Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1945, p. 8

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thursday march smh 105 the acton free pres page sevfif mottie mom ovisubab w used to tharo romlng horaa from school and carrying parcels from the vll lac store or wa would hear shell out or april kool in answer to their gay knock at our door and now we see them heroes ounn and hold on sea on land in air they fa ed the foe their venturer strnnger it an tht deeda of old they atarcely u em the lxs we used to know twenty years ago fran um luuo ti uv vrr prrm tknrator muek is iks n humbly we greet theac warrion of renown their gallant woumu thi n ihilomi nobly won their lif lc kept snfe the small home town with j i glad memories of their toi hood fun k ulhan morlev in th ilou friday mou storm gave another jiriet leaw of alelghlnk mr j j undron at naaunwen was the fiit to brtntf in bjiiii le of maph ayrup it was one and u at find gond flavored nnd made from the firal run f tap jur a o i be million is vti halnnnn of tin- industrial a th nl trr farm cash inromr at new high aw cash income from the tale of farm products reached a new high in 1m th estimated relurna totallad t75i million representing an increase of 350 million or 2t per cent over ims and 1039 million or 141 per cent over ibm additional government pa ments raise the total farm cash in come to 1 hit million for 1044 iom pared with 11m million in 1w1 higher income in 1044 is reported for all provinces esrept prince toward uland moat notahlr ln reaaed or curred in the west in hoth grains and live stock saakatchew an recorded the urgeat increase substantial in rrease were raoordad from alberts manitoba ontario and quebec in vtaw of the reduced stocks of grain on farms in the prairie pro vinces at the beginning of ima to gether with a proapactlve reduction in the marketing of hogs it is probable states the pomlnlorv ilureau of 8ta 1 1st tea that rash income from the sale of farm products in 1045 will be some what lower kxcept for hogs some increase in the output of live stock is indicated there is not likely to be much change in prices in the com lng year flornrrw nixr imurxcn family uhrn the iluller family at kirk land ijike ontario lol their home in a fire which took thi lives of five members of the family uoy scout who were conducting salvage drie turned the pro ceda nvrr to the nm ll tow an the rebuilding of their home a roup of mimlhti nl 1nklev me morial bur h uelplo at it ed ft te llghfful muwlnl r aft old r asl hnd mother tn th- limn 1111 unit r ihe num1 of thi sdii of v nrland mr nnd mr ii ingfe hi imvr im- n in admi foi the pant venr d i nh d to r tlu in to tin ir furni ci home in london v niland riihn iiiu i in r rln on hun winy mnr h v lj- to mi and mix it hull a son hkj iihown at toronto cnernl hoapl 11 on monday mat h 1 til j a it r own men bant xiewitrtlown martin at the home of her dnufth ter mrs v llllam macatttiur otur b street a ton on puedny mar h 17 10 jeaale mr orktn dale widow of the intr john martin in her 7ihh year an gjulor fauru it loea he public lead ndvertlae menta the wartime prlea rfhd trade hoard recently made a test of this point and received a roaring afllrma live the hon id had been publishing advertksmenta giving the haid facta of the supply altuatlon to the people of ianada advertisements to dale have dealt with milk hlldrau a un derwear and sugar the milk dlaplay was flmt and to find out if these adverttsementa are atudled by the publb a little thumb nail kketh of a farmer milking a cow un incorpoiate itte farmer waa on the lft aide of the cow instead of on thr correct right aide then the row ataitrd iettr of protest and indignation poured into thr local offtcea regional office and tiradquarteni of the wartime prices and trade hoard hn retlrwl ship master now on the land pointed out that the luttwr waa on the port aid initcnd of iwint on the alnrboaim hide the ibiaid nl bni k and benme1 ik nihei tlmmnint hnl in en reml sinn itrfiittm r the sundav school hi vhav maju1i itt jrms ii- ac iiint aiwh i jtextmf-n- iilitui lt itlou ktrtit r tli i onl t 1 wihk all tti htiwt u id willi nil thy ou1 ind with alt lb riji i h is hit- m at tti tirt iiiriianltiii ni rn a ond iii i wnd with all tb hi ihtxx ai l l7 walltt r ijn i vt matt ii 4b lime a l i iltft mount of tit i- i tir linl cutbii ihk nifl tin final srputntim m u i bit juiikiim nt li not th- i jtm julklli nt but 111 julkuirnt o it tchtlon ltlng on raitti w he n ktiik ui inline tn k ntnln e khall nil nppeni lifiii the jikij men i scut of lulst or i 10 kmii 14 tl but the ulliver in jeaus t to lt mara there only o m1kc1 a lo t la reward lb- ettmal deatlny of the lhlleer u det 1 1 lei i the moment tie epta jeui lirut j no t when jeu came the flrat time he ame in humiliation wtrn he imt winrm he ahall om la ills gbtiy all the angcla will he hi com itantons in 7 pi jh j6 4 cb 14 1 4 mk h w 1 pie 4 j lite 1 7 k june 14 itev 1 it hrlit s oimtng at death or at the ibtrui tlon of jet ualrm or at the deareot of the holy spirit doe not in any aenar fulfil it e reulr tnent of theae and similar paaiei he may rame at any motnonl and it 1 the part of wisdom for u to te ready at all tlmea malt 24 42 44l when he tome he hall sit upon a thiurte he now kits umn a heavenly throne tllrv 1 m he will then alt upon an earthly throne all the angel will he with him v 11 and all the nat lona abaft be gat bei ed itefnre him v v ii ite illesmhl of the katber i heir iid and their ieallny m 40 in v 14 the klngahlp of hrui la w t forth he la mi miken of many plaiea elwwhrrr in fact t hrtt mean anolnlml kln hut he ilie not use this title of hlmaelf elaewhi re how aweet and significant the title that he applies to thoae on the right land e h leaded of my kntlirr lte word trnnklaled tilel b ti in not he mimr word thnt la ao lrnn lniil in tin ixnlhixlra tt mran lit ernlly well fpnk n of pie hlc ko1 of the rnttur ii invito to nn inhiillnno hi b klnt1oni ciinlrfil t it ll r h x or i m sot h 1 tim 2 12 4 8 j ax 2 s rev 1 7i the inheritance of the kingdom la not aomethlng we earn it it a gift luke lj 3j this king dom has been prepared f ram the foundation of the world and it wa t i poled for uk jesus rtten n a reason for imlllni them to an in leiltand in hj kingdom the fat that tti- had administered to hun in i hi in d pie whole destiny of man lun on hi- failb but the iroof of fuitti nuluit ui 4 j b j 17 1 how hut w ou to u to h lb tt irxt hnsl n drink whin e think of tbi unttr h un n1inid rntirttnt mi4ai 11uvl ilid w out bt to r to tnr ih tlinim hflkt in nt w i li we tbllik r tb btitd lie him fiven us jn t vi how kind we ouht t h lo niiuf hi n i wl ii m struii t tph j 11 ik hthe hlrn wttn ink- ji fl is ibll t v llm whn ab k uke 1 fh 7h oi in prtmm t uke 4 ih tt l 1i 1 m lil in ant thnt i be rlht on were not nwttre of the k iteeltx but ibi had 1m- n dolri the mol bptnble lluhtrounrs to 1 mt u thnt which la ree from self oinu ihimiim jeaua hrlat ao identtnem hlmaelf will iii peoplr that any bit done to hlmaelf ta 4 wlio hrlt a brethrrn aie we learn in h 1 49 v h 10 heb 2 ii hi pie curae1 lie auae anft bnracter of pii ir lym- 41 4i if i do not llaten to the coma i f jeoa now we shall hnve to listen lo ilia detia r i hereafter li 7 zt i uke 11 jtt 37 lo the hlei he had mild ye heel nf nv ratler do not apienr aftr ured i he cure curaetl 1hemelvi a jnti r 4h all who seek in be aavad by i heir work a are thu t utmmj kal h tliey wte tn depart into eternal lire mk 9 44 4fi 4h i uke if 4 malt u vl 42 vl 7 10 jno ii f heh f k itev 22 ps 2 r pie kingdom had le n prparm fr the rlkhteotia but the fire had not tie n prepared fur the w l krd but for hie devil arid hla angels po wl ked go there almply be aue tley choose to rat in thilr lot with tie dell and therefore muat aha re hla dfmlny piey wredimimed not for mime ell that they had done hut hecbiiv of borne kod they had ne glecletl to d piey were unaware that ttey had m neglected hrlut v 44 if 1 sam 11 u ii 30 21 jer i 21 mai 1 fi 2 17 1 111 the de llfuneaa of our heart blind i lo lb norm it y of our mnrtui t t ler 17 we n kle t f hrlt when we iwliil iiiom who ihlonk to tiriil fiimy world thrives on fertilized foods rpimenu in krotluh w may lead to rrvbion of fuh- lng policy iomion pi hritlhl uuiituu i itn louixl ih it lili t roa it it r w tn n will r viplnti n is fi rtlliel 1 r i v ii xm t im ni irrlid out for iunl iwouits at im b ralh tin m aint ili luivebul im- i it mti nm bmordiru tb l atlmmlltve mmrtmys iri e i ml in tv luul in h imilt n lt rtt n n of inli uoti iiml h hint i- b i lie i si nl rui bbn nm i f n ii f inh- lonnihlid with tt e often m wen im j d on tie tivautnp tton ibnt lb ndlllion or ailium nit- at and auper ho hnti to be water would lend ti nn lnliid jrowtli- me of ji nml n in at r d nit y of par ffwk inn k ton fbmitmg nr- tnnh life an1 tttotn fnunn 1 1 u i trig lb llril enr umi un ti of ao1liitii nitrate nml 41i mturul of uiei boaphat i nibteil monthly to a datum off aeition of the un h in the m- nml enr the itiantitla were imblhl in two enrx the flab in lb loch hn1 ortipbio fle or l yenri rrow it was nlwi found thnt erowth ntinoed during- the winter months although uhd r nnttirat onditiona no iim ih tfikra im e in nu- of the relative mnritly of fihul all ear orowth i hi winter abort nk had lieen ink en rnie of by tlie feitllleia whit b nirinsd the growth of natural foods alt the year round winn the wall r in the en losedlvh wan lornpahd with ibnt in the ail joining one whb i wna ipen to the mb ii waa found that be plankton w n not only r b b but owing to the fertilisers add d was probably one of the ill beat flab fmwl nnus in es latent e au illations made from obmival bin in aiikual 1fll ahowed that fnuna useful as food for flah had incraas ed by nrr 2 t tent aa tompnred with the previous aummt al b time when th re la a food hortage throughout the wurld thr writer aald the naulla of thi ex teilnienl open up the pooubillty of a omph t nit rnnllon in nail mnl and internnllorml fmiintf polu v ikvii nn nl nnd prilo tlon rmiv i tare miv i nlon it rut r strict n in wealth and poverty said karl marx an accumul ation of wealth at one pole of- society indicates an accumulation of misery and overwork at th other pun ore times when i rather like knrl mark tin wa a clear and pene trating m oc aslonaly ha had a m of bun r ite waa not arraktot rk ii n mi lb nl qunlttv in nn agv in so n itriv ek eaae hut in stnt m ni knrl mara wna wrong i kn it nt it nrv l- fd dvlope1 th 4itiu nimb iini i if on- f in in 1i worl 1 hut ihe nuto rbt- i- i l r y nijil of t m i wtmtiil l xlini i i tunily t iim in i b r wrbt iv ih- hum of i is ffort n rob imvniid lb ilimnil itduied a i rixlu t wo i ii l n prit w routd i i in rlurn un ltnprivet r anirtnti tn an oppor- j mid enn the land we i an of life s khntt in iitlb will pnss lo othr m oih be t nve will re i i i f if hla aiv l e to humn i be klmtte n i ues to nil out illven iii na lit neroplnrie the telephone the tlettrnph the bit la large a few fnade monev nun b nuney what doea it matter i ife would be poorer inil b ioorer without ihe men who ried li do trnl tiling nnd surce-ad- 1 p ev dl 1 not bring mserty to lie world llfev brought opimrt unity men ahoiild ite measured hy their ontrihutlon to life ihe worll is im iv nliwl bv tta poor not by itt rid i is b bappb r nnd a im tier world be- biise men invented thlnga wrota k ix t1 hooka tainled fine pb tures or in amiie wns added to the ium total of human pleasure and dellht not all ihe wealth of the world can tta iinasured in dollars krit hih with moniitlal vi a ipjlck wilted bnnk teller of a hi nnch of tfe nanqilp nnndlenne nationnle jirevented the tleft of mnr than fl o when held up at gun point the bandit s loot wnafvtfi ite tiller told him he had i nly one dollar hill which hr gsv the tmndit who thin fled wll i iam i akr h ilenrv ostei iiili limn told a mm lrs nieiin here 140000 an nually is itelng b al hy entile produc- rs in tl nrilnki dlstrlcl due to sbrlnkng ii inrwti on en h iteer of slmk vol b i nl nnd water to nn ouv er ihe red n cross serves at home th canadian red croit llandt by ready lo help your terviceman wherever he may be on all the bailie fronts throughout ihe world wherever war ha wrought itt detolalion the reevcrott u ready lo aid in comforting thote who are suffering the prisoner of war ihe abroad daiolate the homelet of wartorn countries innocent children and old people all alike look to ihe red cross for a helping hand because ihe red cross dopends entirely upon public support tineu it cannot occepl money from any govern ment and retain its inlernational privi leges ihe red cross must look lo you to do your part in financing these invaluable services ten million dollars must be raised now to carry on hit vital work your gift will greatly help this worthy cause be as generous as you can make a donation tnt today not tomorrow on land sea you eon atiu aava a lib with bttor5d1rjmrtirm inquus atyour naoxaat had craaa cunlc the hydroelectric power commission or ontario mr the canadian united allied tuuiv fund i mapouaattta iso chicin stlttt ottawa a fkm miaaimiloa of tha euljlaa va beluf fual caa4- vraaea halations luaailiaewj caauan au lo umlb can- lu11 i- e 4uwud vrtaaallwud rtfcaivwilcvleh laku aj- ckarliim vmj ummuk bu1 f rk fw lasaraaaa j tesa b ywaaerbaa alirf an4 naihmlwuu uiwvui nmwmub htjul raav ilihnj uiw ba vtar fluilfjii l uniitxl puuafc raluf taaa yaiifklav baluf taad r- jijjltfliiaabs cihi i cumiim su jjtt vsi

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