Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1953, p. 8

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the acton free press acton ontario tuyiwdav february ii 1 i i may bt phoaad la im or ma to tht tree prtai office acto be wary tomorrow tf youre pi u frida th h the freezing and thawing wen iher may have some detrimental ef fect on the erop of wheat and new hay valentines day saturday st valentine would be surprised nt th sugary sentiments evolved from his kindness long ago the mild we a the continued at the first of this week while there was a snowstorm yesterday there has been very little skiing so far this winter at the meeting of the phalanx clbb tuesday evening a euchre dalice and vaudeville show were der discussion president meb t was in charge julte a few from acton and dttrict have attended the hobby snow in toronto several made the trip last saturda when the dubln w i won the 100 first prlie for quilting k floor hockey league is belnt formed at the ymca with two bantam two junior and two midget teams also being considered arc a girls backboard league and a junior basketball league the first robin reported seen in acton this year was spotted jn tuesday noon by fred graham on main st wayne arblc saw two wednesday on the highway to mil ton spring cant be too far away the town fire brigade was women and girls all over the world are framing their thanksgiv ing and petitions in words exactly the same m content but different night to quell a blare there we regret an error in vlscn s clothing store advortlst ment inst week one tiroup of suit on sale at 15 should have rend tegular to 48 90 rnthrr than regular 48 50 we rtgrct this error and nnv inconvenience caused o e robbing was the guesl sptnktr nt the weekly dfnnt r ot acton rolarj club and show 1 films which he had tnkco on his recentttlp to florida he was in troduced b tod hnnscn and on behalf of the club wnlt woodburn cjfp rewed appreciation jnck rcnshnw of kitchener is now the service manager at lome garner motors in acton his wife and family plan to move here n soon as possible mr renshaw was associated with the 11th kitchener scout croup and has agreed to help with the first acton scout troop herman freuler of acton is ery happy about the honesty of people here last saturday he went by bus to toronto with his little boy and when he got there he realized he had left his suitcase on the sidewalk in front of wiles bus depot he phoned back immediate lv and the suitcase was found still sitting outside where it had been placed well over an hour before it was sent to toronto on the next bus of the world on friday february 20 the women s world day of prnyir in acton the world day of prayer service is bting 1m id in st albans anglican church when ladies of the town and district nre invited to join in the world wideservlco thi world day of piliyir marks tht beginning of the lenten aeasfln this annual day ts considered a pount spiritual force whfeh will continuji after the service to effect chunhes auxiliaries glrbi and children s groups as wt ii as indi wdual hvaa a great barrier of lime and space race and tongue and denomination mrs f w pridham dies at mitchell mrs frnnklin w pridham elsie annette shier passed away sud denly on february 3 1953 as a re suit of a heart attack at the home of her son newton pridham r p 1 mitchell mrs pridham had spent her en tire life in the mount pleasant community and was a member end active worker in mount pleasant j united church for the past 40 years she had been a sunday school teacher and had taught her class as usual on the sunday pre- ccdlnglfet sodden death she is survived by her sons newton and frederick of feller- ton township dr w e of mitchell and by her daughter mrs g h burgin and mrs f hamilton both of kirkfon both or kirkton ont ario mrs raymond norris of humber summit ontario and mrs c d henderson of appln ontario mrs henderson taught school m acton and in the district for sev eral years the funeral was held from th iocktiatthpuncralhoini milchcll with interment in woodland cem etcry mitchell after buffet dinner for their annunl meeting mem bers of the acton united church sunday school stnff enjoyed buffet dinner at the home of mrs a long church st on monday evening of this week following the dinner a film strip with accompanying records or teaching was shown routine bus iness was dealt with and plans made to operate the rapidly ex panding sunday school it felt wise to have the lesson period before the major assembly of all classes in an effort to gain time and work more efficiently superintendent mrs a mowat presided tor the business meeting secretaries report to wms group the womans missionary society of the united church met at the home of mrs g a dills on tues day with the president miss m z bennett presiding worship ser vice was taken by mrs dills on the theme for february the lords prayer assisted by mrs matthews mr cleave mrs hannah mrs veldhuis and mrs currey miss bennett aead the study book on africa donations will be re celved for lining and batts for quilts which the ladles arc quilt tng to send to korea miss m mainprize reported on the book shelf and secretaries of depart ments reported community friend ship convenor mrs f cleave made several calls on new people in town and also had lsited the manor house in milton the mis sionray for praver this vcar is mks alma g gadd gold lake alberta the meeting closed with prayer mrs dills invited the ladies to re main for a cup of tea and a social time was spent together a vote of thanks was given to mrs dills for her home and lunch cathleen clarke kenneth taylorwed in watcrdown united church parsonage on jonuary 31 rev j b moore united in marriage cathleen lillian clarke daughter of mrs r o evans and the lal private gun ner h r clarke and kenneth warren taylor grandson of the late ttthn brown the bride was given in marriage by hca brother stanley clarke of burlttjbton she wore a powder bluejpffcta dress with a corsage of while carnations the bridesmaid marilyn mills of burlington wore a dress of coral dawn taffeta nnd a corsage of yel low roses best man was alfred oatesof georgetown tluinthcr of the bride wore a navy blue crepe dress with a cor sage of red roses the reception was held at the home of mr and mrs james peterson at waterdown words same in content different in sound through 104 countries are you thinking of re cov ering the top of your kitchen cupboards if so why not drop into our office and look at our sandran vinyl plastic mother o pearl counter top which you can install yourself this countertop is grease proof waterproof and flexible covers most sink tops in one solid sheet this material is 22 wide and can be cut to your xrct measurements in one piece popular colors in grey red and green at a moderate price of 65c per lin ft also it is not affected by heal up to 275 degrees see you around town j b mackenzie ft son i adherance is overcome when thousands pray together on tha first friday in ient protestant women are then all one many womini groups have been studying africa nnd women in ac top will prny in the words of their afrlcnn sisters on the world day of prayer prnyrr can lifetime a pott nt powi r fur peace and good hsh0lden optomatrltt eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st oueiph lost tibby iioht sand colored cat with whh breast and four whit feet for any information phone 1d6r 5 new spring samples just arrived atarge selection of patterns to choose from pallants clothing store land of surprises topic for meeting mrs harrv mainprize as guest speaker gave a von interesting biblical talk to the daughters of knox at their februar meeting held at the horm of mrs ida rtt chle on february 2 her theme was in keepmg with the outh for christ week president dorothv dawklns pre sided for the meeting land of surprises was the topic for the evening which continued the study of africa under the guidance of mrs ritchie a mural of outstanding events of african history was illustrated bv olive el lerby and lorraine mull in inex mclellan gav a demon stration on nigerian customs which proved to beroost interesting and amusing bakwena maholola and bachoua are the names of the three trbial groups for this vear headed by ouc ellerbr jackie watkins and june watkins the business for the evening centred on the world dav of prayer service in knox church with the daughters of knox host esses to young women and girls in terested after the meeting came to a dose a social half hour was en joyed coming events this office cannot be rapowtibte for conflicting dates of events keep friday february 27th open for the play mary made some marmalade at lunehouse hall don t forget acton square dance club usual big dance st alban s parish hall friday february 13 a valentine euchre at lome school february 20 at 6 30 sharp prizes lunch and door prize 35c a baking sali and afternoon tea saturdaj februarv 14 3 5 30 p m in legion hall auspices legion auxiliary euchre legion hall fridav feb mar 20 auspice legion auxil inn b 10 p in admismon 35c lunch good prizes nnual flint r night of acton hunii and sihool association tnott change of da i monda fcbruar 23 1953 it acton public school auditorium excellent program w i euchre and dance baluna fad hall tuesday februar 17 cards at 8 30 prizes for euchre special prizes for dance cotton urchtstra lunch admission 50c scout and guide mothers will hold a baking and candy sale with thtir tuchre on fnda februit 13 donation from non member will be appreciated door will be open at 7 30 bannockburn farm forum and w i aie holding a euchre in ban nockburn school saturday febru an 14 8 30 pm entire proceed for o erseas flood ic ims good prizes lunch admission 40c a dont forget the minstrel sho bv the merry mountain m ttreferj to be held in the public school auditorium on fndav february 1 27 815 pm auspices of actort united church choir tickets 50c animal meeting of halton co operative medical semises will be l held in the court housi milton on thursday februarv ib b0 p m special speaker g j beach of workmen s compensation board will address the meeting and an gwer questions on farmers com pensation coverage open meeting anyone interested welcome b giant euchre auspices acton phalanx club thursday february 19 acton ymca 8 30pm hjrt pood prizes everyone welcome admission 35c births marriage deaths etc labby to mr and mrs e lasby at guclph gtimrnl hutpltnl on un futji t hkh tin putrliht anno liulh ql ls mr nnd mm howard u uli s an viiy happy to nnnouni tht btith of thili dniighltr on lutiklny rt liiiidiy 10 nt th ol mini niimniu him kimplvllh ont hi to davlhs mauiitn mxl linllt lnv lin nit huppy ti nut mini ih biil wt thi ilniiuhtir ann miru at st jtmiimn hoaiiltnl gttihih on snunl iy iitmiiiiy 7 ibm anthony mr mi 1 mrn t an ihouy it it 1 1 imihmik nit happy to nnnounti tht birth of their daughter mnrilyn nil nl th nursing llomi alton on thursdny februnry 1th iivh mother and baby dnipg wcl adams mr and mrs it adim nee joyce bennic 173 bowi r ave acton are very happy announce the birth of their george william at the nursing home on thursdny february 12 1053 premature mother nnd baby doing fjne pridham at the hortu of ht- son at r r 1 mitchell ontario on tuesday february 3 1953 elsie annette shier wife of the late franklin pridham funeral service wns held frldny february 6 at mitchell with intel ment in woodlnnd ctmitcn mason at the himillt n gtntial 4 1953 mary ann dickjjin ifim ilton wife of the into tom mt son in her bird veir funcril seri wis h id silur day in hamilton- with internum fol lowing in kurvkw iimclery ac ton michie on sunday february h 1653 at the risidtnct of h r son in hw william e arthur elora try phi in mirh barbini in her 82nd yt ir bclovid wlfi of the late william mlihii and dtnr mother of roberta nnd grandmother of barbara ann formerly of acton funeral was held on tuesday to evergreen cemeliry milton vallace suddenly at his nsi dencc r r 1 acton on sun day february 8 1953 william wallace beloved husband ot christina tough dear father of john of unity saak sandy kenneth and george of guelph jimes of campbcllvllle christ inn mrs j briuoni acton and normm of woodvith in his 73rd yiar gillies in washington dc on saturday february 7 1953 dr duncan reld giuiis formerly of campbellvillc ontario beloved husband of the late jennie can u c and dear brother of mrs j mcphedran of campbcllvii t and mrs a h worthlngton of toronto in his 84th year funeral serv was hel nesday february 11 with in lerment in nassagaweya prcsbytci ian church cemetery for everyone on your love list choose here from a gay array of valentines sen fimental or soph is ticated cute or just right cards for swtftarts fam ily fnemh or what hava you faofieit drug store i d a drug store acton crosley rogersma jesti c hallicrafter spartan tv gilson spencer stoves pittsburgh paints for machmary its lops a good typo of paint for vm m your houm too a good aalochon of paints on hand mad by tttts company that n on of canadas largest paint mamifactuion modern plumbing heating motsl eldoil with inftr wiltshire on saturday febru ary 7 1953 at the toron o gen eral hospital elizabeth lydia davis beloved wife of daniel wiltshire of 115 fallls ave tor onto dear mother of lillian mrs n grcmyk of toronto and el eanor mrs h freuler of ac ton funeral wax in christie street baptist church on monday at 3 p m in erment mount pleasant cem etery mcgowan at st joseph s hos pital guelph on wednesday february 11 1953 henrietta neaie white widow of the late john mcgowan formerly of elora dear sister of arthur vic toria bc james winnipeg charles toronto ella mrs f ross toronto mary mrs h gilchrist owen sound ind flo rence mrs mel schroeden ac ton resting at the victor b rumlev funeral home acton until friday where funeral service will be held at 2 pm interment elora on ar rival about 3 30 o clock wantads latest timn fom inkftttom 4 pm wkdnmday f a t i s no thnrgt till niinnotirenientii of hlrthi marriage jratha and k in mimorlam twk phm 1h pnr lino fur vomit ailliua for hale itt nt fit a n word minimum nnh 81v ilf not paid until after luntrllon ilk ilnx no ti thuiorflti loi uttilltloiinl timing ftinln llh it i outit i in ilk mlnlniitin ardi t llinnka 00a for sa iolt salf filiyilt ixttlltiit oniluluii l ill lift i a pin mm hull iuul phi iti iali a r ok salr c ihm i il huiltlliig blikn nnd will- iii etignr how dm ihunt lurl milton x 10 2 uk sale i studlti u mh mil 2 i hair also 1 double bed and 1 admiral radio 16 vlmy bt a ldll sale apartment size hinvy duty two burner jangi also 100 lb ice box both in good con dillon beat reasonable offer at iiptvd phone 128 it i for sale 1b ford i ton dump truck in good condition niw 1950 engine good tires double racks snow chain places 8 yards gravel etc raymond cyganik 31 victoria ave acton out po box 43 a chicks for sai e canadian approved bred rlgnt for riaults sir vigour and livablllty all popular breeds and cross breds 100 per cent live dt livery guar nntoed heavy brtcd llw pu hundrtd mixed 127 00 per hti idr fl nullib light bretd 1500 per hundred mixed 3100 per hundr d pulliti write us or telephone gttirketown 48rll thttnflonh pmitlry fnrm nnd h a 1 1 h v gi irri town out b 32 fl for sale 19 mercury sedan 194b ciilv sedan ifmfl oldiunnbilt serfnn 11m7 monnrch sednrt 11m7 ford sidnn 1047 turd cimih 9 mucury si dun 1941 mt rcury sedan 1941 oldsniobile sedan 1941 dodge sedan 1939 mercury sedan 1039 dodkc sedau 1939 pontlac sedan 1930 ford coach 1937 dodge coach 1947 willy jeep open monday wednesday friday and saturday evenlnn7prn to 9 pjn for car sates only kaltly motors wanted wan im hltm uni i r mum kniltliiu l tmip ny i liiillil wantfd piuihcngt n ui tor- llntit oukvllti- i oiitiul y taaby phom 470 w t wanrfdtohuv farm wood lowii tieur acton preferred no igniu wrlu box hi kree ireaa farms wanted spring aik fall poiuejuion phom ua collect 4b8- qlielph wright real eiuu- drad animalfl z0q 92 00 each for dead or dlaable- eowa and horses 24 hour service call bell wood 23rll george gib son a 2- if wanted young girl km ledge ot typing required by loti business office please reply to- box b0 free press wantfi to bent metropol itnn lue insurann agent would likt to rent house ur apartment in- alton write box kt free press a dead or disabled anim alh wanted cows nor hogs phone guelph 3334 collect for immediuti service wm lalng opi ruling for gordin young alt ifaukt k iiinovid from your promptly for sanitary dla- juelph mm gordon young limited wanted immi diatilyl man in urcfttid in largir tlmii nveragc in- tome to mntingi watklna dialer nhlp silling i xpi rlence helpfut liut not iiilltunry wt train you no invtstmenl required if you are- ambitloiui in t nutlet in a busint w- of your own ihtween 25 and w nnd have n tur wriu to duy for in fornntitn lo dipt mo the j r wnlklns co 350 st roch st montrtnl a 31 wanted to buy sell or rent farms and town properties see lists available with andrew wfrank w j mclxod represcnutlvt heal istate broker phone 203 acton phon 519w imilton ont personal skinny girls get lovf cuiisigainlto 10 lbs wiirht builder os n x t nlc tab lets introductory gel iccjudlntcd sm only 60c all druggists gy coon vauey iu in memob1am stuckey in memorv mother elizabeth ann stuckc who passed awiy februar 1946 gods gnatitt c f rrntmbranci her dauehter jt ic kmttie cards of thanks a man s home is hit cati but y unlsst h wants it to look lika a chariamagne panod dungaon he had bttr maka sura that tha materials and lumber which go into it are firstrate we carry quality building supplies to suit any purpose and to fit rry pocketbook check with us first mr hoard masale wkshes o thank his many friends neighbors and relations for their kindness cards and flowers during his rec ent illness also special hanks to his brother orangemen i wish to thank ali mv kind nends and neighbors for cards and fruit during my ay in the hospital and also after returning home also dr scott dr garretl and nurses mr wm landsborough i wish to express my sincere ap preciation to those who sent me cards flowers called and visitd me while i was a patient in st josephs hospital hamilton special thank to he neighbors dr mac idonald ebenexer church mrs joseph frank mrs winmfrcd atkinson wishes to thank dr kennev and also the doctors and nurses of the hamilton general hospital for their many kindnesses and faithfulness during her illness also the many fnends and neighbors for their kindnes during the parting with a dear old mother these arts of kindness will never be forgotten aden vfc optometrist 58 st george square guaph complete eyskfltt service wanted applications will be rceeived until february 18 for the position of clerk and stenographer for the county cour county of halton applicant inu be a good typist have a good knowledge of bookkeeping and be able lo take shorthand fairly well apply in writing to w j robertson local registrar of county of halton mil ton duties lo eommtnee on march 2 1953 office hours 0 304 30 five days per week tenders for wood tenders for wood 32 cord 12 cu fut beech ind maple body cut i n quired ind d livered and pilid for measuring at the schools wood to be dt hvt red m quantil e lo be specified to school lection m mber 3 5 8 10 15 and 17 ten den may bt in full or in part and lowest tender not necessarily ac ccpted sealed tenders to be in bv februnry 16 miss r f evans secretary treasurer esquesinc township school area georgetown a 31 z for rent for rent two rooms suitsnle- for gentlemen muls optional phone 596 lost lost female black and tan fox hound north of acton phone 98 12 lost box of tools oft truck tx tween guelph and milton reward edgar howden 155r32 milton b lost one black white and tan hound near blue springs identify tng collar wi h fred mason guelph enjjraed call acton hw miscellaneous cress callous salve re lieves quickly your druggist sella cress com salve fur sure relief too a 2tf willing to itxx after two children under jwh1 age from 700am to 100 pn daily phone washer repairs rous kris complete overhaula en dlo and electric georgetown pbone 409 boxy theatre bid atf sewing machines sales aod service repairs to all makes ernies radio and electric pon is roxy theatre bldg george town atf excellent care given child ren rate by the day 1 00 by the hour 25c picked up at specified place and time returned o same 5 15 daily beryl flynn pbone 1964 bcome a bcrokxeeper stenographer or typist in yodr spare time lesaonl sot for part tculars write canadian corrw andence courses 1290 bay street oronto a 31 3 k uphol8tbry have yoor cbceterueld aulter-p- holatered for as little as sm ra- flnlshtag and slip cover work rw prompt and efficient aerrtos etll lsj actota one weeks aenrioa s

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