Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1953, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario i thursday january ttth tfw behind the mike mot of our readers and we suspect many who are not our readers know the situation back of getting the editor to do the neighbo news broadcast last sunday many of our friends both in and out of town iave told us or thefr enjoy ment of the broadcast and been most kind in their comments of the experience in a new field we ourselves had not only a new experience but gained a first hand knowledge of the task of the other fellow in this case it was don fair- baims ob like all understanding it has been good for us and we certainly hope don enoyed the opportunity of one sunday free from his regular duties let us tell you all that the fifteen minute pro- giam involved a lot more time than most listeners realize and since don has never taken the trouble to tell his listeners of the hours involved perhaps we can relate the time we spent and then a de duclton of half could be made for our inejtper tence and listeners can understand what don s ob takes in and editors can realize they are not the only ones on the grind r week cbl studios two weeks ago before don fairhaun left for the west we went to toronto to meet the staff and see the auartersm which purworkvyguld be done reid forsee is director of programs for cbl and we had a most interesting visit seeing the back shop m the broadcasting business when we refer lo we in this case it is the editor and his son and associate jim we were to have the assistance of miss ring who painstakingly goes over the 200 and more papers that come in each week and clips all the items logical for the broadcasts she ferrets out ell tbose little items and over 90 birthdays many times buried in tittle rwo or three line items in the correspondence miss dobson types out the script for the broadcast and knows to within a few lines of the amount of copy required office desk space was arranged in two separate build ings one for friday and at cbl on saturday 200 papers and all we started before noon on friday and left jim on the ob friday afternoon while the- editor presided at a meeting of the executive committee of the canadian weekly newspapers association morepapers carnetn duringttlctayiiflefnoonaocl saturday morning we were at work in cbl offices until time for lunch this was eaten in the cafe tena of the building about two o clock our script started to take shape from all the piles of clippings some were duplicates and from the sorting emerged the senpts that were lo make the broadcast shortly after four oclock miss dobson had all the copy end before five oclock she assured us it was suf ficient then the trip to the broadcasting booth a trial reading of the script under a stop watch to see that it came within the required lime it s been many years since we worked or ran with someone holding a stop watch on us theres always the tendency to spee3 up and do as much as possible m a given time and it s difficult to overcome that feeling but there is always that guidance of stretching out of the hands from the director to let you know how time is running along finally you get the down beat and the broad cast is on to read aloud for even five minutes mith no interruptions seems a very long time if you dont believe us just try it sorne time you haven t an audience at least you think you haven t but you know right well its likely the biggest audience you ever addressed that s all the timing was right the bb was done and all that remains is for you to listen rfo your own voice when broadcast time comes be cause its like newspaper sork t isn t all vw tten oi produced on the day of publication munrtpafrtte5 an watching voh merest for the legislation forecast in the da ly press which will give relief to municipalities tn the raising cf taxes its to be hoped realization w 11 be made that toronto is not the only oppressed muoci pality by the tax burdens whats in a nairn since the broadcast of neighborly news las sunday folks al home have given us quite a rib bing about the george part of ouf name locally vie are known by our other name it all came about thts way when we met folks in the news paper arid other fields away from home we had quiwa lime explaining and spelling the name arlof it took lime and we found folks didn t use il and had difficulty with it fortunately we had two given names so we ust started to give our name as george whie was quite an ordinary name and easily remembered so outside of local fields we have become known as george and of coursewhen wo were broad casting to places outside of acton and milton we never gave the name a thought and became george and a perfect stranger lo those who know us intimately in milton and acton we answer to both names to all who know us so ust lakp your choice and use the one with which you are most familiar my fathers name vas george and a lillle grave in fairview come tery here bears ihe name of george macphorson dills there aren t any other living georges in the family now so there is no confusion and pei haps a liltle sentiment and recollection when we are called george dills other members of fammy have easilyjeinemberiidoiiuiijsjjcu pavo4ind jim yet to come while our part of ihe exchange of duties with a broadcaster are complete readers have the week to look forward to when don fairbairn writ es these editorial columns he and his staff made our part very pleasant and we know our readers and staff will do their best to make his task a pleasant one he will bring a new viewpoint lo our readers and we know a most interesting one we cannot tell you the date because that has not been settled upon but some monday we wont be writing these columns and we ii catch up on the saturday we lost 7 north e ast wist s outh town runnlng the tieorgiliiwn herald s rdl torlaii inn week have interest for thil luwii and district too ii is komelimcn hard lo belli vi how fail this part nf ontario la jfriwfnj on item ttnyn thi editor ixpccla some d finite hltps will bo takin there nlnnjt the line of town planning for rmldtnlial niiri industrial ex paiuilun which is bound to apn nil up from tlie south of thi county thi iromeluwn chainlx r of commerce in holtltnit an industrial week with i xhlhlla tours and dls plnys thtn w n mi nllnn of ind sun dnyi ntitfhltnrlv nih btoncliiwt whin iht editor of lliln puim r win in harm ceorm town now has n hoim ami stlitkil nssiniauou the editorial jots on to sny a similar group exists rti artim and fornii r eorimouiur mr and mrs jfk murst are at live workers there tax troubles hronlt n tax mlt will 1h up ik r c nt re vt alfn d jt nnings ui he called the taxation picliir in iht halton viiihki faiilnatii j tussled poller trafalgar and oukilli polio ai piimled this wnk ted squirm n tin fourth line infirmed tin polite h hnd ilopi tl to lit lp n woman who was plimil ixmalh n truck hi ns i in sled t mjr hlmm it wikii hi polio anlvtd no rut k no woman hy of trafalgar mori xrjnnslon in ik from oak ill iini town councillor said maybe wt should ven roll tra falknr unit oak villi togfther into on tlt horses tale win n tl wthiil and ximp metal hobby norm built tin vtirs hho fin tin son of kii ial hns vokta timk in ullitillou of lit llntim of t om nioiis rett ntly hit iiwntr of an onkvlllt dniry laukhnl 11k pride of ills dtllviry sunls hnd given its tml for ibid limit and bin subs iiinuiigt r tnveilnif th i ntrnl nui inniiil itult donolid lb bill lo tin it didnt to in it i mind hall t tl tb was ifblng it all a di ihouulit tv although if in n fi how mum tl c ttrrli i niaki mich a fuiinlioiil lib intir in might hnv t aboiil it tsqurslng ri ftmiiiilinn of inn or hini iigtlnwii tout ling fui e area hi on with itlfbd il id iheir first r niih wil if lino in tsinnslng mil liml on in nptiitlon foi tins iitiil an hi r 1 in tin mound a ill tun thi will the good old days may have seemed better back in 1903 from the issue of the free press of thursday january sv ims 1h hoard tr tnwli public school uml fan to flit t willi ii w n luting o tin hih stl nient aniph vldt in foftbtoininic iu to tin n tiiuulion whin ttu i i of acltm the mad vt llllllhiluolls iiil d part has befti u 111 r ouplls whlli to day tbuty ii v on tin roll found imposnlblt for lo do juhlli lo lb it lugh m huol piib m i ill 111 tr the llltftl nci fiikitging of anotln i li 111 th nth room which hit tine imiid itniird will iirriimg by ihi largi room in tin nl uik loli iwo vi ly uoiki niniiw 111 itmiiiiimii wmks of lid itn huvi juil in id lh i iiiiuil m ling ii illon bus he o nobd foi ilh spit ntild roid on iht inn runt m i and iu full sos liimd in ils n put ill a iiv voti of j 1111 f i lb i lior ail and ujt jiimsl it wild htiniien fo back in 1933 from the issue of th free praia ff thnrasujr jsnury xi ltll jean smitti of aclon playi o the gut iph ladl llocln y team j tan is n drfinu plnvt r and is con stdiridoih of th best on hit royal mtt w n hoi kipilmii ir ml follo a n ml p r ni tl tut dhtiltl iff the i jllakwysw 60cycle transf0ramr smimjjs honor comes to esquesing last week halton county council members chose george leslie as warden for 1953 mr leslie has had many years of municipal exper ence and is one of the men on county council at pteenl who hasbecoa member for ihe longest period he has served as cunclttor deputy- reeve and reeve and brings experience to the position it is quite an honor thai he was accord ed the post without opposition we have never favored entirely the procedure of basing the selection qf warden on the turn of any municipality solely the honor is shared be iween the individual and the municipality he re presents halton is honored by their choice of warden for 1953 we were also pleased to note that the name of j j stewart reeve of acton was also mentioned will double service in acton area 1 1 si itiun and i uig futllitus n n ul itl distnhiil highway of hi sauntli on ootid lo hvdio nount i d last i- ruliiy jane thai thi toiisixuclit f lb cvtli transform r station cost iin tima1ed 1 12 0011 issioi arlo is ved by iht iph imiiisformt r statlnn construction is kthedubd to st irl in lib spring this ytur und torn pliion will tumuli with tritium ty slandaidimilinn of hit una rum 25 to 60 tt it optritnin it ntalivi lv mhilulid to h kin in august l in nun til tn tltiubl tin s i it in lb ir i llu in w ttiuipiiinl will suupb ml tvdt piiwtr lu tin uinni ati ii unploi lilt mil id ii jhll mr s 1 1 minis url htriujuliiju tbo i pn- ri l pomlnl nut th it ib is- f ptmr bv hvdro cusltmi is b will b xirviti bv th n u til ion hs inort than doubkd lltmi 1941 and 191 in 1141 th irlnd ivtrnge loid wis 9344 horitpower in 1911 it wis 20 432 horsepower tht upward trend con tin u d in 1912 with the icluil avenge load for the first ii months being 21 g21 horst power bv more than doubling ihe pr sont capacity of power facilities as warden mr stewart has been gaining muni serving the area and by the i j cment ol system the area will be with greater servir sccurttv and adequate power dn u tthiuem nu jicwom iias utrcn yarning muni u uj cp1 epenence he lccl and county feld nd sztl it is hoped that in due course the honor will come provided to him and the municipality he represents sincerely yours it is said that the sculptors df long ago work ed with a passion for perfection even after long and tedious hours of carving sometimes a flaw would appear either m the stone or the chiselling unscrupulous men carefully hid the flaw with wax without the advantages of the modern better business bureau the buyer found it neces sary for his own proection to require a certificate of quality the honest sculptor signed his work smcera meaning without wax gradually the idea developed urtil today when we sign our correspondence sincerely yours it is a certified ton that wiat has been written is a presentat on without deceit and truly reliable some of the weekly newspapers which adopted corona type several years ago are hav mq a cwue at the fuss the toronto star is mak mg of its type for th text of the papers the face has been available and m use for several years ikt artmt 3xn p ttbb the only paper erer published in acfcm founded in ig5 nd published every thursday t 58 mill st el acton ont member of the audit omiu of circula tions the c w n a and the onunoquebec division of the c w n a advartisuuj rate on request subaeripttbns pay able in advance vls0 tn canada 3j0 in the united states sur months 150 stau copies fc authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa c a dill roger a publisher business and editorial office telephone 174 ti iiisfoiim i stuli otllklils loni town sin i tsvilli ilitu of bmiiiim uik an n ntitl lln tint slain n at ion is suiipllil fr trnnsformi r station plon iii ii i t lmii whlit it i il pov select conference dinner committees on priiliiy liim lh mi nib ra anrl mlat of llnlton shoil ourst vlaltrd f atton w is held rt nirt of r of pro int aul n il liot ky k mi tit ft uti tl liurlinn uniiri dnijft 1 led more bin wrrk- i 4 t and ruclpk liml ri tttrsriffdwt h 1 rs iiokn al ut l 1 in 1 mr r n 1 professional directory anrtravellers guide mhht a i wii ii ii ill of ib i ill iimuij i dk w g c kenney ihyslrun and hurfron ortit in synion hi rt k mill si at lun iftlcr ihone 1h itrifdrnrr hurch st ihanr 150 dr d a garrett rhiftiaii and suriron c barrister f ifatherland a sollrltor notary pablu ifvtp hoskin hartrrrd arroununta jrnkinh ami iiardt 11 hi niovint of tin slirnti ind lilt tidni w iibrtiom tht flub tlttiti d to lull the board iri tlicir nit rnbt rihip drive ind thit t icht mtmbtrs would hi lp st rvt it iht motlit r ind dauchter bintjuft the commltttf in charn of tht faint r and son binriui t con ist- of c cook j calder j grefr and i garner pt to novosad of montreal and jim walsh of toronto were nursts at the meeting dr a i armstrong ihslrlan and burgeon offi f lli mill st r isl i htjnr r m tal a hater can never ewipt from his wn hateful companv united church of canada acton ontario a frtfndly church kt f a c urrry ba bo vi minisu r 1u baptist church acton dwicht i pitttrson pastor ltrnnikc iis bower ave phone 206r dr a j buchanan denui surf ran jiun irishman block mill st offict hours 0 j m to 6 mm x ray trlfphonf i4fl dr h leib dentaj snrfeon omcecorncr mill and frederick streets office hours 6 am to 6 p m telephone 18 acton a j candtu harlcrrd arroununt n st t ifk iowa tt1 piont bm ii iropr actor veterinary miss o orfcini si ma ffbrl h t 10 00 im suiidjivhjjl nfit nits fir 11 00 i m m tii i u rsh work and i ss 1 nj w rh git sp i r v i r i d fulitt ln h b d young b v sc c l young dvaa veterinary surgeon offict brookville ontan phont miron 165r21 f g oakes vs b v st elerinary sargeon offict nd risidtnci km x a artin phoni 130 rrai fstatf and tnm rncf wright real estate and insurance i mt li urkh d j araastrong loelor of f hlrapraetle 15 rrederick si n at tn phone 550 mikcela neous the vltrtor b rumley funeral home i f nneraj hooje healed asbalaaav phone 30 nijrrrt or daj srvinit the commdnity for i years olive m lampard atcm rmt frianist jnd c hoir leader united church teacher af plan studio lmtfd church thursdaj studk li prk av guetph telbpiionf 29fl travellers guide gray coach lines c ills itaw acton tut bound r- 1 1 33 a is l- n n -e-m-p-m- real lor appr- m 4 i liuarors heat bound f a da all nfi p pi i id support our wiuih ind thouflht for the week if god be for us who n kaint us presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong mj1 bj sunday february lrt 1953 10 00 am church school 1 1 00 a m jlomlnf service 1115 pjn hible clan 7 00 djtl evening worship they om mil ptm tht lord thau a warn vtkcot iwdti ym st albans church ancllcan septuagesima slvda februar 1 1953 8 30 am hoi communion 10 00 a m church school 1100am beginners clau 11 00 a m holv euchanst installation of church officer for 1b51 too pm bvenson and sermon all are warmly welcomed ir ut iph and hi 1iau btnrd o iph and di agents asiocia n to kit nd holi w r bratkfn real eaute phone 26 acton ijsi mur farms business or houst ith us we invite you lo use our facilities in securing a purchase for lour propem llrd e abltfte rjl no 6 guelph phone hespeler 701 canadian national railways standard time r f bean geaeral banuaee 280 ki1x st acton phone 83 office hours t jn 3 pjn 5 jo pm p jn datu 6 40 a m daih ecept sun da tim am 710 pm sunday onu 111 pm datlv except sotj- da fler at georgetown 902 am dail furr al georgetown u ii p m dail except sunday and mon day 2 22 am sunday and monday only 12j8 ajn dauy except san- day am jto pm tlmgrntaot 7 am dmilr crtt fttas and sunday u0 pjn itnntay oi ly 238 pjn sunday only m im haghop sunday only tirm e gurtph 708 pm c

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