page six the acton fbee prfess thunsdxy january 30th 1mt die man i grudge no man his form ot pray or i quarrel not with any crrj this world has room enough to spar for nil the roads that upwnrtl lead a kindly hnrt in always fair no matter whal l caste or hroel who plays the friend from day to day who sometime put himself aalde to smooth another troubled way who acorn tho oifogairce pf pride however he may rhoojte o tay irrtbure wh never be denied for man must live his life on earth whorr hallo hnd sin and wrong abound 31 here the aoul mukt prove it worth tt here the fetrencth of it u found and he has jutrnerhl birth who plant one roue on barifen- ground the teat l i h kind arid trub toablg to play the brute or cheat in all ho doe and trio to do i he a man man like to meat if up i say when life 1 through he noednot fmr tho jutltcmnt wmt guest recolpctions of acton 3akt89 fvom the iuu ftf the fw lr u of trfcordvy january 2mhmft7 the first session of the new couhty councjlofi8078wiuheld llton on tuesday those who were declared duly elected were d i v 1 1 enry robinson- george andrew i dlv 2 w g pcttit mr fisher dlv 3 dr webster d hutcheon david hutchofln of nassaeawoyn wns elected warden for the yoar the board of trustees of the pub- lie school met on wednesday even ing for organization mr geo hyntu was elecledchalrmflnror the third time the return hockey match between acton and georgetown was played her saturday afternoon the score wu 8 goals for acton and one for georgetown the lineup -for- acton was goal lawrence williams point a smith cover point t mcphall farfipdb v t g frnnlf mtp- tosh fred ryder ii sinclair halt on agricultural society held its nnnunl meeting on wednesday the spring fair will be held on thursday 22 april and the fall show on thurs- diy nnd friday october 7 nnd8 the treasurer rend his report which showed a deficiency of 520 considering thelnss in the burning of the old hall thetiitement was not had tlte erin advooatq- last week cnt- cred on the 6th year of its existence the buslnesssectlon of shelbourno was almost all wiped out by are this morning january 26 0ie entire plant of the shelbourne ffoc press was destroyed toronto is the intent point for gold f t do county assessor outlines jmew system of acfiiissment all type of buildings using all types tit riintorlals this range of qpt 1 the result of an extensive survey and uustfd on avorage 1040 cost for ituwir and material throughout on- itnrlo rhd county aaseaaor must wjm- v th growing inlet in the now puo nnd supply each local atecor jiystembf prverty nsseutninntln hal- with nrt aasoaarnent manual in ton county u evidenced by tho in- hhlton this manual will contain- a creasing number of enquiries ir order ncdaot building coats a before mon- thnt hll proerly owner may hav honed a description of the different an opportunity to undelratatid wbatjs clobe of form laha groifped from the being donel am promptoh lo take this foiowing type means lo outline briefly the method i land suited for tho cultivation and of procedure in setting up the perm- growing of general farm crop mnnent record system of aasessmohtk land suited for permanent pasture and to mention some of the more out- bundlng factor which i will influence vfilues it wjem noeettsury to refer to the method previously followed by asses- sort in order to make n comparison tills reference is made in fairness to nil assessors and municipal officials and with ho thought of criticism in tho p4st each assessor in onch municipality was definitely on his own by that u meant they were cachj by their own jorsona l ability nnd judgement and to a great land suited and being used for market garden farming commercial orchard commercial vineyard commerclal timber in each tf the above types elu nro arranged a ccordlngtor suitability texture of soil contour and drainage with t basic per acre value set op posit e each clout town hnd village property will bo set outas residential commercial nnd industrlnl classes will bo ar- in the use of the alanuaiand it i the duty of the county assessor to advise the local assessors and supervise the work the municipal council have given considerable thought in selecting local assessor very soon these men will be going out tn the nreo allotted lo to perform the first executive function in our demo cratic system of government jco- operate with them think fairly and reasonably and remember that yoo aroden and h receiving certain- community- ervcwi which coat actual cash be happy to ba jrobr share jind- think of the figure of your u aessment as being the basis on which your taxe are levied and notr a being tlie amount of youf actual tax j itord rogers county assessor ranged in each of tliesc types accord- tent by their own interpretation of irig to location nnd desirability in the absossmontact theywero not allowed sufficient time nor ndequate renumerntlon to do n thorough pr prop job tl enn readily bo uhdcrstooathnt evaluations would not lie unlfoim throughout municipalities having more than cne aesensor and much less unjjprm throughout the county n n whole tq consequence we flntj property ownora dlpeatlsflod with their assessment nnd claiming that it is not comparable with values placed onrlmllflrpmperty in piper ntlonn parts of the municipality or county then too the varying con residential nnd commercial land bnslc per frontage foot value will be setifor onch class industrial land because of location nnd peculiar or irregular boundary insnmoeabewmay keep ovnluotlon compnrable stan- dnrdtlot doplh will be ifet for land valued by frontage foot this will menn a deduction in total value wher lots are less tlinn standnrd dept and 4inlncreoii in totalvnlucwhcmthb- depth in over standard a scale li set out in the manual for those varl- dltlonsndchancsmndeytme and progress throughout tho county brought property values for asftss ment purposes verymuch- out of line tor county equalization with these imperfections in mind nnd with n county-aaswsmentequal- izntloa due the county council of hnlton deckled to adopt the perm anent record system of assessment and appointed a county assessor to set the system nnd supervise the work throughout ontnrlo nlnd other counties had already mdbpted this method of assessment which is also tn operation in pnrts of tho canadian west the united state and england county assessors arc appointed by- the county councils but tho appoint ment is spbject to the approval of the supervisor of assessments in the pro- airulal xlopnijjiwmit ofmunlcipal af l fnlrs tli dopnrtment instructs all county assessors and advises nnd nssists in the administration of this system the first duty of the county as sessor is to classify and zone all pro- perty within the county and to estab- llsh bnslc values for each class and set percentage allowances to com i rtnsate for vnrjing- conditions nnd less favorable locations i ttio doparuncmt of municipal af fairs furnish each county assessor with a table of replacement costs for a list of the more outsfjirialng factors indluenclng paropcrty oluoa wuhporcontngerotttssotoutwhoro deductions are to beallowedr in rural property a scale of percentage rntes to compensate for less favorable location type of road and dljtonce from school nnd shopping centres a scale of percentage rates gradu- ntcd to allow for normal physical de preciation also- for- observed physical depreciation on all buildings- tlie foregoing rule closslfl cations basic values nnd percentage rates have forthcmo5t part r been estab lished decisions have botfn reached by careful study and discussion dc- tall has been considered as far as is thoughfprnctlenl the governlnr thought hns been uniform nnd com parable assessment values i each assessor will be instructed oakyille appleby coiro whs the sccne of n delightful oudnor nkntlnfc party on friday evenlnk when the boyn of the colleco acted as h6sla ttsaftniotr el rlpupllg of nllhop stnchan chool toronto j t m ashley of toronto hai lwcn appointed bell telephone vnam- akr far oakvllle and vicinity ttwi announced thlaweek ho succeeds t a reynold who has been transferred to wattnndto assutne managerial dutlci there nevrdsur townsihp op sasoaokwipla appl for assessor wftcijebk crtiu put t contents will be received by mr ijoyd crawford rtnevo campbvllleonfcr upto socloek saturday february 1st 1d47 for the following positions 1 assessor for tho township of nnssannweyn applicants must state iire and qualification have own mode of transportation and prepared- to give full time under the jurisdiction of the county assessor 2 clerk tar the township of nassaenweya applicants will state ngc and qualification applicants may make application for one or both of the above positions and must state in application if one or both positions are being applied for duties arc to commence at once any application not necessarily ac cepted clfas f nourish clerk townshlpof nassagaweya dated at csmpbellvllic ont this 18th day of january 1m7 292 hospitalization surgical benefits income protection now at wmh lirmvtjucd airromoimje insuiianck mlx st aton kioni m jccc4t6 astasl aataas isrsass faa5- rr rrr fertilizest some mint in short supply v poultry equipment and brooderhouse supplies give your chicks a good- start with a clean house good equipment and a reliable chick feed supplies re suu short for 117 miltoh district cooperative phone m milton be undcrlalilivith jrold marrtkd unrpitm al ihi- resi dence of tlie brides parents oil wednesday january 20 by rev mr finney assisted by rev h a mcpherson john moffat of milton lute ot acton to ajpieu daughter of malcolm mcpherson esq e-s- quphlng h8aoahbyr927 prom uui isslia of tke free press of thursday february 3rd 1h7 mlchaalmas day yestordny vhalfl i he feed and half the hay mr a h- bishop florist and gard- iner reports that a robin has been harboring among tho trees in tils garden tha pasrweiv or two- the members of the young people u2eague and the sundny school of the tnlted church prsenuhl a pageant the way of life on monday even ing about seventy took part the council is considering name signs for aetonh sreet llie united church entertained the htr alha a t biiplst ctiurrhes at a skotlng party on wednesday evening william murray son of mr will murray erin township was serloujly hurt when hit hy n falling tree while working in t he busli nreii lxle at his home v eriiutnle ave toronta on sunily jnnuary tlth 1917 john cole in his 17th year mrmurciiy at drden oh sunday january tth tni7 illy mcmurchy daughter of the inte d memurchy and mrs memuiihv of enn aged 15 years nomkrohttno fllamh a british sarety glass company with patents in use all- over the world hrought out a type ot glass durinr world war n which was succusfully used for aircraft cabin th flan auo does not bacornv dim when lisuldnehanglpl ur and it alwaya ensur partoet vtosblllly the glass in a still mora unproved form labewte nroducsd for trwrlmitir dssrs thua tha hou- wtfa can easily check orl the eontanu otih rofrlgeralor- optical service at a t browns next door to the fne ptms otflce acton mill st s08w first friday each month hours 118 evenings by appointment fimikmv and heres a good job jull or part time- a job with all these 1 excelle s pay advantages 2 rapjd pay increases 3 fwed ay week every week- enpfree 4 reg rest periods am u7 5 we arrange fast daily tran- sportation to and from glen williams for outof i t tttwn workers thats the kind of a job you have as a weaver winder or spooler with textiles tlmit ed glen williams experience plrcf erred but not egsentitd- apply by letter in person or by telephone mtmrn phone georgetown 1 q3 aims