lif alkw rtlt mttm mum ontario tlftllmkav ih pmilrm ii m4 4rthi i i rt4 mur4 4kt in tht leg ha 1 o s turd rvwuivi th fr flghtm have bei eellerung from door l4oo i fee muscular dyrftisvfcy rasapaigw your visitors are of imrtwxilat tali r during ih holiday nw drop ihetr mmi in al li ad picture relat aj to use nativity n shown mkt mint mtvk la the unittd ctiutrrt ai i gav pn a hydro pole wi rrpucd the crescent ihu ittk after i was sheared tn two wtien atrdnv j nr las week the chnklan reform church u planning another concert aunllar to last yrer f honor to the lord to be hem thlt month still puuni about gift ilo about a vn mkbarripl free pre ac card to announce croup met ins h h r christmas ihemr thi wee and next the free pre- h pc h reports of at the mer ng r publcauon the kxal rmplovees of the ffcrd of canada plant are tntiiw ly read ng o the befcdn of herniations pic strike is over tx month otd there was a food crowd at the scjukt dance club s doudo e ax in the parish hali lasi frdar a usaaal the evening was enjorei veer much b the members george bishop formerly of acttti i elected reeve of assoc mack tvasp n the recrni mun jqpatf ejectxui on mankouln li laikd anas freods extend con paouaatkas to recvt bishop on ha cwuccl notice to creditors and oihexs i- f fmancts j un ai persos havi cams against ihe bace o paaj j lngard lav ie tm- c iron ttie cjttj af haisxl tanser deceas ea whe died oa or abui the tneaneti jst af fusi 1954 are bptx ztorjfced xi io te un deracned koer v ire executo- cc ar tart the thriy 3s iav of drccsav- w parjculars o the- clacn afte- hat dale the erecire wrlil proceed distribute the ecsat havif tfad onv to lhe claims ot whic he fca then have- tad ootx dated a arto oiiano this sevena dat o december 1954 c t latherland solicitor fo- the executor am 3 ne nemina sewing mechin it the world most advanced automatic sewing machine br a sewing machine makes a lifetime gift necchi white and alt other famous makes new and used from 49 50 vacuum cleaners boor polishers 9 button holen dress forms pinking shears sewing baskets everything pertaining to sewing neighborhood sewing machine tr 72802 45 min st n gaotgetown llbucmr optometrist m acton every wednesday afternoon n mammin tamil uk mthxi i 306 00 vfngt by amntnnt io appoinimint ilkltkini 115 for the man in your life oivl him a oinuihi puuovei iambs won sweater h parkhurst oniy 795 tn a handsome assortment of fine shades open wednesday dec 22 open evenings from dec 17 family outfitters satisfaction guaranteed mill st acton free press wantads i i f for quick results m mn hur j1u it lw j ktxieim hlr i r1 it a wd m i li n raafa mc n t llili iftii ifw atlkliliimal mining avanla lwl t tr ma naok t t unrtaa tor liri ig i iv tui i an tmhiht nut mia ul illn uarftum amt ill f h 11 luteal 1um fa u-iw- i we4eaer births marriage deaths etc tumjcmtt j i i tin mm it of dear h ithaxt and firfhrr will llullrlr orii pawtl mil lr- ad thai 1 trhr ntt ir lliaii tilled u ihat 1 am lln t ais of t1iankh w ih li lliatik the mill fru nli in i nrikhhort h ralli mid atnl carli fl vtir and ft i i h h ipri nkik nut coldi i wiitdin annnrviry a hami ttir rrir f r hip arc mr arttt mm joseph fr ink notice to creditors and otheb8 all persons having claims afrninst the estate of william fryer lat of the town of acton iiv the county of hjllon gentleman de ccaocd who died on or about the fourth day of july 1954 are here by notified to send to the under mkned solicitor for the executors on or before the thirtyfirst day of december ibm tuti particulars of rheir claims after that date thi executors will proceed io distnb ute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall thou have had notice 1 dated at acton ontario this seventh day of december 1954 c f leatherland solicitor for the exccuti a 24 3 he arrived refresh you may not go m for water sknng but you will feel frt and refreshed for ony acttvtbei ot your favorite resort if you go by bus ftokida ctrcitour 12 0ys11730 im toronto fcaje teers low round ttip faies ibi o oong new oruans u w los ange1es 7165 miami 4140 harold wiles hmh 207 pius cartoon comedy and blackhawk snl montues dec 2021 a0uit entertainment not warner bros nx technicolor siiuatuocuimai tra cartoon sporti r wed thurs dec 2223 roiert mitchum linda darnell jack palance kc0 ouuke comvdy naws cartoon spfcial after m1dnite show sunday dec 34 phn coi tech c coming events till ofrtr caawal to iaariirtlmf du rovatta tin sthil ciir1ini omtil mondav dnrmki n i m mhir society fllraldr hnixlar kcrmlxi m kni rhmli snnt i mm the i ivirui w nl a i rlalmaa cuitcerl ix1i1i i at in j s n b kauura uf tutattar ihiirmttrr 21 al i 30 p m a tirutmai mvlr mmtr santa laua united church sunday chool friday december it t pm come in the annuil hiirtrntu kvr dance lii orlwi ciimmuiilly 1ui1 n fridny decrrolier 34 how nrrhealra latnch txioth ad mti 11 1 00 h r couple ilnilea 7v a rpitipmbfr ihe nnnital rhritmi fl luniin al si juviihi ihurch hall tucriio itrmhrr 21 at 30 t ml ml in six rial vnir prtr- lirm lurki y adm s ion zv vri ciutlstmas party at slew irttiwii hall december fuchrr at 830 hnrp dancint to don full t uncfi provided onod prii i s fr i uchre and novelty dancer admlwioii 50c spoiwirrd by bal- limfid wmcni institute a 25 1 plumbing supplies sinks bath tubs basins toilets pipe fittings pumps tanks shower cabinets laundry tubs write dcpt a fp or visit our showrooms notice to creditors and others all persons having claims against the estate of thoma jercmnh kennedy late of the township of niafti w cva in the county of hilton gentleman deceased v ho died on or ibout the twontj fourth da of december 1953 are horebj not fled to send to the un dertifined solicitor for the admin istrator on or before the thirtv firt daj of december 1954 full particulars of their claims after thit date the administrator- u 1 proceed to distribute the fstate having regard only to the claims of vh ch he shall then have hid no ice dated at acton ontario this seventh day of december 154 c f leatherland solicitor for the administrator a24 3 optn monday wednesday and friday evenings till 9 30 and all day saturday for sale n ml haxx 4ady u i f hi i 47wl uhiustmah tlire hear aalr at m liurti st baal dallvcurd itvnc sosam hulmea hraa a 24 3 for sal i llardwick fat inil i co km an pace hratn lricid reaaonable phon m a for sai im1 chev 3 pat hiiim eojpe food tire find hapc at mifirhrrna garage i yihl sai r ii iltleln hnfi urailt 7 iminuii old van tutid john kuih ty itn i am m folt sale 1mi i h v tu d i umki ihkly molor tins win timid 1m c f k h it 1 ac charn saw nalii mid rvlce tamikls mnmiliu- hid cltnlon uw frl way 05 onlarjn si curlpt imont 2178w 24 2 for salf 50 himp ughurr pulltls just ivc un monlhs 11 will ll all or part 2 uh c h kidd r r 1 acton h for sale young r y gee nd handera for breeding purpfiaei from large flock frank wilson b r 2 grargitown tr 7 2356 for sale grey tweed over coat size 3838 also black horse hide wlndbreaker site 38 both lr good condition cheap apply 28 young st a for sale new viking rrfrf irator cheap 2 ueelu old apply 22 mill st e 1225 cash reaon for selling home ld w a leish man phone 872w a for sale ther i only one genuine hyllne chicken do not overlook it fishers can supply you hylinea and 10 other standard breeds and crosses write or phone ihe fisher orcharda burlington ont a21 18 wanted vi wantkli to i tl t m r itrarr e ite v awttit th 11 w mai j di- f h it i r ibttta f wantwt m milt iime 37 i iv i j bky cl in id by s wanted iur1 maplr t oak log hjmiirf r cul wnu ikiall 1in 14 2 wanttjt hum keeper f r werski befinning in fitiruary p lutiaimatvly phone 10d a wanted typist it n grphe r tmjnkkef r ri urn full imi- rk aptilr i llx 42 rree press a 25 z hal ton poultry prod ucts poultry ami egf waolfd lioultiy curti m picked cleaned and rul up phone milton 1 onel btf deadhto k rkkvice 3 00 each for dead or disabled horsei or c ws oid hok8eh 3a lb for prompt ervicr phonr collect frrdlon 22r23 or harmon 18br3 sieve peconi lost and found found chanjte purte c i tain mg money hlntuns 1c to 1 store irmjuirv at offlct a strayed 2 brown horses from the farm of john iorty last eek anyone kriou ing the whereabjuts please contact john porty actor a taken by mistake at the- frank 50th wedding anniversary at brook v lie mans brown gabardine ope ml please contact andy frank rjt 1 campbellville b for rent pollock od campbell manufbctiura of high gade mfmobial mfmorial engraving hi wmt st north gait telfphonb vmm real estate easy financed home located close to town 5 room insul brick cottage 3 bedroom living room and kitchen 1 acre of land fruit trees good well pr ce i at 3950 vith 1500 down paymtn wm j mcleod phone 203 acton andrew w frank broker campbcllville ont phone milton 325r2 brick bungalows in glcnlca subdivision on no 7 highway as low as 1328 down n h a financed three bedrooms 4 piece tiled bath ful basement forced oil heat 1 iundr tubs electric water heater hardwood and t le fl ors art rite counter topi kitchen cupboards dnvcwav gra tiled hwn sodded concrete ndcwilks eleclnc fixture for onl 9940 00 full price three plan to choos from the v ire now under construction msj plin for 1w tore are iti ble it reisonable prices sewing machine and vacuum cleaner sales and service new and used machines renlals guaranteed rcpa rs to all makes a complete line of sewing aids at neighborhood sew ng machine georgetown tr 7 2802 45 main street north b tf for sale 1113 pontine club coupe 190 miteor coach 1910 ford coach 149 cht sidin im fod sedan 1m mtrcurv kdin sevenl used cars from 50 to 150 trucks and tractors 1950 ch 4 ton pick up 1950 ford 3 ton hoist and platform 1947 half ton ford pick up 1941 ford 1 ton stake ib53 new fordson major trac tor and new 3 furrow plough 1893 00 before you deal on or buy any new or used car truck or tractor it will be to your advantage to see early motors we can save you money tee eaa drat with eetsfldesaee at early motors for full inforr specials s2 fird 4 door ciwomline 1295 51 olds 88 fully equ pped 1495 50 ponliac 4 door radio heater etc 895 47 mercury 114 4 door sedan 395 46 ford 2 door 495 46 ford 2 door 350 47 mercury 118 298 trucks 52 fargo like new gone onk 14 000 miles 1095 1 51 cmc half ton gone on y 13 000 miles new punt 895 i 51 international three quarter ton 695 bod and fender repairs duco and dulux refinishmg glass installed cleaning and polish ing all mikes and models christmas special tractors repainled complete 33 lome garner motors ltd for rent 3 room apartmei t ruaud built in cupboards in p r mint block phone 366j or see ross ballent ne a tor rent suf conta ned ap drtrmnt 3 rooms and bath heaed i i lihle january 1 w j mclcxl phunt 200 acton a to rent apartment available for jjnuarv 11 1955 in acton 3 rix rn i bath heivy wirng d ciirattd this via c ntral local i n applv box 68 acton a miscellaneous rest home for invalids oi c iderjy peopk tra service call fergus 950 wiljo 365 union s fergus a253 r h elliott at 76 bower avenue phone 6 acton for appointment to inspect it representing 181 ma n st milton g w goldstraw real estate broker armstrong chiropractic office will be closed from december 18 to january 4 motoijs milton ont well help you give your home added beauty and value by roftnrthing walla and woodwork youll be surprised at the econo mical way we can meet your material needs and at the same time give you first grade work acton h important news yes indeed you ii agree that when y c save a cons derable port on of the money presently be ng spent on food it is really news that s what 1 would like to explain to vou when 1 show you how to live the new modern way with th famous chambers food plan no only do you save mon ey you el nate those dreaded shopping trips this com ng w nter even f this is someth ng you have marked for 1955 ac now and ge ul nformat on mere y c a harold skilling 306j represent ng the famous chambers foods ltd ox us 1570 kinqston ltd toronto pain of rheumatism scia tica lumbago can be helped by- taking rumacaps recommend- i ed bj thousands of thankful user i ask your druggist a41 commercial and domest ic upholstering add look ind comfort w i h skilled re styling ytut fun ture car b hi rid so me a new aga r low cos c ill us one week strv ce phone 88 acton a tf dead animals 5 00 each for dead or disabled cows and hore h bhet price for old horses call bel wood collect 21rll 24 hu service george gib- ton atf dfadstock removed from vour farm promp ly tor sanitary disposal telephone collect g orgettwi tr 7 2741 or elraira 564 gordon young limited if kitchfer upholstery have ioti cheerfield suite re-up- vn i f 3 little ai 89 re- f ntsrirc il it cleared and re- pa d f r nipt an1 efficient t wc i 103 rtth one weeks erv ce tf mmvttnwcf h me art i h it r id rx enor f il ti r and carpent rv r nii s don terat ons pa ni nv pap rhargie for expet w rkmirhip rinblf call us ph r 385j a24 2 alfred j bishop certified public accountant ma n street georgetown ph tr 7 3351 off c- hour monday to fr day 900am to 5 00 pro notice to creditors all pts n hjv ng cla mi againat the fsti e of grace ijllaam denton late of the townnhip of fo ng in he county of ha- lor widoa dcceaied who died orr o- about he 30th day of october 4m are required on or before the- 31 t fiav tf december 1964 to nd p t prepaid or deliver o the ered solic tor full partie if the claim and tike no ice that afer uch is tphi ined da e t- adminis i x 11 distribute the assets nf dtssed among the parties n m thereto having regard or- v t tie claims of h ch she she it hive notice and will not be- i b for any claim of which she thill rot then have received no ce pt5d at gelph th s 2nd day of dcember 194 keapns mektnnon clajte and kxabns 20 doutlas st guelph ont solicitors for edna tutt administratrix ams