Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1954, p. 1

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tt rtjiw jfttt press bghtteth year no 17 acton ontario thursday october 21st 1954 eight home print pages six cents acton citizen threatens suit against town for friday flood damages an irate acton resident who with his wife and three children moved here less than two months ago ap peared before council monday night to demand town assumption of legal reaponsibility involved in damages to his property and dwelling when flooding waters over mam street last friday night filled his basement and caused a claimed 2500 loss w roberts who bought the main street house formerly occupied by geo kovacs early this september contended town was responsible for the damages because the house surmounted a natural drain re gardless of whether the town install ed the drain or not mr roberts in sisted a permit for construction of the house should never have been issued by the town m the first place when this drain was known to exist on the foundation site the house is adjacent to the creek waters on the west side of main street n which friday night rampaged through town into fairy lake after the hurricane s torrential rains swelled them to flood propor tions not a new story mayor e tyler replied to ques tions by mr roberts that the town had been faced with similar claims from occupants of this house before actons solicitor he continued ad vised the municipality is not at fault i for damage which may occur the mayor said if mr roberts wished to bring action against the town that was his derogative mr roberts indicated he would bring ult when mr roberts asked for in formation on installation or the drain mayor tyler replied the clerk s office would supply him with all information available to him as a citizen of the town later in monday night s regular meeting held in the puc office councillors again grappled with the troublesome warren grove sewer extension problem which proves to be coming more complex weekly trouble on sewer jab clerk j mcgeachie relayed the news that the well points installed on a 5050 payment basis with the contractor in order to clear the voluminous water from the digging continued on page five party playground projects for tots plans for the hallowe en party were made at the second meeting of the acton ys men s club for the jason last thursday evening in the ymca cliff sutton is in charge another annual project the tur key ticket sale was launched with c cook in charge the draw wi 1 be made at a christmas bingo it was unofficially concluded that fur thcr developments of the play ground area in the park will be un dertaken by the club the resignation of bob rumlev was accepted and the bulletin ed ltor c rognvaldson is to take his place as publicity convener 112th anniversary for baptist church acton baptist church marked its 112th anniversary on sunday when the guest speaker was a former minister of the congregation rev charles r cower of dresden he spoke both morning and evening yellow chrysanthemums and gla dioli specially preserved for the occasion decorated the church pastor ray costerus presided t both services which were well at tended at the evening service members of other congregations and outof town guests from georgetown and hillsburgh wer present the girls trio marj reid faji garner and helen landsborough citizens rally aid after tail of hurricane passes here hurricane relief fund judging by the avalanche of donated goods which followed the appeal here early this week for food clothing and furniture for desti tute hurricane victims in the toronto aita acton and district nsi dents should nspond unflinchinelv to ttu need of the ontario hum cant rtlicf fund to organize a committee to rctive district domtions and direct tht fund local h is the purp st if m nd t night s public meit ing aupm in the public school dudilonum goal for this fund is 510000000 act n risidtnts closi mi ugh to thi cmtre of disaster to reili tht huiricmcs impact tit fir tnoujh aw tv to tscipi ttu dtith nd dtslruclun wrought in the riging floods hit a monl dut in contributing tin ir pirt lowird the rthibilitititn of tin s who suffered at tht prist nt donitions mav be left it either bank in town or it this new spiper office after mwidov night s mutiny more dt ml ed michintrv foi handling d mtions ind rectipls in thi town ind rural irea will be set in motion this ncwspipt r urges is rrnri actonnns is possible rcprcsint ing as many institutions and groups ns possibk to attend monday nights meeting and offer their services for a humanitarian purpose to help the needv it will then be up to gimrous citizins as a whole to justify this service with personal donations additions to be built on three high schools in north halton monday night north halton high following resolution that this school district board gave approval board approve of the plans submit to the arcnitects sketches for ad ted for additions to the three ditional rooms at the three schools schools of the north halton high the plan fo milton is tw school district at acton milton and ith corridors built at south end georgetown and that a delegation of the school at acton the addit confer with the department of ed lonal two rooms will be an extens ucation on this required building ion at th east section healing and immediately and that the delega sang both morning and evening in j plumb ng provision in the preseilj morning a male quartette clarence reid ray costerus bob landsborough and charles lands borough sang al the evening ser vice don graham of hillsburgh sang two solos special music by the choir included a choral bencd iction building will need only to be ex i tended a corridor with storage room on one s de will be part of the classroon extension at george town the proposal is for two class rooms al the east of ind adjoining he olde cction of the building the action was covired in th hurricanes halton damage described to county council the aftermath of hurricane hazel in halton was described in dam aged bridges washouts and flooded farm lands during the regular monthl session of halton counts council in milton tuesdav afttmoon reeve wilfred birds esqucsing chairman of the county road com mlttec related in a report the damages caused to count roads two bridges were totallj lost one a temporarj structure a third riciived con aiderablc damage while no estimate of damage caused to township roads was immcdiateh available the following damages were reported bv county engineer roy f smith bridge destroyed on the baw lane east of the 8th line replace ment cost 8000 36 foot steel truss bridge on the town line nelson trafalgar abutment damaged causing the road to be closed re pairs estimated at 2000 approacn to the drumquin bridge partially washed out repairs completed here 7th line bridge north of drumquin shoulders washed ou and repairs mostl completed quite a number of small washouts reported on other county roads these repairs will be completed thi week worn at the lowiile bridge is delated until the water level recede a temporary bridge was lomreplact ment cort 300 other damages re ported to the 8th line bridge with washouts on the shoulders of tn 8th line mrth of the tracks thee repairs are being mad as rapid v as possible m mbers of council fted t countvwas rv firtunut iht mort dimace d d not iccur in hi count follow ng d smss cil utiot im us endi rsed uti n r sdiic slooof r thf ft nenn r lief fund tht chairman if tht road m tee s st slat ni th un v h up to th mi of s pi mbt r spent 19w0 n countv rvadi the s propria l on f r the mar am unts to j lxk h wd ek rub report rctve r h shann r a m ded memb r ht iid tsktd a breakd wn if tte amou moro ptm in road in tht va i irinicpaltit bit his repn hid annual apple day nets near 200 water reached on third well site water was reported reached in wt t k on the tow n s latest w ell drill ing site west of warren grow on a triangular patch of property workers for the guelph drilling firm said water was struck tues div it about 57 feet while a comp leti ttsl ha not et betn obtitmd water at in ervais mttered 250 gai im pr minute th is the th rd site chosti o hi town in recent inks n a tmipt u cio rt trt waltr sup to the department be composed of the build ng committee the secrtlarj treasurer and the archit let need immediate start it w is pointed out that action on tht bu iding program must lit marti d at once to have the accom modation rtadj for next tirm tit statistics on public school enrolment indicate a sttdd r se in high school attendance requiring these dditions accounts for the month totalling 17 414 were ipprovtd and build ng accounts to the amount of 8042 71 eight appl cations were received for the pos hon of caretaker at georgetown school and a homan was engaged at a salary of 2500 i per year messrs robertson and moffat j were a dt legal on to request the i board to give shop work training to 38 public school pupils of nas- isagaweja township the teacher 1 doing this work had resigned and shop w irk had to be dropped un less some arrangement could be j made transportation would be ar ranged b the yasgaweva board nd milton schools when carefutlv polished br ght red apples were exchanged for don ations to cub and scout work in at ton on fndav and saturdaj a total of s26197 was given the net 1 roceeds of apple day in acon to tne acion h iar mailed 19197 j order more desks dtspte bad wtather about 28 1 the board agreed to confer with ub and scouts canvassed door o ihe princ pals of the two schools to door arm along he main streets if j see f these pupils could be accom lh towi th i the r annual request j modated in th teach ng schedule al s tance altogether thrct additional science desks of mac ntt h apples were were ordered for the georgetown i school the necessary plumbing i indu nes were car and wirng had been provided or fr da afternoon the units n the new bu idmg tht bo ih co lectid the most moif ipre 1 gible f r thrtt 1 it tt th tht r banks retal n r clivt l tj din emmcron b j hr on rd clarence ft i rctu r prizes at next m nda s cojt meeting the meeting of the board he d n georgetown on monday tening with trutce c on beau mont forgrae masterman mine dills cook brow n hall carbert and 1 ckett prent md lice cha r man v coor presided m i lib d we th ught it tj uld b 1 th b great dff uu r b kkeep t determ ne t txpedi u- s mur cina es such is town ii p r ie base 1 bird sa d tit pnvnc f o tr vu how t err mi e of their ros i d it vk fir a breakdown f fgure to ye nth depte bjt n v a c ce f frjr on a repor tab ed i hu d i be aif u to etl sh the in u ten t crnectig nki h leading on t the amounts spert m the tiwnshps reve shanncr ar gued confirmed on pope four staff ph heip from acton and district citizens piled high in bales and es of food clothing and bedding monday at the town hal evening 10 tons of goods about half of what was donated through i i i i c ii j l t jt i i i ponse the silent cries for shelter the day left for a flood stricken centre here ted tyler jr takes on and sugtmuko uttprcd hy nun one of the last of hundreds of boxes before pulling out the laden dreds who 1 n thc and more in give over 15 tons of food clothing acton irritated but not injured by the violent thrust of elements forged n humcine hizel friday night w hen lives and home w ere swept awiy in raging rivers round t r nto j uned sci res of other si uthern onttrio mm ic jia s ek ti und a he ping hind to dims of the prov net s worst flood difi irr mjidtj ii i it nt us aiiswe- ti ippeils f r f oil rl th nn bed ding nd furnture tht lonl town hill berime a bu y depot f r the response thnt wt led in the tomes and heirts of acton ind d strict people w th little frimework of orgamzat on to direct the collect ion word ptlsed bv tt i phont and person to person thit goods wtre needed and mnndi night 10 tons of supplies left acton bound for br id ford where flood destruction was heavily centred goods pour in still boxes ind bales came pour ing in after the first load left a second load has yet to be consign ed from acton for some point n the terrible triangle of flooded ruins the same night council set the wheels in motion for a public meet ing here next monday evenirfg when it is planned to organize a local committee to channel donat- 1 ions to the ontario hurricane re- 1 lief fund j acton all ed with the efforts of later that i communities across the province was answering with unselfish res- transport j h price hands up the bundle nightmarish des- car crashes during thursdays storm during last thursday night forerunning storm of frdiys hur ncane two oung chinese motor its nirrowl escaped serious in jurj when the car thej were dnv ing cracked up on mam st north at the curve on no 7 highwa leading into town wajne ing toronto was dr ving with his cousin gay ing also of toronto into town hen the car v ent into a skid at the curve rain was falling heavilj at the time and the vehicle back ended into a high tens on telephone pole on the ea t side of the highway the impact bached in the car on the driver s side neither the driver nor his cousin were hurt the car estimated to have damages of nearu ssoo b constable d cook had to be towed away damage to the hepc on the h gh tension line was about 250 acton hjdro superintendent d mi a dirty trick actons council chambers were played a dirty trick by hurricane haxel powerful downdrafts friday night kept gases and smoke from escaping through the chimney leading from the chambers heating unit an oil stave and caused a minor explosion which blew oily soot over walls ceil ing council table and chairs monday night the laborious cleaning job was not completed and members gathered for rexnl in the puc office former adonian killed in crash ivan huffman 24 of georgttown who grew up in acton and attended school here was killed instantl tarls sundav morning when the car in which he was riding wis in a head on collision with another on j j no 7 h ghway in front of georgt n emated damages o town in h h ho0l nve othcr stallations on the linct about 50 wrp injufed m thp crasn 7 taken to hosp tal n guelph polic said thi two cars had ip i pan nth swered to aoid each othtr and met hi ad on provincial i c nstablf j mcn er mest gated school inn h iff man s farm i v mond act n whtn he w continue enrolment for night courses almost all of the night set nrses that will be held in acton i fr this winttr art filled to capacm if fivt rain appl teat i ns are re coed for the traj e ch ng co irst to bi held in acton two teacher v ii be needed still mire applicitions mav b re ct ed b the ikii rommiti th c ones m bt ht id in act in in si p s rk intimudate oil paint ini advanced 1 pa nt ng al im n m tn t tch ng typewriting 1 1 thni and idvanced cl thin iimim nhih f th i pjrtm nt f fdncal n i s ihrtrtt tht- intr c the fam h litd n ii n st i fore moving to georgetown injured in tht iccidt nt w rt w il am john m tchc if of wt st n dnv r f th car in w h ch mr h ffman vas r dint k nn th nash c rn f th f b itn i h ffrmn v mrs w ii i h 1 slu c idrk ind j t f gt ik wn few hours truction that destruct on missed the town but tail lashed acton ind v cin ty w th ont of the w idest ra n and windstirms m its hi lory pitting ram mot of friday made a midden mush of fields and lawns and muddy rvulets of roads as dirknes drew m earlj w nd and ra n ncreasod creek rons wild the increase was measured five irehes of ran fell n the wash and wike of the hurricane winds roared at nttrvals to between 50 and 60 miles per hour acton downtown creek slipping through the public school ground and under the highway into fairy lake is normally at this time of a a lazy t ickle by 11 pm friday t was a rush ing torrent flooding over the highway w th six inches of water inundating school grounds and pri v ate property filing cellars and f nilly gushing into fairy lake which rose to near overflowing ran did i ot let up unt 1 near midn ght hi w nds blew them- se ves out in he dtadof the night hours strange as t may seem only hilf an hour nf hydro blackout was caused dur ng the nightand that n only the western sect on of towr bioaui i j hgh tension fuse st the mi i st rail crossing was th of this cutout hjdro supenn d mason reported i cr cpl r mason said there e i r nciden s or accident fri i n ght at a result of the h ir are scattered damage here in th m r n r t zen oke to i bo an iut cellars in tend pt i thi id t b rk i d v it t e r wood ard h 1 ar i warxh in industrial promotion trade fair display by urban board wt n tt steps to promote the w th 0 w o jie delvtrtd n or an n artd 1 phim art a teps rth halton area t i im nt w rr lakti n lrban 3a 1 c t rgttown on tu promote the w th ndustridl d bv the nh at a mtne dav ol th s grojp made ui o mu c pa nta i s f a n m it n e g i w i e d o appv i at f r spart at the inter n trade fa r n 1955 it w ero p r p nt i the ad n the threi six feet of water flooding the cellar of w robert s mam street n home near the creek caused b damage est mated between 2 000 and 2 500 n los o c ohes ru n of furn ture and damage to structure and furnace when firemen started to pud the wet mess d ctured above faced them nd nak the n lts net n w th the im f na dtia h i tht preparatic vine detiils on 1 consideration hr the group i 100 lo jie del v ah t januarv is 1955 and tht bal anct w ith n a ix m nth period th s plan wa f 11 d changs n 4h b r id in th b xhur f nft- sa v u fort the tr dt fa r at w h ch ren ral d stribu in was planned c t f th hroch r a as f93 tht advantages f an nrf st- al ct mmiss nt r for the art a were also cons d nd and d scjssid bv the pre tatlve and it a as sjgge d ar nveteair into the pt s b ies of jc an atangemen s d be made next vear i it nphasued that either of jh u ns 1 phin t ns f ac n ti irr arh in ts th plan u ni n tt leph ne ar a charges tntw r t has iut n und i all d th tf a id nd ca ng i i tted abl mdii s f the w d is anages of the bell telephoni r tenders i 10 000 brochures were ordered from would be present to lav final plans with the he dills printing and publishing co for the acceptance or rejection of board der f rmi ie c i the duplicator in vork to be billed i

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