Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1953, p. 5

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thursday hay hit ims the acton free press acton ontario j lawn mowers sharpened earpert service on n makes of new maxwell lawn mowers for sale e g tarzwell 12 victoria av acton now open on spoodvalo av east at nortlvatt city uwirft thurfri may 2122 ni see you in my dreams dons day danny thomas satmon may 2325 great missouri raid technicolor wendell corey mcdonald carey toaswd may 2617 doublo foaturo rrnk of the gorilla pride of the bowery thutvfri may mj9 technicolor richard greene lenore amara box offirf open 7 is ps iwais color cartoon and news childrens playground 2 shows nightly rain or ckar children tinder is rears feee mischievous haiton beaver flooded a section of esquesing township road north west of spey side when they moved from their nassagaweya home to another location the beaver were originally placed m the county as a conservation measure shown in the picture from the left are george curne chairman of the halton conservation committee warden george leslie reeve of esquesing and jack elliott secretary of the halton sportsmen s association about 600 feet of road on the town line one quailer of a mile north of the speyside side road is under water in this picture grand union buys carroll ltd chain an american firm thit grand union co has iwiuaht arrolbj i inutctl a ilimn of si groti rv stores in hamilton and ttu miiiounding district united t tlu lit william ar roll of hamilton in iiim can 11 h was sold t tli t ui oil family to montriul and liuinto intirtsts in i usd foi imr than tttoooc hut tin for the paat two and a hnlf yenrs 1h uctiuuutioii of thi canadian ihnin murk tin tntry of hit lnmd unlon i ompiii into i iinada oc cordtnit o an announccimiil liy lanaing p shit ids nrtiahnl of llu llmml union co tin setond id tut and om of tin mujor retail food hul u in llu hulled malta una in rait i 3x vupermarkcu select a h gregg from 27 applicants naim of llu fli uuoiiut of moil lauit salt iiuh m k gllmoii i uloek and ji montrtal wirt turned 1 li inoled in tl not bun dlhtloted i toronto and j j hh llooimjir n minis of tli chain utd si ll j noun s nkt r in lltf if tul win id o first automobile upthared fu 1921 hut application of angus h crg fin trafalgar tuwnahp nlituiit uisptdur w i4 icci pted by uihll at in ir iineling on may 11 j mr lngu who iimu on the queen i bin ttieth liighwuy has hud over 20 yitrs of building experience it was one of 27 who applied for th position hr hoa had exper- hiiiu in the muriumum as construe lion sill rvuur salary waa tot ut 3 000 with an it in llowjiue of 501 he bekan work tills tuesday wi celebrates 20th anniversary tiusda afternoon the rot wood women s institute celt braird the 50th anniersan of their org anization in the presbi terian church a large number were pit sent including former members from outoftown group of cindhs arranged on a tabli and outlined in figures indic iting the occasion were surrounded b membtra who scred in various fwarstn former warn mr- r nickell in he 9snd year v oldcst o present one who vis prt sident for some 20 odd ieirs wis the liu mr m harris mrs m hinni ilo sened as secret irv for minl yt n- ri fred wil liinvon of gutlph via prest it durmg a bri f program r ishm nts wtn strxod li tht mt and mrs ickell hid tht of cult int thi oke made n rm f an h n bo k ind ic if m n in tt hiring for the o kritula i ins 1 1 th wo m i institult ion ihn auspiuoixs learn of deaths earh pirt of last wctk mrs j 1ittle reeiied word of tht sud den death of hir brther mr r h trout in tht wst and mr and mrs utlk lift soon after b c p r at guilph arming it their drstin ntion wednesda the funeral was held oer till thursd svmpalhj of the community is extended to mrs utile in hr bereavement word nas received in town last week of the sudden leath of one of our rockwood men mr leonard j gardiner at suftield alberta the funeral took phce monday with service in the united church con ducted- bv- rev j w oliver cognation supplement ntxt tnufsday readers of the free press will receive n addit on to their regular issue a special coronation suppement the front cover will have a picture of queen elizabeth printed in four colors and the other seven tabloid pages of the supplement will be corry plete v th pictures and articles of interest m connection w th the coronation ceremonies to be held on june 2 limited quantity we suggest that readers who purchase their copy of the free press at the newstands place their order and have a copy reserved the edition will be limited watch next week for our coronation supplement order your quality corn seed now w hv itvtral brands of th faimxn warfarin tat kitfer a rvaturfkf f in a toronto 0wh star articl 0nt bo postorod with rati kill thorn with warf am frost fence i stock wa havo a nood font u for thoaa who pwrchaao thoir qvafaty fonco horo mllking machine replacement parts irish cobbwrs foundation asood orow yovr hay and straw now acton farm supply 346 miu s south a ttirge numbor were pvesent to p their respects to one so well known pallbtarcrs wen mpw kt 1th hamilton lloyd thomf fnd mihin john htndirsnn rup ert mtkirsie and chirl t v 1 inurmtnt was in rockwood tout er btside hi late par th mpnthv of the commttnit is ev tended lo his filter bessie who tt iches school near norwici ind othtr rehtivt fr m crieff preiint to going west i eonard fumed n ftw nrs on the fourth 1 n ermiki lit also took oirt at plow int mitthes m one tlm ho vt tnip ed it ih oac gmlph cj1t open fxrnlnj triln vning ni mbers of the i git of tht unitid church hid nn opm etntng m tht sunda ihiwl nom which was well a tmddi brit prognin was held followed b rtfrtshmmts sered b mimlxin of tht rliss number if trtichi wire a no offered for ali muues pt irl hamilton and glids hanna are the leaders for the girls bnnday serrkwi sunda morning at the presbyl ert in church a representative of tht gideon organization was pres ent and addressed the congregaton in connection with their labor of presiding bibles in arioui etab llshments mso sunday afternoon a repres en tat it of the bibli socittv was present at st john s church nd addressed the congregation rev r e price conducted the sen ice at the conclusion of the teric- mr charles h harris president called on mr ross gordon secretary- treasurer to give t report on local bible societ ictiwties fan with fireworks the queen s birthda passed off qunth hn members of the local bowline tlub hid their first games on tht gretns m th afternoon and tvening in the ewning a number of oung folks and brown upi hid fun with fireworks some in riversid park as well as at thtir homes hauday vmura h lhday isitors miss marv rdd toronto mr and mrs douglas pit teron midland mr ind mrs rov kiran and daughter hamilton dr and mrs fred croft kitchen er mr and mrf robert croft and members of family toronto m- aid mrs fred day and fimh hamilton mrs maunci kurd w ton miss elizabeth mcphedran onngemlle mr ind mrs jic bo kitchtner mr jam miller kitchen r mrs alex hamilton lucknow mr and mrs russell i ross brantford mr nd mrs ie snntl art n mr rman 1 im i b rt lin hi id pounding the s sports beat with a vongoanco tllehday nig1it in dundns the rams open tht bnvla stason with tht mr powtrful dundas hot nils ns thtir fo just who will ix in thi acton lint up that night will bt tin decision of plavlng coath jot gtrrit jot had 1 plait rs out tnfng for i spot on trte tnm on sdip 1mt ejftrnnrt mosloi tbcnv looked liki bt suits tin ft ho- tht could hold down to obt i tht t i gus i s bill for mr v 1 lam he sun hhd an i u m 5 head gibb fimr iank managvr has bei n transferred from on to art in and mr harol 1 happi fraser wio wis in the ril bank hen a one j me ha bem transferred f m wfarton t i bnitht i d dtfinstman pitftts n pt i in at ton although in fin intial rt muiura lion lu nutht rtotii ht i w mid bt piltr compnnd to what ht could maki in ftrus with o c n in i w is inothi r of 1 ist 1 1 n sh rgus club inmc of minn who tookt 1 liki he could be n big nss t to tin tlub if signed tin othtr hiiiis plmr is smith hi plnved for nranipton juniors list x ir mid tin fxtdsiors won tht cnu idi in himpionshii thil ifficnls told us th ind signed gordit bui tin of list tii s stui lsvilh ttnm burton nsidt from ii rti midkitt was tht most dingirous pliir on llu tlnsll s last ui in its doubtful how mr thit cton will b ilil to obt un i nl ist from strei ts lilt for bur ton fans will see just who the rams have in uniform when the team plas their opening game here on saturday june 6th ohswekrn six nations will e tbe vlaltors as i ft unnamed georgetown s lacrosse team will make its de but in georgetown areni on june 5th plaving host lo sarnia all plans hae been made and the anna is being made ready for the opining players are being signed i and thosi already signed show thi calibre of the team included in thi roster already are junior beaumont johnn haines doug townsend zeke mccandless bill louth and jim cleie all from last years ac j ion b hims ind eterins of earh nor il ti uns un irnso i s nior plar lasl ear with fergus and btfon that with brampton fxci 1 siors his ilso leen signed along withjth ijnith ceorgt grit by and don ross freddie cuthbert will pla- goil coaching the team will be a real lacrosse veteran clark lyana senior player last season wltk nest lork the dotb ptay their find ramc on may 9 at ohsweken against an all indian team georgetown herald halton county baseball league got off to a start over the holl di week end and it patterned itself after last icars standing right from ihi first gamt campbellville the capital citv of nassagaweya wmt rikht to the front by edging loakwih 1 3 on siturdav and clip i pint port cr dit l 10 on victoria i dai oikville npenrd at hnmt on mon di wilh an 8 1 win er wiur down whil th gorltown milton i ix ni r was postihined due to wet settintiout sale 7uutfo z thiuim jolt for the groat response during the first thro days of our selling out sale wa are vary sorry that we couldnt give you the proper attention because the crowds were beyond our expecta tion hundreds upon hundreds of people were served with the greatest of bargai in the hlsloryofewtaltmtfs w i ampfteuvlue th uck st johns wa meets at rectory the monthly meeting of sl john s anglican w a was held al the retory and opened with the i lords prayer the uunv w rad bv mrs ross carbert whil also had charge of the deiotional pen vl mrs o mithell gae h seirttats report- mrs j back i k kaie tht treisurcrs report plans were made for a coronat ion tea with mrs e lerbv distric winens ins tute president from lamt house as guest speaker 100 was donated o the widrns of the church for the building fund m the c ose of the meeting scial haj hj- fotlowed t expecting entries act u ind ceorgdown onh it i n i nt red and a con le of it tht i f ilded up dut to f initrttst trip to george town hi two milton officials rei ed ih si rt in tirm tow n again but wt in if r stand t team is on pretti shikj foundations manager of the uet rgetown club this er is ct rm t haphn acton racers enter events at grimsby s iff rompe mm was met bv fou act n wh ppe r ib members hii ties raced at a 1ack and held dav in gnmsbv on mondai m 1 t w ic il as pleased with tht sh in tg of the fou ocil 1 1 rants bill mchugh placed first in his hea in the 100 vard dash and bill skilhng plated sectnd irv te f 1 race neithe- placed howeic 0i er ctm racers were wayne r bic who was also entered in the 100 vard dash and herb dodds who rin in the men s half mile i we have prepared enough help now to serve you to the best of our ability due to the limit ed time it was utterly impossible for us to display more saleable merchandise but we are thankful for the holiday that gave us a chance to prepare more and more bargains for our thoughtful friends and customers that have responded so generously thanks again for your cooperation mr and mrs pauant we are listing only a few of the bargains that are available at our store ladies dresses regular to 8 95 for only 399 ladies spring coats 1095 up ladies suits 388 ladies lace trir slips 139 up ladies nylon hose 64c pair ladies purses 98c reg s4 95 ladies hats 59c reg lo s5 95 ladies plastic aprons 10c mens and ladies white handkerchiefs each 5c washcloths each 7c mens all weather coats r i 50 1269 mens suits single arni double breasted i styles all wool worsted j materials regular to 44 50 i i selling out price i 3188 mens gabardine and worsted mens gabardine double breasted suits good size terry towels 29c rag sos 00 valua for 1988 pants 597 mens good sturdy work pants white they last 299 pair mens shorts tops each 49c mens leather oxfords black or brown reg to o 95 pr 300 roys boots oxfords sale price 2 97 j mens wool work sox 29c mens dress sox 25c mens ties each 10c boys windbreakers only a few left each 100 roys shorts 37c pair i boys jeans 1 99 pair this is a complete sellout i everything must be sold no reserve for best selection shop early pallants clothing 29 mill st opposite post office store acton

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