Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1953, p. 15

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i may un coronation supplement tkim nvs earl marshal of england duke of norfolk responsible tor details of great ceremony on the eve of june 2nd 1953 the eyes of the world will i be iocussed upon westminster abbey and the historic cere- money to be enacted there hyde park will be crowded with teeners there were 50000 last time determined to be first in place along the procession route the annexe to the abbey will rave been built the precious tickets entitling the bearers to enter the abbey will have been issued and everyone will have been assigned a place in the coronation procession itself the crown jewels will be in the abbey under guard everything will be in readiness and within a few hours 1 the spectacle with all its incredible complexity and colour will legin to unfold there will be mounting excitement but one man will be calm through it all he is the earl marshal of england his grace the puke of norfolk who by hereditary right is responsible for every detail of great ceremonial occasions although only 44 he has carried out his duties since the age of 27 these have included an angements for the funeral of king george v the coronation of king george vi and queen elizabeth in 1937 the wedding of our present queen and the funeral of king george vi on the last occasion he had only ten days in which to make the immensely detailed preparations yet the disciplined solemnity of that and occasion won him high praise in his vivid scarlet tunic crossed with the blue sash of the order of the garter and carrying his golden baton the emblem of his ancient office he whs an impressive figure the duke is head of the college of arms and of the kings of arms heralds unit thei pursuivants minn r thin titlis uch as rougt dtngun mid lllm tnnntle pursuivant nn an ronitin tic im their uniform h in n multl mllhnnniii has nlntt in suhii x arundl jint m his fin olirit home shiffnld dumfm hire caelnvi rok i unit siif folk unci oxfurdahin hut ftimilv plntr is said to wiirii n t i 1 m a 1 loin nn cuthnlic mid h in f ur daurhu m but no hoii master organiser the hnrl marshals hubtluul x agression la one of quiet unruffled attention ha is u masterly or gunixer and likes economy in words clear thinking mid action whether as n fnrimr murintrutc oldfer or state official these qualities have all boon remarked upon by those who woik with him even so nobody has envied him hi burden he has planned th route of the procession and co or din a tod with the police plana for security and order these were con ul tat ions with the heads of serv ice department on the contingent and representatives of the various aervicea in the procesaion and for the lining of the route the moat precise arraniiemenlii were made with the constable of the tower of london for the transport and sardinjr of the priceless crown eels the biggest headache un doubt edly was the allocation of tick la for the ceremony itself normally the abbey holds about 2500 people but 7 7lfn til the inst oroiialimi the cnpiititv una iikiitiid to ii tk and gulliiiea htiiik muti within tin aiiim hun ilndn of worknitn tn ltd thi sdif fi id iir laid pi wlie coiiruik in th htom floir anil iirititiril ti in ui i ii r iipi ninioi for uirrttis and ijtnsn glass was n moved fi n noun wind uk m that hpulu torn ran go m might tn thttr hints many iroblema among the moat difficult dc risions to make were those rtgant ing the guest lists who should be invited and where should they be placed nobody muat be offended but there jubt inn t room for every one tvtry dominion colony de pendency and the repreaenlatlvi a of every foreign power had to be considered such waa alao the case in the claims of heredity canada is important but tiny san mai had to be remembered also nor could the limited seating be al located solely on the basis of km pi re unity diplomatic precedence or historic predeeent for public service muat also be considered at the last coronation ordinary work inr people the widows or depen dents of some who had fallen in war had seats which were refused to the rich or high ranking timing in port ant the timing of everything la supremely important norfolk brltfh twl auorullan 1 h lu the duke of norfolk taken in uniform as earl marshall al ihc proclamation al ml james ialace seta la westaainster abbey daring the caranatton of king george l laia will w rocnactcdj when queen elisabeth ii b crowned jrae 2nd km ui hi signa himself tills hi shops und ambassadors knights and newspapermen whtre to put themsilvcs and when to arrive the contingents of the proct anion muat know where tn be und when to join up and there are number leas phairal details the laying of an immense mrp t 171 f e t h ng the preparation and plnctng of all the equipment used in the ritual works wilh tossraisaion much of the advance planning was done bv the conmatii n commission of which the duke of kdinburgh is chairman and the karl marshal hia deputy it in eludes 1ft repreaenlatlvi s of great britain canada australia new eulund south africa pakistan und yloii india bong u l public within the toiiimonwnllh und not unlikt ither dominion acknowledging que ii himlwth aa out en of india litis no in ember on the commission it also includes the archbishop of uutrrbury dr risher prominent ministers und repnsmtiitives of the main poll ticul partus numberless matters of d iieucy are involved in the arrangements itht re w re raised eyebniws at the rlust oronntlon for instance when i the russian and rmuii ambaana dors w re placed next to each i other i the rorl mjrshnj a vast ex pen 1 ence was needed at sessions of queens busy day to uke up his duties india s new high ommissioner in london must be received the president and secretary call to submit the business of the royal academy of arts grasp essentials readily a host of ifficial docum nu muat be examined the cabin t agenda tha contents of those red leather covered despatch bi xes from the foreign office the mm utes and pt weeding of defence committees there will be wrrn pondence or visits from her p rson al representatives abroad such as ambassadors and givernorx gener al the state documents which go to the prime minister go all the queen and she has air ady continued from luge 2 al lunch thi re i tip rtint visitor verbitim proceedings of thi house of ommona and the h use of lords to be read there will be appeals from municipalities rhari ties and public institution of all kind hnpirrg that she enn grace their pi weedings uully sim afterw irds there tmy be public duties often neressitnting a 1 ng journey by train thrre may be discussions withthr keeper of the privy purse on th di tails of management of the r a esutes there are details of the coronation ti discuss with the earl mirshal of fnglnnd pr hjps the new designs for postage stamps r thr new coinage will have to ba esamined mtonished those about her b her rfin tnl bt f ready grasp of essentials approved these constitutional duties ars i yy it purely formal because if things j heavy arraapondenc are done in the name af the queen j correspondence la often very she must keep well informed about heavy and buckingham paiace has them fvery day for instance he natural enough lis own post of reads a detailed aummary f the fice and on special occasmns such commonwealth newspaper a the death of king ge rge i many dnaienu to read th incoming mail can be enor documents are usually dealt with mous on that occasinn over 15 ikki in the roornins the queen sees her letters and telegrams were receiv private secretary as soon as she ed in a single day has read tha newspaper consults 1 r dutl ot monmrrh ha in cabinet aprs and then goes over c intensely dunnr th iast the business of the day various vl yran mainly beeaus partinpa other documents corae for- ctinsid erst ion and then correspondence is answered there is hansardthe soag oas petition for coronation year the t ist and barra ssnciat n of dlasgou v tlnd is organmne a c mpftt hon for s new nt hi a bard from the islands of l ist or barra m f r they a new s na rompi n hotou f n but man hop ha been either island pressed that m deration will sx in public life as distinct fr ci nstitutirnal and ceremonial life hj grown as c viliutnn has be come more conplei remembering the ntr n to which the t king was ubject and with an uneasy fee mg that his unmrnplaining ceptance of heavy burdens may have blinded us to the fact that lcikiircly view of coronation courli for many briton lcw people aie ever ubln to take a lelauiclv and th lailud view if he limitation toaih and its as cort thuv sen it only aa it passes on the crowded o run all on route rut a pre view la to he provided this year three months before tha queen ia crowned a replica in full olour and exact detail on a two thirds scale waa made by artists and sculptors farpreaenta tlon at the ideal ffome exhibition at olympia undon march i 2m thfa ttepteaeutalloii which in eludes the eight greyhoraea out riders walking men yeumen of the guard and the escorting off i corn of the household avulry has cost many tinea he amount of the original comh whin it waa built in 17ti j hie itntioli f ouikll of indumlilul dialril has umimiiu ed a minuttl lion fn d signs of mitdooi siuts for parka im ui ilea bus utopa aid so on siikr inuny iirui authmi tits plan to io noiute th r oiialiim by piovidnir new pul lie aetils thi 4 nincil liopea to uttnial by f into ng u urii uuuiduid if diaign tin nut of uiuina an ui tit tribunil wliiii fvr aitun tin- m r8si ti if ulihutd ii in 1177 haa mil to i i mi1i i t lainia to peifiiui ceiluln miinb fir tlm stm leign the u rl usually meila in the jnvy mncil offuc in wluleiiall with either the urd thief juhiic or ltd haixfll r aa president the most prominent of cilu ns coitiemed with the onmation pnaeiiied thi ir laima in the iiomnit uy thus the claim from the deun und huphr of writ minster abbey was to iimtmrt the que n in the ill tea and era monies und to assist the arch bishop of t tinti rbury thera was ai other claim to carry the royal standard of scotland aa hereditary royal standuid hearer for scotland all claiuiiiiila irufe their rights through ancestry or historic pre cedent hut not all claitua are easy to n solve should there for in stance be a queens hampion t the king a hampion used t be one of the most interesting feat urea of the oronation a banquet at westminster hall once followed the in j notion at which befi re ood was served the xird high onstablf- and rorl marshal ac complin led by the kings nam fion entered on horseback the lerald would then proclaim that if any person f what degree soever high or low ahull deny or gainsii ur sovereign l rd nere is his hampion who snith that he lieth and is a false traitor being ready in person to combat with him the king champion then thr w down tbe gauntlet which la there until the herald ci eked t up and n turned it t im three t tines the glove was thrown nobody in hist ry eer accepted the rhillenge and then the king drank the oiampi in health a pleasant custom but it went 1 into disuse in lflil a claim to exercise the right of champ on mil be made and heard however not remunerative what pay will the earl marshal get for arranging the grrateat and sdemn pageant in histor his nalarj is 21 a year being a rich man ls fid in every 1 goes m income tax so in fart he will re cede ten shillings for hia year a gruelling labour shown in public demands upon th queen the queen however haa taken up her duties with unruffled en thasiasm and great understanding she haa a mwmn ww4t though well within her capacities few people in this wor d r ild under take successfully there was an eih bit n of westminster abbeys treaaurea m st james a palace during febni ar and march plate t raiments historic objerta and w rks t srt were h ri re udina a p rtra of richard ii which is bel exed tr be the earliest pa rted portra at an english sovereigns t ai3dvs 0di w i r n d

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