s thursday uarch and 160 the acton free mess t rfjw jf 4 the m tic jieuo komemakars to iron or not to iron lb answer to this ou action u determined by either perqdml taste cor nostnsas or th amount of time and streagth the honwmaker has u devote to iron lag apparel car usually ftm carefully while everyday things such as towel are dun mor casu ally lahle linens and other fin household lluu are almost uni vsrsauy ironed but toed linens may be ironed or the folded aheet press ed us top turkish towels diapers and fianvlettt sheets art generally toeuevwd to be more absorbent ur warm u not ironed we brllrvv certain article aiv damaged by regular ironing a last iclied portions ui garments fbn w eterprooisd with waxes rubber of other costing which melt easily sumt of the synthel lea ar ruined by high temper cures then too pile- fabrics such a curdurvya and chenules nfat under pressure lie careful hiw you iron delicate fabrics ui h a veil inga laces and loosely woven mat eflal decorated with breds or ec crsaorle a firm pressing t loth u advised on these fabrics all bias tul garments should be ironed on the grain oi the lahrlr rather than from neck to hem or sagging may result never pull sheer organdie or the more fragile rayon against the weight of the iron because the result wtl be fraying at the seams itead the labeis to be sure l hat specially treated fabrics should be ironed meroerlxed sanforized and permanently stiffened garment can be ironed however claxed chlnu and mouture proof gar menu are not always recommend cd for ironing the finish depends upon both site and fabric requirements a dull finish is obtained by ironing on ll u rong side dsrk coloured cottons and linens noons aatins orepc and embroidered pieces a glossy finish is achieved b ironing on thy right aide while and light coloured linens cottons and wash able glazal chlntx damask cloths may be ironed on both sldei for i profesaional look the bet result ofirhlung ar guaranteed by even dampness th safe temperature the motion with out drag and the light pressure of e phead optometrist eye examined scientifically iikajuno aid ratttixh quick rfpairs to tlnffn ri n ocular fwd gttmfa etc u at- qmni s phonx 1520 gwelph bst m tears the iron points to remember are 1 use vara water to sprinkle clothe as u saturate she more evenly fold trauati carefully wkn hems and other aaabu thick naas parts turned inside and roll up tightly using kneading pressure a you roll covsv vailed mams with heavy towel and let stand at least an hour if you can but keep hem in a cool place to prevent mildew j lte temperature of he iron is moat important it should be con trolled as too little alow up the process and of course too much damsg- the fabric and produces i shine or srwrh 3 loat motion cauws fatigue especially in hsnd ironing home mskrrs should not tolerate a wob bly hoard a wobbly iron handle or a surface that is not padded well iron with the grain of the fabric ancw ironing in opposition to hat natural direction produce the same effect si rubbing fur th wrong way ren tin ugh it ma not he noticed for the first 2 or 1 iron ings 4 through force of habtt many women bear down on the handlp of llirhl weight inmi exerting need less pressure snd consequently ti- pending nrrdless energy the even handling of the iron as it is placed on and lifted off the fabric is most imjkirtant other point should be consider ed important a clean well fitted ironing hoard cover a chlorine bleach in case of scorch bowl of water and a sponge for rrdamplng dried htmiix clean wrapping pap r on the floor a drlng rack and a f t w clothe hangers takr a ttr 1 l o iron n man s shirt or a blouse a iron ruff first inn r sur faer then outi i airfare lh iron body of tleeve ruff opening side first to itepcat on other lcec uli iron oke slip one hhouldcr over end of hoard iron from centre in hack of shoulder he vers and iron other side of okt iron hod of shirt cw ginning with tuition aide of front and continue to hack and other front if lion collar under nurface thin upiwr mirfa e working in ward from the edgea 2 on ruffled items do ruffles firs then lxnl of curtnln or bloune t irn the extra interior pnrt first lnv l pocktu nttached shoulth r m tn ni v nnd s f rth i alus inn fnhri until lh nre dry in m n rnl iron pnn tint dnn iu fiom tin uitnl flrvt l akn take that rln rpcond i i nirnni1 he cnrm nt on he inxinl 1 1 nt n could pet th nnximum ironing surface and vi e ironlnk in th w rlnklos on w iile nrtlrlr such n n tnhle- rlith fold lenplhwls and iron ne r hn n fold double and iron one side then fold double nnd iron upper nirface keep on f illini and ironing the upper surf nre until the piece is fin kind void from hem to htm tx- nilonnli lntejul of length w ixe crenilnk in the same place ttnds to increase wear at that point ijnens are brittle enough to hrenk if lrone when dry in the same folds radio service guumntred reptin to all malm and models manning electric phone mo floors and ceilings by vt lkssr stttutssve there are two idea that in re cent days have crystal lxd into household words we talk with glmneas bf floors and ceilings a if each stood by itself we wouldn t of course think much of a house that had a floor and no celling or that had a celling and no floor but that is the way we want it in our economy good that vt have to sell we wish to ktmy high goods that we have to buy we wish to stay low the way we have thought to ac pompllsh this isnt the ou ruahle way of supply and demand which if it occasionally pinched is onm place was thoroughly comfortable la others and in the main gave us e pretty good average of ronton were not sausaed with that we want to stick something into h smoothly working machinery to make both up and dwns work for us theuruts in the united state have pushed this theory to its logl eel conclusion ciowrnment was to take the plsr of the well known ism it wt to bring shout 1i1u tmil or millennium government we to rt present the ultimate de mand it was to change the con epllon of tle law of supply and demand thai the price must satisfy trw huer to the conception of the floor and celling system that the prlte must satisfy the producer i he olmou tonfllrt between these two sttltude laaeed the govern inent in the aw if ward position of having to make its prices good thsl is if the customer wont buy the government must as the only way that supiort for prices can re maintained tp to the present time of writing the united states government had spent s tidy total of 1 billion in supporting such prices and had on hand that o ume of unwanted farm products canada hasn t yet gone that tar ii has bought fioononno lbs of but ter that bad no market at the price the public wa read to pay he- m ember we are anlnu for ceil inirs to keep the price down as we nr for floors to keep them up it did uppl a million dollars worth of iip apples free to the mrimth leople 1 did make a gift of a mil lion and a half dollar to help fin ance a s3 mlllwwi purchase of mirl time apples it has sold at 29 cents n pound canadian bacon for which tt paid 12 cent- we like this floor and celling op erntlon when it works to our ed nntntre hut w hen the united states goernment following the same sstem flmli itaolf buried to the enrs in jxitatoes for w hlch it haa paid j2 to er 100 lb hag and dn id s to unload them on the t lit at 1 n nt n hag we arc ap- nlletl hul it is the lorlcal inm dnt in tlte floor and celling sy tini with prlt p mnlnlalned at hlkh h t h th re inn be no nattirnl irtitlin of supplv fcfct production lin r ni s t take advantage of the m rlunll b holds the bar i n it i suppk and oemind it w as hi part who wanted the goti is n ler floirv nnd c lllnis it k all f us v hetl er we w nnt theni nr n t si in tlr end whi btneflt- fil chronicles oi ginger farm wrtlua fff hlfj fee t a fve rri owkswmjsm r cukmms right of course it u bob who rung the milker but i suppose the time will come when partner will want to have a go at it too sjace all gone guess ray quilt story must wait until next week some weeks go by as quiet and uneventful as drifting clouds on a summer day but not last week anything but i there was plenty do ing both at home and abroad- the british election our belated car adian winter installation of a milking machine and my one woman quilting bee lieellng with these event bt virtue of their importance rethei than their natural sequence w cotne first to the british election ttecause whst happens in llrllsln either political or economical certainly affects inger finn an the rtst of ootsrl ijke mot eople we went to tied thura night eiettlng ihe british iskiur arty would le returned to power with a good mijirit and we er- s utile fearful ftarful ths the st k la 1 1st government in it head 1 ok natlonsllration plans would be taking the etipi iim far ut on a lunh in a way so fiw ren v d from hrltuh traitllhms it was hsrtt to imagine that it could be a sue eexs hut first thing friday mirn ing the trend showed sign nf a ehange and tis- noon well ynu kntiw the storj when partner came in to dinner i turned on the radio 1 uttn i maid listen to i be news partner ilslt ned wim growing inrredulllv but wha happened i thought labour was in with a big majorlt and what tlld hapjn n ihst u w bat evervone would like o know am tin end of the storv in no l i t in fat t for tjulte aw hi i lit rm of lh world will be watrh ing tin ltrltlsb political rifu wltn i n i waul n g i n t e rest wtll while lh british isle wrn getting hoi t anada wan grtllnr told wtlli its first prolonged spell of wlnttr weather it snowed arid tt nowet1 tin wind blew and the mercuo almost hut itself nt thi base of thi thermom ter high w a k w en blocked side road ini assahli nnd monl fnnn ln i plukk- tight as could be then ns we nlnrtetl wntchlng our t nl bins lh mws of tin coal mlnets itrlk in ihe i s a did not mnki us ft i n warmi r our lane fil hxt in nl mi with the n st and hob wtis t blli1 d lo h ne the cm nt the road hut wlin the wind drip pet i in it i rowed n tnowpliiuji tbjtt is n traitor with n blade nt l t i t th u nt i f ii nnd ii 1 dul a rt il ktd j b of pi iikhln out hit inni no wi t in di ive in nnd ut with i hi krttv of ease nt it n t iui cm if m u wnnl to lx nut drlmk which i d m t n 1 it v thinkful i am to hnxe s meone n h nn wh rnn t ct tin br ad pick up tbekr 1 1 rlt s nnd bring in trw mill english glass firm to build large plant another new lndutr ptlkington nrothirs ltd st htltns fnglnnd i t stibhhed in ihe glass buslruss ince h2fi will net a 3 000 000 pi nit m ont ino in the m ir fuluri soon tl ncrts on d inforth roick tuith of rirrhm uint avtnue in the i sc lrborough district adjoinink to ronto has been purchased on rcichlng full production the plint will i mplox som 100 mm in the minfuicturt of sht t kiiss with i ft w txc tht will be in- gaged locallx pilkingtnns nlrt nd hie import- int works at 1 aside whirc mirrors ind tht rmnpmi insulating window umtv are m tnufacturcd roys dont be latfphone 138 enoy mia uhnotl in uh couriosui ipaody trmmwteho sorvico phone j acton oakville 1 1 t r inli it m sh ii pk nroiimml l v h 1 1 w nv undouhttvlh the most th uough gt ink small town htvpl til t impalgn t stagf d in cnn nda ti uviiiits t f urlous will wishers journi d r unt i en miles lit week ml to inspect the brick met i nnd mortar culmination of that nlenllis ilrlw and in th kt ni rnl con nsus of enthusiast i i n olunl cut opinion uie new- l opt mil onkmlle rrnfftlgnr mem ri i llvspitnl is well worth pcn last lota of well orgnntzed hlghh omtvitrntivl eff rt thnt wtnt inlo it construction hlle tilnk to ns m hi i pitli slund ti n- f r m a hoi futl of watt r in th dit h on thi ml ltn 1 tt rridn ifltrnom neir hi r horn i mrs tim ilmpbtll i u i the finntuilu w imniing 1 in i hi it r w hi n the h ink oil i ed to b i hi rt m mrs tini b ii f und tho w at r sh tu tli r hirh p- 1 thit she wis almost unnhle to t nit as slu w t w t irinn in r fur i sit nn 1 suihrting in r dog her uwinn was piexinouh mrs ni inlind nnd her daughter fivi until 1 cam along and hep d mrs cumphsll to snfet the first oak ma trnf ilgir thiiat group er lo tndr tli toronto kiw mis music festkal lid its alma mntir right proud tu ii winning secmd and thirl awnrds in the wo classy enter d trafalgar journal rr warvt so oooo in tiik ooqd old davit the following rule vtntag of the issds were posted in an am by 111 store operated by the found ers of what u now called cferson pirte rcott as co of chicago 1 store must be open from am to 9 pin the yr round 2 store must be swept counters shelve and showcase dusted lamps trimmed filled and chimneys cleaned peas mad- door and windows opened a pall of water and a bucket of coal brought in before breakfast f there is time to do so attend to the customers who call 1 the at ore must not be opened on sabbath unless necessary and only for a few minutes 4 hie employee who is in the habit of smoking spanish cigars twwig sltaved at the barbers and going lo dances and other places f amusement will assuredly give hu employer reason to he suspic ious of his intensity and honest v hai h employee must pay not lev than per year to the church and mut attend sunday school regularl t men employee are given one een1nu a week for courting two if they go to prawer meeting 7 af4er 4 hours in the store t tie leisure hours should be spent t r he molt part reading jft roh bimis eneiator for spreading insect iclde fogs u first to use jet engine says maker in the financial post advantage said to be machine has nly three moving parts no rot atlng part no bearings to lub- miate engtnt itself has only one mining part easily replaced it weighs loo lbs attaches to truk or j n a lmmled out area in ixmdun has leen stocked with junk for children play f ws aflk v 60 secoxps cflcnpbll5 gingerbread mix your eyes okiivi thi ttrr coniult r m bell ntsiw airll kin foot ailments treated miss auan cmrapwim tru wm vi fill lunn n1h iiuiih aiiubm r put tamurt 27 arthur st outlph i990j fxjtzgt m imaoftateci tt maud m vacuum hospital- for pocket uoiiters a british firm is to start a com ponent- service of lighter part s thnt anyltghter of uhateer make can be swiftly repaired a specie u designed coynter dupln st or acv and service cabinet featuring ocr 300 individual lighter components will be dfsplayed by the firm at the 1050 british industries fair london birmingham may 819 thriving in scotland highlands until boo years ago reindeer ma bo relntrodupod i im w k w is is nihil tt i 1 1n bun a not hi r i hnptcr w rit i t n int the hi- r of ginger ikmm the installation of a milk ing mat bin n it ss tliis if nirsi is tntlreh ilob s venture and onl if 1 1 r ph nt of consldern lion pro and con we heard am kinds of stories n mllkn i mat him product mastitis if the cups are li ft on tim long the driw blood vim cows won t let their milk down nt all nnd we also hi ard of several farmers who hnd bought milking machln s and after awhile gone back to hand mllkng iiincd nil these instances were true li ib figured th were in ht minorliv there weev on the other hand hundreds of farmers even i in this district where milking mm nines wen used to ndvnntac and without injurv to the cows iliirn the nlghl when the mllki i was us d fir thi first tlm i wis just itc hing t go down to tht barn but i oncluded the les there wer nrund th btitir so i stave in th hoiisi w tiling nnd w intlerhg i sin not one of our cows had en r j st t n oni of lh s mechanical i j tnitt ms thi re w is n telling hit thiir ti irtinn w mid b and 1 kn w the nt iv ins tension won d he hird on pirtner at long inst the men rimi in for mipp r including iit agent from whom bob hid ikiu1 t tie msihlne and evervthlng vn wonderful not one of tho ro i offi led to kick nt all and on- m whlih had nlwivi done pli ntv of i stepping nround stood quiet na a l lamb ind gave more milk thin i usual i thought evcrjthlng ms fine but during the evening pirt- i ner got denthlv white he was tcold nnd his stomach became upset i was alarmed until bob figure 1 out that it was a case of mild vhock partner had been more keved up than he or an of u re alized watching the cows rendv to deal with them should thev be come obstreperous and then noth ing happened it was n complete let dowp and be reaction pro duced the condition i have des cribed bob said he had seen the same thing happen dozens of times during the- war so partner went to bod and 1 the morning he was his usual lelf since then everything has been all they know it is mot money alone mo ore than a million jnd a half people dcil with the hank of montreal and ihev know that it i not monc alone ihr deal in when the come to us it goes hcvond thai 1 hew people have confidence in the hank they know that their money n safe with us and that they will he fjirlv treated in their business dealings w e try to keep constantly in mind that the bank ts not primarily an impressive row of figures ar an imposing building vc c think rather of the bank as the local man ager and his staff on whom our customers can always call for friendly counsel and service our branch banking system is founded upon this relationship a mans relationship with hit hank man ager is and should he a highly personal one vet in each of our 59 branches behind this confidential ret it urn ship there stand the resources and stahilitv of a nation wide icnturv old institution i bus the strength of the institution is linked with human tin demanding in the service of the individual i believe sincerely that this is the spirit guiding our relations w ith the public today x ithout such a spirit the- bank could not maintain or justify tts place in the economy if this country nor would we be able to give our best to canada in the years of great promise which lie ahead gordon r ball central lanjgt wbajh nip banc op montreal wotkino with canadians in vi walk or iipc unci 1