Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1948, p. 1

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i seventythird year no 51 acton ontario thursday june 24th 104h eikh homeprint pages five cents acton high school certificates and awards for year standing tmkwi by pupttfl of varioui grsdcfl and the ftroficiefricy award tfc lnrar rdhaol a subject in brackets indicate that a student has not obtained pass standing in that subject and mut paw in it later in order to complete the requirements or the department of education for a certificate promoted from grade ix to grade xt honours lois hunter 81 joyce chester 79 lorene tros- xph 77 irene nelle 7fi ron ald crwpc 75 pas ina harding go joy romph62 helen novak gg sheiln orourke 65 betty allan 65 oorolyn oakes g5 david staddon fil tod tyler 59 john war- 51v liln rtihvesrssntstl- gtce ronna pnpillon 58 scl- wu f htatory mathematics bmy klrknes 57 science allnn e3- lerby 57 history science jac queline wntkin 5t0 science lylo marchmcnt art 5fi jane elliott fifii science donna pap- plllon 55 science douglas vlc- kerx 55 tames greer 55 sci ence doris thompson 54 brit ten history helen moore 54 geography anne olson 53 ge- ographv rnymer webater 52 geortnph i marlon porte 51 geographv science dons thom pson has passed in grade x french and in grade x mathematics promoted from grade x of the lower school lo grnde xt of the miririk school in order of merit honours fred euringcr and frieda hai rls hnve eouivatjnt stnnding 1eno tlrnldn pass doroth mcdonald een cole donnn anderson lean armstrong donald dnvickon lat in lovee greer jdick wood boh bruce mathematics johnnne vol dhuu ilntln french annie leiirh canadian hlstorv sc iron fnns canndinn idsiorv iatin the follow ing students hnv iwin successful m passing in e- er suhji rt to the end of the sic ond nr of the high school four- m nnd nn n rommi nded for the louir school int cirllflcnti donnn anderson lean am strong i e no brnidn pntrlcn chiw doro n col fied fining r love greer frieda harris dorothv mcdonald dick ood the muldlr vuhool the ulntlvc standing of tbe students in grade xi is indicated b tin onli r of names 1 in stand ing of tin mudtnt in i m h subject which si i uid hnvi bttn token during tin m ir fir complete dlp- loma niuirt mt nts k indn ited is follow 1 nprtsnts f rst c lit s honours with s or mon ii is si t ond c is ho uuis fn m tif 1 iii is thud i lavs honours fro n fm r i is ss st indlng from r u r n he ites th it tin stmh lit mis n t pii ti m the suhii t nnd i i id it s that th studint m isr ink th sub t to lompleli t i pl nini tpnu in ns f i c i u i kii i- id 11 tnjjisji iii nc 1 nt hist r i timetr 1 iitm ii irrn h ii chtnnsiix 111 fluid i lb tun 1 ncli h l ami nt hist r c gotmti i i it in i i in ii hi mist i hd muim b it n il nij sh iii an ent iiistor iii uonit iii lit in c v i m h c l ik m mn t ijrram mullm iiiikllsh iii atuiiiit histcr iii cionietrv ii litin f frem h i htmistr 1- oli muss 11 rtitflkh ii an u nt ii s r iii itonnti c 1 at in f 1miuh c on mist r hi mar mow at t nllsh f vn cunt histor c iurndn c ljit in f fiiuh f chi mist r f patiuin chi w itnlish c an ient iuiii c unuir t int in c tttmh c on mist r f milthurni plow itnjhsh c an dint lbstir gttmutr iii ljit in f finuh f i h mltr i i hi r suits i th ntudtnts of rade ii are di ui tn a sim larmannerx june u kins ilnhsh ii vn iltnt htmoi i vijrri i t i iitin ii frtmh iii phxmis iii mum i hums fnjish ii n citnt hnt r i a1 t in i litin i frim h ii ph is c mildrvil rnistn nt ibdlisl c anmnl huton i alcthri i ijitln ni frt nch iii misus i1h bert ha inu s c r nhsh c an dent historv iii a1r hi i ijitin c french c phvilcs ii james spieuoffil cfnush c ancient lllstor ii aluebra ii latin c french f phucs iii jamw dill enauah c ancient hktory hi alora c latin xi continued on pajie fte girl guides hold dosing concert handicraft display l seven second claw gulden and 1 three tenderfeet were awarded badren by mr t e robinson district commissioner for girl i guide at a closing contest and ullbplay of handicraft held in the i sunday school room of the united church last week by the 1st acton company mrs e c reed pro vincial commissioner for lone 1 guides a ruest speaker described l the work done amongst glri gulden who live in isolated districts too far separated for the formation of conventional companies with adele chew ns chairman the program was as foil own solo the wind pegy oakes brown ie recruit recitation hayloft owtle ena jennings piano sola swans on the lake joan hodge first aid demonstration of arm sling angle bandage rochelle henderson lane elliott fainting f daw kin jane elliott nnd rochelu hemlrcon 2nd cbux- guide how to eto a nose smith- and fay dawkins solo mnxlne gamble chorus 1st acton company girl cuides song of gondoliers piano solo lightly row joan hodge piano duett bright as a button adele chew barbara joan bax ter stn iking game by brownie rtcruits piano solo merry winds of spring time maxine gamble piano duelt fnlr bell barbara joan bnter adele chew en rollment ceromon nnd presenta tion of badges hy mrs e robin son guest spenker mrs e c ri ed pc lone guides thank mm mite b captain acton com- pnn miss linda stewart nat ional anthem nccompnnied h lane elliott aftt r tin program the at in hides 4red lunch w hlch had in i n pn pared b the guide thi rs nnd th iocnl asclat ion scyut brow nit and cubs acton wins two games to go to league top win from georjretown satur day in wicrd game of 1112 lam night they took mil- urn 63 right on the home diamond in milton oakville come saturday and milton here july lt j atton intcrmedlntcb playing one of the merdeit most bizarre spec- i tncles tlity hnve hitherto figured in mirnculoualy salvaged last sat- 1 urday s game from georgetown nt i the exjvense of everyones sense of humour shading the papermnk er s 1312 in georgetown park took nine innings of excewlve batting frequent mkcueb and then n mns- terful last frame of hurling artlst- i o hy sam snyder the people s cheiee before georgetown fans ho for acon iilood conceded defeat with its tears of remorse outing ttn runs in the first i t idoum jllfp ful nwn for acton but georgetown i taking advantage of the locnls ten- di nt to lioot the ball nil over ik field inme to uithin nn ace of t- ing the game up wlun the bot tom half of the ninth rolled nround alton jiad let their margin dwin dle until thv had onlv one run on which to base their hopes that s where snvder came in hi w hifft d t he last t hree hat i ers t o face him in orderly fashion thus assuring nnot her virtnrj for t in now firtmnn snyder i three hill men for paprrmrn knicking firtexn safeltej from thiee ihirgitovn twirlers namtl spmce brdon and hernnjtnn liurling in thnt position the tiijilt a club had little trouble ringing j grenke the milton nomination for moifnd duties delivered the route he kept the hntehen bnt- tcned dow n until the sixth when acton exploded for four lilli nnd two runi from here in there was no doubt of till outcome the coupty town tenm mnde a bid for runq in tht bottom half of the cth with two men out hut snyder plug ged the gap with elusive slants that whirfed mnrshnll the last bat ter during the sixth snyder boarded on a single nnd wns hit on the head by a ball meant to cntch him un awares it was n nnnty wnllop nnd snm required a runner however hi n spondtd to duty resuming mound chores ns if nothing lind oc currcd hitting wns generally heavy nnd outlnthc garden fielders rplnyed aton band in competition sat at waterloo event- deep mnsnlerof acton slnmmed a triple nlong with stover of mil- sal ui day will be a big day far ac ton boy s nnd girls band i hey will ngaln compete in the music ftstlvnl at waterloo and all tltlzeni and friends wish for them n repetition of the iucce they attained lnst yenr when they won first place the band has loit sev eral of last yinrs players but tliov are out to do their best qgaln nnd havi been rehearsing diligently for some time mr cliarlns mason will be the conductor s hnndi will c ompele in thin i lass on sat urday nnd the content is scheduled to take place between 11 and 10 10 a m bnnda compet ing are acton wadding school hamilton guelph lunlor band ingersnll s men s band dundas- junlop j3and nnd imdon police i boys bnnd it wilt he noted that 1 1n hand from acton k the small- list town in ihe group most of un hands are from the cities ihe con- k ch kitchenei i interest in this sic i ion nlso cc n- six frit pnsms is dominion da ilabi vttractions vet on next week rhnsi who recall tin dominion dn cilehrntlons for which acton was one i famous and man new comers will welcome the ctlebrnt iin plinmd for acton on july 1st 1 acton rotary club the day l is a full program for morning afternoon and naming and will un dubtedl rtroe nn attraction for n wide district it is er probn hit thit tht rotary fair of this eir will hi thi fortrunntr of in innu tl mnt ft r acton in a park th it js tun r thi fimst and will liktta next i ir ha t another im- 1 it mt nt nut if it ri in the su im niinj pool lie mining ioram will in ml i liildn n s i icis and softhull j iiu s mil n thi nfternoon tht s ttill i nnl- and a li iju ann will h f ituml iton hs an i 1 li hid v ill gi a j rorani mill n mil all d in in tin i n i k i ml 1 ite ilinnun i mid v i w i ill s its f janu s ami inn will 1m in pt rat on and tin in is w ill 1 1 a if min in tlu i itk 1 iv i n w ah tht ih tv n nn s ou stt i id half i di t n iu h up it talla mm d b this trio aldt d actons inusi ns will the biggest inning was the thiid when the smashe i four hits and bagged two frit till foi five tuns fiom long and iank mti ran of hns hall war hill brxdnn ftiorgt towns fcirtt was in th clon infp id tirol s on 1st bast and wild thiows from infli id mutts inablcd the pnptrmaktrs to stead il inc n asi their i ount twch e hinglts win notchtd from snder as tin st oni in ewry frame with ixitptions of the first and last iorne masters dutle ljndsv and mil tot din fori id the issue nt tin pi ui foi atton all thrth bat- liel our too wilson pacwl the lit mt club with t in 1 1 sifttus out f five ti ips it was a listless g inn intcrt- t higgtd as initssnnt nuns onst mt hitting mtl awkward has mnnlng in i unit nurt tsingu t tilt nt is tht game progrt ssiii appaientlv whini a tt mi plivs with ittoigttown it i- ine vitatde a high sn n w ill b tin it suit hunt s i it i nn tt n on tht si i f i il homesters in the latter t m icitt i s w is tht onlv si intt r cap illt of st nning tht locals in thi i n i s hut in s just i kid an 1 would 1m nn it in his ttinpanv il it i 1 i i ju t nilt ih h rt tilt w is in vmiil fit in it 1 im i fint trport unitv oo itll it n if t id frit mis ti m ti and r t u u th mu tl u ithi i i ji il iniiilui li njo tht il iv t t n 1 it k nt t i i u 1 i tht hi i 1 lin i f wl ih tl fust tinii 1 1 11 u o nt i tt n iitt t p h i i r u i- i h i c haj 1m i p p if lin vl 11 dillon if nil i hcirmm n i a riuhit uth j n c h dominion dm mrijek lriujetion for next week seiner ikinilnion uu thi rar falls on thursiuijr th puhllotlon of u frtv press for nett wrb ha brrti mil vanrrl one tli lour hom town pa4ur will br iboird on rdnrcday nnt urfk to nw4t thto rarller iu vt will require all oopj earl ler merchant will iuaut iiiaferiully hv untlins in their uilertie4uent by t nihtn if illujumatiuiim xr uu0 or nial are u im ci we imikt huv these hy st u nl i munduv aftrnsimiii wilt he the deatllitu for dis play tuhrrtitaiik and only the eop fur unujl adcrtj4itrnt reie4l by tueiolay ajter noon can be uwhl orrrii4wumuls and otbrr umlinx ui item will plrase mail to rrarh us on macula the help of all in this earlier publication day for next wwu will ka appreciated tt i lloum l vil in ittin tttn it mlstlls 1 il miwlu hi i until t j watt thou kotnnstm if i mpiri s hitfmau wiittr lindsjiy c morton lo jh m jor snvder i milton uil iuik t tl h in l iumis h t hist nlhl t on intel mt di it s hi t its t um fut nim 1 4k- hits th nnipt s11 tht lot ik l t hoi imini 1 w i r pi in t tl 1 oth t luhs t i i t tin i rt in i a t i with is sh n is tssihlt iml muii inn nin wen t ni n ttd in lss twn two in urs it w is l f urth sti ii t u s iv r m iton whili tttui n t trdisi it i tt r third lotwcutivt inu with ui i us i i l ikjui hinj i t i hits mi sin it i i irrvnix t iuik hurling t h t t ton kt pt tlnni vvtll matter 1 i in k f iltt r ng n p ui ii was t t big stumbling h ex k for vdton w ho tout hid him in the twit torn half of tin first more often than thtv did in any othir frame off thrte hits they rang up two runs garnering their only other count h irtue of two errors chalked up to the triple a hortstof snyder has won four games and lost only one in five irtarts htls term i nnd blinco smashed doubles first inning acton went down in order masten morton nnd ma uiles clcmcnu singled rusk filed out to centn with clements going to second stan fay clouted a safe- t pushing cleminta to third sto- mr smashed a long triple scoring two runners hut wns ruled out for fulling to touch second second inning lindsay swung nut while footltt r long drive wu gathered nt centre j wnterhouse knocked n safe preceding c jor- dnn s hngthv blow thnt clements hohhlt d waterliousi nice d home robinson ipopptd to second mnt shall pnppid to first dri nko siiiklid and untlud sit ond on ml- iinsun s safctv clements ground hull t nalile d masters to catch mel- anson at tin kivstone rusks long diive was puhd in nt left field ijiird inning snvdir walked followed hv masttrs mortons scratch pustitd both runners up n bast hut hi nnl out owen mns- ales bashiel n long tllple past bli- iiin storing two runs but wns tng- gi d attempting home undsny sing- hd and fool it t pojijn d to ienk bii and stovf r hit two hard line drlvi s thnt wen snugged nt 1st and third blinco walked but r bi iisli giounded to snvder fourth inning wnterhoust hit hut was tnmd at second on gib jordan s choiet robinson whiffed and smelt i s drive was snagged nt thi id bnst marshall and re nki went out at firs mtlnmon clouted a dou- hli c h mi nts walked only to have rusk s u p f hall ipullt d in 1 v oott it at rt nil t i ifth inniru masti rs and mor t ui and th n masilts wint down in i icli i st in i i j i 1 tl m n safety was ftitid out nl s v ncl wjun stovers roun i dun w is pulled m h mor ton lihin swung out it brush wnii t f i st in masxih s wild hinve and stovti t i m 1 t nn for milton m isihs i tid in thtr ff marsh all ind hi ush wttit to unrd foot ltt sn 1 d en nki s fly for the ird tut s t i inning 1 imlsav slammed i d uhlt rtktltt ami j water- 1 us w t t d wn ith tjni out e n udnn sinji 1 tt jijht hunk nj fn ih atlloi k ils i imlsjiv uimi i nn i i bltw n hit so did sny tl i ni lui w illtd home on snv eli i s bmjjt musttrs jopptd h s 1 1 mhte n wim down in t rde r mil u n c it nn nts and uiek vt nth inning mt rtun board ctl is thi rtsult of rusks over ilfnw masalts long drive was i uikht hv bhntx ijndsav kpxd lo tlurd foot tt i ounci a double pushing mnwilib ovtq- fur no wnterhoust re undid ti hort y a and siovir wint down bhiuo hit a safitv a i lose diils- lon on fust wmi to brush hut sny dr whlffid marshall b if i sn i at tt n t mi ton 1 i n it 1 m t i i tl i t n 1 1 in m t n li it n s r 1 yisk ss s i- i lo m v- f bhnco if k hi usfi t marshall h nnke p mt i in son 3b cton masttrb lb morton lb mnsales ss i intlsnv c footltt tf j ati rhiiusi jb fe jordan if rtihinstm rf inytitr i oliiujn institote entertain it ranch of naksacaweya dublin women s institute enter- tnined nnssngaweyn inst 1 tube at the home of mm n anderwwi for their regular meeting the iroll call wan answered with my dress tc onomy mrs w watklnn re ported n very successful booth had been held nt dodd s nnle plans were completed for the booth nt lowvllle mrs o tlobcrtfmvt welcomed the guests nnd asked mrs elliott pres ident of nnrsngaweyn to take the ehalr ihe following program wan givtn community slnrsong rend ing mrs m moffat duet mrs plckelt and mrs ethomafi radio iil7 whleh was won hy mrs pnri- hury a paper by mm ttobcruon reading bv mrs flllolt slngaong iln nassagnweya kitchen orcheel- ja rendered two or three numbers i his part of the program wns riot ed bv singing co1 be with ou tilt we meet ngain mrs rob- citson gave a verv hearty vote of thanks for tbe splendid progrnm lunch wns served nnd a socinl al- terrioou enjnyed re hciti tije ioi in scots liiind of eorgetown who hnvc had succt in tompelltion for many yenns ibis class w illllommence nt 2 15 pin and five bands are entered bmntford band cnr bnnd ot si rat fend a ixnuton band nnd an oilier from windsor it will ih i notd here that all the bnnels com- l t mg with t he lorne si ol s ar fiom the cities of ontario and th i ompilllion is stiff hnlton will l watching its hands on saturn i nnd ihe hf st wishes for sineiss foi t low thim in their onipe tition j liiun hold w parade and a srrvior in park all valves in new subdivision are lo be tested other item at tiknftyfl met intt of uuhtiea cemmbwi6n tlie regular meeting of acton fuhllc utilities was held on tu- day evening reeve f j mccut- chwin nnd commlklnne j r mac- arthur being present mr ted tyler wan present on behalf of the rotary club request ing light be supplied for the rot ary fair in the park july 1st commission promised tlwlr coop eration permission was granted to mr stnddon to remove n elend tr from t hi spring property which is endangering the power llnea waterworks superintendent j ijimhert wns instructed to test nil shutoffs in the wnrtlme hous ing suivev nnd tv report on the ones thnt nre damaged he alto renoried that one ssryicy wns lenk- ii i t till 1 it 1 hi ua iiaito txhvty int hahebaul htanilg acton 6 4 2 0 gcg oakville 6 4 2 0 g6c milton 7 3 4 0 429 geonrtdown g 1 5 1 200 auhoita wedding op interest to maw riuends in acton auioia nspel chin th w is etc oi tit el with white lnltiit woik en iwlmd with pink and him gudin flowers for the marrlagt on sun id iv tutu joth of hael i 11alv th tumor daiikhtf i of mr and mrs otto i minor am orn to robe rt janus swttt son of mr and mis milton swett oshawa i he dou ble mg ceiemonv was mrfomn i liv he v i nnnid l coiiptnnd niwmaikit assisled hv rev a w hm head ouinwa ivii in marriagi by hn father hit hrldt won a fitted gnrdt ma at in gow n w ith m t ke tw rui i t til in i and lilv ikiint sit eve s i in full skill w th a bustle t te nded it to a tain and hit flngt rlp veil tif tu iii illusion wius caught to a halo of shhitd rut dimmed with stid ptafls sin cairud a as i idi of rost s and white swnlnsona mis lemard manning klmw i mil roil of honor won a sh 11 pink mat uim fit k n and i arrl d hi in r hff rost s bi i nn t onnor i ind lolxitn t onnor sistus of th hiiilt wiit hi di smnids unwind in i it blui lairvmg tokt n and ro in him ros s i in nltt ndants won i m trv quit n of st ots hi atklress i nth m inning as flowtr irl wore i full it ngt h gow n t f pink point i i sj i i it and i urnd in old fash i in i hum n i in hi idi motht r n i t d in duskv i osi with m it i i int ioisukt i ik gi ooni s motht r w i i o wit i hint with h irmon nj b iktii 1 nticirara i la- i purrluimmi land for krrrration fronnd sj m n itnii of n ivsigi w i 1 w ns i nunc il wa held i i it i un il h inihi r on mon d iv iti tin ni nibi rs nil prt s nt ind mr v m ansi kli in hi hmr lr rintst ihtdt was pitscnt t ilisiuvs with council the trans ir of a jtition of his farm to th low lis r i t hi usi d n a rt i re a 1 1 n founds afti r cni eful con si t tan n tht follnvung isolutwn v is j issttl i 1 i it th s c um 1 puri i as fi m 1 um dndgt approxinuttilv ies 1 mil at i cost of 1 00 f t i i ui t s of i rt it ing a rt t t ifniiil i r unds hu township t r vi i mt n ds of wire fi nt i tl iiiissu josts to iartlullv i is sarin 1 u tinj f w il t n i a w is lis uvstsl ind i n soiutl n w is i i nj i nj mr ro w oods r un w i is on i in 1 ow nshii iii i i r it of s- o pi r hour i i first t ultiig to vnm m c as ii n as i ssihb undi r tin siipt ismn of tlu wild iisfmttor i in epii stmn of s llmg tin lown ship stom crusher wns discuss d hut council felt it was not advis able at the eprewnt time after a general dlucusiilon of matters pertaining to the town ship council adjourned to meat again ai per previous adjournment i on monday july 5th at 8 pjn i 1 hi re was a good turnout nl the mngnn arta parade and service arranged hv aetnn branc rrnf th canndinn legion last sunday af ternoon in the park the pnrnde wns hi nth i bv aetnn boys nnd eiils bnnd and iiad in the llneup tin stanelard iienrers of the var ious m gnnitit ion ihe members of acton legion and a inrge group of vis ling i ionnnlre s the bugle band of im t c r flit i gion and at ton c libs and brownies i n parade was hv wa ef bower av inn mill and main streets and kno avenue to thi paik it apt rev john m anderson m and bar wns ihaiiman for th sitviit in th park and he was assist d hv hi v w luxton i in sm ike r feu lb dav was ii majeu ite v h bnlhngermbb of iiiilpli a former nctur of st albans chun h ae ton mr bril lingei gavi i jdi ndld lrldrcss on hi in ntaj of the biitish tin pit t and the fatherhood of god and the hrotheihood of man the band le d in the singing of th hvinns mil tindt r bandmaster c m i so n mippi e d siveial muminl nunibers h kiim marks hom in one at i ttkn kieu i ing there ihe phone hns been installed in ttn tim 4 ib i sup nntende nt i the liht of arrears wns checked i nnd instructions issued for their i i olh e lion i ik following accounts were passed for pnvmint hydro department bell teh phone strvhes s 12 ofi hfpc peiwi i 5544 23 iorc iledru siii s 0 90 hlghwnv fnrage gas i or n io snap on pools supplies 0 00 n the llntmip jn it tilrtru supp xi 04 line vv cable suppln s u 21 f pn s a i ran rml 7 17 mis if palmer 12 00 5g7j6fl uttirunrlo department i mpini ilrnsf 1182 drumnffind met all fifn 180 british ami man oil co 51 0o wm bracken 15 01 103 51 prizewinners at ruth nelson mirsion rani picnic k i ih mi his hi n improv ig his l ilf slnt i he has re tirexl nun h inking aetuitv in acton ist siturdiv hi pi oved that tin iittitt piv off uid jtirnd bat c lusiw gioiup of kolf is who iik i hf i in i n witnesses ii us it was on tn thud hole it ik t uttt n h n ids in ill lph whi r i 1 i id th umminl snt vcion oak illt ju i ia- hom- iainr salurda in i luvnil 1 iin fixture list s u uid iv lohnnv v s h s rt a i h ti itw i stun inin bud corh it ikv lib nun in i hal ton i untv i i ikue jmiiii l u i lavi d 1 i ads up ha 1 il nn t tin hikhtv toutid iikc hiiikii i tub i he puhir job mo wit i itiht d air tikht hall all iw n nlv aft ti s till l in last i ill f ih ninth with atton it ml iik r lad luck then smiled on oik lh with thrttvsrmtrh hits ind iw acton infnld errors whin thi sinoki tleaied oaks had four un a meet tuns and lh game ly i il was un exct ptionally well i livid kliin and kect the spec tit rs in the edge of thtir seats t t m snappid out of tin r twit i iik slump with 1 1 solid blpwi jutstandlnc wni zjijnc with thr i f r iivt and bi b bruu with i tn it against i hi right fn id fence i nsl v ullecttd a two fur four kenimr and mowat with thi sam ivirik inld one for two blow iu f r four art ixciiunt t xamp- h s mom at had 11 fcrrtkcouth ik ill pile hers wt re no puzh is then starting hurler was sin i itl off hit miund n th fifth in mnk i in si g im s an worth a look ind the acton lads will make it mti itsting for nil comers junior 1nwson s split finger is healing nvpidly and he will be able to take hl turn throwing tjiuh but did a good job vocally on the lit bate coaching line at oakville puth nelson mission bnnd held tin ir inmml ipirnlc on thursday iiim 17th it wns lield on th ehureh inwn the winners of the i n e s are lh following r and under keith mainprise paul menrhie h and 7 yiais diane balrd in nt tiordon h 0and 10 years bobble brown btty mae lambert 11 tnrs and over david cullcn it an onklev clothes pin hnc e david cullen kicking shoe race bobbie brown marv maddox i hue le gli d rai-e- arl ne gor don bi ttv mat inmb rt win i banow rjit e bobby bi iwn jam s ulle n i i lav r ice s aptaln mauroa k ni e id dav id c ullt n kit king shot itaci for mothers mrs m iinib rt numi ups hit mrs paulino smnn coining evrnt- v i i m i t i i ri 1- if rr i c i i r w th j it i im ni ill fiiirr t t j a new brunwwlck m j p dbv covered a report be had jiut read to the house was last years i impaign ft r funds for acton immunity swimming pool open lulv r kn i ongn gutional picnic if to im held on saturday july 10u phh at lwille park 1 hi monthly pn school immun- iition clinic will be held at th lown hall fildav july 2 2 to 4 p in ikimlnlem day sports in acton lulv 1st morning to night dir ection acton rotary club plan now for july lt in acton llu wa wll hold a strawberry supper in ballinafad hall tues day june 20th a good supper and program supper at 7 30 clock admission 50c and 25c barn dance at claude picketts farm sewenth lire 1 mll mrt h of i lorn by tuesday june 20th modernalret orchestra- ad mission 50c btl band con tew instrumental con tent fireworks at wat moo park waterloo ontario on saturday june 26 th com and brinjf your family one admuujon chart tor all day and evenlnjr speoiaeulstir musical tattoo ui vnln with 4e to so bands and firt rlrworka spectacle

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