Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1945, p. 1

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tt jvjtiim jfrit ffress seventieth year no 49 acton ontario thuwsday june hth ihs fight homcinnt page live cents f hughes cleaver ifcturnecsnx liberal member lor haiton fra ii cetntfy rtwerecsi vou of wak prviu and gom liberal with majority of 66ft voting heav- 14 una a wek a eunon pay tribute to 10 yan of paluiful servlc and kin ft- ad- anbuation majority in acton of 143 in the provlnrlal election a week ago ilaltan sent a progressive con servatlve representative lo queen s park with a majority of ovsr 1 000 a week later last monday the voters reversed the vote and senj a ijberal to represent the riding in ottawa with a majority of gfih voting in the dominion elections was slightly heavier than in the provincial contest on june 4th hm votes were polled and on junallth 14 771 votes were counted for the three andidates the result of the provincial vole had allrect bearing on the c v vote polled here lhls dropped in the week from jtca lo 1m1 there was a keen content in evrr division in acton milton and in georgetown majorities were given to cleaver while rlurltngtitn imrl oak vllle gave majorities i in m holson in the townships rwiucsing nassa gaweya and itafalgar all gava ijb era majorities while nelson gae a mall lead to nicholson mr cleaver has represented hal ton county in the mouse of commons for ten years the vote tolled on mon day was a trlblue to the untiring ser vice he has rendered everyone in the riding as well as an endorsatlon of the libera administration and their conduct of canada s affairs during the past very difficult years in 1040 in a straight liberal and conservative contest the- vols was 7371 liberal and 5919 conservative this year all three candidates were residents of durllngton following a tabulated return of the vote in halton these figures are not official but all that can be secured at this time the active ser vice vote has yet lo he given acton brwn cleaver nlch sn no 1 jo in 78 no 2 a to 1 17 10j 00 no 2 m to 10 10 107 no t a to 1 1 rfi m no 1 m to 14 on fif no 4 in si ar r vn 44r majority for clcawr 141 over nlch olson 141 majority for the combined votes of both opponents 2tt rekuctei in halton r 11 1 liikht i r illhtui mulidnti w in n ngtixntiil 1 hi linn i mini y in hit lluum i t i umipunt ft r it vims w ns itluiniil tin in i hi li linn nn mntutnv nvi i mnl rmtjnillv hi n thi nn 11 imi i nl milton no 1 jfi 10 104 no 2 h ci m no 1 17 im 6 no 4 is 119 ira no s j3 123 84 mo 190 majorlt for cleawr or nlchol- aon 121 majority over combined vot of both opponent xi gaorgvtoun 101 vu majority for clr 44 burlington 121 w majority for nlrhohon 4s oajnifr 241 898 maorlt for nlrholaon 134 esqiesinc 599 951 1m2 no 1 2 7s 72 no 2 10 108 117 no 1 o lil 79 no 4 h 121 55 no 5 6 r5 m no r 19 im 148 no 7 9 110 70 no 8 11 k 27 108 sn 620 majorlln for cleaver 225 no 1a no in no 2a no 211 no 1 nassaoavifya 11 119 14 75 15 84 12 98 10 105 ruiiriiy tnr i leaver aon 176 majority for both candidate 94 nelson 8 4m 105 civr virhul claer oer no 1 nk 3 no 3 no 4 no 5 no s no 7 no 8 no 9 no 10 no 11 nd 12 no w 10 j5 2 27 7 28 8 21 12 70 81 103 8 56 65 122 87 80 53 88 53 u 48 91 63 79 44 62 6s k 113 89 149 59 i 56 dk3 ms majority far nlchalton 11 trafalgar no 1 no3a no 2b no 3 12 11 101 7 87 t34 17 ieorjje f ia succeeds father as township officer equalization of school section a by department in eramoaa the found i for the township of irimoni mt as a ourt of ftcvlsion and for gem rnl business in ihn town itnll ittmkwotwl at i u m i uesda june vh with ittfv i 1 rav tn the ihnlr i i jt itieve i 3 i 1 lie nnd mini lllnm joa it hulhr fnrd h rrwil 1 1 hi nham and i hon t huti hlnitoi win in attendance mr v nf a w nod npeni injj for mrs jnnrt hihle npm nled kkntnr tlu hsm ssiti nl nt jtmhh0 on hie w hnlf of ul jh 1 ntrastnn 2 the i mill ndured ttn njwisniint to illlxllh anscsssflrntji wjmp t hnncrd ns follows wist hnlf lol 2h con- ii hulolt 1 tiitm hoht scott fitato to pi n nnd t orn iukihn im trrlnn mnniu ko kunotl from art h mrnnhb tn frank lnv lot m hlork h from mwood hnltnn to rd dia it her two nj wcrr itruk off the ivmrnt roll uni ctinllrmeil i nmended nnd the court of revision loiett tlie auditors report for mann nnd april wit no eptcd on motion of councilors rti nhnm nrut rutherford corn spondensr m rend from the puhllc sihool inspector stntlnk that the equnlliatlon of school se tlnn cnterlnn the new township st htxl area was approved h the lepnrt- ment of rduiatan cornsondence from the ivpart- mi nt of hlkhvv nvs npj roved the gravel cintrn t at soc rr t utile anl other tetters concern m the sick children b llospltnl mllltarv post- hinements and weed rontnil three appllcntlons here received for the offices of clerk treasurer and collector from 1 corse k pa john a 1 ittle nnd c rtl c knight all tin applhants npenred before coupe tl mr little withdrew hln ntplhntton and 1 on k iav wns nppolntctt to mcvee his father m clerk iyi murt r nnd coluiior tn lul 1st pnnhhm thnt a mtufmtur tvtnd is available for ouinll nt their next meet ins hi m w ci rk und rtonk lo lnn ni t t ovvnshlf butlne in t he off u e now ivetn used for thnt 1 uroposo aixounth amtainuns to 1 s j t were pasmii for pavment nnd council adjournetl to ntet nt the call of the reeve i one of the finest souvenirs from rmaiiy to rearh atn was receiv ed rterisy by r rank holmes tf ntt dlsihaiyed from the canadian atm now al his tiume in arton i i7ir 4gvenlr was a larite ernian flag measuring tt frt by 1 feel and made of very fine mat rtal it was nt from iciiuany ly sefft union cook it is not a battle u aired emblem hut one tint i new and in splendid 1 nnl tit n ii lias the inrse black mwastttrsi in the eentre and the eatfu ami taimllt r swaktlku in tle oriist nnd l ml of a line rnoil sultstnm e it is one of the largest flks have strn and nnlon mul have sir urrd 4 it frnin ilitlr tit nduat ters 1 oat hk wn 4 tullintt and 1 nmr liank hn- iclrully lift it nt ihe hilliiu ifflte for a ft w dn and we khow it in our wlfitow ml fully itlalntt but fl ltl up hkt th niitloii who nnl ii m nttl fur it khorl hum itm kaian institltk makk piuakntatin t kktikim vkiidknt mr- ititht fohiisloli was imti in tl kim knlniik wnnitns liullttjt wlni h hi id i in ir join tnnllnn in thi rvmliik mo aiim rt miullls wni prtmtitel wilh 11 ullvir tru fiom ttu rtiemtvers for tier m ry i nimble mmvihi for the ml i tut t yt nrs 10 rt aldent mlii htlin iinne unvt n n kirt on the lutitlr kimnkltir conttst nnd mrs win hunlmr rt nd a letlt r of thanks from mrs mltn r ialtermin it was de t idetl to make a drive for new mem bers j i so that we form into groups for tewing mrs loufclas klrnabb hnil an ideal way for us to make mnne rturtnir the cnmlnjt year lliere was a short discussion on the health onference mrs john inglls brought a splendid rejurt trm the 1 ixstrlct annual j ihe convener mr albert shultl prt sentm the follow tng prog rani a kimin of indies snug n numlwr nr rnngi d fiom songs f the lat and i n hi nl wnr mrs john tom gave the i urrenl tventi nnd mm a shultls i i ondui ii tl nn intt re sting contest l1i men who wire injoing nnh kafi re akkiit to l ho kiuirlou dining loom mhi ie mrs dnve rav timk us on an imnlnnrn trip to california nnd tin ii nnd inn v 1 m from wkuh be nnd mm t rn have rei entlv r turnett he showed pit lures from the lent ire trip anil m ft mimple of mlrltled wckki from thi ptirllletl hurkt in arlinnn j ho i04vl4u and a4uiintltto tlicn rvi d hint h mon return fxom cverms amlare welromrcl home this wiek saw more arrivals from ov ers h in at ton and dut rtc t on sautdti ite wilfrit a wi tie or r i ved h k home again after ser v it jovitmas imr waldle has served with i ihe koal nnllan army medical tup fur four ear and hak ienl tliiii nnd a half enr mrri he ik a son of mr and mrs 1 h wal idle rlrst ijne ruesing two miles south of alton r r tends join with jn nlk ajid family in wtltoinintt hlni home ills wife jonn wahlle is a mrmhrr of the ttlal wt on sjituntny nkt i rtkix r william w slki r 1 nint t 11ti1 h nn but not lo the toiiu hi hnd lift in novrmtmr tlmi whin in enlwte1 he m llvlnt tl hnklnnd ijiki and working for tilt i ix h humim mine lie went ovumiix in april i m noil mrved in suil nmi hiilv in thi nn mi lime mi wolkii nmi in k nml 1 nir ha1 unit li alton tint stnt llxhe1 ihelr 11 liik avinin hut on tinlval in luiiiiln hi 1 on i ti i ill it em nnd initlve in ihe new home enrly son iln m 1 ion hi mirl vvilti 1h is l jin ulliiii aimiiinil innk itilmtnt all in lil to wi i mi h in h m nnd to at ton on m mhiy mis i r i hi it mil i 1i1 wifi of ite leriy ullolt was wil oniil to tin in w horn in on tulii b hli fitmilv nnd fi it inu inn i te 1lliott ik hi 1 11 overm n tail ihh k vii to rt join lii wlfi nnd fiuimlv in iinaibi 1 rlln oftui r llm itlh son of mi nmi mm j n iohlt of llov and l lriinlmri of mr nntl mis juniev i khhle at ion leluined to annda ji nd hlh home during i hi week end i i- o ikhlt hns turn a ennan prls oner for somt linn nntl was hurntnl w hen ermany mrnnrtrml lie wuu krn in acton and kpent his iwyhood 1 dak luir attua frinds rejulcst will 1 the fnnill nn hit snfe return i two mkn ark j maiik1 h iuu on faum nkak 1ikkk mr kohl all n nnd his son run i allin win lm1l trulmtl nnd tiiirtou iv rs4 ftntl tnniii injury whin tin i weie nttnrketl bv n hull on ttielr fnrm on sitturi1ii i hi two men wire inrntiid h tin nniinnl nnt hnd minn iliftn ultv in 1 st ii in k nint w i o is rettivlnj titiilnnnl nl tie brittle slit iloiiiljil ntul was home for hit wet kind wns nhh to lelurn to lomtilo op siimlnv halton county council- lively session on tuesday dominion winnkr ksqucsinj loiincil makes school area no 1 coart of kmuitm llaa onr appeal olher krma at junr snwlon hlr hands to ll in jamhorek mere saturday t7ie rnnd innihon at ranged for snturd in acton sems like n re v iv nl of edd time when quite often tn fori the wnr ihe hand took lender khlp in suth affairs ami pn sen led home tine programs and good times the acton s mens club who spon sor the ros rnnd here have nrrang ed for inhrsoll uelph and holt on bnnds lo in hen on sntunlav the fcfur bands will comile in a tontist in ihe afternoon for cash prue in the evtnlng the bnjids will parnde to tht park when a program with ls bandsmi n pnrth lallng will in pn sented ihe indle of four of the churchis hnt nrrankfd for the bots supter to im sirvetl in the inttid ihunh a ngrnm giving i ii tir s ff the bands nnd some of the ban tnmstt 1 s hns im i n prepared nn 1 will ih aviillnhle during he dnv st jtwetirs soovmh m kks imteskntation to miss cvmpkku dr fred conlrov speaker at union imierarv here lir t r4 conuv of toronto form 1 r mavor of thnt t ity and outstnnd in lnvman of the i n i ted church wns gui st sknker al the kpeclnl service on sutidn morlng in the united churt h hen mnrking tlie twentieth anniversary of rhun b union dr onb is n er forceful speaker nnd hrnughl a message that was very muc h npprec lnte b the congregs lion jt the evening service rev mr rokburs subject was a i nlonlit looks at chun h union sergt ivan chnlmt m pslmcd the choir at both service nnd in ihe morning mrs foourv nnd sergt chalmers gsvo a vi r line dui tt a ourt tf revision for i tie i own rhl of ltjueslng wsi held montis y looming al in ul h n llrown eo i- iiavi l eotke urrli ii may nmi w mcirrny were present having tukin thi rfulrti nath it n llrown moveal that t murray im ihiiltniiin of this ourt of revis- 1 n nnd tin nn hon wns set ontletl by 1 mi mm nn il i lit n x nl t ji hn shnnnnn on ns t mil nt of hunl was kustnimil movtcl h mm hi 1 ndeil imvr unit tin hrk of tins mul of nivls 1 n ih nint is t i 1 hv ftuth irleit and titiiiid to inlllnl all ctirret titina re tluc tl nv nit 1 ration nnd nildlllons iniailt h this ourt in the asmsjtmenl holls f r in mr 11 r nnd ihr ns m ssment tolls ns hnnll rev isetl and nrrei ti tl im now nshetl by this mirt and the clerk tie authorized tn icrtlfv to said roik nrrieti m it lomxin vp the vie ton hair stle for british women will callfor longer hair falling onto the shoulders jkt the back sas charles plumridge president of the international hair dressers soiet ih noung ladiis of st loihs vhurch in jd n linen khow er ft r mis i ht n sn i rnpbi ii at the home of mij shtrlev man hmenl last nthht over twi ntv members were preseht and after a- few nmp were l t n jo etl fhebfltlito be was present ed with man lovelv gifts a er tlaintv luncheon was seryed b the hvstess miss campbell sincerely thanked eerone for their thought fvilnek tjl invroiikrtcon chi kch vki1in in ktorl v a v st andrew s resfterlnn church iilonn r c decorated with red jh unit 1 tllow ro nnd mixed snap dr ik 1 ms wns the sc ne recent 1 of a v i rv pn ttv wedding w hen i a w i 1 orkinn milne second daughter of mr nnd mrs enrge robertson fden mlllv hetnme the brlda of k a c stnnh v walter vuinn fort william ontario rev i mclean ofti- riftttst anil the crrch orewnht plfed tstjuesing township ounrll held their regulnr meeting montlay after noon members were all recent with ietve w murray presiding a letter from the trustees of school section no 14 wns rend ask ing thnt the council incorporate their school into a township school area accounts pnued for nament in eluded hell telephone co services 51 1 cecil chlshnlm dog licenses etc jh7 21 a w ilentnn dog licenses etc jr v relief accounts vfl0 frank robertson 1 sheep killed si a n stark valuator s3 00 move b cleaveserondet1 by may that school section no h be indud ed in the townthlp school area w hlch is tvelng formed carriel mned b rrown seconded hy cur rie thnt ihe counrll of rsqurslng mnkt n donation of 2tt to rorge town r hnbilitntlon committee pay- nbte t mmn menclhnm seer iyeas sv carried moved hv msv srondel h cleave thnt the road nerount ns resented h the pond suhnntendcnt e pass ed 2vm carrietl a b inw win introduce and read ns required setting apart school serti ms nos u fi 7u h 11 11 and 14 as n township school area which will be known as township school area no 1 kaquestns council adjourned to july ird paving of klaruow road at j oefertfsd tor ueuo1 laiswu tnr oal overnar moves to another- hounr vio iwuion yrt un appoint mwvt o county awrswor otkrr luma of jun scsuiiun lulton oiitv i un ii i twl one of ii ilvllst a1 mi in ymi nt lis june niiiiiii nn i ui miii all mem im r wi it 1 11 m nl hm1 the v nlen in the hnlr r ulim loiiii huiiti the moiniiik m k 11 im tin nfteiinion i li iii kl ik 11 i ti i hekk i iiulll 11 w 11 mr an ok movttil iiisjaetlor of l ul 11 i i im v ii n j 1 a hut the un ii iii 11 likk ti 11 ii nl n mutt oijmmitui fllimv im or i iini mii h m oil oil in an int 1 hunt 4 f intikk mil tn hi at lei vmm iii ii out no lift ii wns i w 1 in in 11 wl in- i that il v il i n t ii 11 wn i ar i ml j i mi h n hen nl tie ie ilio hllhoth llnv hlnittle h 1 i wns n ih- one i 1 11 st ntnf i v w 1 rt j rex nl from 11 mim iik full tmntlh in the tounly nhiilln r 1 tl 11 iimii1ktnnl which 1 nil i in 11 f llowliik motion mvyl im 1 ii nnd lllllnier that milt 11 i- mi mount im glvin n want 1 f j i ain i- nil mount nnd r s- i vi ink ain tiltiiinl stxltt iih n k 1 nut of 91 n ii nrrle1 shtiiff v j i llninhlri address- l tounll wlt regard to mr alvln r inlng ovirnnr of the gaol having chnrikd his n kldem e mr flemlnc hntl retently va ated the overnorb renldenre in favor of his own pro- peity which is ada enl to the court iium tie hnd nolinetl the oepari- nn nl to that efteci with a reumt itml ilk it nnd heat tie provided at his own res men e slnee this wu en i inly up to the rounly the sheriff hnd teen nnllfltd to tliat eftert whll cmiivj ii wn kretl one house was aa attessltle as the oilier it left them with n problem on thel hand sine if ttn y rented tt ihey might find tlruimlvti in the maltlnn of needing me house without having ihe power of nsklnt the tenants lo leave it win thirefore movent by leave nn i k it mtlxmnld that the clerk im initru td to set ure information fr m he rental aiiirnlor regarding rentlne if the overnor s reside nc arrieit rrev 1 w t roliertson chairman of ttie rkkl itnndv committee brought up tie suhjett of the stewart town rond whlrh at their april meeting toiinll hnd agreed should ha parad this nr mr rotierlson now contended that paving this rond was financially im possible if it were 1o he included in ehelr present estimates to under take tiili piece of road work wotlm require an additional 000 reeve mcdonald chairman of th rlnnnre committee asked why mr robertson had allowed them to pre pare their estimates for tha ysw without notifying them that th aum allotted for rond expenditure was not enough mr robertson replied that th re solution regarding the stawarttowrl rond was thrown jn like a bombahall two months ago when no such ai- pendlture had been allowed for mr craig asserted that if tha mo tion went through two months ago then ihe itond committee should hava mnde some plans in meeet the fln- nnre f mmlttee regarding the ax- inndllure mr itotertson thought the eajuaat wn out of ihe dlfflc ulty was to post pone paving of the mad and made continued on pag flva no 4 no no fi no a no 7b no no 9 a to u no 9 m to z 3 16 jh 1 t 45 u j3 63 93 w x02 99 6 61 43 8t im 75 ni i 45 62 2x6 hw5 majority fo cjeaef fll friends honor sirs u lxtham recent bride on friday evening over thijct friends and neighbors gathered at the home of vn r arblc which was tastefully decorated in pink and w hlte m honor of mrs law rence latham a recent bride after a few games of bingo miss teresa arblc wheeled in hs decor nted doll buggv whlch had- been r many times with s tntt h orand totals 1531 6955 6287 majority for cleaver over nichol son tn countv 668 rlllisl j bruie after the couplp- expretsrd their heart thanks a dalntjr lunch wa aened nnd a musical hour n jovtnl vj 1 j the wetldtng music thebnde chose a drea of pale blue silk jersev mhh a cornet of white gardenias and shoulder length veil her corsage was also of white gardenias law alberta houston was bridesmaid and chose a dress of duskv roe silk jersey with blue ac cessories and her corsage was of pink rose buds the groom was supported byl a c george i nlache and the bride was given in marriage b rocky wright sp a friend of the bride and groorru man guests w ere present from 1 both the brides and groom 1 units of the rca f a reeeptlnnvnu nld at terr s rose room and the bride table was centred with a two tiered wedding cake and a bouquet of mixed smc a eae attz a short honeymoon at oraigflayrer the bride v ill resume her duties at vic toria b c and the groom has been posted to spider bc j kllenezer and arkeu w m s societies hold joint meeting the ladies of the fbenexer uo- men missionary society met with theilndies of arkell in mrs p hutch ing home the president mrs plckersgitl took the chair after a few items of business were attended to the scripture leaabn was read by mrs mew and mri c pickett sang a solo the guest speaker was mrs crodof abcriqije who ga a trj inspiring address and with her daughter a dr white sang a duet entitled o the good we all may do while the das are going by jhere was 25 ladles nresent ihf 1 meeting came to a close in the usual manner and junch was served by the hostess and her helpers and a social time was spent by afi coming events ann u mf urllfl ca rill f lifhr ct1 m4t isu tls rt rsrs4ml rn ser hnvsits 1mmimim altaff m f nnnun rl k rlngo every tuesday night in st joseph s hal cash prt admis sion 25c the lakeside cnapur lode victory garden party j una 35th la 40 ton park roar crlg4icpr isa at variety entertainers v oance tuesday june 19th wttb galbralths orchestra at broojnrlua sponsored by busy bees not noxt dance will be on holiday july 2nd instead of usual tuesday night ad mission 50c b 1 euohre acton ladles orange btn evnlent aasoeiauon no 1101 will i a euchre in the lo l flail cttfmmm corners thursday evening june isftlv at 8 30 sharp refreshments admis sion 25c everyone welcome 7r- s i k l

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