Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1945, p. 7

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a thursday september 13th 1945 the acton free press paocsbrykk a pajuso fkoh houe oh it tint to much the chocolate bar or the package of chewing sum it unt the smoke or the book of i joke- i that cftwr a man uhen hesglurn i it ian t the can of pork- and beam though the taste it certainly grand the milk or the jam though they em to a man a hit of canada canned i the sunday school lesson si vdav kwtember llk jl uah s cos r un rok his old n tel ilim jali w k0 uj ma father it the ia4 te not with no thee are not lb important ti in that pan 41 that comet from i home m lm 4v 11 that lint the tart that iltn he heart xvn j xt of a iimn mlitn he i nil alone lime 1706 u uten u otne lo a cam- i j 1w h fomnlrrkr oin ik m m- i i 1 tiolu tic the fieiink on tiimi tlmiith t 1 u lailtti fn the pit ajid judah on the edge the lad be not with me let perad exhibited mum have in ji ph to i i of im inft lew loved than ben- wbk proposing lo sell him into bond venture 1 e- the evil that shall come x x ears hail urouht iood janiin lite test proved to joseph age now h intercedes to xe ben- to m father judahi uas truly a am no n lru heait of judah that judah rfpented the parst and uua jamin from bondage judah recalls pathnlh as it was a noble plea n dears him propow ih omprumire must have tnen a happv dimovery the former visit and the conversation hanged heart 16 m v 13 ifon niu t lwh id in ljnd retatinu ui il s ik jo and then as judah thus earnrdlv and path ae for tin tuppofd timi b 1 it im tprbetds to remind joseph of his com- ellcatty plead lot the rt lean of lien nif v h j tonfe iimo i nl mand v 21 hut for whlth they janim what feeljngs niut then iuih n h j i 1 u illx wms of jatohj had not brought nnmlht he tit of jm pli i lefk t i i u tidal i wi- at d m id i in mlnutee tliiir oufikt brother down into u ms of j t h it judah it j mm n it f mi- in c if in i will i a t mi h i 1 n juvenile h i t iintuiii ev populations v j2 iii d t nl ik i of irttai hn r 1 ut i t nil i iiimi ii m iihimijii h ui 1 i ti i v 1 1 t i i u ur- i 1 year- ijomht infl xilihty of d iit i w hill nu uilittl hi own i m i ll li iihi i- u ll t- v i iiimi v r e i foot par- 21 judah lliil drnui a j n nn trutv i he nl 1 i lunjniii iiu u fitt liliw h dliuh nt and tr t 1 h 11 man awa hack i a i r jt h n w i h found j i 1 i i i- i bne in 1 h n ill tiw long r ttjl t i a i- w ii v v l i i 1 p twn wi 1 ti u ik t ha 1 jlm- i ildrm rii si r twrnt yars ago rrwn the itmiie of the i re irea nt thuntdar heptmbrr 17 t alnn 4linn hand will lake jntt in th lalm nt onkvilli m l snlui da t vi runi a nllrrlng niihsinrky adili mi w ni slven in tin ltapiiht luih l john hull nusmnnarv lo ni i tn in t hi intm faniilv i nnt st nl the fkhlhltlon i hi winn rt of thr fir t prl of inst iwo ipannts untlkh chlldn n canndlam mr nnlir lla ward of hoinbv won hist plmt hie illrtii of llillkhuig is to have a new mkntlng nn cur link rink n xt wlnlir llu huildmi is lo ih 1 li fe t tv 7 ful of fritmi oninn t ion with mi inl rikif i iu in nn ani ik i j of moflnt w a rhumii ns iiihihi ai didati f t hal ton f r hi a pr 1 nin i i t n meat rationing is now in effect at of midnight september 9 1945 if it unlawful for any perton to buy rationed meats and for anyone to tell rationed meatt except on surrender of valid ration coupons or other ration document salet between suppliers howevor are coupon free until midnight saturday september 15 1 im a i h dux i i 1 in in i is 1 ii i vii ll wil li i 1th th vi in krilnin ltrnii- to mvt kimrmou- iloiiinji driuantn mnv build rfmuwhl honits n rnr with dttiiins nnini in ditttrtnl arra in the counlrv 1 onixrn il fntlir s arntrv 1 niothi i k inuiu1i and tin hnt v s prnm nil are ronirtorert in mo hoiimiik di sins nm in i nn i ni u vi d i v rtvnli hiiihh 1 1 in tin i nlti 1 kingdom nlli nit ting to mnl m ovt rw hi lining di mand f ih w hmm 1rlviiti intiiprisi horn s to iml nnrlv r bonus n nr hout to jut ti ht nun i thnn ienk iwairtlmel produtlion an all itujiuid nnd j wnles committee otgnnled b the houiebulldiiik induntrlit hlnndin j committee representing about on p r i cent of the huikltng trndi has started i woik bulldlnu on jt designs all tl result of comix tit ions to im ourni suggestions from persons who know the hmimitg me 1s of the ir at in vh klgns an for m nil di im hi d dwillingx but some of the plnn git awav f etm te m dee houses nil alike one n ih d is to hne the xi nil di itu he d unit m the foim of a lost with tnii inlinmt on the street and i he olhit on t si li i he ch sighs had jo ih lu h us s to in erected til e ivt of not nioi t thnn ivh 4 mvu the lotnl price tu- i hiding land an i tin t munition of light and uiite i s ivi s ml not e ee d t 1 ij um i m it rials wen spe i ifn cl as hi it ks ain in 1 1 n i ithi r than com u te m 1 all iuhim h ul to hi pi t mane nt one tie si i subiiuttnl and hid nppioved an htnov ntion in th oi m of a utihtv tooth ii ijeiuuti th kit chen providing muui foi a hiuhtut plavroom iu cumadiition foi the pram fd fni iaumlr tub mui mutn meat coupon value chart all pnnluti ihnwn helow are derived rum href veal lamb muimn prk r itmtiinattin ef them any product r cut shown below h the onipiin value indicaml whether ir ml it cntaini dreitina oroup a 1 li per coupon 2 ozs per token foucarl link tiuni am nuiihiiw ii w lln llirli sulc llion lunl rinil na ur nntlr cooked meat any unotobcil riip ii item hone in or honrlm when mlrl iok hull iwini inrk lum wn oroup b iv lrs per coupon i ozs per token nzzt rraah t cnr1 kound sirak or roavl aanvr iti round strakor koavt bonelru keuind nitjl mintvd sirloin i ip hanrlnt sirloin 1 ip uhed r sf mute sitkv tmtrlett sirloin hutt trrtrtm llank sirak hottrlru strip inn iohtrtl kib uoavt 7 kih lkne nil led hole homrlra prime kib kcitu rib nones rolled arvu kib koavt rolled 6ih and 7th riblknrv inftielckoll aoe- ru tenderloin vtalrrk uilrtior 1 illri roast aowwm sinn loin strakv tnelru 1 fom koll bourlri 1 cft koll aeereif 1inn sinp botrri 1 cnilcrloin lamb m mttttokrraatt 1 ront quarter nillfxl imttlm pobkrrak hutt u hole iiriri or help rinellevv hour ih lluii vkhole pcerv or 0pv nndlcsv htmeltu llam w hedrrcmrcmiceva ham wbile ilonotshx homt in or ootteirw picnic ilocllevt bontltit luik vv hole pirici or sttcw kmirlru side pork vhlolc piece or slue knruu i rimming i xtral ean tkinleia tenderloin pojlkcmmi totcgr red or unit hole or pietrv momeru punit llmklct iexreu ham uholr peie er slue bmttr in mr ooittrvt ham eotrc slice hour m lack hole or pirtr momrutt skinlevt roll monrlrti ham hutt redl wmmrtru picnic ilocklam or hcarlc on aaweeu coinage kejll or mutt whole or piece tomrrtt skinlevt koll umrtm ham temre slue wn tm ham mi hole vkin ton or kjn- lev iiccri ur mien wm konrlrw hack m tole or piece koniltts sole llacon rinel or on rindlr w hole er piece cooked meat any uncimibed group c item hone in or bonclcta when cetoked oroup c 2 lbs per coupon 1 ozs per token v tir s hem i he designs detiuinstiatt d that house tiutcs vnrv with dlffeitnt mens in the nwth must people like ti large kiti hen which serves s dlninj ro- om w the sitting room is kept for jmlvttnv dt the south tustc cum to lurst ltting rooms prcfetablj t with an alror recww for the dlnlnp table whluv the kiuhen u amall and reserved cuttrelv for kitchen nctlv- itlpy f ocxxkaxionaiv lvcu mqn1real icpifrnnk rupnickv ducovpred that the pearl he found in a prince edward inland oter in lha cafeteria where he in empbed is uorth 800 he almost bold- the pearl for 52 to a montreal nevvipaper- j ed beet rreals cm cnxxl shank llindcpiartcr bomeuit rump hoatt round or square 1 nd hmtr nt sirloin sic jk or roavt umme in 1 lank 1 rimmrvl our ih porterhouse steak or koavt hour it 1 hone steak or koavt mme m vtnbtcavortlojstftoir ih rib koavt 7 1 cb itonrv w hole hour im prime kib roast rb itemev hone 11 kib koavt oih and ch kih hones hone it hollccl rib koai mh and 7lh kih huncs ouivult koll plate hriskei rolled honeleit brisket point tmllod heurutt rolled shoulder awu short or row rib koavt home in blade keavt ilude and hack- sirap out hone ih chuvkkojt komrlets net k hohrirw shank entre ut hmr m shank meat stewing meat hmmrlnl hamburger vealrresh shank hind hour tat kump knuckle hone out hour tm sirloin hutt kuavt home m sirhnn mult suak home in leg sirloin llutt 1 nd hone unn lullt utllankoft kidney and suet out hour in ioin short ut llank off kidney and suet out horn m loin oiep or road tenderlo hnd home in hutt rind on whole or riecei homelets atn oietp or roavt rib i nd ham 1 rimmed hide hutt home nt lnd or shank laid home tn round jlone shoulder chop or loin trimmed rindlev koavt home in nx hole piece or heip horn en shank rront homrtru side iork w hoje or pieces neck homrlru hone tn eal loaf or patties stewmit veal fobjt caurw ijumuttohpr rf sirloin r hump hop m t rnmed vhde hiii i nd or shank jjid home en ldn hole llank iff kidney st p yv ho or pcic and suet out home in home in vnd wm h shoulder koll ikmon home in dry salt itetly honeutt ham 1 rimmed or skinned u hole llutt fnd or shank hod tajfctmeat liver kidney sweet bread cookcpjoiatl panic pobjcrreak picnic llocklcv home tn hutt rind ijnj whole pieces or hop home in ory salt 1ean hacks honeltu rorktmeka picnic llocklcis home in any uncooked group d ieatn oone in or boneles whan cooked loavct made from chopped or minted meat looked meats icllied meat in loaf form or othcrwive cmcepting those cooked or cuied mciu listed in roup i ho logo a w altera sausage smoked or conked oroup d 2t irs per coupon s ozs per token beet lyajals ee cnreal short ribs uramns horn plate ilrtkkcc honftn drtsket point hnr tn rcld limnishniddtltn leg long cut homg tn leg short cut horns tn leg shank lnd ho im loin full cut flank on kidney and suet out home in tjiutaoerreak v careal pork sausage commercial sausage home in k illade roast home m chuck recast hone in shank trontquarter whole honetm shank knuckle end horns ht kuttoirreeak ilraat full cut whole or half nw rack or shoulder neck on horns tn rack or shoulder neck off hsms tn rack or shoulder chop in vkax tmh shank hind ism in flank hows im dlade chop or roast jm leg j breast home en sims a shank front horns in leg short cut home in homt9mmo neclrnlmrtv loin whole flank on kidney picnic hoclioo iomsistt forequarter whole 7 rib bone and suet out tons tn loin nnd on whole pieces or rw lnnr4broastorchop tons in chop horns im hack whole horns m kacktshoulderoffknucklefsone frontquarter whole or halt out horns im hsms tm dry salt short oear ht dry salt clear hack nefasf anukkauawltaa pimlr hnrlf nn it loioribruastorchop honsin chop flank umstm b drysak toiig oear itme jowl cookzb meat any uncooked group b item hone in or boneless when cooked brawn or headcheese uversauiace all type rtood sausage all type oecotu francais i ois pck token canned meat meat pies rouc fndi jlmom latum hock jowl robk ciwl hock tm mes pork lu hi short cm back iwi m jowt raver meat hmrt toow mimj coauiiwr mmsamlwlclisprmd i 7o2 tokm mhisandwlclsprmdl 1 sox i o i oitwih i 33o icoupaa umtf l 1 4 ox itsluu mm mill i litot 3 tokau comramiiid ground pork 1 loi 3 berlrak wilb mulhroom i 1601 3 r ground pork 1 laox 4 rmfuttk with onlonl i 1601 3 m roulbwf 1 160s 4 ruwmnk wjlh kldntri i 6ox 3 m ilt hoillrftti knhu 1 lor i f sitwi bolud difamrstnlhf porktoaiiuf 11 2 01 3 for any lis mmi pi oe pr tobco the wartime prices and trade board v- j 1 j 5ff5gt5wvteiaim

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