fk h the a thursday march math 1w shfcartmi sfrrr iiitbb puulakaa e tfcrdt frl arm oatttm umi slitm m tauiimaar siu roc4 t k4b ot ul aw a ltd rat ul taouu ht flvot t44rm rmal4- advrtdukn satis p4lau a4 to variuwa 1 halaa all r acaiuai ui h utm mu r tim fra ff utwiutbf la it colama ik wtmattaf lkl ii m im b litfck tor ar nim u u ulmllwsmt aylilbj fc sstom praal i wch ijwiim ramtiii to illu kr lf aa4 riutt 1 fit rf ptam w jw r la mttwi ui with srh ik a4lit jiu iir rorvwlwa jtr mtrd to oitltof m a to lul i ha utmltir afc11 aairaw mw yn hi ad ivii jtki ii ihr li ik vknla rttu4 tk pi r lk ml4 rt kp mrk i ttxcnionks t4ftwu1 hln lmlto ablop oi1x1 etuor yo cut iwp tfct priftonen of wv without rh crow food prtrls prisoner of war would have died from atarvation capt ncvillr uuher aidedecamp to the governor general and repatriated prisoner of war told a group at a kcd croa food packing plant capt ushcr a member of the enntskilfen dragoon wa4ltakcn prisoner ut before dunkirk and mas held prisoner for three and a half ears kc leased on medical grounds he has been back in canada fie months need for on tmumg shipment of food to prisoners is cry great he a grown up men in prison camps acted like children when the food parcels arrived germans did not steal food from the prisoners of ar fcn the cartons and the crates the food is sent oxer in are utilized for hot k shcues and arm chair the canadian kcd cross national campaign for 10 000 000 opened arch mh and 500 000 of the budget wilt be required for canada s requirements for prisoner of ar parcels the need accordm i captain lkdicr fi r continuing hipmcnt of these packages o mtn i grtat will hecomc more so v on i an os hie ituhincwt it didn t make the front page headlines last uuk ut profit- from thi salt of liquor in ontario in 144 titallid solmkxmmmi and total suits showed an incrcast c f j t ss 4 t over the prc tons cr to rcah a t tn j ssmsnr r ua f com panson online pupli sp nine md n half times as muih in tu oi iim war as the holc of cunnda i asktd to raist lor the kcd cross ur a nr there uere i jv k individual permits issued b the board dunne tht fncal vear of i m and also lolkhts to non resident members of tht pnmnce and 4 1 s pcu il permits to phstcuuis md dru gists no these figures didn t mavc tht htndtints in the ncs last cck hut the results of those salts made headlines if crime all through last ear in the papers ot tht proince ontario s liquor business r big business big profits for government breurrtcs and distillers and all ho deal in it there arc man who 0uldhae us believe that ales have been cur tailed that supplies have been cut that there is a shortage the real favu arc mor ontario people art drink ing intoxicating liquor those ho profit frttm its sale art encouraging lit customers in the toungir feneration ninctj he million dollars spent ni ontario last ttir tor b on from government stock alone and the b itleger also nourishes v st patricks 1 sure hnd its the du of the near licn ill the world is irish colu tnv who never saw collouutv and a tens ho never snuspiddal saunter around utnn ihe green and loi 2 a hours t vervhodv and his brothei tastes the iov ot being irish noudas the fc ist of irelimd s patron saint is celebrated in staid tuvhi oil with onlv nip of uhat passes for poteen to mark the dav tor even the sons of frin hut u was not alavs thus vthcti the dominion was oung m patricks da parades in upper ciuada trecjuentlv meant trouble wheifhostilt factions noted and heads ugre broken to sa nothing of uindows md triendships the irish promptly blamed the riots on wmi of the snakes traditiopallv driven out ot tht old coun try b st pat hlifttsclf but it was notab that irfsti rut flared at scattered downtown pointa one youth was shot in the vhoulder and hundreds of windows were shattered by stones r fortunately those days are past and the good faint s day will be more likely celebrated this year with a dance at the nearest parish hall the only bruised shins tn evidence will bo thope suffered by the younger generation m the throes of a jitterbug ig and faith lis more likely it will be the blather of the saxophone than the trill of ireland s golden hatp which illsend the sons of 1 nn although f rie is sifting on the fence of wartime neutrality thousands of irishmen and canadians of irish descent are expending their courage and high spuits on the battlelronts of tht world planting on liberated territory the red cross of st patrick which along with the crosses ofst koiji mid st andrew forms tht union jack v karkrtcra prevlng vpon soldicra and relative among several papers recently calling attention 0 ihe eivilian racketeers preying upon returning soldiers and relatives of those still overseas is the kingston uhig standard which carries a timely ed ilonat soldier lie ware it sets out various forms of gypping through which these patriotic people of canada are being victimized b unscrupulous crooks safely at home neither fighting nor working at hon est toil operating from a temporary address using the telephone approach with a quick signup and a money grab they shift from point to point as public opinion gels wise to heir game with thousands of dollars as their ill gotten gain among the forms of graft mentioned in the ed itorial are the insignia racket the jewelry crub the dwarf grass swindle and the enlarged pic ture skin game all are worked through a plausible smooth salesman approach and the swindle beepmes apparent long after the slicker has departed the darf grass scheme gives opportunity for a long head start in the get away grass seed for lawns is guaranteed to grow only so high and remain per petuallv green it requires no lawn cutting hut hen the cheap and spurious seed is planted it is found to be shoddy stunted weeds this gives the swindler plenty of time for a get away ii is known that thousands of dollars have been gathered in this one racket alone it should be remembered that in the jewelry and insignia schemes the safest plan alas is to deal at home with rcput able business hrms in larger centres the letter business ilurcaus arc safeguards against these dep rcdations in smaller communities having no hoard of trade or husincss men s association a wise plan uould be lo defer el sing a deal until the local b ink er or the chitt ot police can be consulted v doctor hus hnourh vlreody hntish columbia doctors arc having a frantic i time tring to get liquor for patients in oflieial md civin need of its restorative stimulative or even hi iling pre pcrtirs according to the tnmuvcr si n whuh steins to hive jone rithtr thorouhlx mh the subject it rtp rts that during the past eir mi re than kmhki people 40 times as minj as in pre rationing vtars convinced their phvsiciins thai their svmptoms md l ittd a small nkoholu dehcicncv i ihit number ot british olumbians sutccsstullv e ujkkj pres s tor potions which the nude s on n fulls desnbi ii s spritus irunitnti i vthiskc s spiriiusunipen if ml orsjtntusvini gulhu i brmdvi v mhtokia1 notivs bitfineflfl rhrerinry knflnkkk kkmkmjtkks fminks on the iiodsk moosi- jaw suit c1 william vsallare itou hax fctr down from hi railway rnktn into retirement aflrr 41 yrars of arrvlrf hl happlrt memory thai of the 4y whan all llrwivrion man turnwl out to ratrh tinh biandy icaktnk from a rail way mr 111 incident occurred yrafa ago hut mr itoaa llkn to rrrall the eed with whlrh the crowd uatlirml atkxil llr dripping ear using kltcten pans to ratrh ihe brandy some evrn soaked their handkrrrhlrf one of the 90allnn kegi in the rar hnd i rung a irak horn in urooklvn ont in 1h0 mr itou went to work in ihe railway khop at motnc jaw in hkm me aald the saikatrhewan railway run wu rorulderad among the moil difficult any rnnlnrer hnd to fare willi mnlir ial and weather con dltxns tte w rfct on he conllnrnt ijhtkrs answct to iiomkjrvurkiks i onixn i wlvea of men aarv ing overseas do not write often en ougti lo thi lr t ustuinda uyi leunonl 0 ni iii bpuly director of ihe twild lei it sailor a and airmen famlllea asarmtotlon hranrh nt ihe jul army oroup no newh from h m to mil the no 1 worry among over i4mo family luotilenik whlth have now bten dealt with hy ss a i- a for men of th 31st army rou he said ii t presents a bigger percentage of thr men who tome to our officers and lnuir hurt iui tn holland and llelglum rvm than lllneu at home mqedlcuax dr wfjc kennev piirsli4aa ajti gwrgisa sucreasor lo dr j a ucnivaoj office in symon block ulll stisjc acton ofrim plsaava it hamaaaa umsta ht fkmu ju r wm c cullln lmcc pkyatcibji mmi rorgwaai office hour 2 4 and 1 v sis r xcept wetlnewlay and sunday mill street near rrrderlrk strt iliosr its tkntai dr iiudh s austin bktaj karfw mill street sraier k raderiek act office hour dioiro to 5 jo pm f veiling by appointment iflduavt c lhatherland tjj rarruur ajsal hallrltir natatf fwui issuer of marrlaga ijca naaa hegtstrar of itlrtha marrlagaa dath aton ornoa is ismm nllun lis kl nnftii m langdon rarruur luilrjur nalavry ruto m office feorgetown cregory theatre botlb acton over t saynuek a cmt kor appointments rhona acton or ceorgetown bh of fir hour acton 1 ueaday aju itiurkday 130pm to 4 00 p aa lvenlngs on haquaat sack ii 1 i- n ii ii r lr of unknem n orlkn drlroed ihe irov inrtnl ollk i id cfk operated by i h hspman tine with damage estimated nt soh0 sin automobile wre ditro1 and two tru km darn n mih r i i till 1 nj was gutlitl carrolls vetrkinabv b d young vs bvsc veterlamry hurgaaa office ilrookvllle ontario ihone milton i4fi r 4 b c oakib v s bvsc veterinary hurgeaat office nnd ft sldenre knox avenue artein i heme 130 itrai rstate a ne car is heralded that will sell for 100 give m miles to the gallon and do to miles an hour the jmismng item ts obvtoiislv how soon i whcti se nianv of the boss now returning to acton and district fum overseas man of then invalided home and still requiring hospital treatment ue get a nivv conception of tht rial meaning ol u ir and that in n generous donation to the red crnsn iv verv little toi us o do v i i ur thousmd ve irs io moses biid unto hs je pit i ik uj vour shovels joad up vour a ses nu unt vour eiiiuls md fofjiu me into the ninistd t md but t div i leider c oldwtll icctrdine to the lt rt 11lii 1 lines s iv s trjrrrfc d w n v i ur sht scls sit on likht up i c inu j it r th s is v our pr mis j t md v v otlutil est mitts of the pasnients n t im tv al it wiiuc t nt irits shire it ss millu rt an nuillv the tntin liberil news his broken th s down bv counties based m im ige group ratios thtst uqoftuial blurts md ctt a monthlv d stnhu turn in h ilti n l units ot runt sj1 im urbin j v i tot u sm v i our toil promtin i inadiquittsh faidtrtd is thi hilil i hirulj l11 us wllp coisuntl5 in nni tht statlmlin just broajs tst from vondon thai in tht ncu industrial rttolution no being plinned in fir rst trftm the rreen outh lle with nsmuth bandon j britain toal in the mine will not- be fuel tmt the as fists from the orange north when the bottlecr basic rn material for hundreds and possibll thous- sourlded the celebratidrt of 1878 in toronto was probably the wildest of these landmarks in the history of the irish in canada irishcanadian authorities called oft sehednled church parade to avoid any outbreak fioiencertut nnds of new industries hire in canada we hae not brought coal beond the fuettsfsge nor do some leaders in our coal industry appear anxious to dis cuss coal in termsother than those of fuel lr doesn t inspire confidence in t future of coal in thiscountry i aylmr taney diced beets or carrots specialmaxwell house j lb bag coffee a 41 t clmi haddik smw c w ctoawf i i pilchards i- ii 1 wu honey s marmalade wheat icaxc ramkhwtl flakes m tlclshc oar catfara t tea w 44c kjlmtr taxuta ar vmw soup x i s7c apple juice m 2 tsjzscf princess soap flakes x4 tomato juice sardines prem or kam light bulbs solvease ginger ale musl k 2 40 e 60 17c 7c 29c 15c 25c 25c hn two wax ammonia 45 sje w rmrv tb rtcbt to uintt tiuntuei of h mircaa ti sllxi i jl l i vi ikoksi rltvses sif jss ihizen no 1 tqkln onions 4 lbs foe kkrsh shei parhnii per lb ie texas ccbince per lb se 25c 10c 5c 6c- trait ul ttiubl brie nbjtet u marlnt flaetnitlogi i cmpw t mm marttk ista buaaxstaos pbbfleevea mw stjb how iwj lolxmin i akm acrncy si mil ltl arniy in canwlft ul ulll t kill iiiiik luronto i i ii it ri s iitativr hrmfcun ihoiif icoravtowb is timk i ahles vnii wtiowl kiiaus iiiini umi dulk j t s ii i l mm m s tt ii v lll 38 lull l xi t i t suimi 4 7 48 pm l f i i i 1 2 oh mjn i i i i s in liiy 12 1 am y x nt c 1 ui inllj i m i t sjii in 1 sun 6 p m hir al u 1 i itnily ex m snl nn 1 sun 7 12 pm oolng kat uol fi 1 1 sunday 6 40 am imn r 1 1 sunitny 0m am inil i i 1 1 sunitny 6stf pm suncln nl fllbpm htr xdail i rarictown 925 pun flir 4mi1 at cuiph hm pj ry locii lineh ctlal i iks i t ave acton kaatbnund 4t nut 1 lt ni ju6 pm a aft i m i i in 11 i m w ratbound v 1 i n iii w m a3 ob p m ni ill at pm u i i i sun 1 i i i i i md ii i tna only li tin l vo kllrhanar ii i lloluln i 1 ii i nt r t patterson ro iui i n t fnantiihallai orthoptiu 103 umiiiah nt olelpii ihomi ll ni i itln t huiiijhm oftltsya daldiv malt r sho stores macdonallvs used jmirnitiire antique ipkouurlna rflalakuitv lupaln cuarantred jltuheit quality work at reakonable frleaa 80mdlobn st goclpli i r rtrrirftrrfii i ft