padtflfer the acton free press acton ontario thursday may llat im iqcainrvs u wmfmm bmm wau far tma eotmtn mmt baphomd to im or ttnt to the frt prm open baseball season with wins over oakville and port credit office t acton temperature reached the nine ties again after the cool and wet weekend nothing makes toy more ed ucational to a child than having his father trip over it highways were congested over the holiday week end but accident in this district were not heavy the maples are out in full fol lags by the twenty fourth which makes this spring well advanced don t forget the very special coronation supplement to be in eluded with this paper in its issue of f 361 the may holiday marking the birthday of two queens made a splendid time for catching up with spring gardening surveyors have been on the site of the new high school in acton taking levels preparatory to putting the building on the property at the east end of acton street oiling has been comp leted in acton and sand was spread on the surfacing material to how vehicles to pass over it with out damaging the surface six men were fined in court in acton wednesday morning for of ienses which included speeding falling to stop faulty muffler and being in possession of liquor fines totalled 88 plus costs a steering committee is what it takes to get a woman drivef parked acton united church choir and rev currey conducted the servtct in barryhlll on sunday with the choir and minister of that church conducting the service in acton the exchange was on rural life sunday acton high school student mis jovce parmer and her mother mrs former were guests of acton rotary club at their meeting tues dny miss farmer told the mem bom of her trip to ottawa her account of the visit written for the free press appears in this issue fourth year engineering results of the university of toronto in elude several names of interest loc ally j r- barr passed his final year in civil engineering a r g molozzi received honors in engi neering physics electricity and w s brown received honors in elect rical engineering mrs r m hastings of gait will be the delegate from the guelph presbyterial of the wo ncn s missionary society to the an n inl council meeting of the assoc tation next week in london the meetings are held for the purpose of reviewing the society s accomp lishments during the past year and making plans for the future feat uring several phases of mission work campbeuvlue opened the ims hard ball season on saturday with an exciting bs victory over the oakvllle oaks jack roberts go ing all the way for the winners al lowed last years league champions but five hits while striking out eight giving up six bases on balls and hitting one batter oikvilh started their big flrebalier bex bailey who for the first five inn ings held campbeuvlue hitless and rimless but in the sixth singles by hmderson and bui cairns along with two oakvllle errors pro luc 4d two runs to tie the game campbeuvlue took sole possess ion of first place in the halton county baseball association on monday afternoon at the athletic grounds as they downed port crc dlt 13 10 in a free hitting contest left bander mcmahon started out for port credit but retired after two and a third innings after hav ing given up six hits and eight runs buljfrelse then took over for the next five and two thirds innings and campbeuvlue touched him for seven hits and seven runs attention quarterly fireside acton bible society in acton baptist church sunday may 24th 8 30 p m special music and sound film campbell lodge holds ladies night members of campbell lodge aj and am entertained their ladles at a fine sodal night at stewart- town hau last thursday hundred partook of a delightful turkey dinner prepared and served by the ashgrove women s instlti te the menu was complete and plenti ful t w m roy coulter was master oi ceremonies and the toast to grand lodge was proposed by bro e ma hon and to the ladies by bro murray mcphail mrs coulter made a gracious reply wm ken- watson of st clair lodge milton brought greetings from his lodg and sw jack mcphail expressed appreciation to ashgrove w 1 for the splendid dinner entertainment was provided by a quartette from gait who gave variety of numbers progresslvt euchre was enjoyed with prize going to mrs bullard mrs e by crmnn mrs gordon mcphail and mrs stun robinson there were lucky prizes for the ladies seem ingly without number we realize we didn t ret all th winners but among those whe took home souvenirs of the nighi were mrs mnrjone mrphill mrs dr mcdonald mrs archie cairns mrs omar van sickle mrs grace readhead mrs jessie watson mrs wm houthcr mrs a coulter mr lillian readhead mrs w bird mrs john robertson mrs lois mcphail mrs hazel ellen ton mrs florence coulter mrs winnie har bottle mrs frank wilson mrs al ex moore mrs dr young mrs e d mahon mrs charles norrish mrs wilbert ford mrs lloyd peer mrs wilbert gauoway mrs john gilmour mrs j k mahon mrs h gorter mrs ellen read head and wm bullard by chris lamb play day was at 12 30 on satur day at the oa c in guelph the schools were classed by population into a and b groups and then the students were classed by ages as seniors and intermediates acton made a good showing in boys ev ents but there were no wins for the girls paul lawson won first in inter mediate high jump and pole vault he set a new record for high jump ing bill coon was second in sen mr half mile race wajne arbic was third in the intermediate 220 yard dash and bob coon was third in the intermediate high jump most of the students stayed for dinner it the college cafeteria and later dinced in memorial hill obituary esteemed citizen dies in 90th year one of acton s esteemed citizens who has resided hire longer we believe than am other person mrs wiuiam kenne passed peacefully awa at her home on church st acton carh sundav morning she was in her 90th jeir and about seventy of those years she lived acton mrs kennev had been declining health for some little time and a short time ago had the misfortune to fracture her hip born on the farm near kifcride elizabeth matilda blair v as a daughter of the late thomas blair and marv burns of the family of this pioneer couple onl two no remain george of santa monica california and mrs jennie mat thews of toronto all of mrs kenncv s fnmilv sur mm her mrs una alderson of hornbv dr w g c kinno f acton dr a b kinnev of maple creek sisk miss no a kennev of gutlph and miss fran ces ktnno at home tt all f the benaved mpathv of many friends in this community goe t this uroe her h the late william kenney predeceased her iwelve ears ago mrs kennc was a member knox church acton and as long is health permitted was most faithful in her work and attendance at h church her home and her church occupied top places in her life the funeral was held on monda afternoon with a private service at the home conducted bv her min irier rex r h armstrong inter ment was in fairmew cemetery acton coming events this office cannot be responsible jot conflicting dates of events st albans wa banr and tea saturdij max 23 in the parish hall aprons baking and candy everyone welcome a bannockburn farm forum are holding a euchre in bannockburn school saturday may 23 admis sion 35c lunch will be served a ballinafad w 1 are holding a euchre dance and penny sale in the hall friday may 22 at 8 30 odock admission 50c good priz es and lunch a 45 2 the woman s association of the united church are holding a bak big sale and touch and take table in the sunday school room on saturdav may 23 at 3 00 pm a 4446 wednesday may 27 830 pm three act play mary made som marmalade bv the beatrice reb etca lodge guelph auspices bal limfad wms in ballinafad hall adults 50c children 25c a m ay coon vake1 mu no wows model mathilda a spinster lady rushed into the bouse and exclaimed ex cttedjy to ber old maid sister oh ft foing out tonight with whats the difference- agatha assared ber so long as hes healthy k you r in th market for lum ber or building swppkss of any description so us our con vonnot location ts ust a haamiy stomas throw from any part of town chadt with us today boys if how would you hko to aarn a major leagu reach baseball glove worth 8 00 without any obligation to you simpty sail 5 only fiva magaxlna subscriptions and the glove is yours i its really a keen glove one that will sharpen your fielding average and last for a long long tjrnel you can sell these subscriptions in one afternoon so hurryl win your glove right away for particulars write the davis agency 412 birin bldg hamilton lets go to a movie tonight 1 acton phoni 110 continuous shows nightly from 7 00 p m matinees saturdays and holidays at 2 p m visit our candy bar in the foyer frisat may 2223 double hit program extra i technicolor cartoon lucky pigs montueswed may 252627 rr road to bui 7echnic010r aden k births marriages deaths etc bohn kniqht mr and mrs william knight are happy to announce the birth of their son william larry at guelph general hosplt- nl on may 8 frost mr and mrs frost 138 guelph st acton are vt ry pleated to annomue the birth of their daughter nnncy susanrtc at the nursing home on may 16 a little sister for barbara moth er and baby just fine black john and dorothy r r 1 acton are very happy to an nounce the arrival of their daughter doris marie at the nursing home on wednesday may 20 a little sister for david mother and baby doing fine died latest time for insertion 4pm wednesday rates no charge for announcements of births marriages deaths and engagements in mmorlam 50c plus luc per line for verses articles for sale rent etc 2c a word minimum cash 35c if not paid until after insertion 50c box no to this office 15c additional coming events 10c per count line 50c minimum cards of thanks 50c for sale wanted kenney at her home church st acton ont on sunday may 17 1953 elizabeth matilda blair widow of the late william ro bert kenney in her 90th year funeral was held on monday af ternoon may 18 interment fair i view cemetery acton storey at saskatoon on april 27 1953 george a storey son or the late thomas and eliza storey of acton in his 81st year brother or thomas h winnipeg mrs neil agnew mary hart ney and robt b toronto interment m saskatoon on april symon at guelph generol hos pita on may 14 john allan sy mon husband of flora stayton symon of 98 main st acton in a his tf th year funeral service was held at tht for sale bicycles nnd parts reasonably pnetd phone 41j12 ac ton for sale- 15 yorkshire wean ling pigs phone 31jl acton gcr aid maeltod b for sale 37 buick best of fer must be sold by saturday night apply 5 mill si wit a for sale 1940 plymouth se dan in good condition apply to 3j qutqii st w acton phone 343j a home for two weeks old phone- for sale registered jersey freshens june 28 also new milkers registered young phone george town 18 lj b for sale one 8 roomed framt aipmtc nrimtin n i runerai service was held at tht house in acton bath f urnice ajtjnl wanted full or part bs4 ft 1 q- kwexsnected ecunicd jststtjtz iffig- saturday way 16 interment was in centrally located apply after 6 m 7 msmtsrwgl fairvlew cemetery skippen at k w hospital kit chener ont on sunday may 17 1953 helen may barber belov ed wife of norman j sklppen dear mother of nancy gale and george barber funeral service was held at the victor b rumley funeral home wednesday may 20 interment fairview cemetery morrison at his residence r 2 acton on wednesday may 20 1953 duncan morrison dear father of margaret mrs fred cole acton christina toronto and stanley at home grandfath er of margaret in his 95th year resting at the home until frldy where funeral service will be held at 4 00 pm interment falrview cemetery acton thompson at london on sun day may 17 1953 alexardei alex thompson of erin twp beloved husband of effie mc eachern dear filher of ada mrs r b kirkwoodi erin and annie mrs bert fowler toron to in his 71tk yeir funenl service wis hild al hr residence r r 2 erin wcdnts day intermtnt frin cemetery for sale 6 roomed house al conveniencts large lot and garage possession july 1 apply to g w masai es acton a for sale quantity of dakota seed flax 4 00 a bushel mervin milliard r r l burgh phone erin 4r21 apply hi is for sale one hospital bed and ane single metal bed both with good springs and mattressc write box 29 free press centrally located apply after 6 00 p m to mr e grischow 36 main street south for sale good used clothing for children and adults dishes pictures vases books patterns jewellery records games toys greeting cards saturday may 23 230 pm ymca auspices lake side chapter iode coffee and donuts for sale a help wanted girl or gen work apply box 41 fret press carpenters wanted mcnally construction elgin st georgetown phone 18 or 739 a 44s deadsto k removed from your irm promptly for sanitary dis posal telephone collect george town 11 or guelph 3334 gordon young limited domestic help wanted married couple or two women cook and general housework- country home excellent accommo dation good wages telephone mil ton 228r2 and reverse charges n wanted young man or wo man with three years high school education to irain for a clerk and cashier in office good working conditions and opportunity for pro motion apply in writing to box b8 free press m commissions on an article everyone has m their home magazine sub scriptions no expense nor oblig ation write the davis agency 41z birks bldg hamilton ont b492 free free free a beautiful 20 x 40 bedroom n from factory to you yes we will give you absolutely free a gift of a matching bedroom rug with each purchase of our luxurious cor duroy chenille bedspread this is toe spread that has thousands of elvety tufts which completely ers the spread now on sale g99 each sent cod phis postage in all shades in both single and i double bed sizes with either multi colored or solid same color patterns i on top first quality a truly re i markable buy when you consider that you get a rug worth s3 as a free gift to mitch lmmtdiiu m jney back gmnntee town country mfg box 904 phre darmis montml quebcr i 4fl 48 pulift saif rtiy old ind stirted while thrv list it this andfrson al st josephs ii s pcdil prices immidnli del v r pitil gutlph on tuesdiy mny d- id stindird quality birred 19 1d53 cithcnne c kitch nfi rock rhode ishnd red white wdow of the lite robinson and r light sussex while wvin ersnn nnd deir mother of ncl i df tie liht sussex x nu himp sontit nissi yi tiwnship in ht sussex x red it 518 91 p her 80th ycii experienced wood stavk tank foreman capable to act as assistant to superintendent also experienced tank esectob plant within 70 miles of toronto apply to box no 60 free press job wanted young english speaking dutch girl wants work on saturday in acton or erin if yoi want to keep up your lawn but do not have time to do it yourself here is your opptorunlty make ar rangements for the season lawn mowing or gardening j l van de poldor r r 3 acton os- prfnge m broiler growers wanted we offer a sure thing a guaran teed floor price restink it the victor b rumlev funeril h mi acton where funeral will be held on friday afternoon at 2 30 clock intermtnt eb nerer ccmcterv hundred new himpshlri rh island red x barred rock ni w himp x birred rock ne v himp shire x itfiht sussex slfil per hundred blick mm jrci x wh t ltrhorn white leghorn x birntl rock white leghorn 2b per hall at the residence of h s hundred assorted breeds our son 306 pipe ac toronto on i cholc p luin for siturdav miv 16 19st jimes money mikcr quality idd 1 00 per joseph hill beloved husbind of 0 for ext proflt ldd the late catherine cimpbcll and 100 for special mating add 3 00 dear father of wlfrcd stepfather i w nn q p 5 w of elh mrs e cruise adi mrs w alnsworthi tim mrs c maephtrson in his 81st yeir formerlv of acton out funeral service v t held wed neiday in toronto interment rcsthiven memorial girdtns marks at the toronto gencril htspitil on fndij may 15 19i3 ernest robert marks late of 190 spruce ave richvale husband of the late ameln elizabeth marks and dear father of mri frink hill lillian richale walter r ind lawrence l marks toronto ernest t mark acton funeral service was held tucs day in toronto with interment in park laun cemetery extn profit idd 2 00 per special mating add 3 00 stirted pullets 2 week id add 1 00 per 100 t week old idd 1700 per 100 diy dd bronze inms very speciii price 39c eich cod invwhere tweddle c hick hatcheries ltd fer e is ont b 1 c 50 2 for sale good supply i 1954 flocks wanted with h itching egfes i wanted to purchase good pullets n t broiler pulletsj of 11 in ri md on range wanted new hampshire- cockerels d ember ind finu ry h tched suiliblc for bn ders tweddi f chick hatcheries limited i fergus ontirio lost i oston mav 8 on the 5th line- below cedarvalc sch nl child y h lasses pink plastic rims finder ph im notify fr press office a miscellaneous in memoriams anderson in loving memory of connie anderson who passed away may 25 1941 o blessed little sunbeam o child of love and prayer i we give thee to the keeping of the tender shepherd s care i always remembered by m lur daddy ron and don anderson in 1 ing memory i our niece conn e anderson ph passed away may 25 1941 loving mim nis never die s davs go on and vears go h deep in our hearts thi m m rv s kept o on e 1 vd ind never w 11 forget ever r membtred bv bncle titch aunt helen bofabv and garry brislow himilton ont davies in lovinft memorv of t dear son and brother who pas d away ma 20 1941 in his 28th year time does not darken nor i dim tv beautiful memories we 19v meteor sedin 1149 ford club coupe 1949 fraser manhattan 1949 meteor sedan 1917 mrrcurv coich 1947 ford sedan 1947 pontiac coach 1942 ford coach 1940 pontiac coupe 1940 hudson sedan 1947 willys jeep 1951 ford 1 ton express 1948 chev 3 ton stake 1946 ford 3 ton with hoist and body 1948 mercury v t pick up 2 used ford tractors model h international tractor with com planter and cul u vat or open monday wednesday friday and saturday evenings 7 pjn to 9 pjn for car sales only karly motors cress wart remover real ly does it your draggls sell cress com salve for sure relief a4 tf washer repairs rolls parts complete overhauls ernies radio and electric georgetown phone 465 roxy theatre bldg atf 519vv milton ont cards of thanks toi auction sale of modern fnmltare bo i win supplies etc the property of kenne m la georgetown on saturday may frank petch auctloreer georgetown 391 mav i say thank you 1 1 friends and neighbors for flowers cards and nsnv acts of kindness which w 11 lirg be remembered ii ig m reornt illness sincerely mrs john cbjn i i would like to thank mv friend and relatives for cards flowers i phone calls and other way ex oressions while being a patien in lockwood clinic these pat two weeks also doctors and nurses mrs ivj w nter to my many kind friends and neighbors who sent me cards and flowers while in guelph hospital and toronto hospital i wish to say thank you your kindness wilt al ways he remembered by charlr and mvself mrs c sewing machines sales and servite repairs to all makes ernies radio and electric phon roxy theatre bldg george town a tf kitchener upholstery have your chestertleld suite reup holstered or as little as 89 re- finishing and slip cover work for prompt and efficient lerviee ead 103 acton one weeks service clearing auction sale in rockwood of vodern and antique fornltur and houwbld etfeeta the undersigned have received instructions to sell the fumiturr and household effects of the iflvre wm dlrns in the farmers shed main st rckwood on h41trd41 may 23rd commencing at 3 clock the following dining room extension table dining room chain sideboard couch arm chairs rockers leather covered arm chairs small tables dushes couch clocks pictures lamps raymond sewing machine hall racks settees books bed steads springs dressers mattress w ah suns toilet sets white en- amel strand cook stove acme el ectric rangette enamel kitchen table with chrome legs baby car riage high chair kitchen chairs tables folding panel doors 8 feet wide odd doors rose arbour and other articles too numerous to mention terms cash hindley and elliot auct geo bayne hi charge of nle a