Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1950, p. 1

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ht jvttim ttt fjtftss seventy fifth year no 43 acton ontario thursday aaay 4th 1950 eight home print paget sis cnt barn contents lost bv fire tuesday morning 30 hud chle ho mem fc feed ah ymga roan retain service additional seating amamgement at st josephs chutch inm iv- bn buy th general sccretarv past two weeks enlarging the gal lery in st josrphi church to ac m lt at a well altinded ymca commodate in increasing number f i i ito meeting n monday the general secretary reoprl revealed that attendance tn y s11vilics for april totalled 1103 all classes ere earnestly prrpar ma gr ier better ro 1s of par shone re additional be installed downstairs and it is expected that when nim pletrd sealing accommodation for fr of unanotortgm compme- j un rxr win son l vrlm 1 daatro uv farm bam and all to the architure of the church m jh u decora lo year i ago and hu mt recently installed vealed a favourable balance lie a numhrr of fine new paintings i a report was mad by bill iwn on rkalrman of arrangements for illtrrvallunll smiai thr annual meeting on june 1 featuring ur it s hoiking ai th- h artoil awt speaker an impressive pro tram appears to be planned and a uultffl ininll lirfr attrndinrr li initrtpatrd the annual meeting is to combine a ith trw il anniversary if thr ac or atjout fifty young peopl of uw ymca vmoua domlnua of acton and a numbrr of rmmrncuton dutnrt tended an inlrrhurch u uomlum hy c korial hrld in thr acton united church on wrdnraday th contents on th term of nona ftfi douglas thr mile from spry aid on tuesday morning thr fir wa discovered about fivr nrlmk when mr jama douglas prmrr owner went lo prepare for the morning chore at that time th whole building was a mama of flame and thr wooden structure had roiupaed the ham was one of the finest in the district and was actually two hams one sovm and the oth r uim they were well equipped with litter carriers and good stab ting also inst in the hlaie were 10 cow bull 1 heifers and s year ling steers and 4 calvea and a sow there were 30 bushels of oats and iso bushels of buckwhaat hay and straw 7s laying hens and imple ments including a new milking machine 2 mower sulkey rake cutting box chopper etc fortun ately the nearly new tractor was not in the building and th taam of horse were stabled in another barn the lot of 000 to t 050 is part ly covered by insurance nearby building took fire but were saved by buckrt brigades from spreading but ember set fir to fences across thr road and tree in the orchard the direction of th wind saved the house from catching firs but later in the morning when the house was threatened acton fire brigade respond rd to a call and thr pumper was placed in the nearby rreek and a couple of streams of lrr put the smoulder ing ruins out of danger norman douglas had just started farming a year ago last january aftrr returning from service in the canadian army he purchased the i douglas farm property from hi uncle jamn doug s a who was re mainlng to assist him in inrnmc farming corp mason transferred to rrantfonl area a rcpectcd police officer and resident of halton county a num bcr of yean corp ray mason niltlce for the guidance of the nrw u evening committee personnel taking over apnlmlhthu aortal was arranged fn th meeting the by the interdenominational young nomination committee aceklng re people commlttea placements for directors whoae ken allen ivesldent ot the un irrm bo por yj chairman for the considerable progrea and his selec cv nlng shirley rabrton conducted in wrrr heartily approved by the a lively lg aong with t franklin mu a vote w carried in at ihe puno the worship period favour of retaining cliff sutton wa conducted by the ilaplut group oneral secreury and granting him under th direction of ron crlpp inrreaie in ulary the trcar during the worship art llemice urrr tuu th ouutandlng debt connor led in prayer whitney had been paid and hi report e coik read the icrlpture and ken vraled a favourable balance de allen favoured us with a solo th rlslon on tevrral matter were tab lord prayer trtl for lhc deislori of the incomli k came and contest were arrang board cd b tht in byt nan group and to the latest osskrlhsll scrim conducted by doug davidson they mage in ihe y house league ihc included balloon contests pie eat leading reds donned the rluei i ing conteti and other stunts for clean t7 at no time were ih th inn r- there w re prlle and reds rhsllenked seriously as thr tor ihe r t tht re ws plenty of fun 1 unrh ue mred by the church ill untied roup at the close all loined tuindn and ang auld iang iwi and tht n n m aled ihe miz uih t nedlctlon th nest inter church riresid will t sundi mav tlh in the hurrhill united church iode thankiil for vhtanre smit rrvra motor ils nk tht pirtui t vi n if it was a hievt tyler oi the machine v hi lone wtre nut the only omi inti rested in tht rosl urmh r put to vnttk on atn tn n uas taki n in thr wartime mousing sutxlivinon and tin lug niachinr hud un uppm iu1k teothrrsimne audi nn from tin chlldn n in iht fifl linnus on mason mid mrlkinuld llvdji intillur llargravt and town rortman a kirkmu win ijuiti satlftei with tht first triul tf gin ich tht y had in opt ration and slret u win kd in an holng imjiruvt mt nl r n t itimi lln tj p rn baseballsehedules halton league have been drawn inurmadiata minor and avinl- mi in harhftm sutoball asocihn mowing a lengthy sesoion of tourtty taiarluil moguls in milto i on monthly night agreement of playing duti were agreed upon for the 10v himn of the llslton c ounty lias ball association 1 haded by the president ivtr m mullen rrprrsentatlvei from ruch of thr viirioui clubs in th asvk lalion gathered at thr court ifoutr at milton fbr this purpose tliey also agreed upon playoff dutts in the minor base ball srrlet no piny i tt dstrs and agreement vvu rt mt hrd in thr intermediate si rlea but membr sgrrrd this ithould be dt tided at a isit n ing all of thr m teamv milton waterdown oskvllle acton fvr gus and georgetown will get under way on saturday may jo milton first home game will he on miy 24th all aflernoon games uill be 3 p m while the tw lllght oukvlllt fiprtw ntatlvrs 411 inspector appointed lor installation ot sewers outsrored their opponrnts in both halves hr 11 and k 1ft in thr nlhrr gumt featuring thr niatk and gotd tv lattrr almost won their firm v icttry of the touncv as thr gavt wav to thr sci itt plarr itlack team hv tmlv polntv loving 9 m with thr standine al i 10 i md 0 for tht urtli hi k- hints nml gold reprrtnelv it ip m ir to t bt twtt n tht huckv in i lllurti who will meet thr red in tht plav off erufflt csrbao coiuction ryiaw g approval whan draftad no dalagationt to b rsxoivod at spocisl maahnrjt naw as- 9tr and atutlsnt introduc- d to council provincial fo lic chancy in partonnal and svrvic to tha town i tht it l ilir m t f at ion tht mav mrrtinc of the duke dtvonshlrr chapti r was hrld turndav evening may ind at mrv k parkt 1 s mr karl coop r vice lrridrnt presided due the illness of the regent mrs j ymca card club holds bridge social on ut wolfe after the opening prayer mvmber of the orurio prmtrr f or the com police and officer in charge of thr plrtr recovery of the regent thr mca card club marked thr ciom of tht indoor tratnn in 1 pleasant manm r w ith a micctm1 to tonal rvrnlng of bridge attende i jv bv tft members and frit ndv lunch w us mrvrd and the prirr prcrnlrd bv jack greer ho alno prslwd hc good fellowship demonstrated bv milton drtachmrnt ha btfii posted u nma tmm tn l th eroup during thr pait montm to the drantford detachment it was ch iptt r inv iting thu chapter to announced last week corporal 1 th rn on tuesday mav th union resumed hi new dutlr on i received from th monday as a constable corporal mason was attached to the traffic squad a number of vears patrolling the takeshorr htghwav before being irunfrrrrd to acton eight years ago hr continued as a traffic of fleer and recently was appointed corporal in charge w hh office at milton corporal mason ha taki n a kc n inttrtst in sports in acton pnrticu larlv those of thr vounger ihv r and hns s rv d us an official on kim ti ill and hockt v txrcutiv hi was knnlv intt n stiil in nil ooinnuinilv activitv and will ih crtntlv nnv tl as a citi in of tht imintv and tim n tht riii 1rtcvs joins nlhi r iltmn- tn wishing hun stuuss in tin ntu fit id and tht 1iom thnt tin trnnsft is onlv tt mporarv fioni hilton count v rrceived from th burjjonnvtrn and pastors in grr manv thanking thr chapter for the clothing donated to mr schofficld which was forwarded letters wer- also reo ived from wales thanking the rhpter for food parcels thr mom v for these parcels was col irotrd lit the fall fair tag dar highlit honors fir the tvrning plav was won bv sam judge nnd wrs deatty with second prizrs go ing to rill talbot and gord beattv uinmn of the mt rnbt rs bound robin tournimint whirh om r itetl from november to april wt re an nnunced and alo recelv ed priirs mi mbrrs of teams placing first second and third in the latter tour my were as follows ivan harris arrangements for the annual tag and gord beattv bill talbot and dnv for the blind were com pit ted the tag dav is to be saturday mav eth miss matnprlze gave a report of tht irov inclal iode annual con vtntlon held in hamilton in april mrs mem r convenor of th d iffiadtt ti a xplalned the plans for the tea and asked for co op rritin from all members mrs cooper thanked mrs parke for her hcimi the hostesst s of tht met ting wi re mrs holmes mrs kirkmsa mi coirs and mrs mc leod sam judge greer harr arblc and jick r r vm contents lost just smoking ruins remained on tudiymorning qf the fine barn on the dougui farm near speytide gndtrtthe ruins were 20 head of cattle 75 hens pigs and farm implements the entire building was in name when first noticed at five o clock on tuesday morning fra press photo playoff time in volleyball league at y mc a lait wetk one of tht hard si ind closest fought sttt of tht tveaso 1 tikik place at thi tk tuen thi busintss m n and tht independtnts in a scheduled muh of the acton vulltvball l ague it was a iim displav of bi illiant paing and spiking bv both teams the astlv improved indepcnd rnta aided by the stellar perform anct s of bob tv it r and bob bruct gac a prevuw of whit to txpect from them in the playkiffs the b- l showing a little more coolness in the crucial moments and iht fine net play of gord beat tv helped them in achieving victirv but only after being taxed tj the limit thc won three games by the scons or iv 12 16h a 13 6 with only one match to play for each team the business men and tannery blues are assured of a playoff berth while this thursdav tonight the third and onlv re maintng plav off spot will be de cided between the independents and micro plastics tn 3rd and 4th spots respectively with only one point separating them if the in- depcndentifinlv take one game an extra game will navelo be played micro plastics must take ml three to win and the independents mus take two to win the second and third teams pla for the right to meet the league leader all are sudden death three game matches ar transport is 30 yeas old until u m ml iv 1 v nin h w 1 w 1 lilt itttvt milki and tioiu ill is ri r 11 ir lltmptn nicol and litis ii win pit si nl ind m ivi r mason pi suit d avs vsor anil avsistint c it rk frank lump was pnsiiil ami w is intiodmed to mt niln rs t ouncil mi j 1 1 lunun was pn si nt n 1 irdini tht usm ssmi nt on his lots which wirt unsold thr amount invnlvel was 44 21 mr u ishniiin had risn ivrd a ritialt on the lots on mill street ass ssed as f irni land no change w i made and thi former r mtlution wa nllowfd to stand as c nlv four lots r nmineil un sold v ilristovv w is presi nt w ith thi ni w pieturi s tiki n of thi first town council lit was agreed to ch ini the old picturt s for thr nt w ont s at si r0 rach all the mt rnbt rs agreed to individually purchase a picturt nnd ont was to bi hung in tht council chamber coiniillor grttr gave 1 rt mrt on the boiltr at the ymca the boiler had 1mm n inspected and w bi fount satisfactory and all tht con trols urn adequate thi committer rt hirted on street uilhu on acton bouh vard and two llkhts vm rt to be installed on thi st re t for tht present tht tti linage on que n street wits discusatd antl the clt rk wis instructed to secure t urtht r inform ation rt trdin dispouil of this suif ice w att r thr application of a rrvtr for 1 p rmit to liulld a iraue on his prop rtv on bout r ave was rt virvvfd mr frvcrhada prmit for a i iraki iuukhi in llmfi which hod 1 xpired ufttr six months bv laws now in fore did not allow him to build a larule as hi dtured now council decided that no t xcepttons could be madt from tht bv laws the xtuor reported on the meet ing with cnr officials regarding a warning signal at the cnjl cross ing according to these officials sis lights are required the final decision would be made by an of ficial of the transport board the clerk wasinstructed to write the board stating that the original ord er was satisfactory to acton and asked that it be carried through mr l garner requested permis sion to remove a small tree near his garage a it was dangerous tn traffic council agreed the tree should be removed but 3 new trees should be supplied and placed un der the supervision of the road committee mr garner agreed to this arrangement further information was to be secured regard ingttxcavations that are made and left in a dangerous condition the solicitor read a draft bylaw for the collection of garbage to clar- f continued on pao five iiiior board ki to rrducr bmu ivrniiis halton prist vttrv of 1hi unit tl t hun h mi t on tut sduv at iovii with rev r albright 1 reel ton iv t h urn 1 in it v a s iv n man low villi and stanh y turner tra falgar conducted worship periods rt v it r mem r appleby was 1 it titl thaiirmin for the next con ft rrner yrar iliv wni delve ol tlronli and jos torn y freeltnn win ri 1i1 cted si en tary antl tn asun r n smctivt ly rrv c i allirikht and john drunnund of millgrtivi were appointed drlegatt a to gt m ml council rev jib illnlr of milton is tht new press reporter kind wishts were expressed to tht iltv s n i tnnx cirlisl and u it linn millkrovr who are leaving tht pnibytcry i rev john smith georgt tow 1 iconventir of christian kduratl m tnnnuneed tht world rt hkintis fd i ucntion convtntion me tint in to mnto this august 10th tn 18th i hi v rns han presented tht r vangt i ism nnd social s rv ice n port including the following smns of rev iv al are ev idt nt tn many placis with an inrrrnslng number of praver clrclts tht proregsiv t i commerclaliratlon of the iord s dnv is to tn ft ared but is not in evitablt inganum in north am trici of which this is a svmpton is ultlmittlv n greater threat than t mmuiiism it would make profit out of ivtrvthing including sun d iv christians must oppose this pressun thi v an i ncourukt d t mukt rt 1 nation a f imllv matti r but not to patnnl7t professional spurt which draw huge crouds of spectators on sundav one who has midi total mirn ndi r to christ will not dt srcrati the dav of our ionl rtsurnctum whtthtr tht uu per nuts it or not tht liquor license board will b asked lo drastically reduce the is suance of banquet permits especl allv in dry area where such pt r mission l equivaltnt to bootlrgglng authonzisd by the state the will of b0 per cenl or more of ihe citl zmi in such communities should not be overruled in such s his handed and undemocratic fashion church members are urged t aid in securing a better class of movie films and to withhold patron age from films depicting gangster ism lust drinking and other scenes contrary to standards of decency sewer construction i now making better progress on pipes i stwlr construction la making better progress u ith the warmer and more suitable wi other one j shovel is going north an main st from the cnr tracks a second crtw are now doing willow st from agnes to mill st and will go thence to john st to connect the line from agnes to mill i i a thin shovel will work on mill st east rom young to wellington i st and then alonji wellington st to queen st thieves ctivc two properties last lirlif some tlmt d it log last rilkht thiivtsmadt rntrv lit u un iitiitr molui itowti avithm ii nd mn struts omi sttlt m mt t ish uihi itht r urtults fmry wis n id i 1 ii ir wind w whit i was i 1 ki n s 11 is tt tn ltd i it iki 1 n tiv it v 1 v sk ii u is 1 m nn stut ind fi md tt t hi 1 11 a tt tr 1 h r howi v r tl t v w m ur 1 t it k t in tht i olldn k tin ikh tl 1 ilrtn fimtniiiks nnd vr tvidttlln m in l ff w ht n a i rkt ir n i ir w 11 kll k kl ti vi i ii i 1 tl i i 1 th tt in nt iltx r womans association plans redecoration of united parsonage th rt kul ir mt nthly immdi s mt 1 link of tht woman a associa tion of tht united church was held nt iht homt of mn ii flllttt on tut sduv mrs j wildi rspln pre sitlitl antl tht tltvotlonal was taken hv mrs c i pool roll call w tht w a creed arrongemt nts win madt for tht silvi r annlvt rs irv tt a in june and plans discus ird for redtcoratmg the parsonugt in n niiin ss for th nt w pastor rt v a f cum y the meeting closi tl with pravtr mrs flliott nvtlstetl hv mrs mcauhv mrs i horri and mrs n imliert st rved lunch and a social time was njoyi d bv thivm in ottt ndance income tax tlirft nnuiknms in courj lilacs four campbellvuli farmers were issi ssiil a s2 fin and costs w ht n tht v pit idt d kiltv to chirk s of filling to fib incomi tix rt turns for thi v rs 1040 7 h intltfiultif 1 tvmtnl thev win to m rve f ifti t h it v s in jail s mi wire gnnted a month in which to piiv thi ir f int s bv m ikistrati kmnelh m langdon v i vtt rdav a chirgc agninst anotht r firmer vias adjourneil so k nm ih y dick who appeand for the de 1 partment might obtain further in 1 structlons on the case one chargt i against another farmer was with drawn when it was found he had alrtady filed his returns william dron 20 no address was stntenced to nine months definite and three months indefinite when he pleaded guiltv to a charge of tak j ing a cor owned bv t ii thomson acton without the owners consent corporal r mason told the court mr thomson reported his car tak- m from in front of his acton rest dence on april 28 the following dov he found the accused in the car parked nt a glen william s gravel pit the accused told the officer he ttwtk the cor so he miuht seek em plovment captain shaver salvation army at brampton asked the court to send the accused back to the trade school at brampton where he could continue his studies as a carpenter the court stated it would have to sentence the youth to a reformatory but difficulty might arise in send ing the boy to brampton when he had previous convictions rcgii against him however the court recommended the accused be sent to the trade school gumt s ur called to start at s 4 noiintid ihi y expected to hsve the lights installed at victoria park ulxiut july 1st and evening game would thin hr startid at iso pm i almot all grouping of intt rmed into hall will be represented in 11 a play off whin the season rout ludt 11 then are three teams playing intt rrntduate a acton fr gus and oakvlllr georgetown plav ing ii i till will automatically ad- vunrt in this grouping whlli ml t o and wattnlown will attain vlr f r intei nit tliutr c honors y ur ti urns will lomprlsr thr uv 1 nilt grt uping with milton camp inikiii oikville nnd act n tktng rt pn ntd their srrlrs will begin s m what lutir on june lid tin first hiid mn nd tt imi 1 f ur up stnndli k nt thr t nd of the plavtng s n will piny a best thr f fivt s rl i fir group honors at presi nt thrrr will be tw o t lutit spsnm ring mltlgt t ball nan 1 1 gitrgetown and fergus tht sthtdulr for this srrn will b an in inttd later a five team league will comprise the bantam series with oakvllle clarkson milton georgt town and watt rdown their games w ill be gin nt i 30 p m and hr nf s v en innings some of these gome w ill te plavtil us n double ht udt r with tht juvenile series oikvillt will have the onlv rntrv in tht pie wee series intrrmniatf st iifii i i may 20- milton nt watcrdwn oikvillt at alton fi rgui at gtt ridt n man 24 acton nt milton watt r down nt georgt town fi rgu at onkvlllt i fconfintird on page four coming events in us antl gvm dupl iv thursdav md rridiv mav 2mi nd th it ainu 1 the icti m mission band of knox chunh golden annlvunarv tin will be ht id in thi school hoom saiturday mav 13 3 3 pm a oung marneet worm n of st jom ph s church ire h id in a fuchrt rridav april 2flth at rl p m sharp admission 35c i inch strvtd a duke of devonshire chapter io df annual daffodil tea saturday may 3 30 p m ymca horn baking candy afternoon tw lamp and cake draws a 409 st albans church will hold a special vestry meeting tuesday mav 0 fl 30 p m when the proposed new parish hall will be discussed all parishioners are urged to at tend the woman s association of the united church is celebrating the silver anniversary of church union in the sunday school room june 7th at 3 pm program and lunch sitvtr collection a the mav meeting of lakeside chapter i o d e will be held in the legion rooms on tuesday may 9 at 8 n pjn gueat speaker will be mrs m s somers provincial or- mixing secretary of tillsonburg mrs l l- skuee milton and duke of devonshire chapter will be guests

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