Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1953, p. 10

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thfc acton free press acton ontario thursday octobbr 1st ims complete text on annexation vetoe following is the text of the reply received by the town of acton regarding the annexation appnea tion recently jcrused by the muni clpal board this is an application by the town of acton for annexation thereto of two parcel of land now within the linjlls of the township of esquesink and which immedi etely adjoin the town boundaries parcel no 1 adjoins the southern boundary and parcel no 2 adjoins the northern boundary the tovvn of acton hm a popti latlon of 3 020 and an assessment of 2 424 909 the assessment of the township of esqueslng is 4 877 944 and the present assessment of the area in the township which is the subject of this application is 378 195 the greater part of the lands in eluded in parcel no 1 are owned by the beardmore leather com i orme hunt the accountant at pany part of the company s hc hrnt 0 t bank of manufacturing buildings arc lo nj his been transferred o cnted on this land the balance of crinlhnm expects to leave the buildings being within the witnln a f h w tow i town of act in and the remainder ot ri will b nplnc is used tor the dlsposil of i hunt materials from the plant and as a farm the plant of wool comb two acton ladie hnded the ing corporal on is aio located in women s chs s at milton fur on this area and its industrial waste saturdiv mrs n r ibcrtwin to k w disposed of bv the beardmore ft first f ur seconds and three companv undtr nn agreement the ityrds with mrs c f lcalhcrhnd town of af on owns three small is runner up with fi parcels used a a water pumping m ind one third station a sew disposal plant ard a rarbicr dump there art also twi prae nr who hav sma 1 h- d ip th dispvil the waste ma rial from the two placs ment ned because ot he nible na iie requires the iocain1fws itmu for this column imv be phoned to im or mitt to th free pra office in acton trees have begun to turn color making drives in the country do light ful bolh gall fur and milton filr were atlended b actinium last snlurdiv mr middleton is on nation mimhirs of local women s in stitutes attended the area con vention in gu iph al the first of the week i v mamies won firs pri7t at milton fair on mturtlav for his w agon horsi there w ere nint hi class firsts r of consi acreage ci carm be used fr inv oiher purpose bmh the plants are supp ed w h witir and elcctr c potr hf tlwrrnt amarr sts- and in addit on the beard marc compare pumps a supph of wa e- pa f when s sold o w vl comb ng corporal on in uppot of is application the town of rton po nts out that it supp es he manufactur ng plants ia the we wiji wa er and elec ire ty rd s pepared promde f pro ecior hen called on of the workers emploved at the plants bou so reside r acton and he tow- provdes hil accommoda tioi fo- he farm ics of hese work ers tee s also the fact hal he three lowi owned properties are loci ed ir ths area of the town sh p it is admitted that the sale of electr cal enegj made at a small pofi o the srsiem as i the sale of water and that the ens tence o he wo lage mdu r s as water coisumers has made po whip he expansion and improve men of the wa erworks sjsern the beardmore comparv made no appearance or representation at the hearing while he wool comb ing opposed arv action at the pre sen time pending he result of nego a ions now in progress be- 1 twecn he company and the town at the conclusion of the evidence counsel for jie companj asked for an adjournment of the proceedings which was denied pircel no 2 comprises the holdings of a mimbi r of owners mostlv in smili acrnms from this area there j re t n children attending town of acton schools and fits nre paid b the parents or guaidnns it is stated on be half of the tow n that the annex ition of this ina would relieve these owners of the pivment of school attendance fees straighten out the northern boundary of the town make lnnd nvmlihle tor sub di ision ind buildinc and pe rmit the txtensiein eif mmucip il sriees to owntr- in tin artii a majontv of the owmr favor annexation but others in opposition point out that the t nhisbun unable ti service other udi alrendv wnhln the municipalitv indfurtlui th it the re is no real shortage ef lt int land in the town the board hi care full ud u id n m t n the latest released figures from pthe department of highwm show f thit in this district which includes 0 brant porfolk and went worth p cninties is will as hnlton there wen 1 71 motor vehicle arnden s bawciii januarj 1952 and juul ltis this is t 16 per cent inerexst from he previous vcar a greater ircreai than usual these were 12 peroeol of lh total nuanberf iccidti ts in the province called to the bar at a convoc ati n held in osgoode hall rec entlv was mr ernest west mr and mr- d f west and mr j chapman attended the convoc ation when chief justice pickup admin stered the oath the lord h gh chancellor of great bntain was the speaker mr wet will remain with the law firm of brock tritt and rtindale in kitchener service of baptism was held in the chapel of central united church calgarv when the infant w r sons of mr and mrs john a brown were given the names john graham and gordon william rev j raiton brown a grand father of the children and former acton residen officiated assisted bv rev a a hamilton a recept ion followed the baptism acton ys mens club hijoyed a wiener roast last thursday even ing at the farm home of mr and mre mnnsell nellie president j greer was in charge of tin social evening which began the full oeawn over 10 attended a short cirtull in t power line apparently caused bv high winds resulted in a fire hy foiee flectne about flit friday evening the fire brigade was summoned heel nenl power was interrupted be fori the fire and also during repairs some of the members of the lome scots band took part when hit band played at the massed band concert at the toronto ex hibition grandstand last week the acton plaere were chas kint null hay agnew george smilh md ken allen s at acto it was ineorreclly the list of pruc winn fiir inst week that in the hcivy hop best in clns w delaney hid won sieoiid and third the list should hive n ad mccutchcein breit fust g w masales second w de line third and fiurlh the ni pre s regrets this error unforluinklj john rober hepburn f acton was stneker with a heirt secure while at mi sheriffs sale of rael- courl county of wentworth and to me directed against the ooodl lhiillcli ijinds and tentmenls of t 1rihtink oiacomklli at ihe suit of wentworlh mould and die company limited i have sel7ed and taken in execution the fuller one ing ivlty coat hanger mould irlll be aeld hy pub the lie auction in ihe town or ation in ihe county of hnlton nt the pre mi i f ptnttonlcs ltd tuewlay the ism day of orloher itlm at two oclock pm tfrms cash w j robertson a sheriff f county of hnlton seelanmr and mrs scelan r ii 1 acton ar very huppy lo minemnie the blrln of their linimhler mary nt the nuralng home aebin m september 20 1953 miithe r mid baby just watsons ton fair 1 1st saturday rushed b ambuhnce lo millon hospitil he wis there pronounced dead funer al service wis held tuesday h w is in his 74lh year thank you the acton volunteer firemen wish lo ex press their sincere appreciation to the busi ness men of acton in their splendid re sponse to our very successful campaign to secure contributions to the firemen s uni form fund i tips on touring i by carol loo i womans trtnaj aaory when you are out enjoying drives through the gorge ous fall foliage watcbj out for wet itavts matted on the rmds leaves can bt as slipptrj a banana peels worse in fact because there are more of them ind their hazard is ui jntici pa ed when von run nto a it af 1 ur ireleh of ro id ul drm 2 avoid ipulinj brake lj light gndual j rtssu pedal is safer 3 if ou fetl v ursell turn the fron wheels 1 ee i f the skid ind do bnkes un i the car out 4above all make s udden not apply ira jhtei rd bnke- see the world series on tv at ballentine television sales and service births marriagss deaths etc born fin eliilkhler it ihe aihn on s l ml lei fen hilby molln r it 1 ure imp birth o nunlr g died ithpkuitn suddenly en saiur diy siptimlkr i 1u5j jiine robert hepburn beloved hun bind of merger i llolli in hi 74th year unerul wat held lucsdiy at th letur i rutnley funer il home alton ititetineiil everlon ci mi t ry howard al s i ukes he spit i new yenk oi ihursday sept ember 24 itft1 tmily sopln hinton bilovid wife or alb chester ii iw ird ind dear sisle of h ii ry w hinlot f ae t r onliriei arthur kobe rt hi r belt ind walter hinteit ill of loiieion frikluid icsday i tor celia want ads latest time fob infleetion 4 tm wkdnesdat r ati s no charge for announcements of birth marriages death and engagement in mcmoriam b0c plus 10c per line for vara article for sale rent etc 3c a word minimum cash ibc if not paid until after insertion 30c box no to this offlcev iftc additional comio j vent 10c per count line soc minimum card of thank 60c for sale toh sale o pups 1 00 each apply 10 brock st h i y ll ho pini wife f in lphison f llrtll villi into 111 the i of l ujl and lrn of tirnlo lenl serv m w is hi id i on silurd ly inlermen eeme tery acton for sale dry kindling wood stove length e braldu phone ijum rjr sale coal nnd wiiod cook htuve good condition phone 302w or sale space in uter dui llirm good tundition ihone 23 2 v aet n a for sale iotatots no 1 kndtd lobblers and rtauhdins j holmes a roh salk l n w uili t n mi chine exeelle nt e n dill r v ihnt 345 acton u for sa1 t jiirne y tuek jnd white i i ml w xl r i i kul e iiieiui n es jy pi 1 hone i ioor b rlirsh honr v roil sai r i 20c lb in own e i hirers co m miccoll al jimrin si phot c cards oi- thanks john harris would litre to thank friends and neighbors for their kind help on tht firm when he hid the misfortune lo break his back list week victor harding would like lo thank relative friends and neigh bora for the cards flowers visits help on the farm and other kind nesscs shown him while in guelph general hospital coming events this office cannot be responsible for conflicting dates of events for sai h wood l e wi i r son bus i tail l mill ii wanted wanted part lime help ai- uy h wiles phtme 207 18 mill st wanted uaby uttlng job ten e vi i mgi mr irene walker phon- itow m wanted woman for full time help live in no children 1m bow er ave a wanted urgently h upkeep t live in two m fjrmly itior i jeorgelowii tr 7 2181 t wanted w mm v iniwer el ph irn m tt h nt e apply t y b s uiij guelph oat wantrd iidy for gerr f i m it i jhil ph miltji 4jjrl4 fvmtsai kbigtittjiepf wntmrff dinine room uiu divtnp r singer sewirg mul n blonj fern ry re urd fi rn rv odd tdblts apply nib mdtarthur 5fi m i s n aetoti a hurry hurry hurry immediate delivery on new mer cury and meteor automobile s y u authorized mercury i incoln met cor dealer guild motors milton in acton call frank toth cirag phonc 52 a don t forget the lakeside chip terlode bazaar saturday nov ember 7 a bible society fireside sunday october 4 830 pm st albans pirish hall a enrol now for evening classes at robinson business college milton commencing monday october 5 seating capacity limited b 15 3 monday october 5 8 pm in st i atbnn parish hall meeting of the mens club all anglican men wel i come program euchre duke of devonshire chipter io de regular meeting at mrs c j grahims 301 peej street tuedav october 6 at 8 00 clock mondiy october 5 8 pm in si albans pinh hall organ iz i t meeting of angl nn y o u n e iple a ociation all anglican ntf people welcome t house for sale 7 roomed bungalow on paved street solid brick c mstruction conveniences full price 8 950 terms see this and make offer vacant immediae possxsmon contact j l kingshotl 45 mina st phone 590 after 6 p m s ven room bncn ries hot air heating ir flat rate hot water tomge shed wood mall fruits poiession i and hit iriamui has tome to the there is not miffu rant an order f beardmore i e itl established in the and while no eon lei ndilimi i vnn jia ike i conclusion that lent canst te wir i dnntxalitin the e r cennp in w is township in ib44 ni freim tht town m nt lent the f rst fill ng ui ur gnal u sn our eerv ie ition or garage man autumn n oiu of th f net time ef le ear for triff i free sundt e- and week t artful of seac id ji si pper ness hief bt town constructed venttrnnn improved streets m trv tht tr wool nibmc tun i iblishtd lbtmi 1140 that the te md i i opt led and l prevtti a sirtt t ellow if tin tntranet to tin plant this compjnv is opponnl u mntxntion ixecnusi of ih increased tax it ion whieh would resnh w ithe ill corns ponding benefit and tht uime lew i txpr smd bv sonu ef the t w nt rs m i in i m tfftk talts that the twn is enutled to tht tux ition fntm the industrial and ether properties irrthc ire i bee i um i f its willinnev to gut them muni cipnl srv ices tt i s ih greiti i irtp rt n tile r rnj i t wnshii gerald a candler 1 chartfrfd accolntant tcmponir locmtlon 105 miu st e 1 monday friday 1 i 79 pm j saturday from 9 am 1 phone 561 seoul mother s euch e fndn october 2 scout hill 8 30 pm lunch admis on 35c owing to the io de euchre tlld ptnnv sale on october 16 the 1 not be a euchre it the scou hall that nigh for sale i sed trucks and tractors 2 ford used tnctor 1 1949 inter h trac or 1 190 fard hilf t n p ck up t i 1949 ford half p ck up 1 1948 chev 3 ton stake 1 1946 fird 1 ton ho c ind body all our used cars and trucks i warranteed 6 months or 6000 miles in writing early motors sales service i phone 5i9w milton onl dfadhtock removed freim your f drni promptly for sanitary du- pcjal ti l ph me f ollett george- lown ii or cutlph 3 j34 gordon young limited tf fit ii i arli hublness i u i r spi e me l arn how yeu oi sell osineus domtatie pr iduc s tor c i in n s farm products t w offer u free specials monthly htffh pomnflfilon ant v i h ir ct of es abl shing a bus ness of ir wn detdils or request familfx dtpl 4 1600 delorim r montreal a looking for a future there is an opening jn a modern wspaper and commercial print g p ant for a cen age youth to irn he printing rade latest equ pmtnt and pleasant working i ions combined with other f u an opportunity for a id fuure should have grade x due be prepared o apply by letter o the ac ton fret press aeon out a for rent for rent furnished room 133 re cen s wm sejnuk a for rent 4 roomed apart ment corveniences also 3 roomed aparmcnt write po office box 185 ac r a miscellaneous cress wart remover-real- lv does it your druggts sella cres corn salve for sure relief al tf george gibson will be pleased to pick up your de id stick 24 hiur service call bel we d collect 23rll a u transportation avail ti t roi t moid i ind wed sda evin njs leav i e ac n 6 do m lrovuj ttrotto 910 pm c t ildson phone 29ir a new and used cars and trucks the annuil meeting of he hal i jj ffi r wupmd ton countv cream producers as i 103 austin si din sociahon will be held in the firm mlwlt 3 pi trirtnr er building milte n on tuesdav xg r w r cnwler with imjc d evening october 6 at 830 pm thel 1t v blades new propeised plan for marjtclei f vajor 3 p tr dairy products will be dicu ed h idson jets ind lit rm 10 mr p sproulc currie w 11 be in at truck f r imn ed tendance and will iddress the 19j6 phmo scdin kitchener uphoitfry hive your chesterticld juite retip hoistend fur as little as 99 r- finishinfi ind slip cever work for drnnl end efficient service 111 103 acton one weeks service cflmmfrc i m ami domest ic bpholstering add looks n id r m rt w th ski led re stvling ir furniture nn b hindsnmc m n ve agiin low c i ci 1 us one we h s r ic ph me 88 acton a tmcsimfo le- right 1 t tain t j i nt rvd into j ii m 1 il nm in rh -ow- lei -hr- an evening of barber shop harmony tion pnwnu1 to un hwr 1 nd this fcam must u 1t th f lh township th 1 ds n 1 i to b anv real support ot the ap plication b the netir r the irei the application will thniur be dismissed dated at toronto this fourteenth daj of september a d 19s3 r h yates member r l- kennedy membvr ust ork chapter t j e as q thurs0ct15 8 30 p m acton pubuc school l ditorjim is ices bnllmafad wi tiektts available from w i members and watsons restaurant admission soc 35c papers are printed 00 newsprint if you are planning a litle carpen- ta try work around th houm tj shelves cabinet work or dog- ar t pooc a yoor motors see g ltv now at self in emergencies see what we do for you in the lumber line we also carry a complete line of building supplies for your one- stop c see us today t phone j hctan 0 woodvujtl we re carving our career with m reputation for honest quality work our motor transmission and body work is the finest hu man hands and top equipment can offer let ut show you how to give your car a new lease on life kir sal f h s h0lden optometrist fyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas si gubph 41 m t n pick up 4ti int riiatlonal i ton 1uv1 1 ton truck new 1953 chrysler ncv macswain motors l

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