Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1953, p. 2

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the acton fre6 press acton ontario thursday april llrd 1h ihasng bttwn tfc umi guss negatives from turn of century provide new feature being in step on sunajay morning very arly we ore khvdum to go on dyllgh1 saving tlnrw there may fee tatjofjcoiifyjai ftasiett way to meet the change it to have unt- formity its regrettable that the railway tcheduloi cannot be changed and then all confusion to far as we are concerned would be eliminated not being familiar with railway matters we have no idea of what a change to daylight saving lime would involve or how many would be incon venienced by such a move there was a time not so many years ago when daylight saving time was a big issue among com munities and even tn the communities themselves every spring two wars and a few power short ages and most important of all a realization by ell that uniformity in time was desirous for every one have all played a pari in making the transi tion periods less painful and quite uniform we wont argue whether daylight saving is good or bad like most olhers we find a bit of difficulty in making adustments from one time to enother but we do iciow that uniformity is de sirable and best for all so on saturday night for get about standard time until next september and put your clocks ahead an hour once in 100 years hatton county will this year mark its centen nial according to reports of county counciltrtat is all that will be doneust mark the 100th an niversary it is claimed it should have been done last year we concur in part the arrangements for the centennial of halton should have been started last year or a year ahead of when any celebration was going to be held yes halton is getting olda hundred years eld this year but we had no idea that the folks that make up the populaton of the county were so old that such an important event would go without some recognition surely out of the 40000 people who live in the towns and town ships of this county there are enough who could organize a fitting event to mark the centennial there were enough in nassagaweya township a few years ago to carry to a very successful con elusion an event marking 100 years of that town ship s organization and nassagaweya is the smallest township in the county too in point of population its been done m other counties with some success brampton and barne are towns which this year will hold centennials haldimand county had a very successful centennial a few years ago its a known fact that such events are not money makers and quite often require municipal assist ence to put on a successful show but is a lot of carnival and ballyhoo necessary to make a reun ion of haltonians on the centennial of the county a success surely there is still some way in which halton county can mark its centennial this year surely age has not dimmed the initiative and spirit of all of the 40000 folks of the county centennials only come every 100 years and it seems too bad to pass up the first one willing to give some ideas but moil of the park log meters in use today are merely another levy on the motorist and a mount of municipal rev eriue ikense fee duva feci insur gasoline tax of nearly a third the total cost of the fuel are piled high until the motorist can scarcely discern through the windshield a parking meter from a fire plug its time tome of the revenue was de voted to solving tome of the motorists problems the springs and shocks wont stand the load much longer a balancing act where the batls of assessments are revised as they have been throughout halton it should be taken into contideralicm whon the mill rate is established too often this point is forgotten and the setting of the rate is on the basis of the mi set for the previous year there h only one thing that the average taxpayer needs to take into con sideration that is the amount of money he must pay in taxes each year and the services he has asked for and received for his contribution with all the changes that have been made over the past few years in assessments the ave rage citizen may well be confused we believe that even those who serve in municipal office may be excused loo if they fail to keep up with elmhechanges olassessmenl figuiesthajve4k p inhaltoncounty the past few- ears they are becoming as ununderstandable as the tariff issues which the politicians used to put forth many years ago and expound at some length and an ever decreasing clarity lots of us con remember municipal tax rates of 20 mills and assessments on properties about a quarter of what the same buildings are today many of us can also remember the meagre ser vices that this levy provided compared with to day we did a lot of things for ourselves under the 20 milt rates that we now have provided by the municipality but the point that is all important in all taxa hon and particularly in municipal levies is the amount of money you pay for the service you get mills and assessments however need to have careful oversight by councils when assessments are raised there should be a subsequent reduction in the mills required if the taxpayers pocket is to be kept in balance using the apace nt imi feature lo introduce another feature la not alwpya the beat meet irt there ar aume interesting ihlngi about tales on tlntypea thai i thmikhl mlkhl interest you tales on tlnlynoa li to he the name kit a new feature in the kitie pruaa that will atari soon iv liitnr preaentbtjan irenes of acton taken at lhu turn of the century by a t hrowii und recorded fur our information and enlightenment nn glass neg olives the picture record significant evnnls such as lhu town only strike watering the roads to pre vent duat on early lacrosse loam a view of the town the first station and many many more pictures of local historical im port an ce the notes on the picture will be written by q a dill und should provide some very inter eating- reading for anyone inter tbted in acton in the a t brown colli lion of negatives are many nature hie ilea that were patnmakliigly planned lose ups of biul nests id birth thenuielvch weic token only aftet long wails in kiiindeti illence for the birds lo return many of the eaily hiituhul pictures wen displayed ill ihi full fair iiihi ycai and icnivd ii real den i of attention iteull ing the importanie of the picture- iinrf the mloreil people showed in them some technical picfolc ms were tackled iii an effort to add taloa of tintype lo the col umn of the free pren hand i inn glass negatives pro vide more difficulty than the prcaenl day celluloid ana that bund more easily itmay be in teresting to note too that the picture the oldest collodion o of- therearwui ho se nted in tha newest method picture for newspapers have until rocenl years been printed by a piece of zinc etched with acids just recently the new pro cess of printing picture from a plastic plate has been introduced while pictures in ihe free press column have been printed from plastic plate since september 1950 a higher quality of plale is to be used on the historical pict ures if the feature is a success and enough interest is shown to war rant continuing it the collection of the columns rriight well make a companion book for actons early days tile copyrighted feature will iiugtii in an early issue of the free press and i do hope youll find the vial la lo acton al the turn of the century enjoyable incidentally there la u red cctat worn years ago liy hie local itmrvt army hanging in our of fice which provides a constant reminder thai the town or county mould have a museum hut tin n htluips were too twsy with jimnros- to woiry about the past wv 3q0d old dwtv may have seemed better back in 1903 prawn tha issue al tha fra rreaa of tbaraday april u ims the useful ami honorable life of the lieutenant governor hir oliver mowai ended sunday the demise 1 rw irf hi horrn rhrnmi med- th rmtgh- out ontario he was one of the fathers of confederation and one of our great canadian mr w mortimer clark kc of toronto ha been appointed lieutenant gov ernor mr fielding presented his aev euth budget in ottawa last week in the apace of two hours and a half he announced a record break ing surplus of 13 500 000 a reduct ion of the public debt of 5000000 a chance to canadian investor to acquire ojkttjouu worth at year government bonds bearing 3i per cent interest an increase in the dominion bank note issue of 10000000 und the creation of a ten per lent reserve fund against the 6000000 post office savings bonds he also intimated that the british preference might be wilh drawn 1 great britain refused to reciprocate in the mallei of can ailiau breadstuff he ait id flatly that the canadian oveinmtnl would not lake part in my joint high commission with lh unit sltles unless tilt washington au laid lint it would back m 1933 pram tha laaae of hw frao preaa a thmfmlay april u uu t caster weather while threat ening provedftne spring day look a if halton county town rtr -atr-goiraf-tw-bw- ropro wi led m baseball this year many a chap is getting hi itah- ing equipment put into shape and putting it where it will be handy member of meadowview bapuat young people union ouelpb visited the acton baptist young peoples on tuesday evening mr a kannawin has started the operation of a small plant for the manufacturing of boxes and crates for florists and fruit growers at the rear of fishers chopping mir the annual meeting of the lawn bowling and tennis club was held on tuesday evening although there was a large deficit last year the vote was unanimous in favor of operating again this year th general committee la president j m mcdonald first vice president dr p w ptaren second vic- w j gould becretary f j salt klvc hundred and two persons in d h231 wire injured and prop rly damage amounting to w4000 rolled up js a nsull of the 9 171 vst noitir talking turkey point dob hedfcrn the secretary of acton ymca is to be the ath lttit director of ft hummer camp it fishers glen near turkey point in july the camp is sponsored by th out iph y s men and about 100 iph lads will attend about 25 boys from acton will likely axle deep parking meters in 2800 american cities haul ed tn a total of 76 millions last year we dont know what the canadian revenue is from these hitching posts but it must be considerable of course they are never popular and we doubt if parking meters do much toward solving the park ing problem we sincerely hope they never come to our town because of the bad public relations they make with those who use them this is es pecially true where the machines do not operate properly and we find many of them are in bad mechanical condition after a short period of use parking meters are just license permits to use the streets which have already been paid for from public funds what we would like to know is what part of the millions collected from the met ers is used to solve the parking problem last year the city of edmonton collected 123 000 from metprs and put nearly 100 000 into trying to solve parking problems we wonder if any of the other towns and cities where meters are used devote any of the revenue towards solution of parking problems perhaps edmonton would be thei ernie too the del born or of guelph y plan 27 cottages land hns been purchistd in mil ion by two men who plm lo innlil 27 bruk collages there thi ip pouted at th last meeting of com il to ask annul witt i mains n sowers the matter will in tiki up with the municipal board und i ork i mil willing workers in service service clubs play an important part in any community which is sometimes overlooked there ate always so many things that do not come with in the scope of dther organizations and it seems that the service clubs are always willing to step in and give attention to these things the fellows who are in them seem to get a lot of kick out of doing the service work too that came to our attention when we met with acton ys mens club and the visitors from other clubs in acton this week you ii find fellows in rotary who are busy sometimes out selling pea nuts in their spare time when all week they have much larger business transections and responsi bilities it just seems that when the call comes for community assistance the service clubs can never turn a deaf ear to the appeal there are plenty of other citizens outside of service clubs who carry a big load of community service but service clubs with their regular meet mgs and continuous memberships seem always ready to step in and help in any emergency and initiate projects of their own more and more each day communities throughout the world are forming new clubs and most every town of any size has at least one of them with an active membership such a tremen dous growth of these ocganizattons could be a great factor in continuing peace of the world ultimately through the enjb s activities men learn more about their international neighbors and with knowledge comes understanding eventually un less the present rate of growth declines sharply these dub members will break down existing bar ners to promote greater goodwill and good fel lowship than has ever before in the history of the world been possible support your local service clubs m all their activities and our town will bene tnuu po rtatlon one of canadas largest transpor tdtion companies engaged in mov ing motor cars gilson automobile transport limited hjs purchased a silo just west of the ford pro p ily in trafalgar no ii i ton volkswagens volkswagen farben german automobile company has failed to take up its opion on some forty acres at the southeast corner of the fourth line and the queen ella belh way reason ascribed fn failur lo io through with the deal is lhal ipproval from the german 1 head office cuulcjn t be oblnncd in an informed munc says that the r option hah been liken up by louts mavil who has verv larjn holdings iiluiih both sides of the queen i khabeth way imffrrrnrrs of opinion il the oakvill kccord slar 11 v this joke hit vi mils mr abram slander is b uiilify llllt colilforuhlr leaidillti at e corner of church and eluin streets with a neatly graded and sodded terrace m the ir scon stret hundi 1bj1 car uic idiots ce of ontario dikij tin homi 12 agnes kluhuij ontario on april in 1jsj christina beloved wife of hubert at professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st k acton office phone 78 residence 115 church kl k phone im of opinion 1 t net to tell v l in milton last uick kridei levi lied the land o tins flats for the basebill di dont start packing sinn oakvlllc council uoiid rd if it could tax its smelt krls us well as single men there has bei n mention of the siikrestion in 111 inv newspapers as well as this one i just the same oakvilles mam was surprised lo receive 1 it ttc 1 1 from indianapolis including a m wspaper clippink of the item from an indianapolis paper i am still an old bachelor th writer said and so far they have not started taxing bat hclor- in this ci mmunily so- i want to suggest through you that all these girls and women older too beat it for it dianapolis we remind local girls the dec- 1 ion wont be passed this year it least dont start packing yet oakvllle rate 41 oakvilles mill rate is up six fioinu this year up to 41 the halton towns ratepayers are being askol i breathlessly for 485320 to conduct the town the hunter wiped his perspiring business up 103283 from last year brow both barrels he returned mayor james black says rising 1 gave him the whole gun school costs are the reason for the good said the other did you mill rate jump j give him both barrels dr d a garrett phyaklan and hnrfeon her of willow and river sis knlfance hiver street at ton onurio ihone 22u dr a i armstrong physician and surgeon offltt kci mill st fast ihone 574 have a differenc sure but 1 d about ft in the swim of thlnirn a committee in georgetow n i investigating the possibility of a swimming pool in the town an unofficial rajport stated that the lions club might donate a lot it owns beside the post office in aclon excavation for the junior pool is done and steel s on hand generosity vttlrinary b d young b v sc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookmlle onturi ihone milton ig5r21 f g oakes b v sc veterinarian fict and residence 24 knoi acton ihone 130 dental dr a j buchanan dental kargean ice uibhmun illock mill st mfre hours 9 a in to 6 p m xray thhhone 148 dr h ieib dentil surgeon of fit 1 lointr mill and jmdiritk streets jffin limns j a in to fi p m ihkihonk itt acton iiiropractor d j armstrong dorter of c hlropracuc 15 iredtmk st n acton ihonh wt lpgal miscellaneous the hunter came panting up to the victor b rumley one of the party just met a great funeral home big bear in the woods he said funeral home heated ambalane phone 30 night or day serving the community for 46 years hp at 1f artnn 3fr lrrba the 0lv paper erer published tn acton founded in 1s7s and published every thursday at m mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of clrcula lions the c w n a and the ontarioquebec division of the c w n a ad ertistnjt rates on request subscriptions pay ible in advance 250 in canada 3 so in the united states six months 1 50 single copies be authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a duu editor and pabluher business and editorial office telephone 174 united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a currey ba bd minister parsonage- 29 bourr axenue phone 60 miss o m lanpard atcm organi and choir leader sunday april 26th 19vt 10 00 a m sunday schvil a tool tor cod 1100 am morning worship ser mon our work and witne contd 7 00 pm evening worship ser monette out of the fragment thoupht for ihe week faith and loxe the whole being of any christ an man is faith and love j paith brings the man to god loe brings him to men 1 martin luther 1 pkesftyterlan chutch in canada knox church acton rfv robert h armstrong mji bd mbaarier sunday april 28th 1953 10 00 am church school 1100 am divine worship 7 00 pm evening worship a warm welcome awaits yoj baptist church acton dwight l patterson pastor parminagi 115 bower ave phone 206r thurwii april 23 8 30 meeting sunday april 28ih 1 10 00 am sundav school 11 00 am morning seric 730 pm evening service 8 30 p m young peoples pr olive m lampard atcm rmt organist and choir leader united church tearher of piano studio united church thursdays studio 14 park ac guelph tflephone 298 st albans church ancllcan rr ralph e price ba bd rector third sunday after fastfr apnl 26 1953 missionary sunday 900 am- holy communion 10 00 am church school 1100 am beginner class 1100 am matins and sermon 700 pm exenwig and sermon all welcome evrr dollar of tout money pent through red cross buys proximately ten dollars worth goods and aervices through societys volunteer organization travellers guide gray coach lines oa hfs leave acton east bound b3h am fiaam 11 33 am 208 pm mwpm 633 pm 832 pm bsflpm h estbooni i0 am ii pm 217 pm t pm zl pm b12 pm ii 32 pm 11 am sun lo kit chener onl a dailj t xcept sunda and boil da c f ieatherland barrister a solicitor notary psmfca offict hours 1000 am 1200 ajn 1 00 pm 500 pm saturday by appomtminl only office 22 phone res 151 lever 4 hoskin chartered aeeooataaua successors lo jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria m toronto em 49131 albert j crandell chartered accountant mam street georgetown office 654 res i78r ope n wed and fn evenings rf all day saturday gerald a candler chartered accountant mondy friday 7 9 pm saturday frm sam 92 mill stmit f phne 5l a ton b- saturday sunda and holi- real estate and insurance wright real estate and insurance t i wright n b wright 20 wntur m 69 macdonnell st acton ont cuelph onl 1honr fts phone 49i5w j naton realtor tnomror member appraisal imtitute nt c ana da mrmtxri cuhph and district heal estate board mmlr guelph and district imuranc agent association canadian national railways standard ttaae w r i real estate phone 26 list bracken daih 6 40 a m daily ecept sun da am am 7 10 pm sunday only 8 16 pm daily except sun- daj fier at georgetown s 02 am dai vler al georgetown 10 ii pm dailv except sunday and mon day 2 22 am sunday and monday onlv 1238 am daily except sun day 88 am 650 pm flagstopt 7 44 pm daily except saturday and sunday 810 pm saturday ly 2m pm sunday only 941 am iflagstopi sunday only flyer at guelph tftjpm nth 1 we im business or tv u- vou to use facilities in lecunni iour property lloyd e aalwe rr no guelph phone hespeler 701 r f bean genml law 2 mill st acton phone ms o hours sam 3 pm 5 jo pm t pm

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