Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1945, p. 4

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moat mitt the acton free press thursday aprtl uut im neighborhood news mtiullag llaaw ceamlis ousar catr uwl caauuwklm ki rkfelt llury tl oar buliri w inlarwusl erin charles iloy urufuly paaaed tu audtlealy at hl horn ut krin on thursday uarrh 3mk ims born in brussels ontario he was the ton til th lal ur an4 urt joseph albert rumy of llamlllon a tart rumtwr of friends anf neighbors of ur and ur 4 s kltu wood of brampton mat in th bat fountain hall on truraaay avanuf uarrh ihh i spend an vrntrui with them and ur w hugh who has bn raauunt of live itelfhuathood for 11 years ur foreman waa rhalr man for the evening and railed on ura morris teller lo read an ad dr afirr which mn r i lluun and j c uarmllian prrwnteil mr and ura kirk woud with a sl o ry alal ur and mrs kirk wood r llrd fittingly ur lunrn maimtlan then read an addr to mr hugh mho thanked all fur lannmnhvilnk him the remainder of ik vnlng as sprni in danrtnf advoral oakville hit worship mayor j u camt- hell ha accepted th chairmanship of thr kit hi h victory i oar lammtt im karly friday morning rohhvrs atola an oakvt1 dairy truck loadad th poet office aaf onto ii and drova to aqum spot on uhaddon avtnitf hetwn douglaa and wataon hr thay brofca ii open scouring 1 m t in cash and stamps a praa dispatch iram the it t a f on th con ii kent reports that rtlgnt ueulenant hi afford uartatt aon of ur and ura wilbur marian lad the fliat flight of typhoon fighter homt- r in an attack which tlet rayed a german observation ot at anhotl eight mllea east of kmmerlch mr j j staple of oakxllle a well known checker player i a competitor in the ontario hn k i aaaorlatton 1w 1 ournamrnt at the st t lair m a tv run l m man h loth and mat there were thirty lv enlrlr in the tourne and mr staple w ai lunvu ful in winning a in it a in the play o ft arming fourth place hrrord star limeiiouse nassagaweya mr mai mrljiuifttlln hel t a very kurceasful auction aale of faim st k ami implements on v ednada april jib lllddlng was brisk and gimtd prices war readied phc farm waa oflrred for aale hut waa not tuild live meal 4e supper held in thane irr tlnlted church last wednesday rtnlng under tha auspices of tha u omen s association waa fair u vu and the program put on h the rampbelktlle choir waa vnjoyed by all preaanl a aorta evening mid 1 iernatlon waa laid in r tarnrei t ruled hurt h on hiuraday rtrnhtg mart h th camea and conlru wpit itaed ftrai afirr which ur anil mr mil akin and daughter mlaa iloreen weie in tltrd to come forwarl to t hah la ed for them and mr w v par by irad an addreaa wllh mn j l klt hlrtg and misses lnia mlson and ivmna 1atlerbrook making the preaentatlon of a large mirror and two plcturra mr ceetl aklna made a vary feeling raply thanking all for tlielr kind ad dreaa and beaullful gift a a dalnt lumr waa aerved and a ant tat lime brought th gathering to a cloae ur and ura o sherwood and mr wealay lmckell of arkall vlaltad i la uvea and frlanda ai larbvlil re cntly maaura hon a id and hobert moffat twin aoni of mr and mrm wm mof fal of toronto spent their haalrr holldaya w ith relatlvea in naaaaua weya mr and mr heg lllam of arton laiwd relatuea and frlenda al knaibbuu lat sunday the a mpat hy of t bla tttmmunlt y goe nul lo mr and mrm hobrrl lltirihwttk in the death of the laltrr i brother mr tt omaa it i ay lor ol buffalo n in mr mm lay lor rden mllla a brolher ne amimithv f the i miiniuitll la rxtrndftl t mi s ninn r nntl lantll in i belt jd ihirnvrmml ospringe mrand ura wrlgrt and ur and ura t allkan of ljikel1 calll on friend and relatives her on sun day masters jatk sloan of tlroitt bar lea smith oi tellempra and hruo uavey of 11 ramp tun span th raster holldaya with their grandpar ents ur and urt c it rue master ikmald allken of all was a week end visitor with his unite and aunl mr and mr union allken mlaa arlene r ishcr daugbter or mr and ura r hlhrr had bar tun alls removed last week au vtlst for ber a ai1y rmovt sgl trj itoltritaiml of lh ii av la swndlng a few daya leav in new ofk ill ltfhenl vhuloia with mr a rut mrs i llruce intituled mr and mr sloan anil daugttlei mra ail iraham and mr oluxr ntoinaa all f llnmle lie apitl merlin of i liujn women a inatllvitr waa bfld al the home of mra k htylon on l nines da aftriii a ill 41b wllh a g uy iiuiiiik r of mrntliei a prrmnt i be roll cull waa anaweifd by sing say ila or 1ay i lana were mmle fi i an auttloo aalr ala tt e kh jtrrailte piogram w aa dlst uhad an 1 it w aa dh ldr lo aak foi ttlrrthlpxnnfririif mis ittdmrtaon ktn ll i fternl to wiltt lo irr tny ovrivm hir itnl m ir ptiil wa glen t mra llrdon mra 1 itotteilfctiu waa a mlnte1 thr thalilady for thr elr lion of off i era whl h rraultrd aa rnllowa rrrnbienl mrs r mii ice rrbliil mra i- harlm r set treaa mia sunter asal sev treaa mlaa u f inra i ian ut mlm ii mcklnnon dlatil t i mr et lor mia k kallhoff director mra lrdoit mra allken trogram onunlttre mia mi kt nle mr ilry ihmi mn ha hrr mra alt kens i rrwa itcpottrr mra sunter i urn b t onitnttlee mra v inra miss ii mcklnnon itrproaenlaturs to ma trltt annual mrs iming mr llry oon mr kalthofr ar w rk mra kolmrtson mr hrydon thr meeting rinsed wllh the na llonar anthem aftn wblct sand w ichf take an i on kin were scrveil nd a mmisi time njotl nassagaweya a a no 7 jjnl barnhy l good wiu haiujuet ilert a ontlnuad from pag on iwst buslnea foundation was good re latlonsblps between management and labor lie liellevad in management heallnffrwrlth mgantaad alto and ha urged ibal workers be loyal lothlr leaders liter must lw a spirit of ttleratloo on both aid ilapplheu in lb opportunity of itelng piwaenl al ii is celebration vnt was apresaimi1 and auire latliui of the aplemlld meal served by the ladle sneaking of kitgland and t anada iwl the waitlutr litad lmlng shoulder r he waa prmnl of lha a blevmant of both auala ad the old land ii i aid tilling lilbutf lo lb an ad i an armed fm era and lb tart a nail ian induatty hail laed in th war ii iomimm loaat to anada ami mr n 1 laird ng l t anada and the entire gioti j lined t 1m in alngtng it i i if 4 ttml time a cun ludlug and very i leaalng ihiltaa to ibla gatbnliik waa th pre m- nt at ton lo lutdy llatnby of a leau llftil lmuiuet tf hurt aiut a book of hirnta mlaa i- dna r i rf tut tie ha if tf iahui jj male ibla preaa1loit to i a ly llarnb who r lied bilefly irlllng of tier iaui in lielng in ail n and tbe hop a tie woukl mton it turn for another vlalt mortgage sale unuklt and by virtu of ut power of ttal o laaeaeiala mortgag wrlrb will b produrad at tha time of sale thar will b offered fur sal by ktiank lbtl auellaaaat at ilbijo alkhifln n mintxv thtthwany third day ot april iu41 al live hour of two oiiimii in the afternoon at th farm or uiouas tjnm near acton 0 larto tbe following prterty namely al i and hnuah that certain ticel oi tiait uf land and prmtaa altuatetl lying ami being in th i own ahlp ut nassagameya 7n lb t uunly of llalton containing by adinaaaur merit mi hundred air tt th aam mote or lea l litg iommta4d of th wst half of ltt number hvnt4i in tie seventh concession of lb said township if naasagaweya on lie aald lands thrre la said lit lie net tni a dwelling holia and suitable farm buildings lahla will lie aold auhjet i tu a itemtvx hid 1hms of sai v isvenly five trt rnl of nit haae money to ita iteld down at llf lint of aale and the imtlaititt moored hy mortgag with inlnrat at four rr lent per annum rot fuithrr arflulaia aiul con dltl ita tj sale mp ly to niiitjaalixier if agrliullural itana rl iiimh laillament llulldlng nmi lnlailn 40 1 a i r 1 at n nl i marth 11h ii is llal day of announcement i wish to annnuikc i lie jiici uf attnn and dislrut that i have opened an office next to the kuyal fc aa a keal i state broker and enrral lnuraike ajtctit 1 respectfully moluit your palronat wm it iiuaikkn at tie ajiril meet ink of ibe v i held at mrs a norton a on thura ta lfi850 was ceptirtrxl raised dur ing the month moat of thia was anant paying for iarrels sent local ovtrafu men for kaater and seetl fot arbool children s lrtor gardens aa well as the final paymvnl on the vic tory bond mra j el eurb was ap pointed delegate to the fetlrratlon of agriculture health meeting on april 2jtr and ur a v urn ton to thr children s aid society meeting on april vi owing lo the district an nual being held on may 10 tha naxt u 1 meeting will be held april 36 at 2 o clock two new quilts were to be gten the local branch of tbe rad cross letters acknowledging receipt of a ditty bag and cartons of clothing and qulfts aent the salvation army and canadian aid to russia fund were read a card waa also read from norman uedonaldr- a- prlaonar of war in germany mrs mte read lurrent eents and the motto neer too old to learn prepared b mrs hot mrs githy read a norm entitled trayer for planting 1 iu h waa served h the hostess at thr close of the meet ing pilot officers pat mtb a and loe mcmenem o thr itoal sew 7a aland air force were tueti of tie mltib ell last week mrs angus mtlvtnald of tvtrrr town lalletl ht r atater mr miller racentli misses oue and jean len wxre guests at tbe l ales snow wedding on saturday the euchre and dann lat tuea da evenlnj ionored b the garden committee wn tjuite a ucesa high eat scorer in rut hre wtre helen shelbourne and stre nonle mr e mill r and s soiric wet alo winners of thr luik spot dance mil kr for dan ink was provided b mer t 0 kav w summerv and mlaa j uuddell wllh mr jor mcoonald a floor manager a numbr of slides were shown at turn h time meat p and tea and coffee were served a large number of relatie and frlenda of mr sand mi nonfrld and ml as helen crawford gathered at the lamehouse school on frida oven ing to usr them happlnea and to ahower them with gift mr 1 nr newton called the prospective brio and groom fnrward to chain decor ated beneath pink ahd whlti stream eft v mra c e meredith plaved th wedding march as the gift ware being opened balloons overhead burst ahowrring the couple with con fetti santjy thanked all for their gftsand good wishes amldanclng was returned tor the remainder of th venlng urt a r johnson arrived 1om from loronto with tnlt new aon during tha wevod kockviooi a er inlertkltng mrrliiik f tin v t id waa held last uiik at iht home of mrs has 11 llanta with tt irteen memlm ra piescnt mm o ofctrandcr ocvuglrtl the ttialr with mra annli lurrla n liinlut mls i 1 illlc condutinl be ttwiiionnl t ix i and lim an y aster m axak taking for hrr aubjt 1 1 i ijjyera f i ialer mrs v anllm i offend prayer a irtlrr from mis r fflr croft was read xpiraalng thanks for fruit received during hrr stay in tospllnl and a letter of appreciation was read from mr i parker of rerton tor the receipt of an emblem pin a letter had been rroelved drawing at tentlon to cigarette smoking by mln or and a dtacusalon followed as to what might be done about it rhr following readings were given how johnnie kept hi a promise hy mr it miller i am somebody by mr a watson altorol and athletics by mrs c h harris the subject of th clip sheet was the blhle and wine the meeting closed with prayer b mrs lestle th may meeting will be held at the home of mrs ostrander the smpalh of the rommonltv is extended to mr norman i cr and famik in their ment aa i berenve ment congratulations to mr and mrs charlie shultla on tre oc aalon of thrtr recnt marriage mr flwood ituny uullin has pur- chaae thr real lent r and i roperty of mr fred maw corn r of main and i hrlatle streets congrat ulat tons to mr and mr jhn llamlllon on the occasion of their thkrtv llfth wedding anntvtranrv ifently the pleasant cent was ar ranged b member of their famllv mlaa pearl hamilton and mr cliff ord swanston keren t and wekrnd visitors cpl trorve da ottawa- mr and mrs john t fittolrtimon and daukbter dora mr f 1 aw it a of moore fie id mr and mr w a harris titr and mrv arthur harris of hamilton mr and mr chas koyce anrfons fort erie ont mr and mrs a sott and son fort frle pte 3uue milne camp borden miss minnie nlcketl toronto m and mr a frank and famlk guelph mr and mra john nelson toronto mr n nightingale milton mrs j ward jr v and daughter barbara spent th easter holiday in toronto mrs j ayles spent monday in guelph schools reopened monday for the final term of the vear th young people of st john s church held a social in tre baiemrnt of the resbyterlan church friday evening they had as guests some of their school mate for the occasion sunday fnornlng at st johns church holy communion was ob sarvad during tha service with tl rclor rav e ar pulker officiating 1 1 a ill mi i tlh it ll lltiay he lul o i nt lit i iih of mr u in in u wllh it ftli itttirilaitt nnrt hi inim fti i-f- tnkln it ir i in ea fi r nn th r i it t ir t iwl tilt flint ittinrnt t i tnlmil lilliin fntm ht offltir ut j mi cy si onion alhn ir arthui oaveit 1 port and tw fn in sti h rnnk allen end n thnnk wiu fit m om n i iv n iomi it r a h tt r ir nt th i til rrnttrm of arttillur krd fur ir i irv ntnttw nn i immlwra lo ntlend n i ul lit nirclliit in ii 1 rimes iltntrt n i mllli n mmmo 1 r ivlim mlnlatrr of itrnltl f r ontntl will le i ajtrnker an outline of nrlous mea sure taken to mm up tounly hi nit h unit and to prnlde munli ipnl hrnlth service will he given al the humncis aevtlon f the meet in mr unvtnporl nnd mr w ken nedv were rlrtled n n ri trnlatlvrn to tbe federation of akruulturc and planx took their iihunl frw mlnuir a quilt top was donated ly mr- d ii nderson and aj ret latnt hoys oersra wre to be t nt chot olntr and items for boxen were to iw ae cured h the committee plana for two lot a i money raising vent were dlsrussed and for the coming danre at llrookvllle ihr red croaa contribution and donation from the rluh were to be sent to h nd pinrtrr x rprt slowed iw1h had 1m en t it arod from eui hrra in the m h mil a quilt wns tlnkhet and taken from the frames mrs kennedy moxed a vote of thanks to mr dredge for her lovely lunt h and hotpllnllty ibe tlnnl t ut lire nrt wns hell in l hi at hool haute r rl lay evening mrs ilrltton won ladle i rlxr whlcl waa donated by mrs lovrniort nnd mr i mil hntrnn ftr kent w i it h wns di nntrd by mr walter tnimnn although nn low ns two tnhlea nnd no htkht r than seven weieplned in nn evening the busy hee havr r ten red 71 ai front these eui hres mim llni 1 kcnnnu vkltexl with hr friend mix r it n in brittnn acton during tht holldav master deorfcr andrrxon a member of mr nnd mix uurrmr king s horn i itpent hlx holidnxi with hlx ska trr marie nnd broth r robert at bronte mr nnd mr k p nnd buddy and mr howard james of st cnthartnes were overnight guests of mr and mrs lawrenct kink the dance at brookvllle hall on mnruiav night sponsored by the buiy bees club was we attinded and a splendid sum cleared for their work of soldiers comforts and relief of those suffering from this war mra law rence king v lilted rela- tles from saturday until wednes- dav in toronto mr wyman utile spent tuwek end w itr mr and mr mra bert jervls and miss helen toronto mr and mrs keith budd and mar- lene roykwood were the guests of mi and mra u king sunday insurance real estate 1kuisks roh sai now in the tltm to i uy a b iur for your own use or for an investntent njoy tie i ni in a and tumfoit of owning your own home we have kod reahhntlnl tomrtlea nt fnlr pit ia all suitable for invrntmrnt and romfort will leiiantt d owning your own hroin k your ural niul mm at invtulment inshuant h now la the tlmt to review your fire auto and other lines of insurance are you auffltlenlly t ovrred itiough rates lav dropped considerably value bnve inert na d many lenellta have iteen added hy the underw rlterx on k nernl aid bjm clilc lines lrt ui advise you we are agents for th leat nnd oldest companies and hnve enrellent fnrllltlrs com i in id with our long experience nnd knowledge of flnancr building nnd mp itlea iry our service f l wright realtor and insurance mmtbrr lurlph utd ilutrirt rml bllh itowd amalal mwilwr canadian aiueluln iu1 kslmto luuli aaaarlau mfmlwr ontarf ammtuuail rr tmm bnte manhr f urn and lluaajty inmirmn akmiu ahmiuim smsjl advertijemedu s ivmlussssai saaav ttua fcsaaug aa uk 4m o m as s liilaavsl ic wi4 if csak 4a am iaaaaar tb s4t ntaaaaal csutlaaus j f p m s4atlual is w4 3fli jnsecttldal dusts can be efficiently applied to plants through burlap or cheesecloth bag or from a can with a n urn bet of small holes punc in the bottom tax notice1945 municipality of acton first instalment noutdue attrttlon is drawn to the payment of 1m5 taxes whlrh are now payable in our instalments i axes are payable to the municipal treasurer at th acton public utilities office iatftlmnt arv pa fatlotro first instalment april i6lh second instalment june mh third instalment august 15th fourth instalment october i5ui according to the tax collection b taur a brnalty of tuo pr cent ulll b added on the amount remaining unpaid after tha six teenth da of april until the fifteenth day of june and an addition of four per cent on the flrht instalment remaining unpaid after the flftcn1h da of june thl penally applies to each instalment in almtlar unflnrier the attention of ratepayers la directed to the penalties and other clattuea a printed on the reverae side of every tax notice taxes are now due and payable tre penalty applies 11 the first installment is not met on or before monday april 16th make payment now and take voub tax notice with you when making payment f g turner collmtor po rale j hliaep and 39 1anrtn apply k kohkowbkt h u i aetna vmh haijc ilia spring limilh w mlnl oulu vatur kli in l ihnl vvimi fhalr j j it ink ltukwuad wantw1 to bent ttuumt nn airliiimi1 liy young nul u nu itillilifii aim ly mux ti yuir intkmu kik haijr itahv sir hrr i lur itd wl lie gfxl xiitltliifi t rli lrwiallr mili llf iklakt 41 1 j tin st atw liwt h haluiilny i imt k ky as with ll iei rntlftiri llnlr ila letufn i ik nun my mkrnrr want i all llliif irmsle w ukrr waillad li wiii liultri tixiti h ui in ii vi eab alllf aitn hkamh1y wanteii tidl i l y ir iii knt itilidltlfin ua1f prtr- ul than nuun iiat uiilay iii ix 111 kltr r illrts ktir haijt llliir i eiiiti ii mioller lllgli hair nut miiiiiioo hair aimi hahy a liatti lull apply mlts r w ituwea lhn 4w wantto a iisl eliilili vai uunt cleaner wliilhir in uieinllng tiindllliin nr not slal make 113 iiox 7 ulrr ihkmm ounce wanttji fur june lihii a lhr roomed iiar1iiieiil iiivriilrnir llownstalr pirlerahly adull and one rhlld writ iiox 171 acton lllll haijr ihnim fir mlf intral 1 nation all i n vrnlini ri ai ply to mll l si aim kton 41 i i iiumii slreat k1ib ml i iiiiim f r anl fulllrrs and hup 1 a i ly i i- ittniitif i iiwkiiis comers iikhinrhh oiishtttlmtt ftlk haijt sinnll lanmry in ienlial saskat- lihniiill a inc nincern own r nit m in rulie lor furtli r par tl ulars wrllt w u iiox i him iuraa itik hait r iiincil ink dlnlnic linen suite oiultut ji lam tmt alv halra a i nlr i wnll lirarkel natures all in k 1 i indltl n miis j w woirr ilione 3th kim haijc i mi rnmrnt approved rhli k har iiiln fnr lliia hmk end net non- wih white ikhorns wti darrml hikks llll nrw llampahlrei 111 s3 afciorted i luht hreeiu f 9 irt assorted heavy lltee1 jiiin pullets white leghorns xflv itarred it or us fttllla new llnmpmrr lm assorteil 1 iklit itrieih jnvi asaorted lleav- iitii mkereli uarred itorlis j7 v new hampshire fjlfkl asanrt- ed llmvlra u ft aunrieil medium 1 7i j week hl rhrk add ftr ier rhlrk o alkive rlres shipped oil i1i a ivi rtuim nt must arrnmpany nur order top notch rhickrnifs uelph ontario ijcaauno auction sale of iiiint av medoilflalx ot highway no zl in mile south of artnn on hati biiav aptui ita at i wo oilnrk the following ierrliernn lie ri end i years old wagon tvpr 7 durham covrs lreh and prlni rs 1 durham heifers inue in may quantity of furniture i he harm nntlsllng of ino aerea wlth bikki hmir and suitable harn no llrvrve a the proprietor must ell owing lo ill heelth j a hi iott auctioneer lnn juice redtm cltaeks aruirilie pain quickly if you suffer from anhrttlr rheu- matlc or neurltlc pain try thu atmrsa lnepenlyehamareclpe cat a mek age of ituex prescription from tour druggist mix it wfih a ouarlsf water add the juice of 4jrnirjl it eaxy and pleasant sia you need only 3 tableapoonfuut two lime a day 6ften wunlv hcss sometimes overnlghteplettdhlfl suits are obtained if the pains era not quickly reliever j fee heller itu ex prescviuortwlll cost you nothing in try yourmoniv refundedlf ii does not helpyouvm men a f s diiug m5re end other leading druggtsu a floyd smith jeweler watches clocks jeweueby 75 quebec street weet guelph ont n vl 9

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