the acton free press nil itsuay octobej 4th ims the week al ottawa h ii u jonkm anajlaa rrtws htaf u rilar it wa not long n com- mi 1 am ttt 11 it and impoiafit thf ill 1 ii il prji- iii ti i that i ti i hi w fourth 1 it i un1 i i ui pal ik httt ui m t lng ma 1 i i u in ni u t m iht tnl m n wmuirr king junction wiih in k busy n tltr u nun nrd th it wn ol tt i on ki id kinana minuter ilje introduced tin jl yijtnjo uk uir ex i ndmur s anil drim bill ii n jipi roi- mtions foi im h mid this siln tiled i ii tnd d hale mr iisj i lac ed i i nun nt xjw ntlituk s or the t ur- r nt fial n at mm oat v 000 um mill finitm oullavs lot illmj e i kimiio i m tl first tarif xa t im 17 ft hi m nh i h s i rut fi 1 ill u tt 1 4klrhllml lltp i ll foi ol at t th plin l v l it ln miii washington mr king tml adiai nalloiiul miurii n was rmu nix of the mmltot milling i 1 it vtji undejtiht 111 tnnt ii mart would ilinifuti tinti i r uthf t tuni ihii ii i r fiil irim klinli ju dig riv till i as t milill i hi1 i1i on for- tt laki linnl f i it limit- it in on mimuin mi nt thai e till- u t i k f r an uiilttin ami ruiujc th tii nhroal u it miii nt 1 rumiii in vilrration of xjjrirtiltuiv ja hrirf to omfrnlirr lit tin ml- i touhling ami ll of fun in m tin u uiitdiu y i ir mii itfttie of h in u of the mtila nit ininn aiiun ul agriculture- vilal onorn to ihe future of lh- farming induvtry nt nn t which should receive n tlnn from the present con of lomlfilon provincial rrta i 1i ttlt w ilh in a brief pre thi- y intlon and filed mrtai of tin- conference inattii- in in mifd in tin follow more rraush now many rmv rehabilitation plans ail i th tuunlr took a nnsedlve into 1 1 depths of unit rtalnty vyilh tltv nn i mini t mcnt by 1- inance minister ll 1 that h provinc and munlc- ijaliins do not need to look to lh i oniimon for finam lul h lp for their n luctlon whemei i dominion program mr ilsjvy iv v wa substantially lotiipleted b ll 1 liutlon or thy iat w svlon d- 1 nn uith war unlets gratuities timiiji nixl farm inipruietut nt loans i p rt rrttjiu and thr industrial dp loiminl bank sound jrlorit h iv u mwn to menturrs dcslnrtt to ut ptlvati- huinest and rivatf mv unuil a punll wnrki prn i- mnriu n4 n r inviduatc ub jtitut thnufh nr that annol i tl i c ai f r hr munhpalnu- rnl i n that uith hould 1 ot u rks nidnn canaixan ttha a pi- lmnn t uit v of tl f anidiaii 1 if tohai o for hhniatl that then wiie m ijunlid fiom ma 1 lo t tintpirtil mitli sh 4jo n i k r i 1 ki j i a t om ikui in ii but ml ilmikll urn irp indicate that i i kl lj5 orrrt wrleh iiivjii utinda of graat r mi i i of 1191 po- i ii t ijii production i i if 3 ii ronll pw t i i v din of ij1 001soo lllin uarronvttu 7 trr l nu sen lh ipittf of s tt rom the j i lh tl itiu kiht it i ni mlniki iifn ml r fnv i u hi ll i inipnl vi hi hit an idu ji mid not iniiili ik tonvullxt hiit tint th i t nulil h i ai it k lion of ianndtt i nht to n liv paiili i pit ion in th cmil dt i tj i ii it vs in i qui fttiuhk aft i i in ilu n nil oitl ririic of ihi futun mr of hi moiiii nn until i oiimiii rnlion during th ni for m hilar in mona it ni m i kmii to ncijuli ce in tlir ipialion of uurlinu airangt nicnti und i hn p n poriiihlllty for major rtt lloii on thr duet lion of the allied mai tffoit wa tonrnlrat ei in a verj fiw lintl 11k ontiiuii 1 us of methods su h sut rir tmpi id lo mifl i he urt ettt alrain ami haar1 of war in n h pratr set l lenient it are arrlw4 at letwien the filial pxiwt i on is ufa of general inten t mlht i ii leome tuiune of diffit utu nnd n dang er kver itoaalhle preinullon stuiutd therefore rn taken to mh- that in thli ih rt for the tn fit 1 1 nil nn pro ili ami en poil tlomlnliin it illllu north american life orofifc forfiocy6ocet5 fsriiuhuh v wa at 32 t ma amnte a ju 00 mnathjf iseoaaa for yoor o roa ci innoro for vuurwtlf to ami to urt for ufa lat- lutr tletiu of litis wt arrmi family to utt ten t o yaa can woiis suiiiiiiit inmm for vuurtrlf to r unianianil at ae b ami to urt fur ufa laquira today iiowaku graff hi ikl sfntaflve a iviutuai company illtlll j t klhili i lov llll i nat tin nl f a hint ihl rk liiifc a 1 doi i ifutiu tooidinnlion of i ulluial m iv it s ui helvt i n i hi do innn ami th piov int t ooittinallin anil pinnn of bj- n mill ii vmlh n full r re of h nn ortaiue and with vision o- t orysultntlon frtini time lime with producers orknntatlonn t ontinuatlm of the annual domln ion prnv itu lal t onfer nrc on niiit ul hit a prtmlut tlon ontlnuallnn of the advisor com mittee to hie ministtr tf akncultur mv1 tin canadian f1 iwianl innttmtnt of n tuitable dominion hinlth inxurante plan nlonf ihe lines ri tnnmended in th f- ederatlon s plan huhnilttid in 1911 rnnilnunt of a uitahle dominion o opt i nliv nt 1 with rempeil lo the mnlntetinnrv of support for ami timln in prhes the m it f ktatt a that if he xlry of maln- lauiini floor pi in for farm product which hat uen adopt rl m fund fi rm nlnl economic tahlllt a to te hucceuful it will require 10 ordln- partteularly the wartime pattern is nation iwtween the dominion and 1hi lim ina nt iii not ptpelunted in the rfamlnj of the peace aettlemi nl nnd in the iniled nations ortnnlnion i h 1ilnie mi nisi r sjud it wns wtlh thom tliouklitk in mind that hi had de ided to nmki nn informal nnd if nef nrv i l mte1 v tlt to i he unlit d kingdom mul nshmtoii nnd ext ern lutopi hirstni in will meet mem in rh of 1 hi 1 in ist aid net nnd wlllvilt tin hitlli 11 ids and ciinndn s vttii et nhrond 1fltliatni ills wik willi tin throne sj the rtivi rnnn nls mw una tin mnjoi issm tlihk nnd fatt but tl was t lki n up i h dt hate nnd w h nt pollt olvlsions come it kovrrnnn nt the pmlnres and n recognition of thi importance of siablllt in price for nkirtetl commottltlia in requesting sul table dominion lklslatlon for tin mark tint of farm product the 1idrailon brief a c reel l with tomrmnts of the sirols coni- mission in this ijeti nnd submits j n ilrnft ml w hit h stnlt the ketlrr- atlm n ii s nls lh ia n orenn- it tl nii it uiiun ftr pirn tit al leelt litnn mi ftdi i an m mph isles thr need foi n jriiltr c oulinilhii of pnmin itn ami irov int i tl ni i ulturnl w r- v nt s iftrt 1 i ossii h ihroukh the mdiuni of nion attlve joint ndvuoiy onwiiittt functioning in enrh pro- vnut pu sirols commission hnd ex pixsod ihe opinion that much waste and loss in ntrh ulturnl service nrosi fim i he tend nrv of government pollcl s to nt t inlo n rut nnd the commission ret omnii nded a ronstnn i re i xominntlon of all njtrlcullurnl l nee- mj n ttr- the llcht of motvrn needs the same emphasis as plnred by the kedeiatlon on the need of expan sion of njrk ulturnl research and ktmnclv urjet consultation vt ilh farm orcjnnlntlons in this matter sue rim of the annuat pomlnlon- irov ini inl conferenre on farm pro- dm ion which has iwt n h hi now for hllshment ofm itvsbawed fllr n lh ntphasizrd in the brief t went down 11700 ini rbit reiuent that it should though ledurimt onsldt rahl in ranks in re the lnl lue hnd won its flmt major t t against the combined op- petal i urn for re bv tin wetks end two nmmrrulmcnts nn the w hi at polio liue tame up both iritiillng the whtnt imilicn dfhlnrallon of a cell- j l of r5 nn i for o thlpments and n iruarnnte tf a minimum price of 1 for the nejvt five eam a irofiresjtive conservative amend mem called for a floor under all farm j prices baaed on 90 ter t- nt of parity pendtnir eilahllnhnient of n cenei ally equitable prltse vvtem parity it was defeat e1 lit 91 a l l k amendmmt called for im- mediate eatali on parity i both ase memntrs slltinj on the op- ontlmud a a permanent potlry fvltlon aide of the house trores- in of ltl vnlm oonllnatlon aive conservative cck sx 11 lf plnnnlnc crtnlitert antf independents united i against the i iherala and independent liberal on the government klde lchate hrev orls for the immediate attention of farmers fishermen guides tourist outfitters who have been using marked gasoline 1 op and after october 1 19 is giolinc aiii no longer be mirktcj lor special uses marking tf ioinc for piciil uses under the unvdution tif the oh ontrollcr for mid t having lxcn dimintinucd thi tax lumpuon purvhae permit wtem i ihtribv ended tarmcrs fishermen guides aiu tourist utrittfr will be ent tttt d to cittm refund of the provintial avoline t ax w here applicable 1 unt atlompanicd bv reicipted inoucs mum be lubmittid to the davolinc lax branch department of highwav parliament buildings loronio within six month from date of pameni of invoices m a mmphhed method of assuring prompt pavment of refunds eliminating affidavits for each claim has been worked out ihe bfief state that the op rations the advlsorv ivmrnlthf to the minister tf auflculture nnd kood itcvani during the pat two sears have i teen ver suttnsful in promoting a lt lor to thes votes the whole more complete untlt rslandlne aiul eo wheat ihiiu v wa thnahtst out aiialn oiterattim between departments of with john hrai ken priireslve con- agriculture in the provinces and the aarsatlve leailt r and agricultuie mm- dominion department and with organ- ister gardiner produc lng the main lied agrleullure and urjes its eon- firework i nuance mr ilracken vxvntendeii parity prir- the federation asks that in deal- e for wheat ttaxsl on the years lljfi- lng with the question of national 39 would ne si 4j a bushel and said health piogiam full consideration b 90 per s- of parity would ba jlis given the plan submitted by tht fad- ll oru- tiii imtiiliiai on fri rratlnn lu i h ol ctuumona a there is no rationing of gasoline in canada marked gasoline under the jurisdiction of the oil ontrollcr for anada has been eliminated therebv ending the tax exemption purchase permit svstem lo meet the desire ol evervonc to be relieved of wartime restrictions the provincial government has developed a new svstem as frctfrom controls and difficulties as possible simplified refund form has been prepared which eliminates the ntcessitv of an affidavit being taken for each refund claim 1 his form ma be obtained on application to the gasoline tax branch department of highways toronto ontario eulture study ihe selection of a projter committee in may 1d4j base period for parity prices which ha hie enactment of legislation for defined as prlcea for farm product the incorporation of cooperatives in beartng a air relationship to prloas the dominion field u ions overdu or the products farmers had to buy j stated the brief and it repeats tha mr tardlner shot hght ha k 11a said that prices nratttarm products xcept wheat andeggn had been abova parity as defined by mr bracken this had iwn the case tor some years and wheat price vvere now abova parlt in fact said mr gardiner mf you want to ote for 100 jht cent parity v prlcm all tu have to do ts vote for th policies of tll gvvernmint ev- t try member who votes against these amendments is voting for parity pric es as set up under t tie legislation pas- ad last session with the amendments out of the uray and the throne speech adopted without a recorded vote the house wound up the throne speech debate which has eeutleflltalne4u feepu 6 openuig and cleared its desks for request made on aev eral occasions by the federation for such an act ihe pick op tobacco ii does tqjt floodtn q pips i he cmlin ol marked gasoline sale remove diflicultie made neceiary by thll wartime control complaint were made that marked gasoline ajlctnmenial to the equipment in which ii was being used records and reports necessary under the marked gasoline sjstem will no longer be required etra storage acilitic will be unnecessary for the separate storage of graded ind marked gasoline with consequent saving to the consumer gasoline tax branch department of highways province ol ontario oeoh doucett mlltfcw a hlliwy j h robinson auijwmkllaiha tax