Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1955, p. 2

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r i i wift iiiii iii i m itmmmi i ztzz7t is i w aw jiy iaa8muadwh the acton free press acton ontario thurspay march 17th 1988 st patricks day all day today is the day on which all irishmen honor st patrick and on which a i the rest of us who arent irish or cannpt trace any of our ancestry to the emerald isle pay due respectto the lris1r we re glad ito wear the green sing the irish songs hear of the glory of ireland and pay tribute to the memory of st patrick but we refuse to admit that irish stew is a culinary dish that should be lauded or commended f st patricks day is when the patron saint of old ireland and the irish people deserve tribute we like to hear the irish greetings 6f the day and see the symbol of the shamrock very mucryn evi dence the patron saint and the people of ire land and their descendants have made a real con- trlbution to the world without even visiting the emerald isle its easy to admire the irish people artdthesh traditions but the glory of st pat rick and the irish lies in things which have no connection whatever with that mixture called irish stew share the wealth iet the- budget speech of premier frost we say hurriedly beca in each section where we hoped to find something that would be of particular benefit to ouriown or locality we were unable to pinpoint anything which would raise a cheer let alone three cheers the news that there would be no new taxes levied could be taken for granted since there was a reported surplus on ordinary account of 704- 000 and governing bodies as a rule are not ex pected to create large funds in the treasury there is always the danger of lack of vigilance over public funds if more are on handthan needed to meet immediate needs it is encouraging to note that ontario rs prosperous like those who live tn the small communities fact finding recently the free press issued a little vest pocket book giving some concise information about acton the demand for these little folders was such th a second printing was necessary nd some corrections were made which were brought to our attention by citizens who read the booklet the surprise was that not only did our request for copies comja from persons out of town but from many citizens who were not conversant with our own town we believed when we issued the booklet that many folks wanted facts but ust had no handy scurce to get them in most instances having acquired the facts we found thatour own citizens became enthused and better boosters for this town matter of tact we were a bit surprised ourselves with some of the items we unearthed in searching out this information for publication we are glad that we were able to serve acton in another small way may we suggest that you use this informatiorynot only when talking jo visitors but in talking tigfcit at homeland jaecome an enthusiast for your own community copies are available for adults at our office speak well of our town at all times and its surprising how contagious the booster spirit really becomes stall riioto piles of firewood once as common in rural areas as tv aerials are now in urban areas are vanishing sights evep around farm homes as modernization of home living brings the oil space heaters and electric ranges the days of the crack ling homey wood stove are nurnbered this pile of cordwood the glory to come if one can look lightly at all proposals that are put forth from various groups these days for spending mythical millions the very near future is as close to paradise as one could expect one group headed by an imported leader from south of the border would raise the old age pensions from 40 to 75 per month and cut out the means test at 65 years of age pressure is being brought to bear on ottawa to grant complete exemption from income tax for all medical expenses out wesmhe crusade is for rrop insurance and in the manufacturing east the i tn nassa t f- c ast n o r t h w s o u t h est money matters in erin in erin money matters rot full at tention at a recent meeting of the village council where members de cided on a tax ratejor the year of 50 mills also set water rates at 1 1 1 per month for first two taps 2 22 for more than two taps payable quarterly also a 5 chance for turn- on to tenants commercial rates were set the same as those in the city of london and a green belt too in georgetown where local plan ners are starting to think of the fut- ure in a big way plans were exam a legion protest in georgetown n letter was sent the local council protesting the fact that the town hired an assistant in the town office who was not a war veterun in preference to a man who was a veteran the mayor said he would personally explain to the parties concerned at the legion branch where the letter emanated council s i easons in hiring a man u ithout service record shot a note in the sky in oakville a 12 yearold ricky cornwall sent up a hydrogen gas hillnnn aiilh n mile da where the good old days may have seemed better back in 1935 from the bane of the free press of thursday manoh m 1835 the new murray memorial yh 0 a building now has all the tenants occupying the various por- ion of the b masoi dge has moved into the netv premises- and while the furnishings arc not all completely installeatlhe monthly meeting was held thereon monday the free library board has com menced the onerous task of get ting established in the new prar mises the library will be closed for two months part of the shelv ing has been completed but the re arranging will take some time jt is not anticipated the ymca program and activities will not commence before fall at th fortni se of council mr b g arnold on rue- hell last an oi cu betnrtf ii of the canadian legion addressed the council regarding a fitting cele bration for the jubilee of the ascen sion to the throne of king george v a legion committee was author ized to proceed with plans it was decided that ohihts if clog will now be required to pin chae a tag and pay the tax council considered ttnr tuffgrr hon of tin welfare jnpcitor to make a smaller committee to cany on tin welfare work in ax ton iis the present committee was un wieldy and unable to si cure a quorum the canad skn co i plant in kitchener was destroyed by fire on monday ttve plant is owned by messrs roy and gordon bauer former residents of apton the plant will be rebuilt im mediately charles planke the ievenfoot belgian who was seen in acton since last fall moved out with his baggage and baggage car last week and has noiw located himself in georgetown the robins and spring buds are getting quite numerous these days there has been the largest num ber of auction sales this year that have hcen held for some years past autionccr kerr has been ex periencing a busy time since the fall and winter season and still has back in 1905 from the issue of the free proa ef thursday man it ims actons good roads are coming work is to proceed without delay i a special session of council was it vif cdncsday afternoon to confer with mr a w campbell commissioner of highways of ontario relative to the- construc tion of the new road beds on mill and church sts the bylaws tor which were passed by the rate payers last fall he prepared esti mates a to cost allowing riberat sums tor expert oversight andrror the hiring and operating of rock crushers qpul team toad roller every phase of the work was de bated the death of mr g c clark proprietor of the clark house oc- rijrre iiliirrtny with n jliirihen- nisb which caused quite a shock lo the community guclph collegiate institute has been condemned by the inspectoi unless needed impruvemejnts un made at once the government grant will be w itheld after three months of continuous sleighing places on the roods al it- very tluii the s bank c are rapidly diminishing the ktng edftlird rink b closed lor ine eason the school question in connection w ith the autonomy bill for the new provinces in the neirthwest con tinue4 be thebtg toplebelwre quite a list of these events at the sale of russell glennlc in eramosa yesterday grade calves eight months old and under brought from 35 to 48 each auctioneer kerr says this is a new high mark the cnnadiap pubjic throughout the dominion from all points strong opposition is show n but premier laurie r maintains his strong posi tion in support of the bill a na tional school wipi equal favours to all is what canada wants the globe referring to presi dent roosevelt s inaugural speech says he appears to have got some what mixed up in his ideas of political geography when he said never before have men tried su vast and formidable an experiment as the administrating of the affairs of a continent under the form of a democratic republic we arc una- v are that washington government ever aspire much leas undertake- to administer the affairs of canada -indt- und mexico both an aj pendent of the united states con trol as of patagonia or chinese fourteen hundred people left toronto on the hotnescekers ex cursion to the west we had hoped there would have been indication of more help to municipalities in their fight against ever increasing tax amounts to be raised perhaps the small towns and townships are not vociferous enough in making known their plight h may be that they are more modest and thrifty than our cities we note that toronto is not at all hytnt in its cy iq help unemployment and seek aid to build more subways perhaps we need to tell aar frost more about the roads bridges and sidewalks we need and cannot finance out of municipal levies perhaps the voice out herein the wilderness of rural on- great hue and cry is for guaranteed annual wag es if you read the headlines every day youll find many more schemes that are backed by strong groups dealing with every phase of life from all levels of government and big and small business its nice to theorize and dream of things for- other folks to do and the distribution of wealth ned by council for development of the huge delrcx subdivision among other items on the master plan de tailed development of 1034 of the 1754 acres sites for three public schools one high school and a spot of 313 jttres to provide what is vaguely called a green belt trepidation in trafalgar in trafalgar township of all plac- cs councillors arc crying for more tano is not loud enough to reach above the noise t the city and up past coltege st in toronto we wish we coitd have found something to cheer eboot tn thatbwdgerbr ontario well be wait- ng to see if we overlooked something in those pages something that means aid in municipal financing and perhaps a share in the surplus of the past year and the anticipated surplus of the year ahead below the snow belt we havent been travelling the highways so much in a motor car the past winters as we used to when hockey games made up a great deal of our winter travel and are more dependent on re ports from weekly newspapers which reach our desk from other points in ontario the editor of the oundalk herald says he travelled roads recently in which the snowbanks were in places nine feet high the chesley enter prise reports the march storm of a week ago plug ged the roads and a dozen cars were stuck in drifts between chesley and tara an edition from arnprior told us that the new snow removal equipment purchased this year had paid off in the first year in the work it had been called upon to perform living in this district it seems hard to realize that within a few miles the snowfall has been so heavy well be quite content if the snowbelt for the rest of this winter and for winters to come stays elsewhere and those snow tires continue to wear down and sing on the dry pavements that have prevailed hereabouts that comes from some mysterious source that does not appear to touch our own pocketbook writing in the financial post bruce hutchison aptly poses these questions for consideration how many politicians so articulate about industrial assessment in fact the situation is getting so acute its re ported the township seers are fore seeing a necessity to cut issuance of private building permits in 1655 down about half as it is now near ly half of the townships assessment- is from industrial snurcei he had written his phone and ad dress one day and 600 miles later a collect call from sawyerville pq to the cornwall household as per the instructions attached to the note ricky had furesightcdly ask ed the finder of the balloon to con tact him when the spent aircraft landed dial phones in milton in milton last week installation of some favorite detail of this process have ever sat down quietly and tried to figure out what kind of a society they are aiming at as they take it more and more under their management how many businessmen putting aside lun cheon slogans catchword and balance sheets have figured out their future place in a society which has given government a massive increas ing and permanent control over business howrnafrylaborleadefahav seen th same retreat under the states expanding umbrel la can menace labor as much as business how many professional socialists have seen the end of their theory and the prospect of a very dead end now many social crediters know what credit is let there be light in bronte recently the utiliti commi voted a green light on the erection of street lights at least on main street in the vil lage this year at the same time in generous mood the p u c okayed the installation of watermains on all existing streets future streets will get watermains via local im provement financing this rate stays pat in burl t towns tax rate dial telephones in town homes atid offices started marking another step forward in the manysided operation for the conversion of the telephone system to the dial meth od the actual changeover will take place in july all milton numbers will start with triangle 8 mean while the local bell office is getting public tne com dial switchboard equip ment brief comment officially next monday is the first day of spring but we make no prediction on such un predictable things as the weather any old time of year youll find strangers at your door with a slick sales trick from chimneys to cut rate magazine prices better to do your buy ing with those you know and not be taken in with thcrdoor to door salesman there is a growing tendency to build homes outside settled communities ust because the auto mobile has solved the transportation problem it does not- in itself however solve the problems of police and fire protection of public health pro tection or sometimes of schooling cochrane ont northland post all offers and counteroffers were turned down in the race to catch up in oakville at the sprawling ford plant a drive to catch up continues as management adds more and more workers to the production lines some 300 hourlyrated em ployees were added to the labor force last week to bring the total staff including office to 4500 work ers in the week ending march 5 fo turned out some 2401 units about 27 per cent of the industrys total will stay this year at 38 mills the mayor rev caled that the stationary mill rate was due only to increased assessments since practically all budgets were up this year there was no indication of the amount of paring on budgets although educa tion budgets considerably above 1954 would not be reduced it was noted expropriation result in milton council last week was notified a judge had set a value of 3500 plus costs on the expropria tion cost of a tenement house site on main street which the town is seek ing as a new fire hall site the town has six weeks to appeal the deci- more than 14000 patients n sion made after action started when- veterans hospitals- participated ia professional directory a t g medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church bl e is or 0 a garrett physician and surgeen corner of willow and river su entrance river street acton ontario phase ztt dental v 78 not old seventy years is ryt old age any more it is not a sign of senility sir winston churchill is 80 and while not as vigorous in body he is if anything more vigorous in thought and speech our own canadian prime minister now s over 70 ahd if there is a nailer heartier man m the country we would like to hear of him pem broke ont standardobserver the arts and crafts program of the canadian- redcross in 19s4 or at tm ukojtcmeb hr artdit 3prrr frrsa i the only founded in 1s7s and published every thursday at m mm st k acton out member of the audit bureau of circula tion the cwjla- and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance u0 in canada s50 in the united stataa six months 1 jo single copies 6c authorised as second ctaas mau feat office department ottawa l by the dms rrmtme ana fnbonluu co jkasm s a dilla editorinchief david r dills production manager jamas rni john black aasocjate editors business and rffiirorial office t e r rtamto rj e t7k unittd church of canada acton ontarla a friendly church b a carrey ba bj minister parsonage 38 bower avenue phone n mr george elliott organist and choir leader 78 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday march jo 1955 10 00 am sunday school 1100 a jn morning worship 7 00 pm eveningw o rsl i p mtntst church action ray h costarus pastor parsonage 119 bower ave vor phone 1 1 sunday march jo 1955 1000 am sunday school 1j00 ajn morning service 7x0 pjn evening service 815 pjn byipu wednesday 400 mission 800 prayer meeting band prfsbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bj minister sunday- march 20 1955 945 am church school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 p m evening service or a j buchanan dental 8argean office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 8 pjn xftay telephone 148 dr h leib denial gargtoa office corner mill and frederick streets office hours un to 8 pjn telephone 10 acton vrra inrt f q oakes bv sc v real estate and in8crancb f l wright 20 wilbur st aeton ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate i w r bracken real estate phone 28 acton list your farms business or bo with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for your property e h asaaaaa phone milton 148m2 r r 1 campbellville r f bean limited real estate and bsuraac 83 mill st acton phone 988 r h elliott 76 bower avenue phone representing g w goldstraw broker milton phone s49 complete real estate senrlce- coveriog halton county vwe ou facilities muckixansous rumley funeral home office and residence 24 knox av acton phone 130 b d young b v sc c l young d vm veterinary p office brookviue ontario phone milton 18sr21 legal st albafts church anglican rev evan h jones ba lth rector sunday march 20 1985 fourth in lent 1000 am church school 11 ootam beginners class 1100 m ohoraj communion and sermon 700 pm- evening prayer and sermon wednesday march 23 pm r coramination service and ser- monette a warm welcome awaits you c f leatherland barrister a 8f letter natory office hours 10 00 ajn1300 aji 1 00 p m 500 pja saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin t chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto era 49131 nunc olivf an laaapard atc1c rblt acton studio st albans pari ha oudtlph phone 888 night or day serving the community for 48 years travellers oubr oray coach unrs coachk8 leave acton am am 838 am 11 ja ajat 2 08 pm 508 pnv j3 pjn 10 pm blo 13 pm wnthsnua 10 27 am 1252 pjn 2j7 pjst 5 27 pjn 727 pjn 913 piii ii 32 pnv 112 am sun to kit chener only 1 a daily except sunday and hob- days b saturday sunday mat days canadian national rarways daily 840 ajn dally except son days 1000 jn 713 pjnj sunday only 801 pjn daily eaeept son- day flyer at georgetown m ajn 6j7 pjn daily flyer at george town 1011 pjn daily except ajn daily rl 8j5 pjn i satrdnlau only m ajn only itrar a stop acton r10 3ph 708 nvnj and vutl bug kiii tiljb

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