Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1948, p. 6

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rum six the acton hkfe ikiss 11i11hmjay junej4th 1948 news and views of tlaltmi kferm iniiurmi itoo attokxl llowmn nrf wlt ky rt oolpki twelvw hunwod ylnlhon and peel folk aucndod the nrmual hol- loln unci jvmoy hold day t th ontario agricultural colljro t uevph on salurday tune 12th xmuirtk tho wnrnlng conducted tour ee mfl to oxnorlmintiil plot dairy hum and huttf torm pant own karm mnchlnory hop oolkiro iihnhmiiuh and miiowm- ld ynalltuto kollnwlnic lunrti a blind a of i ho oac pioidrtont itook m h t spoke briefly oxtond- tnc n umcnrnn on lw half of tho oao mr rook stated tint whlli a lnrje fnrm u up rnied in con ncrtlon ullh thi inhllutlon the winff mtunmwl and roejulrod tin rn llinl n point nnd iitlclnm of fnmi jiw tutors gem mils in ot dor i hni ninns iohltm might in wtliod a juelging competition snn pni jitipntod in h hi ntlro group uikim 1ln dlrm linn of ai rlt ullut al itrpn hcnuitkf ii s uipi nnd i uhlieliik ihi nffli lai judge of i ht t lawtos of ilolstolns nnd j i mi unh io ivt nnnn holhtiin fliltninn nnd ivot oo t itnllh pin nt lw winners worf ns foi lows ifakteln ft roup i million lnt mrs iu suo vt er mtlfm 9wl mm y n sluttbr rwujf loniu iiikh sojjiuvorth kreo man 2nd t lamronce onk vllle ird lohn i ons on lte i imm junior wrote rs 1st lurk irn hjun oerotoun 2nd ins rn peel count rd bruo pie id houo pool count jisroy group ljidlih 1st mrs ijur o don aldsnn nnd mrs i n pniiglni mil ton rh no 1 mn 1st inn vnm on h don jnd w c itintiy milton ml k n ih mln homhy lunlot rmiw il henry hom irrt ahnn 2nd onld william allan in lion hiwuimi hrnmp ton lite day h program i1mo im ludtd a ptirndo of cnluw i ivi ork with oxplnnntory rnrnmonu hy pi of u c knn hoiul of iho anlmnt huh hnndiy doprtrlmont nnd m nihom of hu tarf anothoi lntoi4tttlnu fwituto wan n tu moiihtitloh nn nhoop hording by h nhaphord dou a mod onjoynblo find worth whlb dn h vult to utn oac wim com hi dud u it h n po nni of pnrl k whtob unu tjm ofy undor t ho nbh illi option of a 1 woodliy milton ohfth m krow n a4 toh i w pnwhy cnlodon nnd m cantor of oiolfoitham individual mimlitm of tin iniro in oo w rv i hid in lltolr puiluo of itu mnn com tonlt h exit ndod h tin nnt of thooao nnd it u llillt uondoi thnt on jiopulni lt of thlk annual pilcrlmnco to on inilom ollnt of aifili iiltui in loasi h ni h i tit oil mprj nil nuliie wnotu for utwl fiahtrol i in ii4i or nn oil spun to kilt nn in i nil it fh tils ih now n stnndntd pinitr uluic hnnd inh oi is hi nn i ami i jnnml i i hi i iht of nn oil hprn pi i in n vailis ullb tin am tunt uaid if nil t ho null surfnii is oumi i will iniuln up to hk nnl pit mn hut if ml tin fjtlnnl rous ai kpiaihl with killtnhlo nozxli ui itiiottly may tv iidtutt to w ul oi h kh llo oil iiioiiioii ndd u thi iommihlnl luanlau fluid or tud vi it i known in trftdn tn miod daid hilvonl mwt of tio oil i ompnn m hnvtt thi ir own tindi nnmo fot thu mntoilal a f w i oinpnnlt k nro now dituluntttltitf n spidiil oil for uotl hprny whh h im n loanlnu fluid with a o4taln v4iifnlau of aiomntti hplilt t on tint pho hpoclflratlonr for n satin fntoi m mid a it sol von t oil foi tariot wood upiiy ro nx follows ai uutitli iflrlt tontuit 1j is by mihuno nollltik nantt mm m douioort 1- 1 null point ah tvo 104 i i nn i 1 vapoimthm rnli fllfth iti hldno i laio or low hi oil ht npplliwl without dibit i n 1 ho moht notlhfaf toi v tlmt to apply an oil hpiay im wu ii tho i at i il luuo fonnwl truo bav nnd hi foio tho io its nn hua t hinn n h ml pi ni ii compl ti ov inu of i i its is i hui nt inl f ii hvt losillll i his oil k inflnnimahlo hut not ih iiihik i ms iih irnnollni snmk inn hluuild nol hi fjioi tnlttoil ulna hmmilllinr tin oil wi iiimk tf lb skin tindi i lothlntf tuli niiho hll i i iiik and hiu nlnu v unrm hiljrhl dn with 1 if 1 1 oi no in i ih i iinnlitorod mimi for iiifitnunl on rool cloudy dnyn ih i npoi filhm ih ilnw r and un til i miiiii t ondltloiih jtlluht tnjurj mn o mi if tin tairot folhir is liulpmutt iwiilrwl si mill pint up to nn ni rn hi isn u t ovr 1 by ti knuptuk k wprayi i 1- oi hii u aiionutrt n powor outfit ht iiiiilud fit inl with a boom ni iiozioh and u mti d ho nn to apply til oil at a ihulnd inti a iim uit of flout 7i to 1m lb u to if f h lont foi unoil ovi i au a flat fan imi ipiay noyh ulvi n hi ul lohillts all riihunon wtdu exttptlnu tnuwoad aio wlltod in h f t w jioura and ohtplololy doad in a day fir two cairolm and other tolatid iioph hih it iih pathiilph m lory and dill hnvi ithlhtatuo lo oil itpniy in jury hut i otnry iilanth nhoiild not lw iptnyid aftoi ntroty tiuo hav an fortuihl itu oil iiiih n toad i in v to olloi i in tin in ni i win n hui nlnu ti units milton sandi fii linoleum mstic tile rubber cam 126 milton 136w rrveitse the charges clement mountain coming soon fuhlor i iiruinm htuitmor imniiifhhik mmioii ihnl uontbii londltloiih iiitojl tin annual itinl n i ai nn r plow hilt match whlih wiih in hi unlit l in tin fiu in of h im 1 1 mi dnw ii lloiith luiiiliin million plow lis win lii aitlm nnd hdiiii s ih nt imksuih liiimd a mod inii 1 1 itliik fi nturi wiih thi doui oiihtiallon i idip plowi d by prod i linh i i lab i nntlonullv famoifi i hamplon plowman of oik oun- t mi hui rinik younk of mllll- k n and n o m i n1 of w ro ihi off it hit judifh lliflr nuartn t r ni follows ian 1 walklnc plows pi w b ih undt i 2s i at s 1st harold vi iiuhon and jnd lai k i i i irti on hitlt of nasnunwi yn towiihlilp phm j wnlklnji plows ptowlwiys tmdv 2v- yisrrwlitsrtt iinnnmiiffiiilnin itou im 1 mhi i hui ndiiy f vi nhiu tln tumn- iimi inul tholr fnmllli h of knov pi tbytt iltin thuiyli choir hold a ijiol link mipihti in tho mundiiv hi hool lio m piovloiu to tin v i nlnu h piai ih u i in uatlnrhiu wnu in lion ir fif mi m v nikoii ono of tho old omi iiimiiimim of tho tjiotr who u titliliik aflot many yiaio of faith ful norvho many finim mttton and dutrht atti mh d tho nun ihiu of audrov miixlno iiuujion dauuhtoi nf mr nnd mm n j lai vi y to mr iluuh inhn oultoi h in or mr and mm a w oulhr of milton at j wjllto illic h knurl j ul nlu oil luii uth a li law uah krirmttid fur fin am injt tin 1 lliili siihmii nddlmoiih ii wnu pimkid hy tho i pin inn nt if idtiiilloii ami waji ulvi n tin t til i f 1 n inllnj by milton ounrt i his li law mil hoi lml tho hnr l i time of tihmh for iti bulldbij unit i u i ipliin of two inldlthin il io unt al tin mlllori iih 1 h mf mlltoun iharo of thlt i will im ippi ixhunlily l7i p i yiu hut w im n lot fhpailm nt jtiiiii h tnk tn off i ih toil will h w ii iiiuh i i nnih it hundtid nn mh pi f i hi pifuotk fimlly kiithind nl 1 i iisnlh pink ilamlllon in satin dn foi tin li n union lln hi t ip i 11 10 nnndlfin hainploii wowih electrical farm equipment 1 xi lllalvii ninlir in lltla lllrlcl mumiw maciiin11 miik coolers itl am hi pailakmq 1 u clluc waiu iikarelia i i i lltk hid iuindhw and 110uehs iiaiit 1on hikel i11a1leiw vjmmi ik fai oil individual chmeni mixeiw etc sulm mill si i vim m yoiir diwr ill nn nxtiii mwt quick dollvury roy wcoodwin riiml ai inn wn ma poultry farmers phone w we wim- pay ikices j oil vouit ioiiithy and vjh halton poultry products class i 1 1 m toi plows plowboya tindot 2fl i nn 1st lark matoh- mi nt iloinby jnd k tli morry homh trd win inllvn horn h 11 h no man ctfiss 1 tractor plows plowhoyn unh r jo yi ai s forim r intor tount tium momhirs wup tinifod in this dnih 1st tnrl prlro mil ton jnd clnxi noo uoid actnn ll sboruood 1iiim milt in wm rn vt iman colin marahnll mllion nnd fith lohn uno hornby milton tunl ir pnrnn r won tho vi 00 sporlal awardod to tin ilnl ion luni it i arm i kiouti imvlnff tin to i j st mimht r of tlnlr mom ht rs in nrth n l o dah follow itik tin unit on junior i minn r malt h twontyflv f tho top ptowlnf nnth judr s of cntrnj and wi stt rn onljarl inidiijudl wlunl on tho hnnn sltf 1 his i nl was hoi i undor lln dlrtctlinof i a cm mil s r n tin man u i of tin ontario pi iw nuns ss n in onh r to bring about air r uplfirmltv in judj- inj in tin pint tf nffhlal judji at ounl pliwlng matt ins at t online to mr carroll tho fllto iiu luillnj tit ihhs turn d b thp halt on ruuloi s and tin lurirtu on ii ranm nil nls nhl hl d by xiu hi inb w i midi tho whole act up idi ai fi mi tin siandp tint of tho lsiilnn roup tif pcrts in d nt illy it is i union d that tho official placing nt tin judge i si hool nrhvl slightly from hint listed in this aillch which may or mn not b of sonn one mrngo- nn nt in ltufco who did nol stnnd as high as tfiiyh7id nntlrinitod a hindu mav no longt r tako nn other wife kilh while his first wlf ii alive the new 1949 ford spixihiall disintd to lompvte i the low price field the lh ford difttrv us sliiupu in its mruiumil and opiru ion il tuitiiks mid rcpustnts us rciit an u d mi n iimint uppcuniini- and com toituist or prtious corresponding models is did tin lurir curs tnirodltc id bn tord motor compun of canudu limited a ft w fcttks ujo i hi i 14 fords mill bi introduced in ruo sernc hit custom sene in eludes tht 1 udor sedan shown here u ordor sedan and a club coupe 1 ht le luxe serieb includes tudor and i ordor sedan club coupe and a bus mess coupe snlcd in an adanied postwar pat tern only fie feet three inches high fcith low broad contour and full u idjth inttnor roominess the new ford has a so per cent more ririd body and frame structure has more than 2q so ft it pcturx uindou isibilit the windshield alone is h7 squurt inches krcuttr in ep inst ind its new 100 ii p tpu eiht cylinder engine opcr ites ut up to 10 per cent greuter econ om a newh designed braking sstem re quilts s per ctnt less pedal pressure llld the c ir s deep deck lugkir locker is 111 irt than hulf us spacious igutn as in the prtteding models the tront wheels are independently suspended tht sstem combining soft action coil springs and double action aircraft tvpe hdraulic shock absorb ers at the rear similar shock absorb trs function with extra long springs which ire mounted parallel to the frame and arc so designed as to make lubrication of the spring leives unnec tssarv thompson motors ford salr rn irr monvrcii phone 69 mill stiieet if you ore contemplating a trtp to the united states here are two important facts to remember you may not bring back with you any mtrchandue which is prohibited under the emergency exchange conservation act find out in advance from canadian customs officials whether you may bring in any content plated purchase to conserve all available us dollars for essential purchases a travel ration of 150 us per person for the 1 2- months between nov 15 1947 and nov 15 1948 has been estab lished be sure to get the necessary forms and details at your bank well in ad vance of your trip tht coureon u given fo hlp avoid pouibe en borrasunenf of tsorcfer points ay in day out for more than twenty years i he inur f ity limited has been providing regular dependable scrwet on it through main line route betweerf the grat industrial cicils of montreal loronto hamilton i on don windsor detroit chicago over the years the flow of trael between these bu and important centres trail for business a cat ion and pleasure travel has moved in growing volume on this popular international train it s the pleasant wjy to go places because a wide range of sleeping accommodations comfortable modern coaches lounge cars and dining ear serviec provide all the facilities to make sour journey enjoyable and it s the smooth fast way to go a perfect roadbed easy curves long straight a ways double trade all the way between montreal and chicago next time travel on the famous intercy limited vou ii ride well sleep well arrive refreshed pl wmrvum ir trte wv couitisy and siivici vthriher d botms or gotm platts j alt yam tout att utib catljiam smiouai you uji xprtmt ourttsy amj itr tat smbtmnational bailways airlines steamships hotels express telecbaphs j- i 1 r n

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