pack two the acton free press acton ontario thursday october 9th 19 each in our own way so next monday is thanksgiving day and it is a pretty worthless individual who cannot find cause for thanksgiving in this country of ours maybe you dont like a lot of things without a doubt there is room for improvement here and there but lets cast aside these bothersomo things and count our many blessings at least once a year i its surprising how many of our troubles are of our own making and how much of tho bounty of the world is supplied by an indulgent providence thanksgiving is more than another holiday it is set aside each year by proclamation so that we can give thanks for the bounty that surrounds us and if most anyone would care to be careful in compilations it would be found that one day would not be sufficient in which to enumerate all the things for which we should be thankful we could write of the glories of the year the bounty of the crops the kindness of friends and so on but even such a general subect would not be all inclusive on your thanksgiving day let our thanks be personal and each in his or her own way on the trail of a cellar in cotognje irhere a number o escaped prijont o trar hid out or the duration there was found this in scription beliere in the wn even when it u not shining j beltere in lore even trhen feeling u not i beliere in god eren trhrn he is relent louu binstock the power of faith icstotclel believe it or not one of the hardiest legends among the north american people is that of the suppressed in vention says the financial post a recent gallup survey indicates that one canadian in three firmly believes that all sorts of uonderful devices are being kept off the market greedy manufacturers of much less sufficient equipment so runs the story have bought up and suppressed inventions that would give us electric light bulbs that would burn forever motor cars which would run thousands of miles on a tank of gas kmes tnat wouid never get dull and so on if we only stepped to think of course we uoud realire that competition makes any sup pression of better th ngs virtually impossible for eve nanuacurer of a certain product there are thousands of others eager to get into the field ana triey would ump at the chance of doing this vith a revolutionary improvement the man who teaily invents a better mouse trap concludes the fcst doesn t need to worry about a market nothing in this irorld appeases loneliness as does a flocl ojf friends you can select them at random icrtte to one dine ulth one risit one or take your problems to one there is always at least one who will understand inspire and pile lou the lift you may need at the time fortify yourself uirh a flock of friends prevention best cure this is fire protection week as a matter of fact the time designated by royal proclamation is about over the fire prevention week is de noted as october 5th to 11th with the loss of lives and property so often told every day every aeek in the year should be fire prevention week so if you didn t do anything this week to prevent fires you can do it next week an obvious place to start is in the basement with the furnace pipes a frequent cause of fire and the average basement is cluttered with in flammable material that served little purpose ex cept to add fuel to a potential fire its best out on the city or town dump faulty electric switches are best replaced they are worn out anyway and can be a fire hazard an open fireplace without a guard particularly with children around is an unnecessary risk a faulty chimney can bring fireproducing sparks the modern home is full of labor saving de vices and comforts which in good condition are harmless but worn out or faulty can spell disas ter through fire we can have the best fire fighting equipment in the country but if we neglect and overlook the causes which make fires we will continue to have heavy losses of life and property not to be overlooked that season of tho year has cono again when natures colors on tho foliftgo glorify tho whoto countryside its autumn and autumn in this part cf ontario makes every visit along the highways and more particularly along the bacl concession roads something which brings forth exclamations ight at every turn our advice is go slowly and drink in these colorings which no artists brush can imitate then again its the soason of fowl suppers it is great to mingle with the waiting crowd in the church and exchange greetings with friends to join the rush where the meal is served grasping bits of pasteboard tickets in hand into the room where long tables are laid bright vases of flowers shining silver bowls of shimmering jel ly in many colors attractively garnished salads pickles crisp white celery but these are ust side dishes as it weret it s great to get the autumn surrounding but when added to this is the culinary art of the ladies of town or country churches and the effort to niajte each fowl supper better than any of its predecessors surely the fall season is not one to bo overlooked the canadian population has nrarlu tripled since imw has gone up 2s since 1939 about coraf canadians hr in urban com munities odau or aoainst jox in 1900 common courtesy now that the hunting season is on it might be well to remind everyone that it is just not per- missable to roam the wide open spaces in the country and do as one pleases most of the land belongs to farmers out in the rural sections around these parts and its used for raising crops or stock and it is a serious matter to ust go out hunting and shoot at anything that moves it might be well to point out also that in many cases sportsmen who use care and courtesy usual ly get a cooperative attitude from those who own land if you want to go on private pro perty get the owners permission dont leave gates open or knock down fences don t set up target practice if the game is scarce within range of any buildings or where livestock is out grazing we are told that in one district the usual no trespassing signs now read trespassing with permission surely anyone worthy of the name cf sportsman would ask permission before tres passing there is in these days too much freedom taken with the property of others and that can apply in more places than out in the bush it s not only youngsters that raid orchards and gar dens and take what doesnt belong to them vocational training must no be considered ni a scrapepile for failures nor a cureall for dropouts jean delorme directorgeneral technical studu s in quebec they think taxes too high the general lesson if there is one at all from w north e ay west s ouyh nthallhif your sybil u- mull gc miliimql pn hliteul if thr proiiroiuitvi rwt- ui wuvc women ami cumlldiiti for tliiltim hi tin tioxt fmiirjil election univist hi hultfmt kumluy niulil to cmlmrk tin u tltn twrck nunkfiu lour of thi murtltmiii tho gthiruc- toutv lliiulil report ml mlim ilonnctt it n partnrr in tin ctkiruulown firm of dalt uiul iui- nett kh made a nimltar tour of the weal hut your on tier ilnttrrti trip she will niuuk in principal ciuv and tiiwm tn novu scotia new hrimnwlck and prince edward talund at political rallies that liavt tiecii culled in ad vance on uic federal election which is almost certain to be called some time ii 10x3 iiadd fr a rail uat weekend froat nipped a lot of our hardens in the bud more or less we wonder how the harden of mm j a trice of huuburtfh fared in the cold nluhu last weeks erin advocate reported that m re price had 18 largo purple crocus s blooming in her narden warmer- upper try this joke from otikx ilh to warm up the day some trainer to his tighter if ti r the third round looks like you re lick ed now iloxer yiih i shouldn fiot him in the first round uhen he was alone hectic south life is more complicated in south trafalgar than uf tionh trafalgar for example here are two ex cerpts from the oakville record star one article says in part the courtship of onkvfllc and trafalcar waxed but lukewarm on monday when the town promised m state within two weeks if it could water and sewer the area mayor black asked for elimination of the 11 municipal boundaries in the area nnd reeve joseph wickson inform ed councillor ernest savin the tow n might covet but not annex tounshfp land annexation is a political hot po tato said councillor e g pullen who added that if the question of fusinp municipalities were mixed with water and sewer services wed aruue for three years nnd still ret nowhere nnd have nothing reee wckson who chaired the session said trafalgar wanted lo know what oakville had to offer in the uaj of facilities mayor black countered with the request to know what and where facilities would be required he said that until the in formation was available oakvitlje coutdn i sa what was available and another starts kltt tn fhuiih4 minor i him ball thin all ami iniimr itm k y thin winter with a few i nihil left over to uhuihi banket bull und badminton only artu ami craft 1m nnd htudeiilh uhiiiu iiiipplbh ut high vchool tillthl t hikkeit would feel the pinch of ue- tlvity liirtiihmuit llut added the m in hiry the ommlmdon ho pen t xl year to have adequate funds to finance u futl time director to co ordinate all rccreutlonnl activities in town ttw afcntutaa t heres an interesting article from the oakville trafalgar journal oakville author each year pro duce a booklet which liaa a circula tion of 2000000 the 32patfe opus i written by 30 local people who ore employed at the a w chane medicine company a ionic low building on the outskirts of oak ville you can tell by the old gentle man with the long white beard who appears in it at frequent inter val that itn dr chases almanac and most of its jokejt horoscopes lecipcs advertisements nntl teacup reading are turned out by people who during the rest of the yenr fill bottlt s with pills or imixcs with bot- tlts tin booklet which will celebrate its gold n anniversary in 1014 is published nt the end of december and the 2 000000 copies are mailed to almost ever family in canada costing the company 30000 in post age alone about the onlv things that aient written by homegrown talent are the wialher forecast by united states experts and the testimonies to the excel line of dr chases 11 pnwlucts when the dr a w chase medi cine company s30 bronte and oak ville emploj ees arent engaged in turning out the almanac which is most of the year they are turning out an enormous supply of nerve food kidney and liver pills oint ment and so on which floods the canadian drugstore market the company moved to its pre sent location just west of the arena on the lakishorc highway in 1035 because it was getting too cramped at the toronto tuadquartcrs there had been a halfcompleted building on tho property for about 10 years previous so the chase company computid it the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 frbm th- iiutu tt the vtv krrwt of tfaurtday oeuur 1m canadian film first at venice hon milton f gregg minime of labor recently announced that property owncn association the newest labor department ac- cidenl prevention film the safetv supervisor had won first prize in the new brunswick election is that people are weary of taxes it is all very well to say that the same people demanded the new services to which the taxes are applied the fact is that wis dom arrives slowly and stage by stage at the present stage at least in new brunswick and per haps m the federal field as well the voters have clearly said they think taxes are not only high enough but too high the want relief and they are ready to vote for the party which will promise it to thtm montreal star wauli no part of large minimum imd rules foi nsidcntial aieas the are planning the working man out of trafalgar 1 11 be a stone wall against any five acre lot proposition we aonl want to be hogtied such remarks were made at a meeting of the central trafalgar propertv owners association on tucsda evening when 66 members argued for three hours about zon ing then appoinud a fourman committee to obtain nnd study drafts of piopostd blaws which would establish regulations for resi dential industrial and commercial areas in trafalgar doom denied did vou read in the dailies about the onkvilu rter ilion comm mon s sad plight i eomes oakville s recreation commis sion is neither bankrupt nor ls it going out of business despite an nouncements of its doom in toronto ntwspapers said stcrctaiv ii g hushes ar daily nfu d by trie gusty thieies and the book of nature dett th short of leat 5 hood winter unemployment seasonal unemployment this winter is likely to be higher than last year but may not reach the serious proportions anticipated earlier in 1 952 itports the financial post the maor bright spot has been increased consumer purchasing which is now being felt at the manufacturing level with a rising level of em ployment in the consumer goods industries tn the central provinces another factor leading to more optimistic forecasts is the improvement in the steel supply qjijp artmt ifrrr prpsa the only paper ever published in aettm t nriro n ipts and pubhshrd everv thursday at vs mill c ton oni member of the audit bureau of circula- k i j 1 u n a and the ontarioquebec division of the a v n advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance 30 in canada 3 50 in the united state i months si so tingle copies 6c authorized as sacotul class mail post office department ottawa g a dills editor and publisher business amd editorial office teephone 1 7 4 mckillop on tuesdav he added thit tht re s enough momv in the the social problems category at the worldwide venice italy film r estival the venice festival us the oldest and probablv the foremost inb r- national film competition attract ing entries from most of the mjor film producers in the world the film is the sixth in a cries entitled accidents dont happen and deals with the postion of ht safety supervisor in the modern industrial plant this is the second time in three ears that the department of labor and the national film board have shared the hono- o winning an international competit ion with a safetv picture the fiom oakv iile nf ll m irtenfeywmfl mg with safe clothing in industrv won first prize in an international competition in chicago in 1950 sponsored b the american safetv council women are not eligible for the rhodes scholarships united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev k a currey ba bj minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone co mim p m niprd atcm organist and choir leader slndw octolh 12th 152 1100 a m sund i school of in- finitt ilui 11 00 am morning worship thanksgiving iserv ict 7 00 pm evming worship mr clavton frvtrs pictures of thi antic gtipt 1 hvmrus on thi sent n tuouoht for oie week oh thai men would praise the lord for his goodne and for his wonderful work to the children of mm the bible baptist church acton dwight l patterson pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 20flr fndav october 10 young peoples will mtf at the church at 1 as to go to the heveran home hock wood for their meeting presbyterian church in canada knox 1hukc1i attotu hk itohfju ii akitr4n ma bdmlnuur sunday october uth lij thtinksiju i no sunday 10 00 am chureh school 11 00 a m baptism il s rv id u is pm bible clnss 7 00 pm evening worship they that uait upon the lord sfiall reneu their strength a warm welcome awaits you st albans church i anglican v ralph e price b a b d rector trinitv xviii sunday october 12th 1952 national ttumkiqunng sunday a 30 a m holy communion and short address 10 00 am church school 1 1 00 a m beginners class 7 00 pm evensong and st rmon b 15 pm confirmation clue m the church saj thank vou to gtd in hj lloxime at this thank sautni time sunday october 12th 10 00 am sunday school classes for all ages 1100 and 7 do thanksgiving vice 11 s2 with the iik iiiim m of the pn sent coun cil may flatter themselves that uiey were honom d with tin i urgent de putation on monday v ning tltat has vlsltid the council chumlwrs for t ars und they occupy a f urtlier unique imudtlnn in the fact that the largest petition ever presented to actons municipal parliament won presented on this occasion the un usual event was the protest of cmr citizens in no uncertain manner against the licensing of a billiard room in acton as was proposed by resolution of councillors henderson and swackhamer the petition bore upwards of the names of three hun dred cltlxens and rote payers the speeches were frank and mostly to the point and assurance was given by members of council that no bil liard room would be opened in ac- inn while they held the reins of of fice acton showed her interest and sisterly feeling by the prest nee of between 200 and 300 of her cluxcns at the ejuiuming agricultural so ciety fair in gi orgetown on mon day nnd tut sdny public and high school exnmin i lion results arc announctd for ena kinney annie harvey kate coul- on myrtle sopt r myrtli dills alex mcqueen frc i man coji man flori nee speight in rcy griffin annie evans adah clark alice cook clara bauer ethel clark campbell clark warren brown arlor dills alice prout erie gar- v in elsie bauer ernest warden gordon johnstone andy o brien hilda malitz johnnie clark josie kennedy chisholrn namshaw law rence dunn herbert mckcague el- ma mclaren minnie tavlor dora clnrk harold wiles boyd clark adn campbell maude sheperdson annie oram lottie moore jean mcqueen myrtle matthews mary goodeve etta mac dona id r brown j henderson vida folster mrtle cook ena pearson harold nickhn alice bel bock in 1932 irttm th ufcue tf ut lrre irrut c thursaay oeuur g 1912 on wedrifduy evening tin hum of mrs mcalpine in lnm unuae was liurni d lu lh ground tlie fajiuly wan away ut the turn and n turned to find themw ive home- leas hit origin of die fiw is un known but wus twyond control be fore it wus noticed about 20 rinks of bowlers from oakville burlington urampton stmclsvilli erin and georgetown participated in a bowling tourna ment at georgetown on monday evening the acton bowlers brought home all three of the prizes that were put up for competition on saturday morning last char les sims nusxaguweya township was killed while firing one of the kilns at tile gypsum und albosttne company s plants wist of milton a loose rock weighing 25 pounds fell 30 ft out of the top of tht kiln and struck mr sims on the top tl his head in an exhibition softljall gariu played in acton park on saturday it twn n the ky lloiw champion of vjm from toronto and a pickup li un from aelon tin form r vcn by tin wort of 113 anriomfit rm nt is inadi tnii tk of tin sile of the general mure of mclean and co acton to miutl it ii and c h lllott of comber iojmsmijii has been taken and tht iture will bt rt opened as soon a slock taking is cumplctefl the store will go under the firm name of elliott broi the business has only changed hands three tmes within our recollection founded by christie henderson and co it was conducted by henderson and co until purchasid b messrs con wa and mclean and later by mr malcolm mclean who conducted tht business until his death arlyn this ear norv butlflt on sundav octjwr 2 103j to mr and mrs wn butler lot 7 fifth line r rin a d i iijhti r professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney rhsielan and surf eon office in sjmon block mill st acton office phone 78 residence church st phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon comer of willow and river sts entrance river street a acton ontario phone iis dr a i armstrong iusician and surgeon oflkt 105 mill st east phone 574 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon otlice lcishman block mill st offkc hours 9 am to 6 p m xray telephone h8 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill ana frt ut rick streets office hours 9 am to 6 p m telephone 10 acton real fcstatl and ivburancl wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright jo wilbur st 69 macdonncll si acton ont guclph ont phone 95 phone 4015w jluatorm realtors insurant mlmber appraisal institute of canada members guctph an dirstlct heal es ate board member guelph and district insuraci auenls association shakespeares macbeth v as a liv ing king uf scotland who died in 1 1057 wm r bracken real fsule general insurance phone 20 actor miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral home 1unerml home healed ambalasei phone so night or day serving thecommunlty for 45 years div m iampard atcm r mt oruan st und choir l oder unitid church teacher of plan studio united church thursdays studio 14 park ave guelph telephone 2m legal c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary public oftici 22 phone rs 151 acton lever hosktn c hartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldtf 44 victoria st toronl elg 0131 a j crandell chartered accountant main strut georgetown telephone c54 chiropractor d j armstrong doctor of chiropractic h frederick st n acton phone 550 veterinary b d young b v sc c l ypung d v m veterinary surgeons office brookville ont n to phone milton lform f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary surgeon ollue and re suit nee knit atton phone 1j0 travellers guide gray coach lines coach s leave acton lastbound b m a m b 58 a in ii u im j ib p m 01 pm 113 pin a 12 p tn b9 5h p m hestbound 10 27 am 12 52 pm 257 pm s27 pm 7 27 pm u 12 pm uj3 psn 1 12 a m isun to kitehener only a daily except sunday and holi days b saturday sunday and holi days canadian national railways standard time eaatbmbd dally 5 40 a m dally except sun days 054 am 7 10 pm sunday only 8 16 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 901 am dally flyer at georgetown 1011 pm whltaal diiiv except sundav and man- da 224 a m sunday and fondav only 12 08 a m dally except sun day 848 am 744 pm duly ax- cept sat and sun 5 48 pm sat urday only ih pltl sundiir only- 8 43 am flagstop sunrliv only flyr a- guelph 7 0s pm