Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1945, p. 4

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pack four the acton free press thursday may lout imc neighborhood news itsumttlaf itetaw cabmrninc otto cetilrt and cohulumiuw to wktdi matrv of oar wwdtri arc interested muton melvlu nolrls printer at die office of the canadian champion suffered three broken flnjjer and a badly cruthed left hand on monday when the hand wet raught in xtg platen pre he was f at the plant at a congregational meeting held in waterdown united churrh on moo day evening a tmanlmoua invitation was extended to itev j ii moore ba of st pault united church mil ton to btuxtme their next minister the regular voluntary lllood don or service clinic wu held at the legion hall on monday and tuee day of this week altogether 12h at milton friend wilt be interested in the success scored in toronto by robert llately formerly of milton whose parents reside here a near parity audience greeted the pop concert in katon auditorium on mn day evening given tiy the victory celebration chorus with hobert itltety ronrtarrtng canadian cham plan eo1uktwn georgetown s i2lh illood ionor clinic on april jftlh in the legion hall again upheld the splendid record at in previous clinics when 120 vol unteered to give their blood a it speight wn reeleted presl dent of the eeorgetown board of trade for a second term at the an viual meeting of the organization held last friday night in the municipal building another georgetim n boy who hai beem a prisoner of war in termany has now been liberated according t a telegram received by hl mother mrs a it wilson sunday night wo 1st class john i v ilstm has been a prtaonerof mar since october 20th 1942 he now in r nijund a special public meeting of oun ii was held in the municipal lluildlng at 3 o clock friday afternoon when ir berry of the provincial iepartmeni of health mr 11 ha r njjne r and dr c v williams moh were present to discuss matters tn con nertlon with the proposed seweragr- ayatem for the tow n herald nassag vvvey a large gathering of the friend of the late james simpson of totten ham attended the funeral aerv ice held in fbenezer united church last mondn to pa their last reinects to a former resident and chun h v filter interment uas tn jhenexer meleiy the deepest sympath goes out to the family and relatives in their sorrow sacramental services w ere obser ved in ebenezer united church last sunda conducted by the 1 i tor fcv r w plckersgll messrs t j hlin otid and arthur jl diamond were il ted riders of ebenrier united cli ir h for a three year term there was a large gathering at the special service of praer praise and thanksgtlng held in the nassaga weya prcsb terlan church on tue- day evening t day with uev mr macnell and hex it plckersglll conducting the service a choir of members of all the churches of the township led in the strvue of pralst praise mr nnd mrs dnnlel kingsbury o dundnn visited with mr itnd mrs ncrmmoitm nnrtm over the wet k end oakville major harfey dunsheath ha re turn rl home after fire years over aeas rockwood tlie may meeting of the women s christian temperance union was h id al the home of mrs s petty with a good attendance the highlight of the evening was an address by rev john ward in which he gave ktatutics l showing the great increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages n spite of the socalled rest rictiona- mlss j uttle had charge of the de votional exercises and in the absence oi the president paeelded for the busl nets session and program very much enjoyed was a solo by mrs a cant hon accompanied by major j h chlsholm who hat mr j ayle mrs walt herwuu read been ovenua for five years returned home on leave on j rlday night one hundred and fifteen blood donor attended the 2fith ited cross lllood iunor clinic held in st jude parish hall mrs alex til ley che first itegent or the angela ilruce chapter io l i- was appointed provincial cbun setlor at the provincial convention hrld in hamilton recently mr and mrs a mansfield kerr street received a cable last wednea day from their son i cpl red is now in kn gland having been a prlsonerof war august 4th 1044 record star mansfield w ho after mr everton mrs waller oullng have moved t oultervtlle where he has h position on no 24 highway mr kd itartier town line has bought the farm from mr ieamon thomp son and will get possession novefhoev lst mr and mrs ioughrin of spead sldt have bought the cottage from mitts iteed lately vacated by mr and mm walter coulln we welcome tlirm to our village the svmpathy of the community goes out to mrs a moles who lost brother the late mr thompson of loronlo and mrs w peavoy who lost a mstrr the latr mr s krum of alt mis campbell of toroptp il 1 the tpenkrr next sunday morning at tin hurch of christ mr and mrs duncan kingsbury oxprinit sient sunday w ith mrs hnrvrv tcvltn ahd hobble recent visitors at the home of mr anri mr a holes were mr joseph rutherford mr and mrs karl holes nnd minx spcerumr mr and mrs am id llton shands all are sorry to hrnr miss jennli tow 11 l in hospital for an operation w hoi- for n pertly recovery mrs robertson is spending n frw dnvs at the home of her son mr nommn rotertson and famlt iton miss mnrkrf t sunter mr and mr stnnlev slew art v uited sundav at the home of mrs mckenle and nor mnn osprlnge mr and mrs wllbert mccutcheon nnd famllv sixth lint visited sunday nl the home of the formers mother mrs john mccutcheon a fkoem mother cumjioaad by jtert rain nightingale ir it or k wood and mr h iweslle read an arth le pro hibition and prayer by h mm m i relating how temjierance agl lalkun first started tn 17w out of which grew the women christian lemjierance union following word of cessation of ho unties on the t urppean battle front schools were closed and business places as well as residences were all de ited out with flags including cars truck and bicycles fn the afternoon stores doted for a few hours re opening toward evening miss isrs harris of the hlldren s aid toronto wai home for a brief viilt lst week limeiiouse campheilv1uk tin n nil it men intltuli of mi ak w chaik min secretin rt twvs ovi i- cell mrs i ti lush nnd mis t i a v 11 nl im i in u it u tl t vi li nl in i irish s ii tnik n m vi i itl it it rs from in i mi ikiimii p ir ltluk mrs how son o llnrils all g ie paiers mrs i tsi hm i ifve a deni onsltntion of a silnl nnd wrvctl it mr thin lis kmj inwnlul th fomr ml salu lliuk who is now mrs ht nrv ki llv with n salad nml and plnt tn u hnlf of ttu w i in honor of hr uini manlagf a aortal half hour lomluded tlu nmt lng a farvvill pnrtv was hja for mrs duncan cum who has lived in the dlstriit mut of her lift u was in th form of a dance at the home of mr and mr j enrlv bloomsbuiv orchestnt provldetl the music mr jack farlv read the nddre and mra wallace king and mrs urvej blacklock prvsejqlwl mra cur rl-itn- a travelling bag purs and blovva from the friends of th aur- roundlng dlatrlrt on tuesday evening praise and thankagivtne s wai held at hie w m s meeting with ten present w a in id at the home of mr r llerby on thursday evening text word pray was answered in the roll call one of i he largeit crow ds seen in 1 imehouse school gathered there to hid farewell to mr and mrs m ken and fnmlty prior tn their removal from our immcdinte community during nn evening of darning a w uenton called the hen family for ward when snm clshv rend an ad dr to the pannt nnd fred brooks nnd sid kirkpntrhk presented each with an occask nn nrm chair mr ken thanked thili friends for tie a dnitiv llft 1 w vhm imitini th m to visit ttim in tltlr n v horn tthlu mnn ant klrkjntrhk raad nn iilliivs t tb nn 1 ipnn ixiri en sjinfitil imhiimi i i h with n i up nn 1 sjiu i i ntlttlitlf of m nirw rs o tl i ru 1 v mit lnh ollv it tu k i 11 i roc with yi rl od tt n vnik b r tl nn t llv 1 rllows nn i ull i nni iu ml tm i ns su lied 1 i am t kn win summits and win lit nm tt with i s k d ii il 1 tl wr m in ii r ihi bull tl of tb lit mis to h mt tidith liv k lit in i inn h uise ctmtttrv n s nurd n fdlmtng fun t inl s t n ui lor nt utere sh al imn liv ink with lr d uikht r mrs linn mis win millnresr in 1 her son william it h i t it4 hi ii hitthdnvs n mindnv inst wt wtlctmi mrs ingo to tt e v i lafio she formerlv llvjd in oakvlllo nnd ln pun hnset the home recently vmntid hv tfie norries congratulations to our newlvwetls mis twtndolvn hill and mr al i ordon were married in 1 imehouse piebvterlan church on saturday by ktv c c covhrnne mr kenneth harrtton of george town sang a solo during the service at umehouse prcaby terlan church on sundny he uni nccompanled by mias molly- hepburn burlington a most successful tag day for the canadian national institute for the blind was held on saturday last when approximately 2h1 00 was real lied mr and mr wm wray 3 new street have received word that their nephew sgt harry dunk eld haa been awarded the military medal for brav ery on the field and devotion to duty mrs ii k brown who lives with her mother mrs m baker maple avenue has received word from her husband cpl hubert kendall bert brown that he has been liberated from a german prison camp and is now safe in kngtand william thompson father or mrs eorge it harris pavsed away at uuntsvllle early wednesday morn lng after a brief illness he had been a resident or that place for many yrars and would have celebrated his hlth hlrthdav on f- rlday the fun eral took place at uuntsvllle on sat unln afternoon over 225 boy sout ami cubs and i heir dads rn joyed the nnnunl enthrr nnd son nlkht held in trinity kninnslum on thursdny evening lnut a hnnqurt wan put on by the scout mothers auxiliary and proved to be of the usunl calibre for w hit h thr seoul mothers nre noted at the regular meeting of the town council on r rldn evening last deputy reeve smith hrooght up the qutstlon of disposing of the five lots on seneca mrcct near new set nlde laxt ijar for a playground nnd look for what he thought mlkht be a more suitable locntion he pointed out that he fett the proper v was not suitable for a plnvkround tsecnuse of its mnallnes nnd should be sokl as lot for home nnd taxes nnd revenue derived gv- ctte notttl families suftftin war ocbretti peerajje ijsu more than 1000 nanwn of hritlsh notableh hilled london i hrllish rinl blood is nilviht litmrnll with htm on bnttlt in hb of tin setond nnl war di i it tt s w hos who of 111 it mi n thilllv i sts ovtr n tluiisind tinmes of di itl in the war 1 hi n is no s t ml h t of t nsilnl lifs f i i n dill t mm r s smi nnd jnnxjucavi bme are rnwit in rpport parade and service ui eton ve day continued from pag one ten two successive generations of men v ill not smite a third ha urged that all play an unselfish part in bringing about a better order of life and that we transform thought into deeds in bringing about this better world a silent prayer of rememberanci was offarvd fur those fallen n tha held of battle and a dedication jf ourselves to a life of justice it was a servlte that will long be lememtmred and a mesaaga that went deep to the hrarti of that great throng a choir made of the members of tlioir from the anglican presbyter ian baptist and united hurches led in the service of prals following cessation of hoaltlltlea in rurope a high mass of niankaglvlng was observed in si josephs churrh at h a m on puesday morning in the evening a special service was held at 7 pm when all joined in a inly ihmii of prayers and hymns both service were well attended and in barge of thr tur rev father mi rgsn in the evening the rejolt lng found vent in as many ways as there ar individual lulu there was dancing on the streets and when the rain came the crowd went lo the town hall the urne scots band paraded the streets with a group or cheering youngsters folluwlng hut there also war many silent scenes in homes where the sacrifice of war has been heavy and eiased cars are not easily rueaday waa a holiday in acton too a quiet day for reflection and thanksgiving the iglonnlres and a group of town players competed in a ball knie in tin prk and the old sweats found they aren i as young as they used to he some of the younger element had a small bonfire in the park in the evening but scar lly of material confined its site and the tfflky of hitler for consummation i l a fu ry finish proved in elusive as slkns of him nre to be found in thr land he once ruled i yt s the sun shone fn acton on mav nnd nth idis and ihe promise of spilng nml new life uns in the nlr i nnd the hoe of hnppy homes wit i rt united families and a world free of inr john boot phe progressive conaarvatlva can dldate in north wellington in tha coming provincial election ta an lrln township farmer and livestock dealer hr is a fourth generation member of the hoot family one of wellington ounlys pioneer families john boot lives on the 2nd line of krtn twp on thr farm his grandfather rut from the bush since iwj john and hli hiolhrr haines have operated their in0atie farm and livestock trucking business having started operation during the depression they learnt d ihe hard way the problems of tha fnrm and marketing farm producta mr root is married to the former i title m toop teacher of almont who taught at manltoulln island and illluhurgh ihey have a family of t hree sons an j one daughter john is nnturally interested in seeing that wr have the itest pmlbp health and edu atlonal services in ontario john hm served time on his local school board and tiefore his marriage wai very artlve in young peoples work when he was jo years old he was i resident of the tuelph association b y p u and w as a member of the ontario quele board of man k rs of this young people s organ zallon t or the past in years john hns txm re okniel nt onr of the best dihattrs in this fiarl of wellington ounty perhaps it was his interest in debate ihnt tit him into the ioll ii nl nn nn it ns n rlliile to tie rimit nanii tin in tin inst trovlnclnl t t lion nfter only a twelve day t am pnikn ji hn hntt nl kilitlcal tradi lions by winning the tint conservn tivi majority thnt was ever polled in ttt lowtr end of nortti wellington small advertisements a4vrturt adr dtsg ajc cask vah ar n w eaesa atutttoasi wwrfa if pr word u uwut pf word sdjilm oin av l la s wse4 wanted chllds tricycle in gobd condiuon apply box u rnrr pbess fob haijk lluildlng itone or rock for cesspoou a j mcisaac 41 i phone 47r6 acton ijht iv acton man a wrist watrh tuesday or wednesday engraved on back re ward box 11 krkk press not hk rtm hauc hve tuoined brick housa centrally lotated a rage immediate p ion apply box 12 kilre press notice et your hawihlli products al ihe kinfmiott bhoury a full line of products carried at all times 434 mill street prone 88 ifkjjp wanted rtmaijc salrslarly for ladle wear store f ull lime emjlomrnt ood wagaa war worktrs not eligible apply kmpluyrmnl a srjecliva servlca oftue uelh on i h he no 517 mimmi range with warming one doublw ted with sprlnga aly mrs t irwtoni conurfc ianuy k h 1 acton kor rrnt 1 rooms in tountry home on high wny motoring ditaifi of acton telehone and hydro suit couple mm left rentes required box m frff press buhinewi opihwtirvrnr fob haijc small tannery in central saskat- crewan city a golns concern own er wishes to retire for furtlit par tlcular write tx 2 box 3 kkfe pre99 kott haij ful ment of smnll glove shop in lies linetl nnd un lined dies men a work kove dlt s hi rki button ma th tntis line and ctturse machines large unntily of patterns some stock good i llenlrle knxt investment opportun ity f m one if love utter owner going vi rst ns r cpl it conltdentlnl i hox 10 rltrr press m t hi m r t ii ilm and a ii n lvi hut 1 til i at n t- pi t rs i m rs t f w a ovti 100 nk li l i in r h t i 1 1 1 1 and m i will iii i n kill onimon dtt 1 la is mm s nt il mn i ml ii ks h ar more liberal meeting to ut iihoj in rut gregory theatre acton ov wednesday may 16 at 7l pm motion imct11ke c hlldren limit i 1g not mlmlttetl unless accompanied by parents fuhst soi oist m ron ii steu ht larkkon spi- vrmls x mrs mvr pettit mr iii hrs lkuhlt ml i mnon i u ou oi s r mi- king notice i hi mrrnl inx itnte has been ra il i eil h nt mill ly inson of the 1 re vin ml subsidy lo munh ipalitiea nnd lit rnlt s l wtn fir school pur h s s i nv uin it d u ed by nn amount ijunl in t inl to tl rv f i received ly tie nxn llvt s hool llonnts from hi irovm ml i tvirnment toward liutnixn lists lo tx used for the mint of inxnliin on id nl i- state h 1 rf of acton i- untherlnnd clerk milton welding hedric and acetylene we i dins repair l ming or all typea iortnble fqulpment those 332 mary st milton a floyd smith jeweler w t lirs ukth jrwri ruv 1 ki ill 0t it it i t inn i it i i in tit i si t 1 f ti lt nn loss unt in 1 iwu in i lliiukln y it i 1 r ix vm ii i ll ii tint if itiin nium k ns i nt r ttu i rth an 1 in tt tn l lis t i n tin tut i two i lilt tmlk s til 1 fill till i- ii it tin rird imlllkl t litis l ink n rt lini nti olm tm itnt n in tin muuga reb terliin church and eheneier unlll church and st davids prctbjurlan joined with them the tervlc wa in chare of mrohifmacnellnnd nev rolhar- erui a ura crqwa attended w 1 n hop the iwye will return fely m will h everlwuni peaee fu w 5r nq eight monthi ot ur- rtflc trunla tie iiuii- u ib u ivdy whv aut 444 airf r we extend symp on bahalf ofmwmtitlohtlega thedukeutkunt the community tr mr and mra jaa the and news last weel that thelr ton bud had ctven his ufa overseas hla wife and two small children jive in toronto h mra plorby attended the funeral of her brotherinlaw the late mr monroe jfi ntasara palls ny on monday mil s is llstt 1 ieeracea extinct ihivvs tv ptirnjes and hv huroneti it s t tinct through derth op at live st rv its- sons of f inious v nelishmrn mem urn of the rovnl fnmllv nnd the min of it titters in the first lireat war are nil htrftidthl in the casualty llsta fourtesn numbers of pnrlinment hni ttavn killed om hundred and svtnty have mvii ivlce and 60 are till serving tre fnrl of cattle stewnpt has josf twofioruw lrd harruicton una kill ed iscount hull fax ambasst1or to theu s lobt one son and another the kings brother dim ir n flns jamleson nnd family who rvclvedlnrctderrt on active dyty a iscount uasrelles princess mary a eldest sun ira jruoncr of war the preterit lord jell icoe holda the dsc at doea earl beatty ton of another famou naval hero a 20th ceritury duke of welunbtdn and a duke of northumberland ar the dead pkogkkssn k conskrv vltv e k vlia town hall arthur wednesday may 16 3 p m the honourable ge drew premier of ontario john roc wellington n also ed edwards bhjhamilton- perui wellinfrton s wiil address thobally everybody welcome vkbd j younsvre royh grant sec olllil it ks vow ti i i ir i kt n i ir immisdl- il i tin ltliti it ijur nihlceil i i t s ii itt tn i ir mi lurk k avcr- ii t k ln ki lire lov- triiinttil i rt l tnsjmtled and t 1 i tt st 1 i lmimi un i gullty t ti ks nit ntitnl or liabiltty larie l t an 1 it 1i1 t r mluitlnn of ment and hurt i it ks nn st tl j1j vi t 100 lullits jtilhl pr 1011 light suuk niixiil si i vi ur im pullft j2l on per lol whiti- iikhorn mlxwl 1200 per iiki ulltt sj4iic per 100 corltereu sjui r 1011 barred rotk x white 1 ekhom ilhrul mixed s12 0o per 100 lullttt j4iki r 100 cockerels 12 30 in km niu hampthlre x barred icocki mlirj12 5t ier 100 pulleta jj0o0 pir 100 started chirks for tale may 1st hatch t50 b r mixed 200 b r pul lets 110 nj hamp pullets 69 n h x b r pullets 23 us pulleta april 3t hatch 300 ba mixed br coe- kereli 4u0 w u pulltls c1u hr x w l pulletsaprll 20 htcbj0 h hamp cockerels 200 bjr cockerela april it hatch 100 br cockerels april 6 hatch 23 b r mixed 88 bjt x wl pullets apply irtiompsorra poititbt pash and batcirgbv l wercetowa k s i aibmm iwto r j t s v i a fj3l

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