thursday april 11th 150 the acton free press pack nvt all and hit a urn and child rn visilad to toronto mrs llanna of toronto u visiting vilk mr and mr a lon ur and lira o bobbins apaat carter holiday in ottawa lira- jot stab of hamilton vuil- d aeton reuuvaa and frlanda lira j r uacarihur and johnny nrr vialuaa in lmann tnla waak uaaur traddl graham u a pat ient u st jobs hospital ctualpb maw hllns ltmh at i1m sea vwtw la bar hail hsn tw twouaay una norah icniur r n of oe- anjavtila a bam car tfca i1 wt aai air and ur frank browning- of turonto vlaltad acton relative dur ing eaatar uu alaraarat oarvtn taaal tka week and wits bar ffaur and fam ily la tombta air oordoa ooabar of val dmr quabac vlaltad with hi paraala during tka watlr urf a wrsvrr and children sprnt eutrr at the htiror of her mother alr itillllp mr w k craham and mr jack graham have returned after a vult with relative in chicago mia robart waldla of george town ulted at the home of mr w kobertaun on castas sunday mr and un m c overholt of toronto spent oood friday with mr and mr r i- johnaton lira rtoraatea rohlnaon of oaalpal vu a guaat of ur and mr j a mtaaea jacqueline chew donna anderaon and hetty klrkneaa visit- ad in buffalo on raster sunday tka tarakta was nalua hall at teaching mart u staatar vacation at mm phyllis mackle li a patient tn the general llnapllal ouelpk friends wish her a apeedy recovery mr and ur clare rroaaer and marion of hanover pent caster at the home of mr and mr o a- dlll mrs nea jerque of kltchenar relumed home after spending two weeks vacation with mr gibson and family lira una snrdar and atlas campbell of toronto anaot tka weakend with lira jams symea and mrs- taylor muaea betty wilds and joyea lambert are spending uvalr caatar hohday with mr and mrs jim thomson milton mr and mr h av sutcliffe shir ley and diu braeaoiidge called on friends hare on their way to spend raster in detroit mr and mr w d robertson da id douglas and bobble spent jraster sunday at the home of mr and mrs p anderson mr and mr will writ and mr and mr rae west visited over the holiday with mr and mr james allan royal oak mich mr and mra r a gordon and kanrv toronto mr and mr stuart lanti carole anne and john spert fastrr with friends here mr and mra die laaby and mr john dixon of tomato apaat tha holiday weak and whh thalr par ents mr and mra rui laaby mr george holmes underwent an operation for appendicitis in the cinrrat hospital ouelph this week all w nh him a ipeedv recoverv mrs ed hufnagel and gordon spint ihe weekend at her parents home at dumtalk gordon is lcndtni the veik near mount tor- mr joe taj lor of toronto spent the weekend with his father mr j h ta lor and together visited mr and mr f a tjlor in guelph on sundat miml joan sommerville of tor onto and mrs henry klaaaen of mimico tsited with their parents mr and mrs g r somervlue over tnv weekend ur and mra j h youngblut and mr and mra- gordon touog- blut and baby of mount rtmat war visitor raeanuy with mr and mra lorn youngblut dr and mrs wm style and family of bracebrldga formarly of georgetown spent tha easter weak- end at the horn of ur and lira cliff- hunter georgetown mends will b lorry to hear that mrs gordon lambert underwent an operation in ouelph general kattr jljbrtlj of qtatusi aaiasi faaiawia paraonaga benf avastua mb a h taajislei jlvom orgasust aad choir t sunday april lath l 10 00 a-m- sunday sejaoot hop aaa morning sarvle bav andrew lalog galt- t 00 paa kvetung saevioe rav andrew lalng oast all are cordially lavttad iftttbqtttima sajatrfi hi knox taaruaackt acton bsv aumat h ajuivnlono sunday april lack itao ll 00 ajn divlna worship ix is ps sunday school and bib le claaa 7 00 pm evening worahlp tne lord u nigh unto all than that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth campbellviltje about 00 tlmujd tb uothc 4nd daiifhtm- banquet la st drvlds ptmbyurlaui bsumaat sponsored by grtvor uluioan bjuwl aftrr th uppr hour mu h purford of waterloo was th guet paatltcr kb butl tbt aerury of hi gutupb prwbytartl nvd mother of thro dauffatafar kh gmv wry tntrrctttinj 7laum tmlic acton kv cham b oow8s ht- sunimv aihl leth i 10 30 am- sunday srhool 1 1 30 m ilarwarr irst thou forfh utt lsord mdmy aprtl l 100pm- uinloa lund too pmuvpu tl aibkh0 chjurrlt sunday- aphil 18th 1s40 10 00 a m sunday schoot 1100 am holy communion ikflnner claaa 7 00 pm evrnlng prayer a walcvona awaju you interest in quaajmtity yes that it what will be contained in our special anniversary edition an il lustrated history of tha ftm presi and acton with months of planning behind it will be published end in cluded in the regular issue on july 6 a limited num ber of copies available means oanrk now by klrhckibing to kip artnn jfrfr tqrtm renovations and new carpet at knox church teod u pesiry by lvl wrft ttlpir chaort sumuj a aviveupitaiibia uidaataw auditorium of kaoi chuixli and othar rovauoiu made uias what ajidersob has put tha atory la 0at- ry so aiwlfi that with ivv par- nuaaloa w puhliah wu our kirk has iww oarpax and w think tt prtty rrfcad but of four a alway was th pretttmt kirk within ih und fur ih old oiw wu to oxbby full of tuav and dusty loo thai thrr really was no anylhinif twty sujl mixht do zry sabbath hsru wrrr quaking irst w calrh tor or m1 and li loam cjuilibrium hunulia lion aaaxj ttuil off vfla uaruyn uoora praatdad ovar tha mrtlrui and audray hur r cava tha mrttary rapari buth hahatrta lad la prayar and ausa anna kurrvn raad tha sstrip- ture lamtui un- wufrad orfmnlaaj rd an kaatar story ulaa qlorta purdy favorad with two rohtatloaa mlaaaa uarlanna end lois graavnlaaa sanf an approprlau duat arrompanlad by ulaa horma brown alias iwljfi afivrw favorad with a piano solo ulaa audrvy hurran cav thanks to all those who halprd u make the avtmlnf a auc and mrs uuyd crawfurd uurkd all on b- half of the mothers invited ur k c uenslrs closed with prayer mrs o leush and acnea of ham- llloo and ur and lira levti btnk- y and family of carlisle were sunday ruests of mr and vlr lluwaon laifi and mrs william iturrrta flrv mr hal of toronto gave i inspiring- addrras at st davids churth on sunday with the choir rcoderlng spar la 1 raster muslr led by ur murray urphall rev mr porltt hrld oood friday service at st johns anglican and sl oaorre anglican churchea ur and mr harry itood and donna and mr ftnaa ounby of carllala and ur mary simpson of kilbride were sunday gueats with lut bey re re uihoutrd and hi at lrnu it tiaa ditd uie old on tuid to gu and the floor br rlri virni i s it was nut don lor thnw ofi llr imw udt u tlu like iiftu and long ut pile and no re ho ris fron j viratt tanriia to trfuilr why ii cost thrrv tkotiuid dollar for ue folk art- im uit proud and no ollur 11- lkt of all thr fcailliplrt allouj tlurn rto ttart nt h hi taarni fmist l- h ktrtrhc wu to u toiiou artd ruindvmiii ut oni and all tiairs vrt it ail the pi tn rimlly ulljc iarh di could anyon- have sat ihrrr wilh a placid pious fare ttir aprings wire piercirik trndrr flrsh unless one sajuirtn ed about and till feel were braced like steel to keep hlinsrlf from slldlne oul ho yvht mr and ur william roberts tha april meeting of the camp- ballvule w i with mr- frank quln- ian presiding opened with the in- i stltuta ode and mart- stuart col lect mr uoyd crawford gave the eereuryueasurar report annual reports war given by publicity mr george inglu agriculture and canadian industry mrs jas k mahon mrs j k uahon and ur george inglts were named a com mittee to call a meeting to dlscuaa a community hall robt hrthrring- tnn explained hoapltalliauon for tha w i mr william mclaren gave a report of district director meet ing in milton last week mra j k mahon prealded over the election of offlrer as follow honorary president mra frank quintan prealdent mra howaon lush vice preaidents mr george inglls mra donald martin secretary mra j k mahon treasurer mrs frank qulnlan aaalatant ulaa jan held district director ur william mc laren branch director mr chaa king mrs ned martin mra r c men tie cheer committee mr a t moore lira ilardr purdy fin ance committee mrs robert stlllot mr uoyd crawford mr oeorg nisck mr hartley anderaon mra gordon mcphall mr robert yteth- erington lunch convener mra c kins publicity mr george inglls ptanlau mr lloyd crawford and mrs oeorgv inglls auditor mra a t moore ulaa jsne raid pro gram committee mr lloyd craw ford mrs hsrtley andaraori mra howaon lush mrs j k mahon mr frank qulnlan hospital this week and all wish her a prompt return to good health miss dertha brown mlat zella mccartney mr erneat brown mr j mccartney mr and mra roy brown and kajr visited during tha easter weekend with mis fern brown miss nancy mccorry of toronto and miss orra henanof hamilton spent friday with miss helen west and mlis bern ice connor and at tended the spring rally of the bypu held here visitor with the freuler family on good friday ware ur and mrs d wiltshire mr and un n gramyk and thalr ehiuren caro line and bill all of toronto the occasion hieing beroie freulara birthday visitor at the home of un john gibson over easter holiday wen mr and mr alfred joc- queg and mr neat jocflue all of kitchener mr end mra gorg elliott hamilton mra stanley an deraon brunnton auction sale of tntactoft tiiberrimo ma- cimnc fastm imfucmkntfl gkain and fimnrtcate the undersigned have received instructions from a mattltms to sell by public auction at his farm lot 10 con 5 twp of nel son 4 mile west of milton 2 mile east of lowvtlle on wednesday a mux 1kb commencing at 2 o clock the fol lowing tkactor and tractor im- plkments waterloo m m trac tor on rubber lichts 2 vra old m d thrshing machine 22x5h pneumatic tires recleaner shred dcr elejlor done 2 no custom drive sau and frame 2 furrow oliver tractor plow cockshutt double thing of taftitity low omild anyone imaicirie that aught ike would ever do vt t there is an air of mystery which i amiot quite make out who were mostly instrumental who might raise the rrtatist sliuul oh vtr gf i e our diiixa and jiiar tti illy nnu and dollar bills and at very annual run lin there are never any ills so why think about the spending that is someone else s task stipends surely must be covered and the fuel seems to last so the first day of the ueek we carelessly lay bv in store for since all accounts are glowing why should anyone give more yrt when itrms like the carpet rear a formidable head thought begin to rise and qoea tluns with the answers left un said one of ten thr ancient law decreed of all that wr accrue should be given for thr iord s work thats our fair and hon- eil due if we followed that command ment there d be money and to inare then whose duty li thr pending and for what and when and where in tha church at tha becwnlnf wm there any ladiee aidt well we have no record of it and yet managers were made to apportion out the money fix that chair replace that blind little things ttal need attention- there are many of their kind and the ladies aid god bless them are a self appointed band formed in kindliness to proffer a supporting helping hand slaved in making turkey aupeere selling baking having teas planning nuptial receptions mak ing quilts and holding beea yet weve taken just for granted all endeavors they have made meld nut empty hands toward them w hrn an item must be paid whh the obligation shifted they have taken up their role sought to item in gallant effort rolling times decay and toll saving for a brandnew carpet needed now for many a day scorning labours inconvenience bit by bit secure to lay then the minister one sunday read an invitation free that the ladies would be needed on next monday urgently for the seats must all be dusted washed and waxed and polish ed toe ere the carpet could be lifted they were needed not a few there are lad lea many of them fir ed with missionary seal itnto whom a gospel message is a vital wholesome meal marvi are thev sweet and humble at the buying of that carpet carp ets will not lat for aye blushing brides have walked sed ately up the aisle to change their name aching hearts have mutely follow ed fast closed coffins down the same sturdy feet hjve swung above il vainly yearning to daapart guilty sinners lowered eyes have contemplated every part and if on were nelancholy ha might add to be morose who will tee another carpet ah u well that no one know where was laxarua i wondar in that scan tn bethany t was he listening like mary to tha words his lord did say did h tend tha fires for martha bring tha water fro tha wail strange to say lis not recorded was there nothing then to tell peruana hr brought the towel and basin for the masters weary feet perhape twaa he performed tha service tvo to make the rile complete lazarus you will remember had been very truly dead then the uaafer called him loudly laianii come forth lie said forth to throw off death s inertia to lake up his task anew lie hd sitters dear o cherish friends to help and tiaighboura too all of life iruvistent voices though reluctant he must hcd though hr d seen beyond deaths portal rarth bad many a cry and need wrll he tart the ball a rolling faithful martha strung and true one at ltd ll he has in pi red us t aeh hii bit to try to do uen came forth to work like tro jans lifted measured larked cast apprainrig evea about them followed up each startling ouhight younger mm there were and lasses caught the torch and started out i hailed tainted renovated as the evening petered out it us never more regardless fold our idle hands in sleep waiting for an inmpiration iet u ever watchful keep for the things that need attention he ding them without drlay if we have a fine incentive well have money too to pay- keep the mailers house in order fit for llu abiding place ci i einhrw i next to worship sloth is always a disgrace thiaat who lift ihii houe of wor ship ai our goodly heritage gave the beat that could be given and how dare we not engage in maintaining its completion or can we their heaven share if weve marred lis simple beauty failed to keep it in repair so w hene rr ihl house we enter or wheneer we may depart let a remember we are treading on a womans tired heart and since martha has re graced so well our sanctuary floor lets keep a broom and whisk and mat at either entrance door the acton construction co bliltin cupboards alterations and cement work hkmi 340 ot 15sj acton address ail aaa1l to 115 bower ave unwilling to evade iicvion work i whom their lusty martha inters itelt circular might be tempted to upbraid 1 active member and home helper they desire the better part disc oil llarrels etc i valuing chrit approbation more faitm implkmfnts poul- v tnan c thy equipmknt etc m d n t t rslng 7 ft grain binder m d ft mow- hl h er giant ideal mower 5 ft llav uckrd the willing marthaa tedder rubber tired farm wagon oup cnurrh affairs be and hav rack 3section drnc cultivator disc mil grain drill 11 hoe seed harrows scuff ter grape scuffler walking plow scales fanning mill with nagger and motor slush scraper vega cream separator with motor new root pylnef whitewash barrel and sprayer cyclone seeder hog crate set of heavy double pul- levs set of doumbte harness sad die work bench bridle collar pile of ralls 4 coal brooder stove pile of grape pasta logging chains steel barrels neck yoke doubletree forks poultry hop per incubators egg crates poul try fence etc grain and seed 100 bus fall wheat 100 bus ethan oats m bua red clover seed fimnttjrx chesterfield and s chairs to match victrola and re cords dining room table and chain chairs etc 3 single beds springs and mattresses odd small tables no reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm shd is moving to mil ton terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale hindley and eluott auctioneers c eves clerk b nail soap ind run arrnd with scrubbing brushes cloth and powder too went to kirk that group of ladies plucky band of faithful few washed and scrubbed the grlmv benches till their hand were rough and sore then with tea to fortify them bravely started in once more dusted polished swept and garn ished making ready for the day when the carpet should be lifted ybtfa new one placed to stay whrn the final call was sounded then there turned out forty strong men and women with a purpose and it did not take them long tack were loosened carpet lifted floors were cleared and dust was shed now a new and glowing surface beckons to our willing tread the transition resurrected memor ies of a yesteryear- folks longgone but not forgotten facet voices ever dear hearts we loved once stirred with pleasure just a ours are stir red tosy gravel contracts assessments ol esquesing twp spactal nd tegular maaelngs deal with a0ewi ceeirrw atiatamant toll a special meeting of esquesing council was held thursday march 0th with all members present and reave oaorge currta praaidiag mr fellows assistant to the mun icipal atnglnaar attended tha mt- ing when tenders for crushing and delivering gravel which had been opened at the regular meeting were again dealt with moved by bird seconded by reld that thla council accept the tender ar spencer vernon to supply crush and deliver approximately 10000 yards of gravel at sac per yard in bin and 7c per yard mile for haul ing moved by lin ham seconded by leslie that the treasurer be in structed to return cheque of un successful tenders re gravel con tract a court of revision for the towmhip of esquesing was held at i one oclock wednesday april sth george currle george leslie ii i craig reid wilfred bird and wal ter linham were present having i taken the oath ot office thev took their seats moved bv mr linham seconded bv mr laesllc that mr currle be chairman of this court of revision carried i moved bv mr linham seconded bv mr leslie that the assessment of gordon davidson and herbert moreton be nistalned carried moved bv mr bird seconded bv mr reid that the clerk of tht court of revision be and is here- bv authorised to certify to said roll for the vear 10m carried i the regular meeting of council was held immediately after the i court of revision adjourned reeve george currle presided a representative from the dep artment of lands and forest at- tended re distribution of pheasants in 1050 i aecountspassed for payment in- i eluded hepc light at hall tlft43 bell telephone co a street lights at glen wlulami sou georgetown herald 110m r w patterson 3ts3 a- w ben- ton s700 ii a lever audit for 1 the year wooo bounty no ii foxes shot 5500 relief accounts tft0 i road accounts u8mm george c i brawn insurance premiums s37m taxes written off were allan ibanks tlm robt sterrlt us7 ouvelogaivllhvr and m nftmd- ed to clem lusty paid in error orvs taxi succttssor to dannys taxi phone 260r prompt courteous sorvlco ibywkare aytia ona car now in oftoration now car txtatod skoetfy in cooperation with qoyi taxi we ere going to give 4 hour service week about orvs taxi phone 260r acton ymca financial campaign do you know- 1 that over 300 children end adult uie the y weekly 2 that memberships etc tree to public school children 3 thai paid memberships and rents amount to only three fifths of expenses 4 that we must raise the balance through donation support your y it is the communitys rvrtaition grntrc deflation ara jncoma taa daducribla if it is net coavaav iant la aaul your owitribuh phena cuh sutton at j4 and ka will afransa to hava a mambar el tka board call on you youk support ww ftf appreciated pauants clothing store mu sttkt exewtv oahiot for acton m m