Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 5, 1953, p. 11

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ims wessrcton n tiiurhdav redhuaby sib 1963 j iocaimfws htm for tmt colwmi bt paotaad to 1m or atwt to tjw frta prat otto the public school board at tended the ice follies together on wednesday evening a robin has been seen at jtockuood but none have been re ported seen in acton so far lenl begins in lust two weeks with easter this ycn falling in early april april 3 is good fri day there is too much snow for skating on the pond but mint have been enjoying skating in ihi arena bill blanche injured his foot when a radiator fell while working at baxter laboratories on wednes day morning friday the 13th seems to have become popular day for events with several scheduled for that date no jinx fears there the record in nasaagaweya and esquesltuj townships show eight accidents in 19ss resulting in in juries to two and no fataliuea colored slides on wns over bolivia were shown by the bap tist young people s group after the regular sunday cenlng service there has been very little sun these past few weeks and it b- doubtful if any of the local ground hogs saw their shadows on mon day new ideas fox spring projects sss actonbotanan uhen tnej met 6n tuesday a re port on crippled children s w ork was also riven mnny cases of flu and pncii monia are continuing this winter ontario junior farmer prcld cnt dave pellrtterio ri ports having traelud is 000 mlnvs during hu present term- as the hmd of thi xmt irlo juniors this it nnllniiil henlth wei k minty a ttk nl of iw will be glad unibsim tluxlognn foe tin wttk held from rtbnmrv 1 to 7 is halih is our bunints an ititumobili onl by alan binutt of edn mill nporltii stolen from rink wood inst wtek was recovered in mimlco tht vehicle was uppnrtntlv undamaged although many appreciated the good driving and walking condit ions of a mild winter most were pleased to see the snow si f tins over the ground this week it is certainly more seasonal weather in the obltuar of the inte john brims published in last week s free press the name of mr and mrs bill forrest and family was omitted as among those who gave floral tributes david joe acted ont of the pallbearers his name was mistakinlv reported as dan joe mrs dawd cohin who left acton in november for bristol fngland has written to say that primroses are in bud thtre and th trots ire out in leaf shi told that tht childrtn received a hot meal with dessert and milk nt school iach da for about m cints a week mr cabin was briefh hospitalized following an accidtnt at work thi family plans to return to acton in the spring lived many years west of limehouse mrs james sharp margaret sharp passed awa on january 17 in her 97th year at the women s college hospital in toronto she was bom in bentinck town ship county of grev january 4 1857 her father duncan camp bell was born in inverness scot land and ber mother catharine mcintosh was bom in glengarrj canada james sharp and margaret ross campbell were married september 1 1876 james sharp died in february 1895 there were five children from this marriage cath arine mrs arthur ivensi william john sharp duncan c sharp col cna f sharp and the late mary e sharp all of toronto the family had always resided one mile west of limchouse mil 1914 when thev moed to toronto at the time of her death mrs sharp resided at 80 douglas ave toronto with colena and william fote a business booming in heart of africa tht worlds mast dazzling boom is in ful swing in the belgli congo central african colony al most as large as quebec and ontar io put together appraising this upsurge of in industry in the heart of the dark continent holman harvey says in the readers digest hotels are booked for months in advance airlines trains and congo river boats are sold out weeks ahead attracted by the phenomenal pro penty investment capital is pour ing in one of the world s last remaining store houses of scarce raw mater lals the congo s resources include uranium copper manganese and cobalt how great the store of natural wealth may be is un known for jungle still covers most of the vast country at leopoldville the capital mod ern office buildings arc being leas ed before their roofs are on the article says the population of costermansville an old trading oat has jumped from elect 53 officials at vestry meeting the nnnual vc trymeeting of st johns church anglican nosnga- weya was held at the home of j h davenport with the rector pre siding mrs f jevely wiu re ai pointed as vestry clurk very sal isfnctorv reports were sutmittl mr davenport the pioples ill n and in usurer and mrs r mark lock who is tn usurer for hi w a it a is r v ileei tli latti r organization had tht most micii til mar during 1012 of out slim ls imtptlon tht rector gave tin rt port of lh jutior emigre gallon wlik h me li nl during the warmer months of hi mar hi also r ad a lilhr from thi bishop of the dlncest ongrntulating all who had mad an overpavmtnt on thi missionary apportionment then followed the pastoral report which revealed that there are 37 f am hits who con tltuu the whole membership of st johns all who participated in an way in the work of the church during the past year were heartily thank ed for their services and faithful ness by rev r porrltt the ap pointment of the rector s warden followed and mr bruce small was named to that office to succeed mr alf turner mr j h davenport was re ilecl- ed as peoples warden and tnas urer the auditors elected were mr r carbert and mr alr turner following a general discussion on arranging for church school facll itles a committee was nominnud to proceed with the matter com posed of the rector and church wardens and messrs e pnrchem a mathles a turner r cartxrl and r hltchtn after the closing dtvotions a very delicious lunch was served by the hostiss mrst eyely and a ver happy evmlng aim to a close itfm hey you- pull over shouted the traffic officer thi lady driver complied and nixl day thi judge fined hir 15 00 shi wmt home in great anxiety lest her husband whi always examined her cheque book should learn of the incident then inspiration struck and she marked the cheque stub one pull over 25 00 lost tibby iiohi sand cotomd cat with wmt bruit and four white faal hewaud fany information nl lstl births marriages deaths etc bonus to mr und mrs m rvvi lloiiiut on monday jimiiatj 31 a ilnughti r rjurmo miiv who piuu ill uwiiy on tiisdny jiinuiirv 27 nri camhion at ihe llunilion lm i nil hikipiial to llutihiliy jii ii ii wi9 lllrt lluni in iin i n il it ii i mfnl run 1 v mi t hld ii plastic garment bags 2 sizes 2 49 2 79 plastic tabu squares new patterns 1 00 to 2 19 each on lot ladies lined jeans to clear at 3 89 pushtu h s linl iu lam id in mason at ii mill on dm nil hospital on widmadiy kbtiiut 4 ibm mary ann dliknon t ii itumdalt ave hamilton w i the lle yom mason in h r hi11i yinr id sting at tht i g wulht fun tral horn ltd 151 ottawa st n hamilton out flint nil airvci in saturday at t 30 p m int rmci palrvlcw cimitiry acton on ur rival about 330 in memobiam algerln loving memory f my tiiwband victor aigir who poai ed away february 4 1911 ever nmembered by his wlfi cards of thankb mrs jonas massey wlshus t thank her many friends and nlat vis for ihi loviiy flnwt rs and cards and would tsjxilally like to thank thosi fritnds who urrangtd for transport ition to bring h horn thank- also u ir a mccarler ind dr proud md tin nursls fur thiir kindntv this alwityj imjiimlniuereitv r andrew w frank real etfate broker campbeuviue wanted immediately listings for farms and town propartios we hava the buyers for prompt attention call wm j mcleod representative 43 main street phone 203 acton coming events this office cannot be responsible for comflictlno dates of euenls wantads latkht timi psslt tnrkktion irm wkpnthdat no chargr fnr nnn in mi murium iftr l n hnt tti j u word r a t i s mnreniintl oriltilhi murrlniiii and knuugdiu nl hh- r hiu miniu mi a drains iin aitu 1 h for sale if not paid until after udiulioniil dining u nl f 1 hanks 10r for sale km sair km inn nun uutl itiidltion nih jii- h uiluuni aih ihom mlltoi mtr kjlt saik dry binh wimki fool knulh alno nom wlilli tui ulank and tonmns n anderson phon uuwi aiitm u bf wanted iqit bale sid of younif btif no wusti ulto 1 yotins u in cows nuiklnit 1- llotnun md vtiis phom 308 m u business men wowl an opportunity to hnvt a cash reifisur in lop nhapt call j s brunello at 21 or 404 u tvon lhoijucts lot your mrsonal nceda and gift aukgcstlonv phone trdirs aneptcd or arrange- nuna will gladly be inadt for tv mlng or saturday lulb phoni 3b0j12 mrs floniiii buwen a elevatohs killy ryan trail away on ruhbir for bahs lur corn tfrulji 24 in 44 fl prkt dim pliti 28d up eviryont liket a burgnln si i your di 1 r or nil x non company knikwood pi hm 158 a iu for sqt 1041 ford i ton dump truck in hood uiuillluii n w 0w englnt good tins doubl rnki simw chain plans 5 yrls uravil it ftiyniniid tm k ii victor i avi at u n oril id box 41 she has been a continuous sub scriber of the free press from her marnage until the present day she alwavs enjoed reading the new from the old neighborhood in may 148 at the age of 91 sbi had her right leg amputated i present the spread of gangrene which had startedjn the foot from thit time until early in october 1952 she mas confined to a wheel chair which she mvigated by her sef around the ground floor of her home she insisted on bathing dressing hers if combing her own hair etc she spent much of her time reading but did flimr mend ing and knitting the service was held it trull funeral home toron o tuesda january 20 and was conducted bv dr glazier of glentuw pnsbter ian church the graesidi serice at umchousi cemctcr wednes day jnnuan 21 at 11 am v is at tended b a goodh numlxr of nl atives and old frunds from th furroundink dustnet mr caldcr giorgitown condurtid tht h r ir 10 000 so many modern ars crowd its main street that iraffic officers are needed a luxurious country club now overlooks lake tanganiki not far from the site of stinley s historic meeting with dr livingstone 81 years ago along with this prosperity bel gium is follow ing an enlightened policy of white native relations which may become a model for all colonial government in a 6 000 mile trip through the congo the author saw nci her slums shantv towns coming soon acton a st albur guild rmhn rury 12 parish ii til 81 lunch uikir prlzi valmtini fuchn at lorn school ftbruiry 20 it 8 30 hjrn prizia lunch and door prii 35c a eliction of officers at february meeting of lakisidi chapti r 1 0 de tuesday february 10 in itg ion hall at 8 15 pm a the friendly circle will hold i spring tea and sale of homemadi baking at the united church par sonagc on saturday april 18 1053 from 3 00 to 5 00 pm a valentine euchre and dance friday february 13 in eden mills hall undt r auspices of tht women s institute watsons orch cslra cards 8 30 to 105 pnzis admission 50c a the annua meeting of thi ac ton junior farmtrs ind junior in fill uti will be hild it the home i f fyfe and bill sommtlle ont mill nst of acton on thi north sidi ut no 7 highw n on wdm sd i ftbruiry 11 i ror sai l i nnn ailli bun 27x30 thinkm housi 20xwi h u k hxh 1 fa rood i r hoiiii s and puis for turktys tiiiki shi hi rs fir rhlrkms flood gurdui with k n ill fruits phnltd town wal r hydro in liiiildngs thus property within tht town limits ind is on of the bt st spots in town lo build rinch typ h iusl for further inrormailon ipply ed j nninjs i hint 35bw a soon guaranteed all synthetic vhn tht fortsieabu future fabric wmipi ind h irmt nt minufacturers iliki mas bt stiuhinr to their pm ducts 1iih1 twarin tht deel irition cuarinteed itw p r cnt snthctlc and b i dt inj i ts ont of the worlds mom pussmg probli ms thai doisnt mian that such natural fibrt s is w ool and cotton an eoing to be displied almost en unu as for iimple nslon dis placed ilk in h isi s tht natuil fibna will alvns hsfte a plice in- tht uxtiu intiustr the volume used ma men is but economists t xpect man of necessity to turn mon and more to man made fibres as consumption of all fibre rises thc expect the increase to be taken up b sinthetic fibres this trend will hot be due enttreh to the s nthi tics possession of superior qualities it will be due also to the compelling force of some basic economic laws last rear for example the popu la hon of canada increased bv 420 000 the whole world gained about 25 millions these additional people require food and clothtaf not onl is a rising population pres sing on the worlds agricultural re sources for its food supply but the pressure is being further increased bv higher living standards food requirements sav economists there fore are going to gam first priority on the world arable acres textile requirements will have to kok else- ubere wayne ft w barry j mvi4 drug store phona 87 wa tkhnicoijor xm torn aautm mw the quiet man mmwaikhnredioiuui unrnntams i j atttumk wctwtl 6 oats 1 kb 1411 for one week special dinette suite reg 235 00 this week 16900 buffet china cab net table 4 upholstered chairs terms 0 down up to 24 months to pay watch for next weeks special acton home furnishings for sale ib39 chev sedan wilh radio h ater 1036 bulck sdan 1946 chcv ton paml truck 1m6 ford tractor 1 used j section lift type draj cultivator thompson motors phone to aclon ontario for sale hv1 ford sedan 19 mt rcury sedan iim9 chcy s dan 11m oldsmobile sidnn wvnlrll w m ru un dull i auub sti i ii ii t i n plllll 11- wan1hi h ourhiiii heil r flpiliiui tn h ijiiiiijh tiulln iniubl holm h jr i s hi li nu loiliu wantfi l mm miutid mi n ttit m vjluilili imiiltntld pnij in lown mllun will jy i lo 7 jr li nl uiliiial will iiiv m hir pifti dead animaui 1200 u00 iach for if ad or duableil owa and horxi 24 hour acrvlcr call lie u wood 23rll oeorku qlb son 2fl l dkad oh u1sabi el anim ais wanted town hon- hoifs ihutit out iph 3314 colket for im mod i a lc arrvlct wm lalnc ojn ruling for gordon young a it deadktock rimoved from your farm promptly for sanitary dis posal ttlcphum collect oeorie town ii or gut iph 3334 gobfjon vouno uh1tkd tf nrw inilitnationai rkmii lallon wanln nun in ihln urtn wh watil i thanm dr 111 unpurall ild opporlunjly non i umpuitiv uublli klauotui fn id a firw wi 1 orjiiimdl iiku 7 uul ol 111 -u-ul- aritin no irjvillmy lulhctkig i di llv rinjj iiiuhi it nimmiui illlljlltnl ijlklllfld apply si ordiiy iibriiiiry 7 u st w irt sir lnr 4t willow b auon wan 1 1- 1 immdi iu ly mjii lirmlid in iifgir ihm v i igi u i tin to ruruki wilkuui d alt ihip s lling t xjkiiitiit hilpf i linl not in i m iry wi train yon no invislminl rtijuirid if y m ji ambiliijui mt r ilt d in u bujiin of your own bi twi i n is jnd nul ti ivt i tjr wri i lo day for in form iliun to ui pi oa9 ihi j it wilkum co jw st hoeh st murilnnl j i tenufhs tor wood ttndlrs for wood 32 lord uh cu flctj beech and maple body wood and 20 single cord kindllnjr cut tn required and delivered and piled for miaaurtng at the achoobi wood to be delivered in quantltir to bt specified to school section nnmbtr 3 5 10 15 and 17 ten dirs may b in full or in pjrt nd uiwlvii tuwicr not nclsarly ac ctpud scaled and rw to b in bv ribruury 16 miss h f lvami kicnliry trdosuri r estmusink township school una ciorgc owr j 11 for rent auction sale of durham cattle horses poultry 1 1 or hay grain tarm implemenu i and real esute the undirsirned hiv rmuid iiustructiotus from ihi idmlnislri tnxis of hp estate of ih ii i j brims to s 11 by public auction it lot 5o con i twp of esqutsiiig fc ii on saturday february 7 19u at 2 o clock the following horses i bay clyde marc 9 yrs old 1 bay clydi iqart 14 yrs old 1 bay clydc mare aged set of heivy harness bridles odd col lars tic cows and young cattle- 1 red durham cow bred to ireshen feb 22 1 red durham cow bred to freshen march 10 i red durham cow bnd lo freshen march 15 li red durham co bred to freshen april 19 5 durham heifers risinj 2 vr old own 2 durhm hufir 1 vr old 1 durham steer i vr old thes m well bnd uurhim c n tit ling t itlle bnd fr to m ipl unit hulls hogs ind folll try 1 mhir rk s e i r 1 1 m ih 1 i t h ink wrt pk lfi a i k 1 1 k h k el i 147 monch sedan 1041 mreurv seelin iml oldsmobllc s dan llt41 ileielge s elan pi1ij mi rcury sdin too dodiii sedan 1uj9 poiiliac sedan 1i3ii iontnc coup ibin rurd tnch 1037 dodge coach 11u i nine coupe 1947 willvs jeep l3l rsse x cench open monday wednesday friday and saturday evenings 7pm to 9pm for car sales only early motors j phono 319w imilton ont toli 1nt t r hfls citiln iling wati r nli writ h hit fin 1rv ha hfc1 or aiaktmi nt hi rwiek hall anrtrri ills tu i mi jio rent me i id j uv an n rigur ilor onupiney fibruar ii fhon uu rg town lost and found round parl necklet ly pie is contact l i ilarr ujst kir pin e i bin wilh bron f ici ir a t n a w agi childrtn l 9 jolnd vi m jjet left in a ton taxi own i ii hvc wm b prmnii dam and pay ng ii this ad h 1 frmn lfi miscellaneous crlss cobv salve for sure relit f your druggist iells cress callous sa le tuo relieves quickly j i f washer repairs rolls parts complete mrha ill emle r id i jnd elect r r georfelota phom 4b3 rjxy theatre bldg notk ft a r rm 1mpi fmfnts rui unit r fl t t ft st 1 be x m n r ctnr d iie ilk s uffl r hit is w hit rirk rft fsttf bri d fi the- x fan ihj w 144 sewinc machines sales ac- s rvle repa rs to 11 mike ernift rsdio and els rc phone 4 roxv thestre bldg geotfe town a rf rfc f itr b kkffpfr h v i y wj w f o- j f ii vl m t otwi i c j so bat st t i 1 100 i don t cot rf you do hove on ortittic lenoerofnn ahirh a buildar n no better than his large ham h ie lee rn ma fen a is our matvnarl arm tops eel stablme ater bols and new iipcl rgunt osrt yor utter carrier ab ut w rres of h farm l clear ai h balanc nd hn drop by and w will bush ind pvture spnng creek in get yoy starrad nght and inv b ih tnst rtiew and informal n airur erirdmg this propenv mat he ns portntly l fn right pnc an d nil the sdminwtratrix on the pntetsr trm of chst ils cash set tlement ih clerk dar of sale ten of real ejae made knnwn da of sale no resepe l mcmillaay clertt hindley elliott auctioneers krtchtneb lpholsttry ha- vour cheser eld ulte re-up- s r ed f e- as w9 re- fthri aid sip ft- ort for otrjt effk- etjt ervire cu 03 arjn one eeks service auction sale of flrmtlttf svtvknat ffbbiakt t 1 10 pm at the home of avdkew w htvtel main st n georgetown this furniture is in nice condit ion and must be aom mm air hun ter u givlnc up hli house a frank petch auctioneer

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