Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1945, p. 7

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a ttttmsday march 15th 1m5 the acton free press pace ftevm homoe 0m o vmeta we uaad co sa them coming horn from school and tarryine parcel from the vil lagre tare or we would tiear shell out or april pooy in utiwcr to their ey knock at our door and now we see them heroes oung and bold on tea on land in air they fared the foe tnelr venturv stranyer t an tb deeds of old j they scarcely seem the hos wi used to know twenty years ago fret um uaoe l the kreeeve f thursday manit it lltft iturubly we ktnnwwtnimorrt renown their valiant wound luetr itbbons nooly won their tat rlflce kept wife the mall home town with its cud memories of their hood fun k ullian morley in the fiutir friday mow torm rayf another bnef lease of sleljhlnk mr j j henderson of nastaura uu the first to brink in a sample of maple syrup it wai fine and lear ind fuod flavored and made from the int run of tap mr a t i ijeirdmon is i i halrman of ihe indu trial accident ireventton aiwx lattort of ontario farm cash income at new high lvel cash income from the mat of farm product reached a new high in 1m4 the estimated return lot ailed s17w million raprwrnllnx an increase of s330 million or per rent over 1m3 and 1 oafl million or 1 per cent over 1030 additional krvernmeni pay merits raise the toial farm caar in com to si r17 million for 1w4 com pared with am million in 1041 higher income in 104t li reported for all province eseept irince mward island moat notahle lm reaaed or rurred in the west in both grain and live stock saskatchewan recorded the urgeat in ere a substantial in creases wee recorded from alberta manttoha ontario and quebec in view of the reduced stocks of grain on farma in the prairie pro- woca at the beginning of ims to gether with a proapectlve reduction in the marketing of hog it u probable states the dominion hureau or st a ttstlcs that ear income from the sale of farm products in 1045 will he some- what lower kjeept for hoga aome increase in the output or live stock is indicated there la not likely to be muit change in prices in the com tng year ftrxhth iidj irnuaicn family uhen the butler family at kirk land lke ontario lost their home in a fire which took thr lle of five members of the family hoy srouta who were conducting a sakaje drive turned the pro eed oser to the fam ll toward he rebuilding of their home a roup of rn mbei s of i al me mm i ft i hurt h luelph slaved a de likhtful mumi n i play an old r asl loned mother in the loun hall und r lli nuspiift of thesom of v iuland mr and mia i ii inprej- uhi lave i n in acton for the pant ear hae di i ided lo return lo thilr form ei home ir loiidon r n land iuuv hum in ytin on i hursday man h t lj- to mi and mr it v hull a son iii kl itltown at toronto r nrral llosit tal on monday man h 1 vjn j a llrown men hant stew art town martin al the home f her daugh ter mrs v llliarn mararthur ti urrh st reet act on on itueada y march 17 v1 jeasic met or ji in dale v1w of the late john martin in her 71 h year an nutor ria it ioes the puhlu lead advertise ments the artime prh et and trade board recently made a teat of thla point and received a roarinn affirm live the iloanl had been publishing advertlsmcnts giving the hard facta of the supply situation to the people of canada advertisements to date have dealt with milk hlldrena un derwear and sugar the milk display u a first and to find out if these advertisements are tudled by the publlt a little thumb nail sketch of a farmer milking a cow a inrorjwrated the farmer was on the left side of the cow instead of on the correct right side then the roi staited letters of protest and indignation poured into the local offices regional offlcea and headquarters of the wartime prlcee and trade hoard ren retired ship ma tern now on ihe land hlnted out that the luhtx r va on thr port tir instead of brink n ihe starboard mdr ttie ibkiinl vnl bn k and beamm its adxertim n nti nd tx en rend sltnciw kefottner the sundav school lesion ml mav maju1i ifttk jhsls uarillnc ahoit jtmjcmfnl old n it ttiou srnll loc t li rd th i vulti all th h jut nid ilti bll th vud ind wiih all th mud i ins it the knot md liim h- oni i with nil oiy att- nnianiliin til ttilh all thy mi tl r i 10 cfatlm 2 12 4 8 j as 2 s kev 21 7 the inheritance of the kingdom is not something we earn it u a gift luke 12 3j thla king dom has been prepared from the foundation of the world and it was i rtpintd for us jiiiis glve- as a reason for inviting them to an in- 1 ttlan m his kingdom the fart that th had administered to him in ilia fittd the u7holt destiny ef man liaius on hi- fllh but the proof of futlts tun nl i nl s r jas 17 l llou hal e ouiht to t- to l lv hi iiirm btisi drink u hi n think of th wall r lb hai nlrinr1 a mn t matt imu a l t lla mount at olk i- wiituin 1 i tii nat i tlir itrg nd the y inal separation m il lhu judgmrnt is not uw iji t ludgimnt hut llti judgment of tt nation hviitk on earth whin klnt nut mn hn k anln w e shall all aitprar lfoi- the juitment sftt of hrtst tjinr in kom 14 01 hut the ihiiimt in jrsua htut ap ttais ilker4 unly to tx- judge a to lis reward the rternal destiny of the liellevrr la det tiled the moment hr hicepts jesus nirtst jnu 4 when jetuti came the first time he rame in humiliation wren he itimi i again he shall tome in his gluts all t he angel w ttl tie ills om panluns if 1 is jh jg g4 eh m 1 4 mk h w 1 ihe 4 d j lltrs 1 7 1u jude 14 rev 1 7 thrills tonikng at death or t the dslru t ion of jerusalem or at the descent of the holy spirit does not in any sense fulfil trc reijuir m nl of these and similar passage he may iumr at any moment andp is the art of wisdom for us to tie readv at all times matt 24 ai 441 when lie come he shall all upm a i hi one he now atta upon a heavenly throne kev 1 jl lie will then sit upon an earthly utrone all the angeli will he with him v 11 and all the nations shall be gathcied ttefore him v xi ii it illesmsl of ihe rather thtr ieelf and their destiny 1410 in v 14 ihe kingship of hrtit l s i forth he lm so poken of many plaies elkewhcre in fact hrul means anointed king hut he dies not use ihks title of himself elsewhere how sweet and significant the title that he applies to those on the rlht i and e bleiund of my e nthrr pir vtonl tranlated hleised h r ii not the aame word thai is so iran latrd in iti beatitudes it piean lit rally w t ii sxiken of hie hie md of the r alhi r lie tin lies lo an in hi iilnm e in un klnkdom i ntrast n r r 1 rph s i r r 11 il w out hi lo tw to gtr 11 huntrv in it lo tut wlun wi ttnnk l lh hlllld h tllll iimjl u jill t i v how ilad we ought t h lo rinur him wliii n strun r lh j ii 1k ll 1 the hlni wfen noktil mkji rl fi phil 1 h lll llm when sh k i uke 1 th 7ki or in prlton h uke 4 ih it 1 de pl n mil an that the ruht nun wne not nwnre of the good deei thnl th tiad i mm n dot n i ihe rnnl a eptnhle ilhlenusnetn to lo la that whirh la free from wlf oiiw loukiieks jesus hrit m identlries himself will ills people thai any art done to hlmudf a l 4 r who hrlt brethern are we learn in ch u 40 v jw 10 lleh z 11 iii lite curs i the cause and hniailer of iltelr ure 41 16 if w do not listen to the come if jesoa now we hall hae lo liktin lo his inart hereafl r ill 7 21 i uke 1 s 21 po ihe hlested he had said ye bleated of m latler do not npear after cursed the curwd i ursed th mcles j no j 4ai all who seek to he saved by their works are thus ursed dal 1 ih they wie to depart into eternal tire mk 9 44 40 4h 1 uke 1c 4 matt 11 w a2 v 7 10 jno n f lleb fl 8 hev 22 1 2 h lite kingdom had been prepatcd for the rljhleous but the ore had ajil lrn prepare for ihe wlrke1 but for the devil and his anitels itie wicked go there simply be a use trey hnoae to ram in their lot with th dev ii ami t herefore musl share his distlny pi y were doomed not for mime evil that they had done hut heraum of some good they had ne glected to do tliey were unaware that ttey had mi neglected hrut v 44 f 1 sam l 11 1 20 21 jer 2 21 mai i t 2 17 1 id the de itfulms of our hearts bllndt u- lo th nnrmlty of our conduct ji r 17 we mgleit hrlst when we n jit t those who belong lo linn finny worfd thieves on fertilize foods kxpedrtenu in hcotlboi ijth may jta to revision of fuh ln poliry t h u fl 14 luitiita i liali i roa u iter latu n is f rtthed pel inn of nrrled out urs ut itx h raigh 11 md i ah hid no li otdnij to th utrttirrrttirttve miu- i rv r nt mid iti i v i ml to n nnii iu aileeiitmn if if m i nnt i iml tchin hi i tit t is at tmtjilin i m a iim f t i tifiim t 1 with tie i tv found t win n wnt r 1utt i w alt i if in ai l twij lm in arfh mw it lm ii e a4ufnp hull that hii addition of aodlum nil tale nnd suierphiphati lo tie water would lead t an lm r rwd rowth- iale if tikli and a gnalr density of luh ttu ilatikln floating or l anli 1 1 fa and twit torn fauna iuihig tin first venr uli mtumu of sodium nltiate and 4ij ouruli o unfptiophali wen added monthly t a dammed off ae lion of hie lo r in the w ond ear ihe iguantltlea were iluubml iti tvit nn the fih in the loch bad ofiipletd bve or l years grow hi it was biwi found that growth ci ntlnued during the wlnler months gh undi r natural onditioita no ti takes lm e in a us of hie relative uurilly of fix i all vear orowth i his winter khorlnt had leen tnk me of hy ihe ffrtllleis w hlrh inirtiwd hit growth of natural fooda all the year round whin ihe wnlir in ihe en losed inch was torn pa red with that in ihe ad joining one w hit i was open to the mm it was found dial ihe plankton w a not only r li h hut ow log lo ihe fertilisers addid waa prottahly one of th richest llb fox aieas in es lrteme ah utatloni made from ohseivat ions in august phi allowed that fauna useful as food for fuh had increas ed hy over 2th m r rnt a tompaietl wltlf the previous lumirnr al a time when ihi re ts n food ahortag throughout ihe world ihe writer said lh r sulfa of thla ex perlment uen up the mimiiltlty of a romp li alternation in national and international fishing pohi y i h v i i i men and prodm tlon nwiv m ince lonnivhlliin nnd r strii tlon wealth and poverty said karl mars an accumul ation of wealth at one pole of society indicates an accumulation of misery and over work at the other i here are iimea when i rather like karl mark his wjlo clear and pene trating mind occaslonaly he tv hn- of htmnr he waa not afraid of w rk an ill nt quality in an age w in n s inanv seek ease but in hi v jntt nn nl karl marx was w rong i know tint wav do ou lit no r t fd d elopel lh auto- in bill niird i uni if one of the rhr et tti ritifir wrtt7urthp- ih iiitir tml i nuw of hii effort ntnde t mi r h n ond tti dieatua f titn e t i i tid in d a rodut two wanted mid it ttl a rir we could i ay he jave in rturn an improved ittn if irntsm rfati n an opimr- tufiilv t i kin s nnd enjoy the land we lit- in lit sj an of life i short in lime m- vtcntth will pass to other hit nil- ii i- hm he t wl re main for t i h f of t is art v icr lo huninmh lie miiir nj lies to all our inven dona the aeii lane the telephone hie llegiah hie lint is large a few made imirie nun h money whaj doea it mslter 1 ife would be poorer nd h poorer without the men who riel to do gnat things and aucceed- d ii ey dl 1 not bring overly to the woild ihev brought opportunity 4en stoulil w measured by their ntril utl n to life ihe world is m- veiutied h jta oor not by ha rich it i- a happier and a better world be- ause men invented things wrot mid ixxika tainted fine plrtures or n a me wa added to the sum total f human pleasure and delight not all ihe wealth of the world can be asured in dollars urit iiih with mosmilrai t a ijulck wilted hank trller of n hranrh of ife ilanqil anadlenne natmnale prevented the heft of more than v mm when held up at gunjxiint lite bandit a loot wa v ihe teller told him he had only one dollar hills which he gav- ihe handlt who then fled wil i iam i akh ii p henry iislei tallleman told a i an hers ineetlnk here j m0 000 an nually k lieing lal hy cattle produc- r in h nrltxmt district due to shrinkage 1i pounds on m h iteer of sto k v nl hv r is al and waler to v the red n cross serves at home the canadian red cross stands by ready lo help your serviceman wherever he may be en all ihe battle fronts throughout ihe world wherever war has wrought ih desolation ihe red cross is ready lo aid in comforting those who are suffering the prisoner of war ihe desolate the homeles of warlorn countries innocent children and old people all alikelook lo ihe red cross for a helping hand because ihe red cross depends entirely upon public support snce if cannot acctpl money from any govern ment and retain its international privi leges thered cross musl look lo you to do your part in financing these invaluable services ten million dollars must be raited now lo carry on this vital work your gift will greatly help this worthy cause be asgenerous as you can make a donation tnt today hot tomorrow on land ssea you can lull save o ufa with o- blood donation inquuraat your naoieai 1 red croaa cunle the hydro electric power commission or ontakio the canadian united allied relict fund a ioiat cwiaavuatlua f iks aslaua lit halls foisj cah a joim cwiaalutkua of iks v0aua wa ratuf fdad csaatls riaaea lulaikmta coaasuitas caaatlia a 14 la buaaia uu tlua kiuaeu of lusasktwiodsas relief fatut caekv u wwcmttusj daaidi ltluf ruad crtwli ww faaa nelkwuasa uausf ttomd nsriua hausf psaa i psoiab llalmf lssil a4wws7ttaluf fusl uueaku vw uauafl uailaal hiaftquaittti iso ouun tttmt ottaws wiiuailsluiulltkcaksws tuataaanallcvtitaai tewr l twass l t bajrelamel vbelsv ks ttv ckmmti at dsaetehuel sf aeshsajaj vast stfvtess 1 hui

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