Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1954, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thuhbpay october 21st 1054 out with hazel like thousands of other folks in this section we knew that hurricane hazel had a possible date with this area last friday we are not accustomed to visits of hurricanes here so of course did not consider it would interfere with dates we had in toronto and bowmanville for friday we know better now we have an aversion to anything be ginning with the letter h and we think it was a mean thing for weather forecasters to libel all the girls named hazel by such a storm of course it rained on friday but that was not unusual for the past few weeks it has rained most every day but such a downpour as we drove through from toronto to bowmanville we have never witnessed for ramfalt and duration we be lieve any statistics that are given but we were just as complacent as thousands of other ontario residents about floods until friday however the ram ceased at bowmanville and the only evidence of highway damage was an em bankment slide which just about covered one side of the dual lane highway it was guarded by a policeman and one ime of traffic was maintained we decided to return b thomhrll and come home b a of no htghvay we are very thankful that we never reached no 7 highway at agin court a svs irlng river was roaring across the road and car owners were endeavoring to get their vehicles bacied out a trip around the block and another nver crossed the road and as we left the scee a bg gasoline tanker was in midstream ever te spoi had a stream racing across the roao 01 he road norm and back roads were out of the question finalh we met cars coming back from the diecicr o nc higwav with the information that two tanspom were stuck in the impassable road we went al rhe wa back tc no 401 and itto orotc rcvi the east no high land a 3 a- nona on we felt tie best a ic de o c tooto an be bv no 5 hiahway a ve- e we reeled near the rersec to- c no 5 and 2 here a smal pond and a pc e cce lned back al rat c the of cer c v b ne undersood he queen 1 zabeh h an a a pasb e and ve could reach it v a k d ng ave we fet it was advisable not to explore an un known road on such a night and came back into the city to parks de drive traffic was moving freely over the humber bridge in half a dozen places however this highway was under water and the ditches were overflowing across in small rivers cars and trucks were proceeding with caution and getting through in most cases of course there were marooned cars and cars stop ped along the highway and in the ditches it was passable but no night for passing any vehicle on the road if the car ahead got through we knew that we were likely to make it it was a game of follow the leader at palermo another pond covered the road but the car ahead got through and we followed by this time autoferrying was getting a bit nerve wracking then we came to milton and found another pond of unknown depth at the outskirts we were thankful to divert into the high land of the new subdivision where the only occupied house was the home of our youngest son there we learned that by taking the road through the cemetery the last river on the high way could be avoided and highway 25 was in splendid condition right through we are speak ing literally when we write we in this week s comment since mrs dills was with us through the experience taking inventory next morning and afternoon we learned from news releases and the papers what we had come through and best of all what we had missed m cur stx hour trip which normally would have been about two hours we found that hurricanes and rains can cause loss of life and property damage in any part of the world next time hazel it scheduled for a visit our dates will be at home when the rains ceased the high winds follow ed and there was danger from falling trees poles and wires we reached home shortly after mid night we teamed that the bridge we had passed over was a few hours later closed to traffic when a section was carried away fortunately traffic over it was halted in time saturday morning on tario started to lake inventory of its losses as we write this on monday the toll has not all been as- sessed but known dead is given at 60 with over 40 missing the water on highways had in many places receded and the damage wrought in those few hours of torrential rain on a land that was water soaked before it fell was revealed to some extent traffic and communications were snarled on saturday it will be weeks before travel will again be normal but repairs were underway the follow ing day it will be years before many people will have property damage restored the loss of life has been terrific and can never be replaced those who came through unscathed have every reason to be thankful for their escape much help will be required to assist those who have suffered right here in ontario to rehabilitate themselves it was ontario s worst flood disaster what can be done ever since the storm hit various organizations such as the red cross salvation army and nume rous other reputable groups have been doing yeoman service in providing relief there are however some individuals who want profit to themselves even out of the disaster that has come to so many help will be needed in many ways and those who have been fortunate will be glad to assist the unfortunate be sure your help goes through a recognized and reputable source we do not know at this writing what form of local assistance will be qiven but this is a time to beware of the stranger soliciting funds or assistance the red cross had by sunday run into this trouble and issued a warn ng to curb fh s unauthorized door to door solicita t on when your local plan is announced as it will be this week and detailed in this issue we urge ou to support it to the limit of your ability these are your neighbors your friends and quite pos sibly your relatives who have suffered in this dis aster give your aid in every way possible through those whom you know will assure it reaches those who need kind hearts and willing hands are already at work the need is great throughout a large section of ontario not only now but for weeks to come in rehabilitation be fore winter sets m already donations that are needed have been sent in and more will follow the ontario hurricane relief fund has been set up as a central administration fund it has a big task not ust now but for the next year or more other papers say courteous driving has paid good dividends this year in the province of quebec where there were fewer road accidents than in previous years courteous driving is to drive so as not to be a nuisance or a menace to other drivers and to pedestrians granby que leader mail to ell intents and purposes the world is at peace but there is an atmosphere like the tram ing camp of a prize fighter prior to an important bout there s continual sparring of one kind or onother and the question is always uppermost who will get mad f fit huntingdon que glean rwdlnq brfwn ttf uif communist cause often aided by lack of knowledge of its aims br hartley cafe o i production in canada cont nues to shatter prev ous records reports the fmanc al post for the first s x months of the current year it reached over 4 m llion barrels this was up 26 5 from 33 391 000 barrels n fust half iv53 production ir june was 7 870 000 barrels up from 7 161 000 in may 6 809 000 a year earlier lu nil very cimfimlng to the man on the atreel when the new cauls newspapers ningmlnen ml ntlur vihlclm of public infurnin lion ikad n communism lining exnrcmions from marxist tito tsta trotsky iteii socialists to ihe familiar lied ihey hnve only mic ecedrd in ncouninllng un with u nim how many of ihi sc self mnfesb ed authorities rtnllv know what communism is all about it seems to mo thai mi n who have no knowledge of the bnslc princlpus bihlnd this dynamic nummonl nn poorly equipped to be telltnk others about it thi ir idias range anywhere from ihi ridiculous to thi fantastic soim of thesi writira win avid admirers of russia and njt it stood for until it becnmi impupulnrto applaud from their pins now in place of flowery adjectives ex tolluik communism coim lung urides against the svstini they so recently embellished othi rs spenk of thi russians as confused p net lot rs mho art doinf thi ir best tu promott peace among thi nations of tht world still others are squianush they fullv recognize com mum sin in all its forms but they wml appease mint lt the commiis run over an country thiy winl to so long ns it isn t our own few writtrs crm right out ind say it that communism is an nlhlrstu philosophy conceived by karl marx dedicated itt bringing the nlire world under its yoke by any possibh means democracy is established on the assumption that all rights stem from god in a communist state nil rights come from the state the stuti in the god tht average man on the street with n reasonable amount of grey matti r has the happy faculty of being able to tell right from wrong lit mny not always do right but he knows when he is doing wrung communists mix it up a bit thiy call wrong right and right wrong which ever idea mi ms to fit the moment there ore of course men in the democratic camp who espouse the same ideals bertrand russell s an outstanding example they diny man free will declaring he is at tht mercy of his passions and drives these men are not pro- fc ssing communists but they har bour the very germ that inspired il gel the forerunner of marx to inirjnte the communist movement consiquently we have all shad es of opinion about tht kremlin from our mag izincs periodicals and ndios it sitms to me tint the man on tin strut would prifir to hear iind riad about the rial issues or communism nthir than the piles of copy tint condemn but cin give fiw reasons for thur condemna tion the good old days may have seemed better n w more land to ml ion in milton a request was made to council last week that the town an nex an adjacent chunk of trafalgar township for industrial purposes as yet unnimed the requist made by the hilton industrial development comnanv ims referred to councils industrial committee for further study not good planning in burlington pi ms of two lake short highway east propert oumn to build iltnctivi molt is received 1 setback list week whin the bur lington su bur bin pi inning boird dec id d 1 zoning ch mse from resi dmtnt to comnioncil wis not good plinning furllu r c msidi r ilion wis issund thi ipplicints keorgctown development in georgetown the locil pip r rocs to lengths to dt cribe pa t iccomplthnu nts of in etob coke btisint smin who it is believed will misttrmind lh projected 1 000 icrc development slated for an ir j just outs di tht eastern limits of tht town in the georgetown develop mint plins however application for innexition of the esqucnng township acres his jet to be made burlington s grow th in burlington popuhtion of thi town is nporttd doubled in 1 irs from 3 647 tn 8 064 ton i ass ss ment is affixed at 14 468 832 whik existing sewage disposal plant to take care of a population of 35 650 has been turned down by the de partment of health for four main reasons instead one main plant to serve oakvillc and trafalgar is sug gested pay for the trustees in bronte public school board robert aitkin swung hard at p u c members who asked that liny be pud for ntundinj meetings as the trustees of the village school system recent 1 j faced the prospect of fin incitif i second school tht chiir nun strongly opposed a motion that p iv illovv met should be m ide for tlu trusti is thimsilves no switch in time in oikvill 1 swiuh in unit did i o l od a 14 i ir old dr vtr w e spoltid b t pi ho in in who idit d tin cir to slop ulun it did so bi hind tht wheil w is th 14 vi it olds f nher ii lultd into lourt thi juim found tin son juilt of dm iul th out hctns mil fulfil fithir fur il iuvviiil jtinuii to dim without 1 hems big farm change at iilirmo it w is u irrutl lint i notid untirui liorsi m in hubirt ii 1 th ins pinihisid 1 47 icn firm nsl of thi cummunitv with th inti nlion of rnsinj pni auus 1 it 1 thi firm on thi dumbs high 111 t to tht ukr inmn rimp back in 1934 from the tame f the free prea f tnundar october is 1934 on saturday evening thieves broke into and ransacked the cn r station here ttiey secured seven cents trom the stamp box for their trouble chief mepherson and the cnr police are investigating two more entries in the big potato class are shown in the free press window this week they were grown by mr henry sayers one weighs two lbs 11 ounces and the other two lbs 15 ounces hinton s 5c to 1 store has been newly decorated throughout and new lighting installed ii presents quite an attractive appearance and gives greater facilities fo display of the lines carried a meeting of acton welfare board was held last evening v hen the new regulations and forms or administration relief were discus sed and di tails considered georgetown defeated acton high school rugby team by a rather hrge score yesterday milton golf club propert is to be sold by the mortgage sale routi the reduction in interest ra is on saving accounts to come into effict ntxt month is news that does mean anything to a lot of folks the following officers have beir elected to the executive of km x young peoples society prtsidert miss isabel bruce vice presidm mr clarence henderson secretary miss bessie eawlings treasu re r mr jack graham ideal autumn weather bks d the tenth anniversary occasior of acton united church sunday tht choir under the leadership of mr b mason gave spendd numbe s the anniversary speaker was w b caswell of oakville favorable building weather haj again been the rule dur rg the past week and the contractors on the new ymca building have made the best possible time on mondaj afternoon the brick walls were completed up to the second floor th ibli nt 133tr76b82 tht r in th iv ss r points out in h s annml n port i lo til of 2iv7 buildink units 111 th osttj garbage disposal in treitnwn opinion rt miins di iditl i round thi council t ill whin purchist of i ni w tvpi j ir bim disposal mirhim ins lh n bit ted innind fur sonn unn in inv inf of 12 010 for purch isi of ihi michini was inssed it 1 rec nt mti linj elo sewage application oikvill it wis 1 rnil ns ipplicaimn t tnlirj new school to open in milton it w is notid it i nemt nut tint of th public sell i lunrd tint tht towns nw school will t n idv for ctissts aftir mid novem- b r with 1 kind rj irti n 11 n lint nt of or ho it is ipi ctid t ich of tin towns two public school hmldinks will hivt 1 eliss for tht snnll pup lis encourages trill bc tli ant of l200i ir mcmistir uniy rfsearcii a f ikwship s bet 11 1 v himilton consoliditid mining and smtltini compan sitiiil ir ft how ships ir now i ni ibl it 10 in idnn unn rsitus t iti mudi nts sen ulif u inh znr at tmi f artnn jffrp 1vb the only payer ever pabllsm tn actmm founded in 1b75 and published every thursday at 56 hill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula uons the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance ji50 in canada j350 m the united states six months t 50 single copies 6c uthonxed as second class mail post office department ottawa pablbbed by the dius prtntlbc d pabuutng c ltodled g a dills editor in chief david r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors business and editorial office telephone 174 united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a carrey b a bd mmister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mbn o m lampard a t c w organist and choir leader i suvday october 24th 19m j 10 00 a m sundav school a but wark of good cilirenship 1100 am morning worship sub ject the danger of drift 00 pm even ng worship in knox presbyterian church ann v ersary srv ce d masters teach us hurrubty sl anselro it is in periods of disaster thai the greatest improvement tn human character has ben effected sir a aluonl st atbans chlflrch faaurlleaa v evan h jones ba lth suvtmy october 24th 1954 ttuntty xix 1000 am church school 1100 ajn beginners class 1100 m morning prayer 4 15 p m holy baptism of infants 00 pm evening sen ce in the presbvtean church on the oc casion of their anniversary presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rh robfrt h armhtrono ma rd mlntaler strvday october 24th 1m nnitrtwar srrvk es hi jra church s h x 1 11 00 am divin vaorship ihi pm fven ng worship rev j stanley glrn phd th d princ jwl of knox t ollcgr tor onto mill be guest mi ilir mr piteris ge il iuti w 1 t be guet soloist we welcome the members of tie other communions to tht ever ing service baptist chuch acton ray h coslerus pallor parsonage 113 bower ave phcne 206w sunday october 24lh 1s04 10 00 ajn sunday school 11 00 am voming serv ce 700 pm knox chuch arniver ry wednesday i pm m ssion band 7 pm explorers 8 p m prayer meeting 9 pm choir reiearsal fndaj 8 pm bipu ralv at h ilsburgh back in 1904 from the tame r um fra tnm f thbtsday october 19k lord strathcona interviewed in london enlgand last week said that nothing can be farther from the thoughts and desires of the people than cession to the united states london also reports that little is heard of port arthur it is stated at chefoo that the japanese are trying to send chinese mesengri to inform the garrison of general kourapatkins defeat the japanese are still shelling the fortress they still hope to reduce it before winter so they can use it as a base both sides are using balloons to direct their artillery fire acton admirers of sir wilfred launer canada s eloquent prime ministir attending monster meet ings in gutlph and t rorlo iait week electrician carrulhers commenc- id the morning ileitric grt er- vici idsi monrid bung much in ne d uf rui uni forms act 1 driut band n decided lo ho d a s r s of concerts dur nn tm nur rr rth they requ n u ifrm- in t me for hi summer ng ard txpect thi cost ai jb j- j230 the tabks at ie dominion houi hde bter rearjrjd and half a dozer r a xi stu added tni irrprjvement gi ea oe of ne most commodi js no e oar 5 n the county wil am gidons au uw contractor the elect on canpa g goes mer- nly or public meeurgs ae beiaj held nightly oa ng o nrrurs cocerr j boxer upr ig 1 c- a where canadiar m sionans are orkjig rev mtkaj ecrelay of presby ter an m 5iors as cabled u sec j re the facts mr wi ams one of e gts detectives statiored v weal home ni ie s uir d ptheria professional directory and travellers guide dental dr w g c kenney phvirlan and surgeon off 11 1 in svmon block 43 m 1 si f c n office phone 78 residence 115 burch bt e phone 150 dr a j buchanan dental burgeon u t tan bloek m u st ff ce h r 9 i i to 6 pm ra tfifi hone im dr d a garrett phvsirian and surgeon corner of willi v and river sts entrance rivar street acton ontario phone 258 c f leatherland banister a sotlrltor notary pvbu office hmrs 1000 tm 1200 an 1 00 pm s0o pm saturdiv bv app iirm n only offici 2 phone rts 151 acton lever hoskin f bartered ccoantanta succi ssors to jenkinb and hardy 1305 mitmpolilan nrdg 44 vict na st tortnto dr h leib dentil surgeon of c t rn r m i and rridru slreeu officv htur- 9 am o pm tele1 hone 9 cton eter1nkv f g oakes bv sc rlerlnartan offici and risidinct 4 knox a acton phone 130 r d young bvsc c l young dvm j rterlnary surgeon offici brookvillt ontario i phonemilton 165r21 i miscellaneous 1 victor rumley son i funeral home funeral home healed ambulauat phor e 699 n ght 0 day sirving the community for 46 years gerald a candler c bartered aeeountaol 1 ndyv 1 fridav 9 pm su irliv fr 111 9 am 11 v i travellers guide gray coach lines coac hes leave acton ea 1 bound 58 a m 8 511 im 1 1 33 a r 2ih mwpm 633pm i m bl0 13 1 m wtttbd 10 27 am 12 52 pm j 57 pi 27 pm 727 pm 9 12 pi uk pm 1 rhener onlv ixaily except sunday and nol days b saturday sunday and bob sun to kit olive m lampard a t cm r m t teacher of piano studio i njled hurch thunday 14 park ave cuelph phone 296 rfl estate and p4hurancb i f l wright 20 w ihur st w r bracken real estate inraranea i hone 26 acton i 1st vour farms business qt house with u we invite you to use oar facilities in securing a purchase for i vour property e h ashman phne milton 146r42 1 campbellville sales canadian national railways stuawd ttaao dailj 6 40 am daily except sun dari 1000 ji m 7 13 pm sundaj nly 101 pm daily except sim day flrr at geiryetmvn 9 03 am 6 3 pm daily flyer at georf- tovvr 10 11 pm weatfcwhta dally except sun and mon 12s am sun and mon only 138 pjn duly except sunday ft4 a m 655 pm iflagstop 7 49 pm 1 saturdav only 237 pjn sunday rrly 9 43 amiflagstopt sunday only f yer at guelph 7 os p jn dailv exrent sat and sun flyer 3 guelph 6 36 pm r f bean limited real eutau and bmutmc 83 mill st acton phone ms r h elliott real rauto fl bower a venue phone i representing g w golds t raw broker milton phone ms complete real estate service covering halton county use our facilities j r holmes b4 church street phone 30bm representing j b bbaaxtrubrt broker

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