paoe six the acton free press acton ontario thursday october llh ism john calder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service free estimates church street phone 319w soph ns for late model cabs 95 6 70 ytres only 24 15 lorne garner motors acton ont phone 452 toths service station acton ont phone 326r the worlds best oil heater and 2ili we have the neon more powerful more efficient the exclusive monogram burner produce more btu of heat for ms size become it is more efficientir gets at much heat at possible from every tingle drop of oil if has a wider ranoe of operation from a very low minimum for mitd weather to a higher heat output than any other burner of the same size there if enthinr hhr lh r m proof oil vaporizes faster more completely instead of burning from a pool of oil in the bottom of the burner os most oil burners do monogram turns the oil into gas quicker snore completely thus providing a clean quiet gas flame made from oil no wonder users of monogram bum less oil and do o better healing job proof exclusive doubleshell burner automatically mixes air with the gas made from oil in exactly the right amount to get the most heat from the ol such perfect snixture of air and gas must bum clean such a dean flome must be efficient no other burner has this feature no wonder then that monogram oil heaters need such little attention proof turbulator rino at top of burner mixes secondary air at point of combustion secondary air it what makes a mouldering fire bunt into flame it is important then to mix ii just right in on oil burner notice how the turbutator ring hat 32 teeth or channels which split up the air and inject it at the top of the burner producing a lively highpowered flome no other burner has this feature proof rotor plate makes shorter wider flame it provides thorough mixing of air and gas and spreads the flame making it wider and shorter this permits use of o double baffle and twin air flue heating units which slop rush of heat out the flue only monogram has this all important feature trimatic 1 dial control th trfauhc control it mmt fkortkol control y -i- tor oj ipacp ktoln om dioj cofjrol 1 flow ol ol 12 svofl to bunt 3 orcvlohi ol hoot ok writ imi om motor at o fo to oporat r4uet m oovw amsw ouhtqadefto fmtutt wtuch tobm monoqjum the weitdi lu oa hootw c a flodl modern plumbing and heating phono 66 mill s acton kttti lntert in farm pond polulf fuilliu spring streams and well in reient year have been the ciike of much concern not only in mutton hut in many other parts of the province it lit generally roc ounlred that an adequate water mipplv for livestock domett ic puipmei fire protection spraying and irrigation u nn essential in any foi iniiilt community in the county of hnlton the ureal majority of the spring and nil earns nrlrv on the escanimen which piimioji in n northerly direct ion thmuflh the eonntws conse quently the refnreajatippmgram tmiugiuated some vears ago by lu coiintv council in cooperotlon v ttli the department of iands nod koieslh of the ontario government has to clnte been confined to mar ginal rocky inmi above nr on the ciipmpnt in all nome 1200 acres have been pin chased by thoepunty for this put pose more recently thane res ponsible for the selection of addit ional arena for reforestation pur poses hove endeavored in so far as possible to secure blocks of land on which nome of the streams of the county have their headwaters as a means of conserving water re forestation is definitely sound- however several decide may pass before the fulucffect of thb pro gram will make itself mnntfeit earlv in 1052 therefore the con- ervntion committee of the count inaugurated a farm pond policy under the policy the county of halton in cooperation with the ontario department of agriculture agreed to p iv r per cent of the cust of approveil ponds up to a maximum of j00 per pond per farm a sum of 2 ww half provided bvtlle cminlv ami half in the ortarlo department of agrirul- tllle was vfasirre toi this piojecl i 1952 to dite iii applications have been reieived in ill eases tlu propiksed site must be approved h a representative of the de- piitment of agriculture engineer- inc at the ontario agricultural college before operations com mence following construction the pond or dugout properly fenced to keep out livestock must pass a final inspection by a representative of the same department before the subsidy us paid it is anticipated that xi a result of the policy at least 20 ponds or dugouts will be completed before the end of the vear and at least a similar number in 1953 the number of farms in the county now equipped with such ponds totals approximately 200 which indicates that farm ponds or dugouts have over the years sold themselves to the farmers of hal- ton plan under way for community night school the community night school idea has sold- itself in hnlton first undertaken in the fall of 1950 332 enrolled with a 74 per cent aver age attendance for the 12 nights in the second effort a year ago 489 applications were received 459 accepted and the average attend ance for the season was 77 5 per cent in response to the demand steps have already been taken to make tentative plans for the coming seas on at a meeting held on october 7 the following management or planning committee was appoint ed chairman a t woodley mil ton r r i secretary mrs velm i muo trtfacurar mr den witm find and john cunnlng- ham third while barry archer in the claim for young men under 4 year took third prlxe in compet ition with some 40 contestant we understand that on wedrau- day the thre lads in the name class placed as follows barry ar cher 7th arnold howden dth and john cunningham uth other awards won by halton plowmen included a fifth to c f picket on wednesday a alxth and ninth to jack taylor on wednesday and thursday respectively the inlercounly tractor event oh friday oprp to teams of two plow bovs under 21 yonri brought 25 counties in competition haltona representatives were harry arch er and arnold howden while t hey were not successful in tnk log top pasitlnn which was won by the team from ontario county nor have we as yet learned of their placing we have it on good auth ority that they were well up and a real credit to their respective coach el harold plekot and thomas mowden we would also like to congratul ate leonard lister who look time off to go down and coach john cunningham who ni indicated above also made an excellent showing it will lie interesting to watch the tiattle between these three youthful competitors at hnl tons own little international to be held on the lome lalng farm nelson township on thursday october 23 incidentally the halton prize list ls now available and thanks to the many cooperating firms and individuals some out standing prizes are offered dr j d maclaehlan president of the ontario agricultural college is u he the guest speaker at the even ing b impiel to be held in the mil ton town hall former actonians on staff 6f new school opened recently in waterloo opening of the new mcgregor school in waterloo was of interest to many acton inns in view of the fact that mr n a mckachern is the principal and mus anne mac- donald is m member of trie aiaff education minister dr dunlop of ficiated at the opening ceremonies and the kitchenerwaterloo record gave a very interesting atory and pictures of the new school it is a fine new modem 10 class room school all on ono floor and has radiant heat in the floors it was built on the site of the old school which was deeded to the school board in 1820 the modern family uses two to fiuii timi is much hot water as a comparable fanuh of 20 enrs ngo log cabin chocolates h ilelicloiis flavors of high fluidity hand dipped chocolate 00c lb hintons 5c to 1 store f l wright authorized ropreenlative for v- canada savings bonds is again lccophng applications from hit clionls forirwr952 series tries bsndt py 100 ten it on th dollar el any hew end beer a higher interest rale j write phonf or call wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors f i wright oilier it wilbur st anton rhou is n ii wrlfhl oilier 89 maedennell ht gurlpb phene 40isw ideal for regulari because it contains all the bran of whole wheat cnmvdr fflftm vomipwclclwrw charles johnson milton commit tee members miss lorn a lawr ence oakville r r 2 mr g f thompson milton mrs r m cle ments milton cednc harrop milton r r 5 exofficio memben of committee lloyd mirvshal community programs branch of the ontario department of educ ation j e whitelock agricultural representative announcements are pow being prepared for distribution over the county a wide selection is being offered involving some 18 differ ent subjects the courses will be held in milton covering 12 tues day evenings commencing on tu esday november 23 and conclud ing on march 3 halton plow botw make fin showing at nternational a delegation of eight halton plowboys attended the internation al plowing match at carp last week stan may hornbys mould- board artist was haltona lone con testant in the walking plow class es and what a showing he made first in his diss on both wednes day and thursday and on the fin al da in the eso champions walking plow class he was run nerup to the overvxs trip n ner algie wallace of north gmer carltton county i bob neilson another hornb stalwart wo- first in his onlv sart on thursdav on friday john cunningham h- earold hornb boy in competition vwth much old er competitors took ftrt with c f picket of hornbv in third pos ition and jack tax lor of the ap pleby line neuon township in fourth pasitlon j spencer wilon of norvol who wai haltons representative in the elsso champions tractor clavs placed fiftn to doug reld of bram pton the overseas trip winner mr wilson also took a fifth in the ut ility class on thursday in the boys classes under 21 years halton was represented by their most youthful contingent in some years namely 15yearold arnold howden 13yearold john cunningham and 16yearold bar ry archer and in cidei tally hornby claims them all as her boys in the class for boys under 16 years on wednesday arnold how- m ih u ho other lv it xswatm the same safewf everyone vtante to build up rourvet f saving canada yaviiig izonik vg encourage 4nl help sysftmtio saving make saving easier vt they dfccmrtge wtekfuf spending qre better han cash in ibe pocket ci ihey can be cashed ah y tank jj any fim seihoash k available ah a mometfe nehce fa special opportunities tv emergencies hlhds more cnadd savings onds are afoays cashable at- full face value hit price never changes kzvfl x the new seventh series pays a higher rate cfinferesf than ever before j i an overage f 4 if held to maturity they can be paid for in cash or instalment tv meet- the givers convenience vjjv they come in denominations ho meth everyone needs pp canada savings bonds 7 series how oh sale at banks investment dealers or through your companys payroll savings plan mim