Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1950, p. 7

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thursday july atth us the acton free mess pxcksevbt attn sunday school lesson ttvttrft ttwrrif of the friendly chubch phone tb ftth o- h tawimrl vyojl oriat ubd cteoir laaw sunday july rd itfto 19 60 am urdar srhoul 11 ad jn biviar wortiup tftft pan union servtr wbmi wa rlimb to llrivtn u ca tha rounds of love to mm wtutuar lrrwiglrhg ttbatrrif ttt knox uttjm avcro tjupttatt zbtirrt acton aa ft oowbl mtiun liaaiaaraaeh ort uu svn1ay juiv isrt 1uv 16 jo a rn suidiv s hoot 11 10 am with ix aeaint c hnt jk j 111 tllulallh liar ut ing arvd hillc at ml v 10 pn nla if i i ijopm sal unlay sum s ho i and nregauoii lnni at hornr of ul ami uri thnaa ur utrl4i sid imr sunday july urd uriu hwim dninr wuiap 7 00 pin evning srvwe all ale wrleonir sund nchuoi and oaiateliouil pit iu sal unlay jul ti liuui lrar tllr hullli at 2 uo p in mii1 j 00 p in tfcv jul uwu ufmja th trd kail mm0 tketr tfreftja j m ma jli 3il ivtil thimli 1 111 in l i i i 7 uu i e phead optometrist hdanuskally quick repairs to gibbhs ltairlii vuu glinrn sic u at o a toonz us guelph aahit sfi months of if for free prdnn th amug lo but 1 juat fltfuml what 1 aavr with rov new gar uimwi automatm ii rating llnil rurl oil mat 170 00 taat win t re with hit old bunwr luit lh gar voitd cut thai to 91v00 s i lijturc 1 prt two itwvnth of mootb rontftvtablr brat for frar with l funiarr to hx no aaiiea to haul th unit right tint to the gtlav room and tt an quirl hmj wimlmnt know it tin there my onu lrrf i that i dktitt get gar xi oml eara ago manufac tured h tiigineenng itulustne ok limited tonvnto tit oar waaal um uelualaa all- tlfwl tu m aua itaaa awuar uraar unlla vi caavartlan oil konqjhif yito5- htmnt samaf jbbw orvwcww asr ilton and perry hione s41 w acton ti t a watram awalu you foot ailmonts treated miss auam ckirodtl ttysu t mm vcrtwa in raw nail rhataaia iu arrtr aaaluarr tar fa raamfart 27 arthur si ooalph ntea 1300j bundayuly 2ard 1650 sauulu tju2 uph1gut judgi ciuldm tbkl saul grew od lb- laurd ai with bun nd did dudv ox ius word f 1 j tu tiur giuuiid 1 sun 3 19 labuo jtil1 ham 7 j6 li 1c 11 li kipuuuufi i luarj kiuia to jrlovah 7 j4 ixuuig uac twrntj rai uut tlar ik abudc ui kirjslb aiuu saui url mtuu to havr brtu pxnyu ui m- irl ajtd obiduit hi unu- ltu- fir r uf buiular jwi dl lj line lm laiarl at 11 luarl laiu nlid mfrt jrtkuti ltu luiigiug foi mini wti unnrial ttwir bur mj liuubt dirm to tliu ia ilaikr it 1 jri 7 is is 1 iv c7 ltr umtt ivl luiiglitg or jtbovah w ma nnful t 11 aiid santurl 1 ilvntjr n it itr wt a bri ui ivk l i told tbrm uial lb ttmjld ifft drlivriaixt umii um l-liliiluc- ti tbry sukiul irlum li jbvb with til th u tkiaft tlto fc li in tjidt r tu irlum to htm ibtv mut hit bwv all olm r giidt l 11 mi nd u idol t ki the fuat ll p in grnulnt- nhttiiir t aid id la w 7 ubtt lil tk t 11- 1 worship lb k1 no tnti ntimi of giving up j hot ah wtirfchlp thry mtught t lunliim th- two thry frt lib r1 in inttntton and want a r i f r lifioui imalt 6 34 i jno 2 is j- 4 4 samurl w rrv nurrov but rw w right th piplr rfmintbd promptly anil himttlty to samurl rail to rfrnt tnrr tb- nfoimallon n n t itv m munrnl 1 sam is rr formation in human atartrty nrv r jtrr itrat 1 will havr a rtfurmatloi our dm that will tw lasting hloni 11 0 in verti s9 w a saeauel as a man of prayer the fart uut i he was a child oi pray it prepared him tu be i man oi prayer cn i 3t7 ilu chitf distinction in god s ught a that b was a mighty man oi prayer ps so 6 jcr 15 1 1 wr usually think of samuel as a typ ui chmt a a prophet but hrrr we e hun as a type ui christ at an lntfutior mirb 7 15 as a preliminary to praying pr lira- sajnuel dinctrd them au to galtur at uupeh it was needful i that lhrre be an outward manifra at ion of the unity uf the people of cvd i matt 1111 10 ar ii 4 74 it 1 ttw potting awa of idoli pr tded ajij w as lirtary to thr katbri tug togtthrr it u tav nt iwry m ordrr tliat tliere b irur union tlwy arir to rmiir to ktlhrr not to dihiiu nor makr war but to pray a national pravti innting it pav to havr a man llkr samurl pray 1k w they fiit dirw watrr and xurl it out i- fore jrhuvah a symbol uf thrlr uttrr hrlplrtifcjirss and the wmiiln it of tb lr it tfor cmi f siu 14 1 is 77 14 ijim i 19 i sain 1 til thev fatrd lrn of ttkrlr humiliation of m f and t um t drslre to find 1 an 9 3 ar i s 1 s t tvry mal cnfomrfi of thrlr kin prov 29 is i jn 1 9 tltrv ha1 the light imk i tl ii f iln it was again t tb lrd is m 4 samurl jude 1 tttm it l ilv wis ordrt ibat lodgnittit of tin prxtr fcl v it loll ii i larl a ii t tv rr llir itlll li tin n 1 w b n iod a mpir rrlum unto hun with all thrkr b ail- nt an unltid in ptavrr the rnrml of cmt will fight thrm no wonb that aft r mor than tw ntv r of frt and ixmdagr larad wa- nfrll of thr pblllatlnm llul th ft w a- no nnd if frar now ivut k i 4 in tb lr attefnltv tin v looked to samufl to he thrlr ihlt rrasor we have even a better on 1 jno 2 1 lieu 7 26 rom 8 34 thy felt the need of unceasing prayer v 8 1 tbea 5 17 pt so is the speak of jrhoah to whom they had returned as our god they had a right to uy that now ttvy trust in liis strength and not their own to vjve them we tuo hould cry tu him to save us f jt uf the hand of all our enemu- ilukr 1 tl 74 75 samurl offered sacnfic before prayer having found a ground oi ap p roach to god samuel cried unto the lord for ivrarl jno 17 the ixnj heard him the prac tical proof that god heard wa that he did what samuel asked l jno 15i israel would havr had gieat tn ublr in disromfiting ttit- ibllimmr but jrltovah had none at all haimtli irofiheey wak folfillt btrratly b 2 10- in uv ulr as wrtl at hi hi- history their ate many itiataixrs if god using thr- rlrtnrnt to drllvrr a praytni i inarl ac otnpllkilrd itiuir i v plating than by fighting thai dv in ch so 10 it wa israrl tlu1 wa mii tltn lwrr tbrir riteritles whv th diffirtwr thrl ranll oot thr d f at that jrhovah hat i rnn in ltiir vtlrv they ram v n oi 1 lirtbrr lhe houae of tb ijiii samurl olrhratrd tb- v ii t n w ith a atof of nirtix ital 1 n i i hi uld be h lil in ii tinl mmniltmr 1 or ii i 11 arrlhri thr w h lr mitrrv to c 1 si fb ml t wr alwav th- rhihttnr nr miu1ot and ran miui ir all our niml that thrv will rftnif no n oi within tir lrlrfi v m ur 7 i9 it o i in nlr laalfi t but our to t th mil 7 m rr llv 1 1 1 wanted dead animals wt are paying th htghaat pravaillax w lor daaat tar crtpplaaj caati horses cattle hogs ttuphou colko for buuduu pnrle laing cartage iraunno km ohbon tocno umrfwo motors when approaching through highways mm stop through street it always pays it lit lit voui or b iiim r rut t meaaiirrir altllnr rre 1 v rrv inrh tb- t x1 th b t inraaur mi n a jh ivhi muv ubtrat two yran turn hla nonnil if tpectanrv ii ohtrllo bepritmemt 01 iicmwftvs wo h ooucm yes we are closing for vacation in two weeks we are determined to sell out our entire stock of dresses coats sportswear and lingerie look at these low prices hurry to our oddsn end shop i abe closing i roa i vacation j dresses vsuwill want a aw af ihaia whan ysu taa su furtkar prica cuh tha batanea el aw dr balno raducad aealn brlno v prlcai hh el hair original prica cottons better dresses as iow as 377 stabtino rom 557 house dresses and sun dresses reduced again coats tha balanca si sur spring csift ta co it thaaa oiva away pricm opening specials shortie coats reg 24 95 827 blouses y reg 2 98 100 slack suits nylons reg 1295 and 1495 500 buck heel subs 1277 1577 2077 odds w ends shop s play suits reg 2 98 207 t shirts 97c to 127 slips reg 1 98 reg 3 98 reg 4 98 100 227 317 night gowns 207 3 37 reg 2 98 reg 4 98 reg 5 98 denim jackets 100 panties ciai oa they 25c special oaoup while they last reg 69c79c reg 89c 98c 57c 67c reg 1 50 lo 1 98 107 hosiery specials nylons summei shades ieo 135 107

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