Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1953, p. 8

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pack host th aaon free press act6n ontario thursday january mtb iso gnu for ihu cotvmn v b phoned to jm or atnt to ttw ptm ptcm offlca ta acton many cars were towed into town over the weekend resulting from many minor accidents in a heavy fog none of the new queen eliza beth coins have been issued to local banks yet although they are in cir culation already in larger centres thanks to all who have been bb kind to telephone write and just call in or meet us on the street and speak kindly of the sunda broadcast of neighbourly news a note from n i montyl mcmillan of toronto in renewing his free press subscription saya ii is just fifty years since he started his druggist apprenticeship with a t brown the baptist and presbyterian young people held a combines bowling party last night wednes iay a devotional period and re freahmenta followed at knox pres byterian church mlsa bertha ingles has received word that she has passed her rn examinations at guelph general hospital she is the daughter of mr and mm george f ingles town ltoe she to on the staff of the nos pital lea macswaln and bert ur quhart have left this week to stake claims in the new brunswick min eral boom silver is one of the precious metals attracting claim slakers from united states and canada tuesday night was ones night cnargra were trramped-npby- ed- bilton as prosecutor he lost only one case and the piggy bank tor rotary work went ahead a little as a result of the fun classes in ballet an being held in the parish hall and children and adults both have enrolled the bal let mistress is alice anne russjl who also teaches in brampton the kitchqn floor the piano and part of the gym were painted this week al the y mca it is hoped the gym will be finished the latter part of this week in the first two weeks 150 ac ton hoys and girls have enjoyed swimming in the guelph ymca pool tfic classes are held under the sponsorship of the ys mens club attending were 84 girls and 66 boys both swimmers and non swimmers the planned new 60cycle trans former station at brampton will service the cbc transmitting sta uon at hornby as well as the towns of acton brampton georgetown and streetsville and districts fre quency standardization is expected to begin in the area in august 1954 have a look at your new cai endars to see whether they marked victoria day as monday may 23 the nearest date to the actual 24 in of may despite what some calei dars say victoria day will be cele brated according to an act of par 1 lament on the monday preceding which is may 18 jack chapman of fergus who lived in acton formerly marked his twentieth year with the met ropolitan life insurance company last week firm officials and rep rcsenlatives gathered to honor him jua wifeadprejefltedl him with veter an silver cocktail shaker and glasses and a cheque for 150 mrs chap man received a large bouquet of federation representatives at small meeting of farmers union farmers of the western provinc es would like to see closer co operation between the east and the west aaid bert scholtz represent lng the manitoba farmers union when he spoke at a small gathering jn the town hall milton on fn day declaring that 30 locals have already been organized in ontario the speaker said manitoba farmers had in two and a half years built a strong union organization while the union docs not make an promises ii you build a good strong active vital organization you may be able to do something with it he said it was pointed out by a r service president f halton federation of agriculture that canadian fanners htive hid a organ iza ion of their own fir if vcars the machinery all thert tfor their use and it will work jus as wel1 s t fymers them a ives make it starting in the locan of the fu and going up through the district to provincial and inter p incial levels grassroots farmers are able to make their needs known staled mr schultz m m campbell chairman of the educntional com mtttee of halton federation point ed out a similar frame work has always existed in the federation and that in addition the individual farmer has the opportuntn of dis cussing and doing sonu thing about his problems through farm forum mr schurtz dwelt at some length on the special problems confronting both eastern and western farmer regarding grain marketing the cost of feed grains to the eas ern farm er hog producer and poultrv pm ducer problems claiming that present farm organizations have declined to set up machinery adi quale to moc supplies into slrateg ic postlans before w inter comes in and that famurs have neglected to provide themselves with an bdi quate marketing svstim the speak tr was reminded b r s heathtr mgton sec re tan of halton feder nlinn that thi ontario fedoratior of agriculture in co open t ion with all thi other eostt m and w eu ri prov i noes ha b en orking for samt ume on the matwr of fti d grvyi undi r a p lio such as mr sthulu wis idv tiling and wis stud ing he iklu v t en tx f yi thi fimurs i ni m wis organ 7id in canadi huw vr mr h ith tringtort xplaned whil our fed intietn in con uttati n wi h a coopentivts f vte m cntir agreed it wis tisnbf t t u a lied bink in t im m ci id waj fmrvd th il dm 1 h p ating pok of h grin f hi i t as it mu exl muht fi j oursehe with a lirgi upi v ir to b undtrsild wh h w mid mak tht vinltiri decidedlv dinjcn u it h- nf rt bee nus ncissan lha farm rs t f tht i a md w 1 mu flrvt sut up an ijurtrv with suftic lent authority tt eliminate th risk mr schul i w hen ht cliinu 1 that the manitoba farmer inim should havi tht crvdit for tstab iishing th tthat biard and al for putting across the vote in man toba w as again reminded bv v hea henngton that i as the wo k and support of the fed ration ihil led the government to estab ih the wheat board and that this board was planned bv the feder ation before the mfl w as irgan ized the manitoba speaker who ex pressed dissatisfaction with the federation m his province and with the tact that he was obliged to pay 50c a year to the wheat pool paper was forced to admit that he is still a member of the manitoba federation and still markets his own wheat through ihe wheal pool the speaker was accompanied to milton by two farmers ffom slmcoe county who also claimed they were not satisfied with their present farm organization questioned however by the audience they ad mlttcd they knew nothing of the efforts and achievements of the federation m their county one of the outstanding counties in success ful farm organizations in on land thev were reminded that while they had made no active contri to th work they were re ceiving the sime ma cnal benefits resulting from their farm orgai izition as do the active members the rcpresmtatue of the mfu expressed his pleasure at beinq assured cistern firmers are is in ious for co opt ration between thi nd wem as a wud we take great pleasure in announcing the appoint inenr of wm j aacleod as our representative in ac ton and district mr mcleod has had a long and varied experience in the buildiflg tradejand we feel assured you can have the utmost confidence in his judgment of property values as a solution to your real estate problems we sug gest you contact wm 43 main st andrew w frank j mcleod phone 203 acton real estate broker campbollvills musicians wanted acton citizens band wednesdays 8 pm band hall present members please note any former members welcome new members are invited i a perrott bandmasler acton junior band wednesdays -7pm- band hall graduate become member of clhzens band a perrott bandmaster acton beginners band wednesdays 4 30 p m band hall graduates become members of junior band e smith bandmaster for further information am tommy nicol president he admitted he iw little chance of getting anv union member from this githcnng and that all those pitstnt knew all about their feden ion in replv to his sate mint that ontario farmers are ask ing him questions he was tpld ontario farmers mav receive an suers to anv questions by contact ing the kev official who will nstur allv know or be working on the answers member greets erin constituents quite a number from htrc al unded the meeting at hilltop lodge last mondav night to mee mr henrv has king m p since th redistnbution of parharnen arv s taking erin into south wt i linnton thu will bt in wih guetph mr jsse meenerv wis appointed com i nor of ballinaf ii pi liing divlsun afltr all the bu inss was finished a buffet lunch w irved and all sptnt a social h ur n t ng mih mr and mr hu i mrs t- 1 si mil i c nfined ti ltd il i kbitiv hir mim li idh h i in spttdv recovirv th ni ithv if h nmnmnin t 1 mr i 1 mrs gibb ni- fn ih v t f mr g bb f ht t c il v m- iun f ki h n r h chie of h rv e n sidi ii i hi ib llih chit i r hi ihin 4 320 000 pair macumttfim atoa v hi kinc f rectvr ir i ir h itn ur ba hroom ftrn r if io h not drop m a jr oftio aid ee ihe latest n rubber in and mi nc tile the pr ee are moderate and will ni into an h imo mners budget alo we have attractive wall board tile to match vour floor covering priced at 45c periq ft don t forget the 2nd annual mother and daughter banquet j a mackenzie 4 son january clearance dresses one lot of dresses regular ly to 16 50 clearing 495 895 one lot of dresses clearing at h9 298 no try ons coats ladies coats children s coat sets and station wag ons at reduced prices i ladies shoes brown and black oxfords with leather soles clearing at 398 overshoes i ladies rubber pullons clearing 98c all other ladies and child ren s overshoes at reduced prices purses leather zippr top styles clearing 198 hocmih ladies wear births marriages deaths etc i w ii be on call for 24 hour emergency serv ce beginning on saturday and fol lowing through to the follow ng safur day night klooster to mr and m j wm klooster a daughter on january ig i9s3 nl orongevilk hutpitit1 gordon mr and mrs alvey gordon w ish to announrt the birlh of thur daughter on wd msdiy jiiniuirv 2fi 1951 at the gtniph gmonl hospital rfnnick- mr and mrs a b rennick inee glndvs mullln are happy to nnnounct the birth f thtir feukhtlr roberta laurene on january 15lh nt the guelph gtnrrnl hospital elliot mr and mrs ross ei hot net jean e williams yar mouth ns are hnppy to an nouncc the birth of their daugh ter deborah jenn on wednes day december 24 1952 coleman to mr and mrs ron aid coleman nee joan morrison of toronto at the st michael s hospital baby clinic a son at 8 45 pm january 24 1953 will lam george mother and baby doing fine roszell mr and mrs e roszell 220 mcdonald blvd acton are very happy to announce the birth of their son john allan at the nursing home on pri day january 23 1953 a little brother for gail and wayne mother and baby fini in memobiam morton in loving memory of a dear mother catherine moitun who passed away february 1st 1938 time speeds on 15 years have passed since death its gloom it sh du cast within our home where all demed tjrlghc a and took from us a shining lent we miss that light and ever wlh her vicint place there is none can fill down hcrt we mourn but not in vain for up in heaven we will meet agnin ever remembered by her son and daughter and son in law and grandchildren wantads 4 pm wednesday latfst time fok insertion rates no chargi fr announcementsof births marrinies deaths and engagements in memonam 0e plus 10c per line for versis articks for sale rtnt ttc zc a word minimum cash 35e if not paid until after insertion 10ci box no to tins office 15c additional coming nta 10t pr nt iin 50c r urn cards of thanks 50c for sale for sale used hoover vacu im cleaner phone 265 a for sale used baby carnage apply 27 brock street phone 91r for sale piano 25 00 gord on rognvaldson phone 47w2 rr 4 acton a for sale davenport in good condition apply 90 church st phone 354r a for sale new heat wave 4 burner electric range apply 20 main street s for sale electric national guitar with amplifier 95 00 or best offer phone 584 for sale 2 dump trucks and one loader 500 down take over payment write box 70 free press for sale young cow guern sey and jersey cross due early in february victor watson rr 2 rockwood phone 65ri5 a for sale gendron baby pram good condition also good care for children by day or wetk reason able phone 340w4 acton i for sale dry mixed wood elm beech and birch 500 single cord cash on delivery full measure guaranteed also turnips 75cpet bushel c e cutts rr 4 acton phone 196wl4 a wanted wanted organ in good con dilion phone 97 j 5 i wanted to rent house or apartment 3 or 4 rooms in or neu acton write box 87 free press wanted night watchman for part time work apply baxter laboratories of canada limited wanted to buy second hand piano in good condition state price reply to box 04 free press wanted barnyard manure 1 00 per ton al farm or 250 per ton delivered to f c bruivskill norval a i dead animals 200 2 00 each for dead or disable cows and horses 24 hour service call bellwood 23rll george gib son a28tf dead or disabled anim als wanted cows hones hogs phone guelph 3334 collect for immediate service wm laing operating for gordon young a tf deadstock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis posal telephone collect george town 11 or guelph 3334 gordon young 1 yamjeravnniffer wonder elevators kelly ryan trail away on rubber for biles ear corn grain 24 to 44 ft price com plete 289 up everyone likc a bargain see your dealer or cll xenon company rockwood phmi 159 a 29 3 cards of thanks we wish to thank all our friends for the beautiful cards and other expressions of sympathy extended to us in our recent bereavement mr and mrs j creasey and family the fimily of the late john brims would like to thank friends nnd neighbours for the floral tri butes expressions of sympathy and other kindnesses at the tlnu of their recent bereavement coming events this office cannot be responsible for coniirtino- dales of epents reuihr met in nf tht men f inox will b hdd in knox churc for sale p miles from georgetown on no 7 highway four room insul brick house oil heated hardwood floors drilled well with pressure system built in cupboards on lot 60x150 im mediate possession priced 4 800 apply at penson s service station or phone 398rl3 georgetown euchn it binnockburn schoil saturdiv jinuarj 31 i bid prn auspices bin nock burn wi lur t i promdtd admisxn f5c scout ind guide mothers are holding i euchre it the seoul hall on fridiv jinuirj 10 at 810 ad mpiion 3ic lunch served euchre ind dince in limehouse memorial hall fntav evening february 6th 830 pm hulls or chci ra lunch provided admis sion wc auspices hall board on tuesday february 17 the pupils of acton public school ae staging an operetta tom sawyer in the school auditorium to avoid disappointment vou might be well advised to secure your ticket earlv from a pupil scout and guide mothers will hold a baking and candy nile with their euchn on fndav fcbruav 13 dona ions from non membth will be apprecnted door will be open it 7 30 arts ind cnfb classt s in rug making ind if ither ass mbling stirt tuisdi februarv 3 at 7 30 p m classes in pljin sjxing and moekine stirt thursdiv fibnur 1th it 10 pm for sale beef by the quarter quantity of best cuts from front quarter also fresh pork whole or half cured meat costs includes pickup and delivery c jstorr slaughtering done on beef and pork also trucking service to weekly sales arrangements made on order to f holmes and son phone jobm a 27 4 for sale ib ch v c ach 46 ton firg expnss 48 1 ton stike 48 chev facdin macswain motors phonf kb acton 16 w0 00 200 acn v ih excel lent buildings fergus organvi vilk road lirge brick house with bath mw bank birn 60x90 hydro this farm i a rteognizcd producer the soil v irying from light to a rich medium 1mm an txcellentpot ato and cliv r farm ibout 126 acres workable balince bush and pastun with spring erven srhex i 4 mile good terms contict ro hindky everlon or head olticc e bndky son 12 douglis street uojth priced to sell 50 austin 4 door sedan 850 48 mercury 4 ton pickup 895 39 plvmouth 2 door sedan 350 38 plymouth 4 door sedan 200 36 olds 2 door sedan 195 lome garner motors ltd pontine buicjc gmc trucks ferguson trarlori and implements 45 main acton phone 452 experience is the best teacher master clear ers many years of eper ence guarantee vou the f nest qua ty workman sh p that s poss ble hoy s tax after several years n il s d str ct otters the best i ta a d del very you can f go wrong whan you forjale mi ford sedan ibw mercurv sedan i ml che sellin 194k oldsmi bill scdin 194 monarch sedan mfi iontiac spdan 1m1 oldsnn in sedan 1m1 dodgu s iin 19t m roiri srdji 191b lvdbr sedan 1919 pintiac sedan 1934 i witiac teupe lilt f rd rh 193 dodge coach m 1 ntiac ipe w wilu x jeep 1931 fssex c ach open mondav wednesday and saturdaj evenings 7 l b p m for car sales only early motors ful earning opportunity for smarr capable married womin pkaaant profitable work near your home full or part time work write bx 43 free press for personal inter men a permanent full time- business can be yours selling nat tonally advertised walk ins prod ucts selling experience helpfull but not necessary we train you no capital required if you ar- ambitious under 55 and have or can obtain a car write today u the j b watkins company 3t st roch st montreal a 274 new international organ ization now locating in this area and hiring men who want a chaiige for 1953 unparalleled opportunity non competitive public relation field a new and original idea 7 out of 10 acceptances no travelling collecting or delivering highest commission perminent digntied wntc box 125 free press j for rent for rent a comfortably fur ntshed bedsitting room for semi invalid iad alton nursing home fvt rton write rr a rockwood or phone rockwood 90r6 b lost and found strayfd cit pr s mud miscellaneous cress bunion salve rellev- es fast wear stylish shoes soon druggists sell cress corn salve- too atf washer repairs rolls parts complete overhaul erala radio and electric georgetown phone 465 roxy theatre bloa atf sewing machines salea and service repairs to all makav ernies radio and electric phona 465 roxy theatre bldf george town kitchener upholstery have your cheat rti eld suite i w- holstered for aa little aa 90 ba- fimshing and slip cover work for prompt and efficient service oaq 103 acton one week a service k3a4r24e lj it coon varer k m 319w maton ont personal skinny girls get love1 ly curves gain 5 to 10 lha new pep try famous health and i weight builder ot rex tonic tab- 1 lets introductory getacqualnteet aire oxdy mc j union or not um th hot i i wotm boltu j homo swoo homo will bo a tour proposition if it n built with mcondwato swppliot it payt to build today what n worth bving in tomorrow chodi owr coaav ploto iiim of quality building uippkot y acton

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