Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1954, p. 8

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thf acton hef pstlss acion ontario cluwtthu tnm wra out collection a raady n jtwr r plenty ot topping aya iui next chnmnwi h tatft mx sunday tn 1ft jhajad calendar of alt typaa and b out by loral and ara b- inf put up wm tta cvtiniii fcouuya ar t nwfi mt snort thu yar itudtrt and taa chrn ttay all re turn to aclwoj nutt monday ta penana column ii longvr lhan uauft ts don t lorfrt that ahort items of new or this column ara welcome every w or lh r 4ttlte f kcrt alwndcd the a v roe ovrlatekaa party at mai too on saturday december 18 a bus ml from ik austrtct to the puaat tar the annual event the uft cub meung of the yeai was held last thursday night in tht form of a christmas party the usual cubbing program was dispensed with for the evening as the boys enjoyed an evening of games songs skits exchange or gifts and lunch numerous badges were awarded during the night six boys receiving their pack neckerchiefs and tender- pad badges bob hinton received his second proficiency star and two proficiency badges toymaken and house orderly robert parker was presented with his collector s badge and peter newton his guide badge around the camp fire a sing song of christmas carols and the distri button of gifts highlighted tht evenings program before leaving the scout hall the pack was served a lunch and pre acnted with a bag of candy six competition was cancelled for the evening the yellow six re maining ahead but by only one point winners of the last eompeu tion wtrc the yellow six who in the last week sprinted ahead of the rest of the sixes to clinch the free theatre party in order to accommodate mon bovs into cubbing anoint r cub pack kill bt formed next tuesday night the pack will carrv on a the 1st acton b pack both cub packs will be under the same cub masltr aktlnt at present all 36 bos m tht 1st acton a pack are invested and it is now hoped they will make the new year one of great progress in cubbing murray scojnc akela prizes of poultry at groups euchre priws at the georgetown am halton count poultry assocntic euchre wtre time a ltofpt hc three turkeys w chtckiru mi two duk wen won bv th i it ti ndiru md a ipank luckv ri nu acemntid for fit more ft w 1 the ni id cm i m giorkitiun cim 11 s r w n hi t i ku di r prizt ud iu c u rt d i eh ckin f r ii i in slmdi g lummj in niu mi- h lrt lane nid cmi h ipll wiiti f pst f unkw t ir mr smj rbm i i 1 ck i u mt d ki li di un1 dink went mi th mnv ri i rii 1 hir huh rd f i n ii i i cor s w mi rs f th link rtnu h rh tit k t ni leu id r i nn iimi wre m hini t u lurk v mr h i i l i i i i ktrti i v u k ekh t ch ams r m rl n v tic aura to drive with car and rautiwn tali wmtnl tnl if a iibu wna the tuneivatvd road rula nrrrr txual the uttirr dr ver may to veiy apt the latml imu of chatrlalna nwian contain a rclp aent in by mn don hciroder of arlon printed bmtda her piclur mn schroeder rlvd a rath ptlae fir her tuna diak the acton dutrtcl hai a christ mu baby a alilh daughter arrlv rd tn the family of mr and mrs fted spear rr 3 acton on christmas aflemoaa in dm qucjlph general hoaplul kartan strain ii i mnton m markers monuments cemetery lettering quotations by appointment phona mikon 158r32 m i u mor i ssi- st johns mu cp p l w rk ffralsssv it wm t mimonil u urti v i rad ft i da- b th nd janur the building wi h u mechan e mar n itif nirm w irelesa 3t d m hinen mote head room how about spar room our exports can holp you utirxt that spar ipaco in couor or attic by showing how it can bo don ovor wo sorvo you with cfuar- rty matonals lumber a building mateflals a happy new year everyone i new years eve double homr show the black room starring boris karloff and island of doomed men with peter lorre doors open 1 1 30 show itarts 12 00 midnight frisat dec 31 jan 1 encful brigbde7 mmkmuiehi iiauiias uhiverm1 wnrtutiomi bci1k plus serial tech cartoon two sport shorts free popcorn sat matinee montues ian 34 mert the men of the cainei johnson j mtcmurray the caine rviuthmvi plus tochnicolor cartoon advanced pneos for this ngaoatnent only adults 65c students 40c childron 2c weothurs jan 56 doubl foaturo program highway 301 adult entertainment how miami smashed sanq rulel the miami story as w sianc1 on 1h ihrismcxd of a new year we say thank you to your patron age during i9s4 and extend our best wishes for a very happy new year sr7 don timmings prop i 19im selling out all boys rubbers must go i 98c bob ridsdale quality clothes for dad and the lad mil st acton he arrived refreshed by bus up you moy not go in for water skiing but you v ii feel fit and refreshed for any activities at your fa vonte resort if you go by bus florida circle tour 12 days 11730 from toronto sghheemg ood horl room double 8 mahh ask your agont for details of this or othor pack ago tours pius world news events low round trip fares sublet ic chanotl new orleans 48 90 los angeles 91 65 miami 41 60 tickes and irfornat on at harold wiles phone 307 free press wantads r rot vrr artl rial for quick results ms it lrut mj hi himmtii tltu lk pat tu i i mi u t ti k a wd mtmunum itc ik nu u iku urttrv iv mkuunaj twug vvmrte kk in ohiiii lnw um mutuntim crds of ihanti mr hillini iimict iv m4 u ajl mvwu if ml pmkt unui rirt itiwmihmi ajml 6ma tur eactt bill t births marriage daths etc donnou mr nd un wilbur dannr i of hock wood arv happy to announce oic birth of diujrfe irr lofctmbrr i9m al gtirlpt rrnral hoapltal sricar mr and mr ftmi str acton are happy to innuuni thr b rlh of a daufhtrr un drirmber 23 ibm at gurlph gnrrl hot pilml both dolrif ttrll johnston mr and mn i johnston bottrr avr acton an rrv happy to announrr ihr birth if thrlr mn micharl rav at thr nuninh jlom acton drcrmbcr 2ft a lltllf brother fir darlrnr nd nrry mother and baby jut fine in memoeiam rohson in lovlni memory of ii diar molhi r eliratm th rob- wn w ho died december 30 ltm in our heirts your memory hngrri sweetly tender fond and true there is no a day dear mother thii e do not think of yon fver remembered by lh robsni gordon in loving memory t my darling son and brother w i ford who died very sudden y in windsor december 25 1944 he wat a little flower too sweet for earth sent here but for a while god rnirkcd him when he rae him birth and took him with a smile ixivinrly remembered by mum m wayne gordon in loving memory of our dear son and brother pte w m gordon who gave his life at roienna italy on december 14 19h he had a cheery smile a plea ant wa a hilping hand to a 1 he knew he ul o kind so generous and coming events t1ut effire ran b rwpewtati rmftsrrhac ttaiva w nti and lumi iu net vrara kr acton ijr ion hall good ohuk new day aivj cvrttlnf cvaaan n rarwnrt mortdaj january k blilk buatrmih oolwrr ml hon rlen mill w 1 nrw ver dancr kdort milla hall december 11 kolllea orchectra dancinf i i good prtar and favmirs adaua ion 1 00 i the erin rtrr drtwrtmcm wl i hold thir rvcuiar ftretnrna daaci n nfw year eve fyiday dt rmtxr ii 1qm muntc by uie khvthmairti admtvtnn 1300 pr lost and found ncinlly 8th imr north tj george inwn reward triinftlc 7 3403 a ijost larje btark and tan male hfiuncl between 4th and 5th jin rrin mcrun neil phorn t14v ltst on saturday def emln r 18 small brown key erne wilh fm keys finder please phone acto i eh reward a udt on december 2a a hand saw prtzttj possession of owner in cinity no 7 and third line find er please ca 1 rob rt armstrong 347m2 r r 4 acton a ixst black and white and tan fox hound wearing an east york lag answers to name of lady fin der pleaie phone toronto cliftord i 12s0 collect reward for salt wanted fw sa1j 11 weanef r i rrrii aid an4 john i am ilk i umlniw roh satjc 4 rli bt i ir u rorm nr i fir a hii uaw ikatna alar 1 all tlk arm lkoor ta for saif tbt la only one fmuinc hy lint cudkan do not ovnhook it flatirs can ajsply you hycanea snd 10 otttar asmaoard brda and tioasw write or phont the ftaher orrhanst ont sewtng mac1unx and vacuum clanr and atnrtou nw and used rnachlnea renula guarantee 1 rrin u all makea a cumplet line of aewtng id at neighborhood i sowing machine georfetown tr 7 wo 45 main street north bu halton poultry prod ucts poultry and rggi wanted poutuy cuatum pitkad claaaad aaa rut up phon milton i lont bu tmladatock itnwrtd tros fow farm pruoapuy lor laaallas j dupoaal telephone collect owfrtown ih 1 j741 at rns ooeoon totjno lamttkd it old bcmuk8 u im for rent for fifnt hihiv mit y fur nished apfijy ii john si aooomjrtodaitltn for nu 1 pen inner n kind h me wr t h 93 free ptesrs a for rfnt slf rrla n 1 up i irtment 3 rooms and biui hialel v nlitli jarmirv i w j m i1 plxme 203 act n a dick riddall motors where wtae bayera ge dont qamblf tf i dead an1malh um safk ficti tor dead or disabled r txl hirnr old 1ior8eh le lb fin of iu trurki psri yi ur irit da ly call ltelwwvd culler ill h h u o rci george cb n a tf wantfj applirtti nt being rirtl f r i kl runcid linemen liti iiun ficat nnn age and lary expected by letter ut sec luy cinrgiuiwn hydro flectrn mm ssioti georgetown before jiniiry i 1955 all appilcaunrui ii be treated with stiictem con f li nr b the tx i motor 1ss5 ford bi fore you buy k styling completely new ulh tngkir torque power plumbing supplies sinks bath tubs basins toilets pipf fittings pumps tanks shower cabinets laundry tubs write dcpt a f p or visit 13i3 pi ymoutii equipped wit air conditioning heater ind slii covers ai cnnditinn priced on iv i5 195z chfv fxpnppid with rad and hi ali r a car you cm b pr ud in own priced only 139 1952 mftfor hire i i rial hir pi equippei nth heater sip covers and whilt ii pn i i v ivn 115 pi ymoitil f i th cards of thanks i w ish to think al fru nd ni ihbir and oreinizatioits for ih lovelv cards flowtrs fruit cindy etc sent me while i rme bun ill these kmdnessts wen mllv tpprecnted ind will a wis hi rimembered a happ nm tar to all betty crea v we wish to express our ver sincere thinks to the iik a r nr uhbors mr and mrs j w wolfe pnslor and mrs coci ind the minv friend wh rcm bired us in many different w loth it christmas and during i ent lines in the hospital net returning home mr ind mrs chi inr borough i d fim svlohmjom onh sims st ri- i irtmivajj om opi n mondin wednesday and fndav evenings iii 9 30 and al dav saturday for sale itk desoto firedome sedan 53 dodge roal sedan 1952 chev powtrglide sedan 1 iw pimtiac sedan jos2 pint ic coach 1v1 dodgr regent sedan mil dodg deluxe sedin i- p nt ic ciub coup 11i s uiibakir sc lin lofrd convert hie 1os0 hiirbi n pnci m ker sdin 1hfl fnxi sedin im8 m rcurv sidin i1s1 prukt ii i f ir i r u 1rii i i1vi mfrt i r 1 i nmid h iiir miscellaneous grat ng 1 nding topsot gravel fill cutting and norton phone isi acton ash4 rest homf for invalids or iderly people tray aervlce call t rgus 950 wllo 385 union si r rgus a 25 s going out new years fve rdtible expencncid woman will bibv s t iny day any ven nj 50 h irlv inin 340wl3 a stlfftrrng from backaches rhiumitic pain sciatici lumbagc h over if you t rumacaps h jui t r in f ask your drug commfrciai and domest ic t choi stfring add look iri mf t vi ii k rd re styling ur f irr in nr i hindome a ph tf imfi hf i i i pr r d f i ill on til tnte ponti t res motor ind bo- i reidy to go only trit k bargains it5 ford 1 m expr h i nil rntid truck k it firm g d t re ni v j ib en d t re bodv nd i on v ill rvtfrtionai ctxxtxftxxxfwkx et new year s eve horrors the llack room sdi 5ff mr k rinnt r i f rtfforfst dick riddall motors the island cf doomed men hewson motors u ff l u tf rhjij l i ioit foitn for sale kith htnfn uphotstfry f vi v ur rhetr rf oh su tr- re up i u il i r littlr t v9 re nis i i lko riik cleined ind re nnd r r pr ri pt ind efficient vi rill 103 art n one week s alfred j bishop certified public accountant m i t sired ge ri wi phon tr 7 1151 df ir m idni f day 9 00 i m t s m i n auctionsale vtt w imi llrs i i hi v i m k ro th acton kmm9irrriii j ltd foroftfms ontxrio trucks and tractors r hi p 1 r mr t n itt h i t 1 i k r ml f ri 1 t n silk 1 s r r 1 n mt r trac nl t w 3 f ur w plo h jtlry mn n dil on ir h iv anv new c r lim0 a ir ick u tractor it will t v jr ad an agr t set fari y motors vie can nave you money a e c vf t ep e v v nti rumley funeral home 00 motors milton ont u rr n g m t i4 e h g en f vlh 1 n tar if mple t p n tii s a qaan v f 1 21 invhr c rfa1 lsiai y a k ssene rr ind n n r p i be icer 1 r ibje- tn a reserve h d rr n t n inn acre w r- r1 ar- viorlt jecrrt o reda- naple a si ii r pu r ffrv i f r v rvi vp d am cj k f ar sir mi e ent it i u 1- t t r a v id e o e cittisp t r a f i 11 p r 1 c i e d dav f ri r v far r r 0 ci u t t- hrni f ant r r ott v m l- r e k b27 2

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