Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 5, 1953, p. 6

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the acton free press acton ontario ties still popular in town league as playoff time draws close with only two games for each team to play until piayoma start its still a pretty close race in the town league for first place at the nd of this weeks activity hike cones and reg blacks teams are tied for first place with snua mark a and doug dawkin s teams deadlocked for second playoffs starlnext thursday night with first and third and sec ond and fourth teams to meet in total goal two game series r suits this coming week vjill decide their respective positions although it looks like either mike coxe s dub which has suffered only one defeat this year or reg blacks with the most number of wins will emerge on top as the hac a two point bulge on the other two entries and are still going strong in the senior division duvals team with a win and a loss this week retained their grip on first place notice to creditors and othek8 in the estate f jehn stums all persons having claims against the estate of john brims late of the township of esqucsmg in the county of ha hon farmer deceased who died on or about the nine trenth day of january 1953 are re quired to send particulars and proofs thereof to the undersigned before the twenty third day of februarv 1853 when the asmts will be distributed among the phrtles legally entitled thereto rming regard only to the claims which shall have been filed dated at acton ontario this third day- offebruary 1183 ct leatheriand acton ont solicitor for the administratrices a31 3 auction sale special notice bnuuptaa livestock exchange will change to wednesday afternoons on february 11 1953 sale to start at 1 p m and con t nue weeklv on wednesday there jfter cows cattle calves pigs sow poul rj etc if ou have anv live tock you wish to sell you ire in v ted to bring it to the brampton ale on the other hand 11 you m interested in buying good duality livestock be sure to attend these sales a satisfied customer is ur best advertisement herb m retnhhart b prop and auctioneer notice to residents of nassogaweya ror your convenient we have established a cash n carry agency at g o brittons haltonville sorvlco station for master cleaners thursdays oasaea last thursday in the opener of the junior division a 33 tie was played between mike coxes and ernie mark s teams george oakes edward melodic arid tom oakley were the marksmen for the coxe- men and brian thorarinson with two and wayne emmerson with one were the snipers for the marksmen in the second game another tie wasplayed tlutime it was reg black s and doug dawkin s teams that deadlocked 2 2 bob wahl man bagged both goals for daw kin s while ron clowe got two and martin marks an assist for blacks senior division play saw mcphail s team knock off duval s 63 don deforest led the winners with four goals while daw kins and turk shepherd counted one each for the losers bill coon blinked the light twice and johnny rocher once roche r and o dodds also racked up assists tuesdays results reg blacks team opined up tuesday s activity by knocking off dawkin s club 8 2 ron clowe and bill johnston each scored a hat trick three with singles going to keith mainprise and david peal for the winners bob wahlman got both of the loser s goals in the nightcap mike coxe s club scored twice in the last period to chalk up a 3 1 win over ernie marks team george oakes was the big gun for the winners with two goals and an assist and tom oakley counted once bob wahl man got the marksmen s goal while williamson played a hangup game in the losers nets duval s team regained sole pos session of first place in the senior division by whipping mcphail s 5 2 orv dodds- and rossnorton potted two apiece for the winners with bill coon racking up a gval and an assist snyder rocher and ritchie also contributed assists don deforest and turk shep herd scored for mcphail s team u ith deforest also bagging an assist league standing junior dtvman p w l t pts coxe 7 2 14 8 black 7 3 2 2 8 marks 7 2 3 2 6 daukms 7 2 3 6 gaines this week thursday 7 00 pm coxe s black 800 pm marks vs daw kins tuesday 7 00 pm dawkins vs coxe 8 00 pm marks s black senior division p w l t ph duval 3206 mcphail 5 2 3 0 4 leading scorfrs junior division bob wahlman tom oaklev ic bill johnston bi ron clowe 1b1 martin marks b brian thonnnw gthirge oakes ic d g a pfi u choice shipwrecked sail r spent fi uir on i di trted island one div he was oerjoed i so 1 ship drop anchor in the bi a r bqat came ash r ind in ff hmded the siilor i bunch 1 f n pipers thl ciptitn sugces s hr trio sailor that m n id y u irte on in th world ind t kn n if i rim to b rsni acton high school news by chfis lamb lieutenant hughes attended last friday s assembly and showed a movie meet the navy it was ii color and showed navy life on sea and shore lieutenant hughes was also asked to read the scripture for the opening exercises and ho mentioned that this was a pleasant duty nol often extended to him he has finished his series of talks and will not be here again this year however next year he hopes to return with movies f the cor onatlon a special assembly was held on tuesday morning to enable the school to hear records of the gltc club lome garner recorded their selections at commencement and mrs gamer brought the tape recorder to school the christmas day speech of queen elizabeth was also on the recorder the students enjoyed hearing themselves on the same program as the queen mr hansen thanked mrs garner there s a basketball game in or angevillt friday night the school bus and stwral pmate cars will be going a valentine dance is planned for february 14 at the y mc a highways minister tells of hazards the hon george h doueeit minister of highways this week urged drivers and pedestrians of ontario to co operate in preventing the needless accidents that spoil christmas holiday happiness christmas ushers m a season of festivity ind good fellowship he said and it also brings a time of increased traffic dangers two years ago our worst single dav for fatal traffic accidents was december 23 the last shopping da before christmas on that saturday 19 persons were killed by wav of comparison he stated that last vear widespread efforts by the press radio police andsafe tv organlzitions focused attention on the special hazards of the christmas seaon these actlvit les the minister said undoubted lv contributed to the marked im provement in last years record w hen in tht four days before christmas the death total was duced to five this v ear he continued must strive for an icclderrt free hoi id a seison bv paying particular attention to our driving and walk lng the minister listed these specitl seasonal hazards 1 there are many more people of all ages s visiting and piling the stores are crowd cd people ire in a hurry 2 thousands of beginners fice new ind dangerous experiences driving on slippery streets or in sru v and freezing rain 1 school children are out plav ing ind often forget to play where it is safe 4 earlv nightfall and dark win ter clothing make pedestrians dlf ficult to see i winter v itpier conditions r duco vis h it ind increase top pmg d stand the n n l r con ded i ip p il t h r t rens of ontario ovcrc n tht c idd d hizards i r 1 if c rl ind comm ir n i 1 iking and driving seek to ban oils in dairy products fcontfmted from foot on alizatlon of their parents instead of burdening the municipality with these accounts report s0m vulta haltons medical officer uf health dr bull in us yearly re part said the estimated amount to operate the health unit would be 57 085 this was based on a per capita basis of 1 20 on a populat ion of 40000 in halton he told members the unit was understaffed with only four staff nurses he hoped to have this increased to nine during the year some 3 000 home visits including 1 400 famll les had been made last year there had been 154 child health clinics hejd and 13559 had been immunized with vaccines the san itarv inspectors had made over 3 000 inspections throughout the year accounts approved and ordered to be paid included finance 4 415 85 assessment 109 00 coun tv buildings 1030 63 printimt 25690 countv roads 31 520 82 agriculture and reforestation 335 hospitals 5118 50 centennhl ma nor 123125 traffic congestion relief is planned toronto and immediate environs are featured in a traffic congestion emergency relief program announc ed by the hon george h doucett ontario minister of highways work outlined calls for construct ion of an eight mile dual highway unxbfwecn the queen elizabeth way and the new toronto barrie highway completion of the north west entrance to the toronto bar ne highwav and 14 mile easterly extension of the north toronto in terceptor rood from rouge street to highway 2a at the rouge river the work will call for 8 000 000 pounds of reinforcing steel hon mr doucett announced 1m mediate start on seven major high wav construction projects in order to relieve intolerable traffic con gestion in various parts of the province plans for the toronto arci based on the fact that over 5 000 000 united states motor vehicles enter ed ontario in 1951 the three projects listed for an immediate start in the hope that manpower finances and steel part icularly will be readily available for earlv completion are as fol lows 1 completion of the eight mile connection between the queen el izabeth way and the new toronto barne highway by building of controlled access highway on the present route of highway 27 be tween the qucpn elizabeth way ond the dixie slderoad from highway 27 the work is already under contrac to connect wit thc- toruhlo barrfe koad 2 completion of the northwest entrance to the toronto barrii highwav bv v iv of the black creek vallev to elinton avcni ind a spur roid connection with the weston roid a distance f three miles 3 the exunsion of the north tiiron o intirceptor roid east from nnge street to oin dull hirhviv 2a at tin rouge river this route ipprox mil lv 14 mil s m length will pro ido in ilti rn live ntrinoe t tbi c tv fnm th ois md hv i wrlnf r- n e ti ns w th 11 rlh md so tth irt r rilw pr r ftriff in th k jsinn hind in 1 pounding the sports beat a vongoanco minor hockey teams in both the town league and the o mha arc preparing for the playoffs with an eye to the weather for any signs of an early spring the town league hopes to get playoffs started next thursday night and the ban tarns midgets and juveniles with many postponed games will likely start friday if the ice is good this friday night the omha entrks hopi to have elthtr bridge port or elora visiting for three games the acton teams are a tre mendous improvement ovtr their showing at the start of the season and officials think they will do far bctur than what tht v did in scheduled gamis against teams who wire in bttttr condition fans who want to see some good hockey would be well advised u make the trip to the arena oa friday night admission is only 25c the fourth part of a dollar thf advantages of artificial ice were in evidence again on saturda when the pee wee tournev was held at elmlra the elmira club won easily and it wmi obvious they were in a condition that no town with natural ice could hope to equal at this stage of the game acton mtt new hamburg in the first game and lost 4 0 in the sec ond game the met elora and were eliminated by a 4 1 decision el mira with a well coached speedy team took all the honors pwvueunejiimaurs have-beeo- circulating about the midget tourna ment jn milton last week which oakviile won handily with a team bigger faster and more aggressive than the entries from the five other centres rumour has it that the oakvilu bovs were over age and didn t mind telling vou about it it seems the age limit toy the thl where oakviile is entered is a j ear above w hat the ojw h a ts for midget when midget clnbs were entered oakviile simply put in their thl entry nd fat that jrroophfr another year makes a tremendous difference tn the site and speed of the team bfat bits harold townsley is ont of the more consistent mirksmen for milton coopi a much improved team il recent weeks the canadian champion rated him as one of the coops top hands in ther last four games flmira polar tings lost an overtime decision to okkville on tuesday nirht for thef second loss- of the season both of them in overtime fthe kinss have been elevated into intermediate a compnnv on their own request much to the dlscom fiture of the other teams in the class in the same croup although milton officnls claim the co ops nnmkrthptrr tflt raw ffnwtnfi i pliv off a test is ipprnaching mondav night when flmira meets milton in milton men of knox hold regular meeting th ngulir monlhlv meeting c th m n knox w v hld v m ndi minfi ft bnnrv 2 the m t nfi ojnd with mmi th i lib pit di doxoloje 1 d thi qui in g rile od 1 id mim t 1 a l e of mens suits in stock group j mens suits reduced to 1 i 15 i regular 41 50 group mens suits reduced to 2 30 1 regular to 59 50 group mens suits reduced to 3 42 regular to 59 50 one group boys suits two pair of pants to clear at t5h mens overcoats group 1 reduced to 25 regular to 37 50 mens overcoats group 2 reduced to 30 regular to 45 station wagon coats to clear as low as 1495 regular 27 50 eisens clothing store attention farmers now s the t me ta check over your farm tractors and maclt nery to make it ready for the big rush of spring work l ttle do you real e n six weeks linit we could be n the spr ng seed q contact us ow and a rn cjt to have your repirvdone now before tht spnnq rij our prices are right and our work guaranteed thompson motors phono aflton 69

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