thursday october hit i the acton free press acton ontario what ah you doino pod ieiaxationt wondering what to do why not take yourself and friend or family bowling itl inexpensive and it s fun bring your taam family flmidil open bowiino every afternoon acton bowling lanesi 10 main si tal citizens rally aid after hurricanes tail passes fconlinued from pagt one saturday morning however cel lar under the residence of w ho bert and c k browne both of main t n adjacent to the kwol- len creek had to be pumped out by firemen pour feet of water in the brown cellar camed damage to atored aoft drink and confectionery in the roberts home water roae alx feel in the cellar ruining clothing bed ding and n chcilcrflcld suite dam age hen wa estimated at over ac tea la affected meanwhile devastation in other centre and area affected acton cecil a carr optometrist oueiph douglas si terrific values in mens zipin coats i only z995 eisens clothing store 1 1 miu st acton at the local telephone office long dutance tiroilti from pnlntj weat through hrr to toronto wero clog ged with call ai rwwi waa aoughl of rotative and friends believed drad mumlng or tufferlng east of brampton a rail line washout halted nil eaitweat rail traffic through here from friday nlltht until monday evening no mall i expreu dellverlea were made by rail paaaenger aarvlct waa nlm curtailed other iranaportnttoii llnka were affected motor it in from acton and polnti weat found mtrtea into the metropolitan area blocked off en tirely or detoured a gaping rents in roadbed and cotlapied bridges attested to the awful force of the raging watera death affected personally one ae ton resident jack held who lnnrn ed his brother ootuim held and the latter a wife and eight year old daughter drowned in the hum- ber river after the black flood water rampaged through wood- bridge sympathy of many friends here of the field go to them in this tragedy engagement mr and mrs charles mocren ac inn announce the engagement of their eldest daughter joan ma rle to henry mctrash ion of mud gin mctrash and the late michael mutiash of milton the nuptial mas will take place at 1 1 a m in si joseph k church acton satur day november 30 make it a habit every wednesday night professional wrestling by the foremost wrestlers at guelph memorial gardens guelph ont ledgers actons only complete food shopping centre beef stew 25c shernffs jelly desserts 3for25c silver ribbon fancy 48 ox tin tomato juice 25c monarch sweet mixed pickles st lawrence corn oil habitant pea soup 19c lb 31c 28 oz 2 for 27c first of season florida juice oranges florida seedless grapefruit fancy macintosh apples 29c 49c 35c front combination whole or half legs spring lamb lb 25c spring lamb lb 59c roasts chops stews fresh meat spare ribs side lb 49c prime rib boneless roast lb 65c swiff s premium rindless swihi premium sliced bacon 3 5 c cooked ham lb 49c f- a e m ledgers iga st ii ii ln large new supermarket opener last weekend ly jim ledger is shown hero in n long viow irom the fronl of the sloro despite rains and winds the two day oponinfj party for the now i a sioro here proved a success mr ledger formerly occupied smaller store across he tornor from the present mam slreol location 3 wmcnal mr and mrs john illnck visited in ioudoii ovr i in- week end mi mid mii ii w hinton havi rt turned from visiting in new york mid toronto mis c irosstr with marlon and rod ltu1 returned to klrklund lake iiftir vullliig fur n week in acton friends from fnulthnrl vliitlug ovtrlht wtk tnd with mr and mrs bay co it t r us were mrs cluru i ugffdln and mr fn j errett mr and mrs c itognviildton and illy vislttd in ohiiuwu on the iilon of ttm rwiry of mrs mr und wtkend huh vuddliu itognvaldion h i the mr- 1 kti parents r v chin it cowtr and mi gowir were gut sin of mr and mrs hugh luul and family during th witkmd mr uuir wits the an nivusury spiaktr at acton bap hit cliitrch on sunday dui to iht storm on friday iinl subsi4iitnl wnrnmgs that lite bent pine to iliy whs home visits were notictnhl mrtiil d in ailon uvir the wnk tnd 1lans to itavt town and li visit here wt rt both tan eel ltd in frequint cuses boy runs into car on john st tues blame hazel i aialn we must apoteglae for holding over several regular column pictures and late newa iteme newa cove race on hurri cane haiel proved wider than anticipated end forced na to leave until nest week several abrasions to kit hi id i in mil kntcs wire siiffend by the four year old son of lirni mnsale tu isday afti moon whin thf boy rin onto john st and into a car driven h mrs hud kentner the boy not s rmusly hurt w is taken by his father to the office of dr w kinmy initiudiitcly after thi accident he wis with his a- ther before running onto the rood raster lab lugiii slnndliik im king ui wuur und steam i lieu ivuig 0 iiiim and nidl imu offiit a acton major tagm iliiiidlng alton wood trail 17 hgti iits til dominion note i u human a ft lorti hit lilt 7 youni marrud mt n 2 industrial ommerrlal luigui hlandltii oy arlugt 12 im lumblir u d-idti- demon 10 hiiuiiil ii 4 leumlih rs 4 ink spots j teen agera i i iigui hlaniliik i igi r aln 12 1 nt kv stnkus iii rations h dottg us 7 king pins r hot simla i mason knit ikhi slarutitil aidinalrijl al it v k il l hlmliirils 10 witimi 17 hipkats 10 jiujy joi s 12 itlasa and llata mim than i kk1 ytars ami tin phllosopht r soi n inland a worn in s tiltnt is not all inftiioi to a miiti s und i ii mnr shall sun look hit old hoy 111 rally for hhi liundlid a hot 111 and the i i dm rs ica award is tin kid ln hi r inirst as a n mill arlle white i put on a old riixpl iy of liinbt r top pling iti pick up ortl mtc utchtmiu h hnbi rdaslii ry nwaid the teen agirs 7llpnwnl tor hidtlin scor s wmt to itoh agmw and naniy dt dtls ongi its to ill you fm peo ple inlt rciiiiiily haguts joi s this saturday at i p in at ion lit ing host to bramplon an 1 xhihitlon of scnnci mil kill ii luipi i and that inv rnntllis winds it up for nntithi r v cikki bowling closed for the season thank you for your patronage looking forward to entertain ing you again next season on wtdliesduy of itisl wt grndt 13 had thrtr form mrty tin coki form in naiutnguweyu htudftitm und frit nds und iwn i chirs attliidttl the ivening v filled with n hay rid mi iim hi ountry mads and a bi iliint tin party waa ttimril iftl miui u wn m r nisl in the lnuh fviryin tnoyed tin mst m v n with butt rid and rut limbs fvi ryoni h rmdy for th ii ftatlitr rnothnll gun n fruliy f i ill i stmd on bus in id i going from act n anil nmri r g ilng on on of tin ml lion buses mor vdhybill uiiii hai in in playi d i uniig hi noon hours on thursday mn s li mi d t utd arbliji ti ui 2u h on monday ar i u t un tin fitd rootilt i m 13 on tiksdny c not s tit f ild iuh kins 20 10 f i f t for atlon wis playid in ai ltn m nst ml hon ailon d f al 1 mi ion 21 1 it riimtl rimed of thi muin hut tin gmi w i not ill nt off is was ihr gorgi lwn lrt sloii gam tilt mxlgimt is ai ion vs orgitiwn in acton tin ihundiv tht gums mimnxiitt j jill at tli high who i rid v ry citizen threatens suit against town for flood damages continued from page one rrn and ritarl work urnl work ing right the points havi- lr removed and he iitldrd to 1m rosunk with larger casing surrounded by gravel hopd this mlhod will draw the engine r has also polnt- t lhal in order to continue the job it may lie necessary lo ralae the vi i of hie sewer lines four feet this would cut out cellar dralna r a nuinbtr of hous s nn mac i jon- aid lllvd council reguitered op- ihisltlon to this idea ontractor leo rehnltx the clerk so advised numbers is seeking paymtnt for the mnnhou at the cor nnd for 111 f t of piite along miclhinald also for two weeks use f thi wll points work has not yet started to re time jnslitlliiliiins h roncludett itutolih n of dissatisfaction which trailed off into uiiili rtones of disgust hururterit d mrinli rs rt marks und flit lions on hip troiillfoini war- on mi ml iloolitil if it would tvi r lit i oiupli tetl another bug gested toiimll forget uihioi it until aprlng then make a frrh start still another iroihim d thn houaea be iiioved tn masnr in u differ nt loca tion win re servlris rotild ik- insul- ld sine i no prognss r purl has been issiiiel by ih mglnnr us of late i oiint ll wan unalili to approve any it in for iiymnt to i to inniractor who ask il for this r miltanrc rx fore ht r siiuies work a motion waa pnsnil authorising payment follow ing nnlpl of timlnirr s progresa rtport and approval of ihe s wer eomiiilltt renew pol ire ontraet al the ijiiiai t of un inc ting cotin- nl rt t until an upplit atlon from a lotal man and woman for rrli f a by law whs pusn il m lung day novimh r jll and polling tlutu mon lay t int r fl r polling l othswirt dinlkniltl fni tin town hall a n ion i hy i i pa run 1 r nwd th piovinlal dl cmtniit in ailon for mft1 orpoial s salary waa not i al s4hk win i ml ra olisrvil natails of two e onat dilt a tot iltut stunm hum ii h in iwspoiint to a it pi t by hart i it ointiiiition ompany lullel rs ol th oml hill id hous suhdi- vismn wh r woi k slari 1 last w k miyor lyl r ssur 1 mi iliirtttt who arrangd with w ollatraw ml it if fllmtt tht hydro and wttr ins bun arringid and tem- pormy si vi would h xlnld huhdlvldrrs negollbtlng mi ci hhti w told louniillora ihit in hi it iv lam n gonial d by mr i hum ti s nlot mi in- r in thi building imiiiany ahit ti it irt th rirudii suhijivlsion for mfortun di i attoi h i lit loyt ofhrkt pi mis miusidi thi immed- nti in i i xpi in m i t irouhlt ditr- int hi pist w k it k t linis at th iord l mt m it irdgar in- ou incil until yns and thos w ikini a mill n i luounti rid sunt f ih flomld condili us f1 lowing th strm dm i miv 1 f r a wtk or mi md mrs a j huihnin his taktn ovi r tier dut i s w wih htr i si ty r v ry dy nell dtnt- n classroom talks precede meeting the public school llomi ind sehool asstitiilion h id its first m linn or tin v on monliy ih for the int link part nts m t m fin ifi th iss the nh r i tin uld auction sale rim f ih ir w afti r i short bu rui r k fh ch t in i r intr dm 1 prew ung pirnts t prrikn s i hoi woi r fotii i in liklis trnsf r 1 to rtoh hill foi fl at sal th lot on nt rly nwni tl by the town mi iiilii rs also igrt to pur thin un oil slovii for un unnrssora offii from syinoi lardwsiri for tj4h7 th prestnt ilov fn this rrn will in itiovtd to the police office v i rk mic ai hi rt vt airti a himllton tliv lopmint firm whih rmntly nlvirtisd frir apphcitinns foi ri w hrnims in this n wspapur ins rkivd van ib r plln the sim firm in iddid hit b n m nti itinjt- wuh j j my mil t hrnn- kuwii foi tiuitliis jf irop rty in lb n rth wst in s t lion if town lintikl alt ht r wilted on ui i i lit nf inslmni il irt of hia i right of- il i i th r prr rhyme reason caatthxt oil heat at n hfsi you can lake it from us that gar woods the best our stritemt s tcrcfi ig to hole it has comfort convenience and above all the rest it w ll cost you much less for your c i drop in and let us show you proof of gar woods mazing economy and efficiency sold installed and serviced by bilt0n perry limited plumbing a heating contractors acton ont phone 464 75 head grade shorthorns ir ii a mccllilough hjs uihtructed the undersigned 1 1 i 11 b public imtioii at liu im mists undtrwotid farm on no 7 highway i- rn le wist ge-orkc- own at if a m on saturday cmtobfr 23 ibm the following list of cattle 22 cows to ne md two ea old ii fcrs zt c lives dr mccullourh was suspended from making rtgistrations in the sh rthorn herd book on april 21 li52 and will not appeal the sus pi i siem undi r ihe prient manage- in- nt of the herd uotik no certif- ual s if ngistraton can be lucd f r th i ciule which w 11 b s ild a cridi shorthorns th s bird was founded the frit wik of ixitmtiir l7fl and came inl n s s n dr mtcul 1 u on ih dt ith of his br ith r h it n c mecunough s nee mjn 1wm r sh rthorr a hn br i unch w is rinl hi thud nd h r mm ml moth is i il follows mr ilingl r s rn ri i inl mri fulds m m h ng ms hd cruu ml m s i mss imt r m rn ng t 11 ir rd j rid mr mt k r mrs ager s rili 1 m md mrs virev mr cimbl s f r 1 1 m mr dt id mt f miw mrs krl v r i 1 mr- uv son arid mr drdale mrs blat k rrt 2 mr ilu 1 mr p- of app h t i li u or idnrli from lirtifl vtviiu ippi ipiriint of highi ijs irt r r tr mt pon nt to rrradr turen rsdr turen kt m s wi mr i t hrgraves m ii if fit s r will tn hhi n in ih sale robfrt t amos auctioneer m v elbuchner optometrist in acton every wednesday afternoon office at h mainprize barber shop hours 1 306 00 evenmrjs by appointment for appointment telephone 115 ddoc j f d m m r ink it 1 l s i i mr m trn tnd mi m m k i t and mr fryer m smiths gade ird ft mrs d n ard mrs kirkness m mckenes grad- fl mrs s cla r and mn hotchen t iitlmr i 1 r 1 n to th d ffir it irkru ar r s n m st r nr i r f t t iij a d fi i t f 2 n s f ih n a mil st md a ilk he the bo ibwrd n us rw i itntrfc rd that illor th hi ter monuments brampton monument worts designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a good display m stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st west brampton shop phone 141 0j re 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 603w 1 falu friday ind saturdav was cjuitr dangerous pnr pitatd a short discussion on fltwid nn and hurricane hazel oinnllnr it hareraw asked or thi whralvuts of th spd trap thi it in bf inetleatrd count 1- i ndsay cintended the oneway mrn n ar on boulevard are wroneh plird m ih midnieht ctosinr of the hs a v treen to i td to rect a iien on ttallire st mi r to th road commit hi two u p sicns req nst el b ih pub r srhotl board lor the corner nf willow and river streets