kids like units of a province wide army that is dedicated to a neverending war for the right of ejery crippled child to have treatment and a chance at selfdependence there are groups of men in more tharj20q on tario communities who carry out a yearround voluntary program of helping others these men are the members of the service clubs that are the foun dation of the ontario society for crippled children every year they induct the easter seal campaign which finances the services provid ed for the mote than 9000 handi capped youngsters surgery ther apy appliances special schooling and training summer camp vaca tion and so on the revenues from their easter seal campaigns are di vided equally with the society one- half retained lor local needs in the individual clubs area the rest used provides for the clubs beneficiaries or for children not aided directly by a club locally the rotary club- under takes quite a program its mem bers accept many responsibilities a typical example might be as fol lows acta as liaison link as the liaison link between local health authorities such as the medi cal- officer of health and distri health nurse as well as a family doctor and the district nurse of the society the club assumes a direct duty in seeing that every handicap ped child is brought to the attention of the health officials and the so ciety the club assumes the respon oibility f t provided lo- chronicles of ginger fcwjiv written specially for the acton tee jprieu by flwendolln p clarke i poor old tippy finally died tie departed this life tst monday and the farm seems lonesome without him according to our yet a yir- us infection had penefrated theliver and spleen and was the main reason why tip refused to eat when i told the vet tipwasil years old he exclaimed well- after all what could you expect and now for some good hews last thursday i heard geese over- head at rsnst i thought i did but i wasnt sure as i couldnt see them but the next day a neighbor told me he heard geese too so i guess i was right even though it does seem early early geese early spring isn t that the old saying and who will grumble if it proves to be true just for therecord the date on wheh i heard the geese was march 10 i havent seen or heard a robin yet but there was a bluejay out for an airing this morning and there are certainlly plenty of crows and stnrlinrs nrrnn tm rr are of s th air wl are turned out to drink the way they do when spring is in the air the willows are getting a yellowy lqqknndthe creek is running fnst- washing away a corner of our front field down by the roach due to a faulty engineering job at the time the highway was built as if there wasnu enough soil erosion in the country already farm auction sales are coming along thick and fast these days in the fast three tobe posted the pre sent owners are retiring and young er men have purchased the farms which is all to the good we hope the trend continues you know farm folk have to do a lot of adjusting nowadays and it isnt always easy as everyone cfflnowssaturday used to be til shopping day for farmers and their families as recentlyas 10 years ago almost every small town was crpwd ed on saturdays with country folk intent on weekend shopping and of course visiting among themselves especially on saturday nights the families of business people cally plus provision of appliances were seldom seen in any great num- such as braces or splints i ber down town on a saturday if a child needs special treatment tnerc was a sor of unwritten law such as surgery at a distant hos- that left tne dav to farmers it made pital the clubs transport group ar- l easier for shoppers and shop- ranges to see that the youngster ocpcrs alike industrial workers gets to that hospital when each i worc work six days a week at year local childrert are chosen to 1 tha have a summer vacation at one of pnr societys five specially equipped byr uie society- for theservicesjticnmps the club transports them to li navel oranges 44 c doi california size 220- rhubarb canadian hot house ah t ajtrancy macintosh a it r l c 3b cello bag tomatoes cabbage florida cello tube ionions texas firm green heads no cooking i tb719c 33c 23c 2 lbs 13c 3 lbs 17c at miidclledicldle hi diddle diddle here is a riddle that you will be pleased to hear were- giving money the time of the bunny and the time is drawing near ht toddle diddle moref the riddle april the 30th is the day so come to our store the sign on the boor will tell you what we will pay r phone 120 ildred be ladies and childrens wear uae our layawy man and from camp it does lots of ex tra things usually such as seeing that the boy or girl has the clothing needed at carhpnnd so on if one of the many annual clinics arranged by the society is held in the clubs area it organizes the gathering of children at the clinic this involves contacting of ten- scores of doctors in the district planning transportation of children for the ap hmn irrfrtr clinic and following up the clinic special- d to that the child h lrtreht or therapy pre- senbed orgmidse many activities then too the club members do countless things organized locally they have christmas parties for their little beneficiaries they or ganize picnics and outings they haye transport committees who have a yearround schedule for tak ing kids to and from doctors of- ficesrtheytalretrids to baseball an hockey games and they take on travel treats lor north bay sudbury saultste marie tickets and infodmation at harold wiles w phone 207 such jobs as was done last year at esocetys blue mountain camp the camp needed painting badly so late on friday in the spring a calvacade of motor cars arrived on the sceje a small regiment of over all clad men swarmed over the place bringing their own paint qlf and by sundown sunday night 75 gallons of paint had been applied in june blue mountain camp looked like a mll3 lion dollars to the first quota of lit tle campers who arrived on then- crutches and in wheel chairs yet only a few easter seal dollars and a vast quantity of kindness had been spent on the campr the camp aign which lasts until april 10 has an objective of 550000 thii year prompt oilaraiitced service to au makes of tejevision car radios radios rwgrant wdts6n music store 124 mill st e pherie 594 ti me when they did their 1 dont know hut of course t were fewer of them around as industrial plants were smaller in igeand n but the picture has changed they have the fiveday week sq now it is the industrial workers and their families who morcor less take over the small town centres on satur days pay enevelopes provide the means for the housewives shopping saturday matinees a weekly treat for the children and every available inch of parking space is taken up country cliildien also waul ui go to the saturday matinee and to- be taken to town while mother goes o b iiuiiucr ui iflrin people must still go down town on saturday afternoon of course they used to wait until saturday night but that is practically a thing of the past as now many small town storekeepers practice saturday night closing the result farmers factory workers men women and children from town and country all crowd into town at approximately the same time stores are jammed farm folk who leave their shopping until saturday have trouble lay get ting served older farmers not hav ing children who look forward to this saturday treat now do their best to avoid saturday shopping as for me there is only one thing that takes me to town on a satur day afternoon just to pick up the weekend edition of a certain news paper which i would hate to miss and to get a few books from the lib rary last saturday i found the town particularly busy and 1 stood at the back of one of the stores just watching finally during a momen tary slack period i said to the store keeper you must notice quite a difference in trade these days his nswer surprised me not as much as you might think ne replied the extra town trade we get doesnt begin to make up for the loss of country trade which is becoming increasingly evident with the reduction in farm incomes we have been awjre of the change for some months now naturally many country follt know only too well that farm in comes have suffered a setback but it was the first time i had heard it wis being reflected in small town consumer buying in fact i had often wondered how long it would take farmers generally to realize they were not as well off as they might think sometimes it takes a garment quite rwhile before it ac tually bursts t thvieams as far at i can see saturday night closing only aggravates the situa- in fact i know of a few fami nes accustomed to shop in one par- ticular town for years who are how i shopping in another district because itjs the dnly small town where stores remain open on saturday iii ttiviifi iii- sv7ili more than 150000 canadians re- tree blood transfusions through the canadian red cross in 1854 v total monthly cost of the federal old age pension is abonc 30 mil lion i v

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