Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1948, p. 5

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thursday june 24 ims the acton free press paob jresuotml rev and mr charlton of erin 1 vbdtrd mrs j3 sopor on friday mu florence- sanden apnt thd wekend with friend in gshawa mr nnd mm nell mcdonald vu- lted with relntlves ih barrie this week mm certruiio dale of cobourg sullrkl lairt week with her aunt hrritro gmjurft at kanaka acton ontario rkv louts pickering mtnutef pa rson ago bower avenu mr b sopor ml doren symon of regina visited her nunt mrs jaa symon ver tho weknd mr j a mcgill of ottawa in upending n few days at the jvomo of mr jaa symon mr a b lyon of mater p la visiting this week with mr and mr g a dills and family mr john e duncan of sam j a arpent tho weekend with hia coua- ins mr and mr j c dannla mr and mrs r a gordon and nancy and john lantz toronto visited frionda here on sunday mra fred crevaon of woat fjnmboro i- holidaying with actoti friends n few days lhla week messrs warren wood and prod hill who have aptfnt the past ton months in australia returned homo during tho roast week mr emily wum o il yultedduring the weekjwlth m and xtr a m mciorson onof mr and mrs j c dennis mjtttt vlwla and alrfcda strange banrle and mr rct2elbbaid tor onto spent sunday with mr and mra nell modonnldj mr and mrs hnrry mnlnpnze who hnve been visiting the pant six weeks in western canada nnd at vancouver b c returned homo this week mr nnd mn joseph allan and mr and mra henry hllta muriel nnd helena of balllnafad spent sunday with mr and mrs russell tnjlor of toronto mr and mrs loch i e mckerstc motored to detroit on saturday to attend tho wedding of mr ken mckorsie the acton oouple re turned sunday evening sincere sympathy is extended to mrs ed cripps nnd fnmlly in the sudden passing nwiiy of hex dnufgh- ter mrs j g welch sadie nt colllngwood hospital on june 19 m1sms eleanor cook llmehouae jean lindsn and joyce smith of georgetown graduated from tho guelph geiwral hospital school of nurmng nt the annual graduation exorcises nt memorial hall oa c guelph on june 18th sunday june 27th 1048 1 1 00 am common worship 11 art r m the congregation of v the children or the church 12 15 pm church school m s- wlon 7 00 pro who evening service both morning and evening sor- vlcea conducted by tho mln the gordonfryer wedding last week in st albany church liter you airy welcome irbbutrla ojijuvitlj ttt kauaim knox cinmcit acton kiv x ml andonon ba mc a bay sunday june 27th 1948 1100 am morning sejrvloa 12 is pm sunday school and blblo ci evymine service withdrawn for anlvcrury at umchoujo they that wait upon th lord shall renew their atraneth sabtlbt fflbukjj aoton rot oikas b oowkb m0nlatt sunday june 27th 1048 loin n m fiurday school 1110 ajn mo lanjer jimlce raw rv i bible study at homo of mr and mr c o plank rock- wood mr w colea will b in charge of meeting 6t albana cdfjurclj anrflwn rjvtor iuv vv o luxtan ha sunday june 7th 1918 kltth sunday after trinity a x n m holy communion 10 00 a m sunday school dl is jti mornlnjr prayer and beginner s class 7 00 ip m evenlne prayer thla church welcome visitors j engagements j mr ami mis h g turner r r 2 acton w kh lo unnouncc the engagement of their second daugh ter belzji althea to refflnold bert ram grv4nu of mmtreul the marrlace to take plniv saturday jul 3rd the rnknui im nt is announced if vormn wuutui dnukhter or jklrst annie nnd the inte robert campb4ll formerly of pnlmenton to mr bertram herir torrance onl sonof mr and mr jamei tornmce of guelph the marriage to take place cm jul led at four ochuk in st andrews prebter- lan ctiurch t erus pollock and campbell manufaeturera of high grade memukials memok1al tngraving fa water st north galt telephone xu your eyes for better and more comfortable vision consult r m bell rkgistered optometiuht phone 22rl2 enn pale mauvo and yellow irla and bridal wreath decorated thw altar of st albans anglican church ajcmn on saturdav jun 12th at threethirty ociocjd for the pretty wedding of lola alberta daughter of mr and mra albert g fryer acton to alvey hnftkell aon of mr and ma harry gordon the uiv w g luxton officiated glvon in marriage by her fntlier the bride looked klyhy in a gown of slipper whlto aatln with a nylon yoke nnd a cawl neckline her embroidered full length veil wan caught to a sweetheart headreifl trimmed with myoamhfrvajldy and she carried a shower hhuquet of red rmea and houvardla she wore n tiny gold croaa the gift of the groom hor mnld of honor mlaa betty turner wore a gown of pale blue figured tnffetn ulth n aweetltdart hendilrets nnd matching mlttoni she cnrrled a bouquet of pink rofuht mtss iione frycsr and mra fern shutts vere their sisters brides- mnldn gowned in dreaaem of pale pink nnd yellow figured organza with matching hpadreases and mit tens they carried bouquets o pink nnd talisman rose with rib bons to match their gowns mr charles shultte was beat man nnd mr harold gordon and mr jack robertson wore usheu mrs frank oakes played tho wed- sangbyauedurlngth ipg acton ifigh school certificate and awards for xer contlnuedlrom pag ona f latin xh t french xvc t physlca c pjiyllfts llndwy ancient his tory f lntln f phyulca c geo metry t chemistry t stuifenta in tho uprper school pnsum middle school subjects as follows betty bnuer ancient nnd mwi- lnee history hi physic c derm brnldrr algobrn ii phy sics ii frnnces chew algebra ii phy- nlcvi iii donald mathews physics iii ilie following rtilcossful can didates jinve pnetsed in nil the aub- jpcta of tho mlddln school nnd are recommended fotr tho four opt ion secondary schojol graduat ion diploma including both french nnd ijitln mlldrwl arnvitrong betty bnu er murlnl bin nw bcrthn fngles tune wntklns the following successful candi dates aro- recommended for tho three option secondary school graduation diploma denn braldn france chew enrh of tho nhove students have completed uip middle scliool cour- no nnd nrc eligible to take all tholr subjects in tne upiper school next year each of the remaining stu dents of grnde xii nre urgttl to take nji many of the upper school ftu of the regis tor the neoeptlon was held in the brides homo after uie ceremony with tho brides mother receiving in a figured blue jersey with navy neceeorlea and a corsage of pink roas mn gordan assisted wear- ing a gown of prlrued win jersey with black accessories and a cor sage of hlbbard rosea the young couple loft for their wedding trip through the states to sault ste marie after tho recep tion the bride wearing a street length sown of pale blue aheci with n gray iplcture hnt trimmed with blue and whlto accessories on their return they will reside in acton the bride i gift to her attend ants were two strands of fpearls nnd tho best man and ushers re ceived tie pin and clip seta guests were present from guel ph hamilton roekwood glen wlllinm- and toronto uilngenr whllgkfhoytire rpixv pfettng the middle school course for commendable work durfrug the school year 1017h prizes nre trophies are nwnrdod to success ful candidates ns follows the lakeside chapter i ojd e nwnrd to the boy nnd glil who hnd tho beat nil around record through th ichool yevir ns determined ny the student vote wns won by june wntklns for the girls nnd bv tohn ban for tho hoys tho prlz li n ring donated nnnunlly by tho chivjiier to each winner thpjl fouourflyr students have neither a floyd smith jeweler watches clocks jewelerv 75 quebec street west guelph ont vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 for the best in dry cleaning gospel meeting town hall sunjune 24th 730 pm vo coijjxtion a cordial invitation lo all xl snt not ills son into the world to cinimn hi rl1 hut tlmt the world throu him miuht tw saved john 3 ii cs 2 of couna you tnmmit to puy ait fha eylht u ooaoaracd hmt you cant always be pf ta a now place your truat ta ma bacause we are ofhomctrucs otsaay years experience we recommaad and fit canadas foremost cuaaaa corectal the leases for aaarlmiim eye comfort cecil a carr sva optical s dougtu st tel 191 guelph onl corectal lenses be thrifty we now have available oil storage tanks in 200 300 500 and 1000 gml capacity wc sukrest that ubers of oil burning equipment install the larcer tanks and take in a supply of fuel oil during the summer when it lb plentiful prompt and efficient instillation call s2r22 acton roys electric service been inte nor nbscnt throughout the yoni for this fine record of nttendnnee nnd pun ctuality they will each receive from the lakeside chnpter a special prize of 2 00 nnd a certif icate the winners this year are grndo lxa carolyn oakes ir- ne nelle helen moore betty law- son grade ixb lorene roszel hel en somnrvllle donnld perkins gindo x ino braldn ginde xii mildred armstrong grnde xiii denn braldn betty bnuei ronnld hemslej john bnrr the winners of each of the fol lowing trophies for the venr 19-17- ih will hnve their names iruscribod on a plaque which is attached to each shield they will nlso re ceive a certificate commemorntlnr the nwnnd the a t brown troph for grnde ix academic prlflclency is uwnrded to lois hunter the wm cooper trophy for proficiency in grnde x wm won b freidn harris nnd fred eurlng- er w ho hnd equivalent sjtnndlng for first plnci the h h innton troph for middle school general proflclnc wns won by june wntklns the dr cullcn trophy for pro ffclenc in middle school science was awarded to june wntklns the dr buchanan trophy for proficiency in middle school lang unges is awarded to muriel burns the dr mcnlven trophy for proficiency in middle school eng lish wns won by june wntklns the f s blow trophy for pro- fkienc in middle schoj emalics is awnrtled t mlldrexf armstrong the dr f g oakis trophy for proficiency in middle school hls- tor wns won by june wntklns the st hnlarshlp 2 00 donat ed b t he duke nt lutsyvihire chapter iode to the vihtent w ho attains the highest itnndmg in the t pjjmi school will be an il mm i d when the results axe knuwn i he iikesble chapter iodf si tiolnrship of sj5 ix awanhsj t the studtnt who cnmpli tes in one t sr tin course in grnde xti ulth the hlgtiest nindormt standing nnd w ho iontinuet t ippr s hooj wa- won tlil- t ir b time wa- kins once mire we wish to thank the i ltit ns ind organizations in al- t m for the nwiny generous gifm f trophies scholarshliw prizes tnd aw a rda ax an incen the t a the finest effort they hae prov en their true value and our -ttud- ens ire sincerely grateful to each ind all for thm a pleasant holi day for ill btudents ballinafad cnngiiitulntlonn to mlsn joyce smith and mhh elennor cook who gtnduated at the g honpltnl guelph on friday there wan no service hiyrr- on sunday an it was anniversary sun day nt white church caledon a presentation wih held in tho hnll mi friday night for mr and mm will mclean who were mnr- rlwl lecently mr john cole act ing a chairman mrs r b kirk- wood read an nddresa- mr greyi- fell and grant wright a d mc- enery r b klrkwopd prosented uiem with two chnlrh nnd a tnbh nnd several other parcels tho samo night mr nnd mrs john mc lean nnd jenn who have moved to acton won preoentcd with a floor lamp nnd to joan a droaer set mr norman mclean roaj the address mr h bnaa and el liott mcdowell presented the glfft mr mclean miss joan nnd mr nnd mrs will mclenn nil mado i fitting replies clearing i auction sale farm htock impijcmknti fljrnmjrk kto lhe undersigned hnve received inutructtonji from john kmsmk to sell by public au tlon nt his farm 1500 ft l of stop light n of bronte on queen lffinboth hlgh- wny on wkunkhiav jijnk 80th t the following avuixjck clyde gelding about hum lbs brown geldlnfi about 1 too lbs both good work ers holsteln cow fresh 10 days durham cow milking not bred i idfcr calf 15 hens hs 115 chicks h r 1 ynonths old pajtm nnd gardln impli men is case lrnctnr 10 jo crow motoi on steel tract oi doublo disc lint lor 2furrow plow set or harrows 1i plate outthrow disc m h ft crnln binder m ii vi rt mower oil hnth md seed drill li disc mh dump knke brooder stove rubbor ilred wagon with i int rack sot f harrows i section set of drag harrows odd cojinrn coekshutt walking plow new outside pipes for cutting box chicken hoppers and feeders set of backhand harness quantity of scrap i orks 1 iocs shovels chains etc 1 urnlluri- lleetrlc range- tte 2 mall secretaries phlho hadlo recently overhauled stand ard sewing machine in al shape 2 kitchen stoves quebec henter chest of drawers extra nice lln- ish wooden bed walnut finish springs morshnll mattrcas dress er to mntch poster bed springs nnd mattress nenrly new steel bed sprlng and mnttress dresser vnnity tnble bench nnd chair to mntch oak bedroom suite morris chair solid walnut bed sprinrs mnttresv axmlnster rug 9 x 12 mnhogany pedestal ladles dress ing i able fumed oak chiffonier to mntch odd rockers several small tables floor lamps ma- hognny arm chair night fables hand painted prnys 2 large conches hound quarter cut onk table sideboard to match 8 day c lock spider footstool hall iree wine decanters drop lenf i nhle small kitchen 1 nhte and r chairs kitchen tnble nnti 3 chairs boiler hadlo table med icine cabinet dinner set not complete sprayer odd dlahea seniors quantity or tile and other numerous household effects terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve ns the farm is sold and the proprietor is giving up jkissesslon immediately after the hnlc hindley ellioit 3 auctioneers rnbt r hamilton optometrist jti whjhr at dr g a sirrs ofrice tuesday juiy isth complete eyetuqilt heuvice dominion day celebration orangeville harness races july 1st 1948 no i 1 year old trot 2 28 trotters eligible purse 500 no 2 1 year old pnce 2 28 pncers eligible purse 500 no a 2 24 pnce with trotters allowed 5 sec purse 500 no 4 preefornll purse 800 three heut ilnn evpry ileal a race 4 knceoshcttlng privilege allowed prlzm 236000 starting jate will be used dancing jane 30 in the main hall come and join the crowdn the night before the races admission to the races adults 75c including tax children free albert clowes pres walker montgomery vicepres lee cooney secretary f c maxwell treas b stobv ovri kkscakcii being filmed sdentlsta from britains mftila i tr of supply are cooperating to ensure authentic backgrounds for the small back rolm a atory of research during the war thous ands of pounds worth of govern ment equipment have been loaned and here david farrar has been specially coached in the art of dis mantling boobytrap bombs ib acton community swimming pool campaign opens july sth 1 948 x invest in acton youth safe swimming for all

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