r it jvtioti sftt pfess eightieth year no 25 acton ontario thursday december 16th 1954 eight pages six cents guns ammunition stolen from garage a breakin at garner motors ate tuesday night or early wednesday morning via a side window was reported by local police yesterday the thieves or thief took some cash a radio a considerable am ount of ammunition and four guns from a ease in the garage office misting after the night entry are a 11 gauge shotgun a 12 gauge automatic loading shotgun a 351 calibre winchester and a 22 cal ibre remington six hundred rounds of 22 ammunition and 11 boxes of shotgun shells were also taken from the wall case stolen as well from the office was 12 in cash and a portable radio two small arms in the same case were left untouched by the intruders the guns and ammunition arc owned by lome garner proprietor of lome garner motors approve draft plan of subdivision for lakeview heights municipal nod of official approv al was given a draft plan of sub division for the 340lot jany and brankirwicz properties in the western corner of town saturday rooming when council convened ir a special session with a represen tative of the hamilton firm which proposes to develop the land uwlier last week representatives of the same firm praleigh con structlon co ltd met with mem bers of the local planning board and gained approval for the sub division layout from that body the subdivision to be known as lakeview heights is located on 53 acres of land most of which was owned by j jany start tata winter last hurdle in the way of a start on the development is the de partment of planning and develop ment which must approve the same draft before work can begin in a statement to council earlier this fall h r ellmore said it was the intention of his company to begin 40 homes in the first stage of dev elopmcnt it was learned this week the sub dividers hope to start construction as early as possible this winter at the same special meeting saturday council authorised a pro gress payment cheque to george schultz warren grove sewer ex tension contractor which complet es payment of 85 per cent 0 mon ey owing less 2000 additional holdback it was noted ly members that conduit and manhole installations are in no condition for pill testing by the engineer the 2000 hold back added to the regular 15 per cent holdback pending a finished certificate was levied m view of this most recent state of incomp letion wheat king w e breckon was nonored by halton agriculture on tuesday evening in fairview school lowville c d graham deputy minister of agriculture was the guest speaker at the compli mentary banquet mr and mrs breckon were presented with an oil painting friends officials honor world wheat king at halton banquet lighted candles at ga service the girls auxiliary of st a ban church held its first annual candlelighting service in the church on thursdaj evening of last week mrs j h price was in charge of the ceremony and mem bers of the organization from o angevillc were special guests the carol singing was accompai led bj mrs e jones on the organ marjory jank read a poem the candles were lit by joj courtney ena waller barbari ware and pat morse make snow safari for big evergreen a snow safari was made bj about a dozen men on saturday v h trekked out into the bush huntim for a giant christmas tree for the town thev were recruited bv a chamber of commerce committee under ted ticr jr a beautifully proportioned 30 foot high trot u mud oi th farm of mamcll nellis neir blu- springs scout reerve and th small contingent of men cirned to tht road thin it was hoisted up behind i tow truck and br ught directh thi post offict it was dtcoal 1 urn week bv t wn workmen in1 alreadv symbolize the b i christ ma spirit that is increasing dav lv da in actn himes new registry office halton manor addition in county building program white gift sunday at united church those attending the morning service at acton united churci filled a beautifullv decorated cr i with white gffts before the service began the crib was placed at tv foot of the chancel for the special ramily service the white gifts and cash which were not completed sorted until fivt o clock in the af i i c moon will go to local fam he i the cedarvale school for girls at georgetown missions in kt rea and africa the church is decorated tor th christmas season with two tree i evergreen boughs and ribbon ar placed at th windows and ligh art in the large w ndow hn faces the trec candtlabra vver placed in the choir loft taking the place of the regula choir sunday led bv mr ix ti frank ba plid thr irgar for tht ervue jack mcccachip gav the cil l w sli p ind thi inv ca i n m m w at and hn t of thi bu di rh h 1 vuingstirs took rnrt in th didwit ot f thi wh t gift tli n thi 1 cil m i nid ir ko ca and tr ralph mcktswn was na r tht junior canta a a king and queen were crowned in halton tuesday night when ov er 200 gathered to honor mr and mrs w e breckon mr breckon claimed the world wheat title al the royal winter fair recently and halton agriculture honored him at the complimentary banquet thi week on hand to pa tribute to te i notable succes achieved by m breckon were c d graham dep- utv m nister of agriculture for on arm warden j j stewart mi s sjbil bennett mp mr wilfred schneller president of the ontar 10 soil and crop improvement as sociation stanlej hall mpp reeve george brenholtz and a number or other offic als following the turkei dinner pro vided b the lowville united church women s association george atkins led a sing song that featured a paraphra ing of old macdonald had a farm to o d bi 1 breckon had a farm pigs milk bottles gophers and wheat honor to halton fred nurse president of the halton soil and crop improve ment association was chairmin for the etenl introduction of fn htad table guilts was made b a ricultural rcprtsentat e j e v hitelock vocal selections were presented iv the lowville quartette and t trumental duets b the flock bro htrs c d graham depu minister 1 agriculture guest speaker was i uoduced bv m- hall mr gral am indicated his pleasure at being among friends to h no- fr ends hi em p has zed that bevond thi glam our of the world wheat k g title hi had broiuh honor t hal n ontario and canada vtardtn j j sicwar p ted ou north determines speaking winners when representatives of the north halton urban schools at acton milton and georgetown met in public speaking competition the judges declared carolyn biehn of georgetown first and ella jany of acton second winning honor able mention were wayne hardy and jacqueline bristow of milton and peter townsend of george town the eliminations to determine eventually a county champion were held in georgetown wriggles wrorth public school on thursday evening of last week the judges were rev g m mc farlane of georgetown mrs hazil orr of acton and rev e orsborne of milton all the contestants arc from tlw senior grades of county schoo the tinals will be held in miltoi in january caroyn biehn who was judged the winner is the daughter of the editor of the georgetown herald walter biehn and mrs biehn ella jany is the daughter of mr and mrs j jany of acton harold henry the principal of the chappel st public school in georgetown was master of cerem onies for the evenings program there were musical numbers as well as the public speaking from four representatives from each school the grade eight choi ot chap pel st school sang and selections were given by the girls triple trio of georgetown and the bojs triple trio of milton miss biehn and miss jany will meet the winners from the rest of the county to determine the hal ton champion in public speaking halton warden j j stewart was praised for his year s leader ship at the concluding county council meeting tuesday thurs day he will be furfhaj honored at the annual wardens dinner turkey draw and bingo at town hall the draw for winners of the 14th annual turkoj draw hed b acton i ys mens club wa made at the bingo in the town hall on fndaj i evening about 150 attended the bingo which was planned bv chairman bill wilion and h s com mittee handling the turkej draw was c man claude cook the event was again considered highlj successful both cash and turkevs were won during the ev enmg of bingo winners of the turkeys fo i which tickets have been sold for i quite a few months were ra ar bic s braida c pickett mir agnes holmes mrs gord lambert all of acton j lasbj rockwood mr maxwell leaside mrs byf owen sound mr brouse milton and mr davidson cooksvillc name gord beatty legion president gordon beattj was- elected prf iderr of the acton branch nf th- canadian legion at a meejn the legion hall t h i week other orf ctrs named at fir x vice pre ident victo patrick second ice president ed footm s rgeant at arm frank fnwkt g rgi mussel e ac ed a cai lakeside chapter christmas program a christmas reading by mrs r r parker a christmas film strip carol singing distribution of gifu and a special lunch continued the holiday theme at the decombir meeting of the lakeside chapter i ode the ladies met tuesday ev eningjnthe legion hall vice regent mrs j jocque pre sided for a short business session when annual grants were approved mrs e smith read a paper on british columbia and later showed colored pictures with commentary on christmas in other lands ca ol ringing was led by mrs c leisn man with mrs c pickett at the pi ino the delightful tory of a negro par on m the south explaining how come christmas to a group of ioungsters was read h mrs r r parker her second selection was winted a mininer s wife she was thanked bv mrs t irons do and presented with a bouquet f flowers two aprons decorated with gav sequins and beads were won by mrs f van wyck and mrs j in lis gifts were exchanged beside a gailv decorated tree and the even ing concluded with delicious re frsnments of sandwiches cookie and ice cream the ele ion- th chi dr n junior y teams show promise in first competition with guelph last saturday two junior teams from acton yjjca travelled to guelph to open their season both teams lost to more ejcper enced teams but there were few fault which game experience will not iron out ha the opening game of the double heade- the basketball team wao defeated 2311 by b tller guelph quintet the bov held guehph to two baskets m the first quarter and four in the second while stewart macdonald 0 a ton racked up four of his jx points from the corner n the fir half emic lawson added to the baskets of the acton group m the second half when he and maodor aid each dropped ir two points b 11 greer and pete union com pleted the acton scoring w i thr- points from tle ful 1 ne the acton group befuddled i more experienced guelph p ayers earlj in the game bv confront ig them with rone defence whci the home team had rot seen in action before but heght and ex penence soon payed off and the acton team bowed graciously to the guelph group the basketball lineup for ac ton ntrc e law son iings lindsay and w ridlev guard f law son and s macdonatd al termtes p mcoachie b greer i w w ilwn f mansak the floor hocke team showed lp nicely aga nst the heavier guelph players but strange goals and a lager floor proved too mirch for the vis tors and despite the ef forts of goalies bill church 11 ana i ndt wil ams the guelph team i took ar earw lead and hung n to it during the entire game the fin a score was guelph 5 acton s ijneup or tf game was centre 1 j ihn hoae ngs p newtor p churchill defense r tripp b shannon goa 3 church 1 alter n tes w 1 ams b mccnsta 1 c woodburr bfjre the game san the mem hes of bo teirs had a chance u tn it trarruxlne a p ece o gyn eqmpmer whici i fa i proving poputa- wti all gymnass ae the games he bov enjoved a dip in the pool re on pmt are being arrargei for januarv and it expected that boji these teams will be play ng many game wi ji the other i ji c-k- s n the vtcimty and mr breckon w i wortv winner w lfred schnelkr o thi ontar l f asm ciati n suggested ti wheat crown had but ir he we mi tiough and it woud be a rial etijr ti on ai agriculture t kt j t n thi prv ici a o eel r f photographs of h w n w s pris td ti mr breckon bv i ais cia on another interest rtcve g bnnh llz elso pi nttd to ht other crop mr breckon was helping develop the school children of the own hip he emphasized that nelson school children were able to havt the best education of hose am where because otf school trustee- ike mr breckon miss svb bennett suggested t w as an opportune t me for halton agr culture that the award should be btmght to halton when we get carr ed away with industrial de velopment ti be proud to stand ir the house o commons and tei tit colleagues ju w ha we are do ing in this great couny edw n harrop 1o keep the mem orv of the occasion fresh in vour m nds presented mr and ms w e breckor with an attract ve oi pa ag mr breckon expressed hi tharjts o- beha f o rs tt and himself for jie words of cotr nieida nr bu e got p easure cut of pepanng the exh bits fc the var ojs compettons including he rova he declared the re1 secet back o he win is tie mte- en in tte ontario crop improve mei ajociaaon this association has been responsible for bringing about great improvements m crop ping practices he concluded r pn idm mac sto i pre d a business meet g whe n w n madt f r tit chr stna v t bt he d nex saturdaj h niw off rtrs w bi n tall at the anual banqjtt r jan christmas program for mission circle the baptist women s missi n circle met fo the r annual chris mas program and party at th- home of mrs henrj cripps th meet ng was opened by the presid cnt mrs herb helwig reading a christmas poem entitled if chr t had not been born following the singing of the first noel mn helwig led n the opening prav r during the business period plans were made to send a fond parcel to a miss onarv in india in the monh nf december the devotional part of the prr gram was m charge of mrs wi ham morns follow ng the ing ng of as w th gladness men of old mr d dunk r ad the iccount f the rhpphcrd rom luke 2 8 18 a chr stm s m d amn bv b an important building program la planned for 1955 according to r commendations madi by halton county council at the final meeting held at milton tuesday afternoon council accepted the recommendation of the committees for the new council to proceed as the necessity of an ad dition to halton centennial manor and a new registry office was urgent reeve william anderson chair man of the building committee re ported he and his committee had i sited new registry offices rec ently built at woodstock and guelph he said the one at guckph was not so costly and a similar one would meet halton t requirements for a great number of years es pecially with the new type of fil ing and micro filming proccs the committee felt it would not be practical to enlarge the present building but it could be used for other offices and possibly a court room office space is at a prem mm now and we believe mor w ill bi rihguirtd i specially when family court space is found rttvt anderson said coat 7 mt deputy reeve f r leather said a building of the type we saw in guelph with the modern facilities would provide qpncp for the next 100 years it a cost of about sixty lo seventy thousand dollars equip ped council has been conversant with the tact of overcrowding in the women section of halton ccn tennial manor for some time and approved a resolution empowering the committee to follow the origin al plan of erecting a second storey addition at an estimated cost of h4 12s reeve robert shannon reminded council original plans called for such construction but the commit tee felt at that time it would be economical to eliminate the second storey council also gave the man or board authority to seek legal aovicc in connection with placing responsibility of a faulty transfor mer on the property plan legal action legal action is to be taken ag ainst the sun oil co if they do not enter into an agreement with the counly regarding crossing five county roads with their oil pipe line council a year ago had given permission providing they entered irto a proper agreement but this has not betn forthcoming mem bers were informed the province will pay for the services of a probation officer and his secretary if the county will pro- v de office space mr coughlln chief probation officer for ontar io told members he outlined work of a probation officer adding this service was a need in each county seventj five per cent of jail re formatory or penitentiary inmates become repeaters and at least 70 per cent who were placed on pro bation ultimately became good c- izens it is much more economical to have these people on probation than it is to keep them in prison he declared acton post office prepared for rush bag after bag of christmas mail is leaving the acton post office th s week but the flood of christmis cards- and parcels which swamps the staff the week before the holi day has not begun yet helping the regular staff are mr and mij cam leishman mrs frank terry and mrt john chapman all ex penenced they are ready to cop with tht overflow of envelopes that will deluge the office before long although many s have most of their christmas cards lo write th deadline fir locil dlivery and that means right here in acton is officialv tomorrow after that tile post office cannot guarantee any cards will arrive with their greet ings before december 25 an j cards are still being mailed for europe the united kingdom th united states and the canadian west to speed mailing there are sigrs in the post office asking that first class mail be handed in separately and bundles of cards be kept t gethcr setting the mood for alt the indiv idual envelopes of christmas greetings inside the boxes i post office is the 30 foot christmas tree just outside tween the main doors high plastics talk for acton jr farmers the regular meeting of the ac ton junior institute and junioi farmers was held at tht home of don mitthews on wednesday ev emng december 8 at the institute meet ng the r 11 call wts answered with the ex change of gifts and after the bus n es mrs r l davidson demon st rated christmas table centres filiowed by christmas hints given by the group the junior farmers after bus iress were fortunate in having ross proctor from the purina feed as speaker he gave a very thor ough discussion on feeding and management of livestock at the joint meeting gordon beatty of acton gave an outline on plastics he told ot its origin years before christ and it prese t oay use mrt m i m nd mr c sir off red prae a pen d of carol singing wa e cd fo low ng which a few gam were plaved and g fts xchani d refreshments were served b ig nd mr- l bulmer ys men entertain at dinner dance wives of members of the ys men 5 club and the members of the ladies auxiliary to the vs men were entertained at the regular meet ng of the ys mens club on thursdii evening last week the ymca ladies auxiliary catertd and served a turkey din rer to the club members and their special guests at the arnual evert patir c istrrus of acton baptist rlurch addressed the group hs 1 t me w as christ s place m chn mas in ou lives and our clubs a dance followed the dinner and the y secrctar bjb brav haw a master of ceremon e kept the ev r n vtrv i vh and mot enj j able for once the ttr agree urban board happy over year i s the first time in the towns h stor that actor m hon aj d georgetown ever agreed on anj th ng ac on s mayor e tvler ob served as members of the hortn halton urban board reviewed the worth and achievements of the bodv in the last seven months th tuesdav evening meeting 1964 final was held in acton georgetow n s mayor j arm strong expressed satisfaction ovei the progress and work accomplish j ed m the short life of the urban board he was supported by othe j comments fmm m lton and acton represen atives who agreed uie i outlook r 1955 is encouagng earlier engineer ross simnons j asked the unban board member o cmvev o the respect ve coun ens his appeciaior for coope atior and assistance ce ved dur ing the past hah vear fiwmsatt f tune m simmons added thee wer several k nks o be worked ou vet n achiev g a ul v sa sfac orv schedu e of atention lo the three towns needs bu he adden he realized this and felt sur the board ard councils understood manv of the problems attending in a summary of his profession a time accorded each town to the t nd of november eng neer s m mons gave the following breai dowr acton 18 4 per cent m lton 25 per cent georgetown 3fle pe cent all ttfwris 30 per cent he a so gave percentages on separate totals not oo different from the first set which included an p- proximatioa of night work involv edv at the conclusion of the engi neer summary several board members voiced satisfaction w h the way the tnerviee arrange ment is working out and with mr smmons performance in general hamraritcbi far secretary pno- to this year end review te board passed a b 1 of s5058 november m leage for the ngi neer patiulars or the boo h the toa d proposed to ren- at the int tauonal trade fa r were passed or to the comimree cha rman m charge fty after a bnef d scussion it ri ageed to au hone an honorarium o tl20 lo u-bar- board secretar j mcgeach e ir appreciation of v j exceptional sennces dunrg th pas seven months a motion was ji iwil unanimous- t except for one dissenting mem ber from georgetown who held the honorarium should be great some time was spent on discuss ion of the pros and cons in stock p hng suppliei neceuary to the three towns municipal mainten ance and extensions wa nat resmaato talk on this matter arose from one of the boards earliest motiv atiom in forming to buy supplifi r quantity and thereby save mon ey when advantages of stockpile were weghed against dlfocurties was generally agreed the idea was not feasible however quant y bsinng was not discarded complet ely and the board intimated there could be situations where advan ageous arrangements between a towrs cou d be made mitton councillor c johnson aked the board to briefly explain the interlocking system of extend ed area telephone service outlined br bel officials at the last meet before adjourn ng until janu ary 38 in mihon the matter of nex years budget wa briefly con sidered it was agreed however this should be left until the first meeting in 1058 will becfct office council approved having the county engineer investigate the possibility of procuring office ipace for this purpose late membets telt the room slated to be the coun t law library could be utilized until space was found in the old registry office when the new one was built this matter will be fur ther investigated in 1066 members felt an indigent patient account should be tabled for the time being to see what further act ion might be taken acton council had refused the account deputy reeve ray thompson said expla n ing the situation reeve robert shannons request for th amount of expenditures on county r iadi i the various mun- ic pahties was tabled by reeve wil frrd bird the report noted the v riuus ami unt the county tp nt on i roads in 1954 as follows trafa gar s46 40o nelson 36 580 esques ing 22610 nasaagaweya h4j80- burlington j3jo0 oakville i 400 and georgetown 4b0 cmrtlsnw weed fragr members failed to support a re oluton from bruce county wnj sought to have a person ditqual f led from holding municipal office w ho had received relief or munic ipal hospitalisation during the pre vious year reeve stan allen georgetown fett such a movt would jeopardize mans rtgh and franchise ef such a move wera adopted approval was also given to a re commendation of the weed inspect or thomas bradley who urged council to permit bun to continue an educational program of weed eradication in the schools and farm fortsms he feat weed eradication along with weed control sras a necessary program he also advised oouikc i the railways were the worst affen- der wrih permttlinf obnoxious weeds to grow rampantly without any form of eradication tevcal ajssisbmta ft u estimated the total assess ment in the county will reach 17 m llmtis next year ford rogers county assessor said in making bis arnual report he pouaed out the total assessment in msb was 0 million dollars while in 1m4 tt rose to tt million equalized as sessment in ontario baa pro lo a point where 30 countin aot cmtimmt am rape row