thukapay dbcembbt mat 10m the acton free pftess pace comes again the gladsome memory of the babe of bethlehem heavens token to earths peoples that god loved the whole of them rings the mutlc of the angels down the centuries of time into burdened hearts and weary may it sound its healing chime saviour son of the eternal once of virgin mother born take possession of our being that uty love may us adorn blaster to thy will we yield us so that as our ways we go all the blessings of thine advent may from us in blessing flow stirring souls to deeds of mercy set ting hearts with love aglow rev shannon twenty years ago pratn the lame rf tfc free press afl thursday deeemtmr tx the school pupils have been enjoj lug many a sleigh ride the past week hr and mrs w11l kingsbury of oxbow sask are visiting with friends in nassagaweya at a meeting on tuesday evening offirera were elected for the acton hockey club president g t beard- more vicepresident j m micdw- ald secretarytreasurer h brlcker a town league was formed consisting of acton tanning cov hewetsons the town beardmore and co and i high school last wednesday evening some forty members of ebenexer methodist chur ch visited at the home of mr and mrs w j aklns in acton who were for many years active workers in the church a gold watch was presented to mr aklns who hadbsen recording steward of the official board and secretarytreasurer of the trustee board weekly war commentarv br n u joniw s witter two major fronts upon which tlie united nations have been nehtlns the italian and the hungarian have hitherto been theatres of entirely sep arate campaigns h ln lhe near fut ure as the german overall defence perlmiter shrinks they will have a strong interlocking lnflu nee upon ich other ttiwkti and th shalrv tstnrl somervuxearmstttong at the methodist pacaonage acton on saturday december 30 1024 by the rev j culp olla blanche arm strong daughter of hr and mrs james armstrong of brussels to george ray youngest son of mr and mrs ryfe somervllle acton the sunday school lesson blair suddenly at guelph on mon day december 22nd 1924 annlo hastings widow of the late rev arch blair d d of nassagaweya blankets for the prisoners of wah canadian prisoners of war in ger many are entitled to two blanket in wjntor and olio in summer as well as one or more private blankets ac- cordlhg to a clarification of regula tions received from the international red cross gehnvn norman c urau- hnrt chairman of the canadian lied cross national executive committee announces with the winter hero there boa been a great deal of anxiety on the part of thu nextofkin ofour troops detained in germany an to living con- dlotlm ln intommont camps tto wo sought this clarlflcntlon from the in termit lotnl committee at the red cross mr urquhnrt wild in an order passed in 1043 the gor man government authorised where the camp official fltwl it imposfllhle to supply two blankets to prisoners they are outhorlkod to issue only one hut in such cnneh the dormitories must bo heated night and day the chairman aid the german authorities have as sured the inlernntlonnl rod crass that they recognised n prisoner of wftra right of ownership over two nextofkin blankets nnd hat the prl- onors may take their personal blank ets with them when tluy are trans ferred to another tump in the paid mr urtmhart said the cnnadlnn lud cross hni proldod next- ofkin with n blanket for parcels wlioro tlu have not won in n posi tion to siipph one tlumnolvon in view of the luuturance of the german government the sot lot hnit decided to continue thin prnitku falling birthrate debate by women muterril conrerencc delegates itrue llettcr housing and nurseries t onoon cin uepremntutlvs of t 000 ortrt british w omen debating the falling birthrate nt n national con ference on muternltv and child wel fare tud what the pottntlnl mothers o fbrtnln wont ore nursery chimin housas and domestic help miss ellzalteth denby a yorkshire expert on cos homes urged local councils to concentrate on four bed room houses for large families and not on flats she urged seven cup boards nnd drnughtproof windows miss elsie hall of the college of midulves said women should have their babies in their own homes sur rounded by their own possessions and with their husbands by them she added we need what in 1919 x called ladles in waiting women who will run the home while the mother is confined local authorities must get down to the question of providing domestic help in the homes of expectant mot hers and miss florence hawtrey spoke up for nursery schools t believe that a generous provision of nursery schools is essential if parents are to meet the growing demands of dvlllxed society and if all children are to have a fair start in ufa atoll i ten of the arrow cross hun garian government for many weeks offered an efficient defence of the sprawling danubestraddling capital of budapest but the red legions drove about the ancient city on three ides bypassed it on either flank and at the weekend were smashing at defences guarding the roads to the next great prize vienna 113 miles distant from their forward unit meantime the british 8th and al lied 5th armlrn italy fighting per haps the motst discouraging war in which the allies are engaged bet ween mountains and swamps in vll weather on a front wjjleh must sometimes seem to be a culde sac kept doggedly slugging forward the steady pressure on the ger mans together with the ewerpreaent threat of a sudden epectacular ad vance such as the canadian corps made last week when it broke through the vaunted lunone river defences and rolled beyond the navtgllo cmnnl forced the germans to employ a large number of their dwindling divi sions south of the alps similarly many german divisions are engaged in hungary but on this front they are materially aided by the hungarian nazis with the end of the hungarian campaign in sight with budapest tottering western slovakia already in vaded and the defenders manoeuvered into a position where they must soon choose between largescale withdraw al or mass annihilation one outcome could clearly be seen that was that when the tide of bat tle rolled across the austrian border the hungarians in its wake would cease to fight on the side of the axis meanwhile in the pacific alllel forces are slugging their way ever closer to the heart of japan united states forces have landed on another island in the philippine mlnddra only vift mlieftftouth of manila the capital of the arehlpelngo the mlndorn landing seemingly n stunning surprise for the jnps who were uncertain where the big con vov would strike an it wound its tor tuous wnv through ww miles of twit ting inlnnd rent past scores of enemy held islands harboring ports nnd air fields on the western front the allied drive in slowly forcing its way into germanv ngnlnst fierce resistance on all rectors from a cnnndlnn viewpoint most exciting news of the week wa the nn- nauncement of the part plaed in the tracking of the germans vnunte 1 went wnll bv n group of voting frem licanndlalri officer the of ficer were dropped by pnrnrhtitc into occunled france before tidov to or ganise and 1 art bands of french mhouim in tmeilii twdh uhlrh had to he done hofoie the main bou nn stiuck the mm wen wterunk of the iclh and itnlv rumnnlims nnd n volunteered foi the hazardous task mnniweit drnv i fiom the il 2nd reirlment of montreal and number now ire bn k in cnnn in wenrlrf the crok de ciimie i mi pnlntm given tin m bv the fietich rov- ernment in moulded eee cmitne linn mini koned off a trifle in athens uluio british mithorltls are rotlmlig ne- romntlnns with the i oftlst tam forces in an ntti mnt to solve the knnttv problem of establishing n rep- r sentntke government in the recenk ilhetnti d country the polish problem mme to the for front nuntn ns prime miiiih churchill in a historic addreiis before the british ilouue of commons warn ed that if the itnlted tntes rllsmc nnd britain t ould not rnh nn ngret- ment in this nnd other mattem it would d strov all hots for the fu ture structure of world government continued on pngo five the ground of universal joy gokun text behold x bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people luke 2 10 lesson text luke- 2 812 heb 14 read also 1 jno 1 14 ixposition i tho first coming of christ luke 2 812 the announcement of tlie advent jf tho king wo made to shepherds the shepherds proved their fitness to iv the annonnrrmenl 151 1 the coo new dys some people tnlk nbojiit what thiv call the good old davs when th re wer not ta many taxes and w hen people were supposed to bebnve liet- ter thert w ere mnn reret ts in which thost old dns according to nil accounts were not no good anyway even if th v wire better it doei lit tle good to look hnck to the past with regret it is more helpful to think about the good new day that fan come in the future after the war if people show the right spirit and er erdse goojj judgement and co-operat- for the benefit of the whole country our people have the beat scientific and industrial equipment in the world and the most highly developed edu cational system the average of in telltgence is higher in canada than anywhere else with these advant ages our people should be able to solve all problem and produce good new day v they wci men of faith with a deep appreciation of spiritual truth in iplte of their lowly position they tsccm to have been waiting longing ionklngv for the coming of christ v 16 they were faithfully attend ing to their lowly duues when the revelation came it was not pleasant work but it was their work and while at it the aiuzels met them cf ex 3 1 2 jud 6 11 12 kl lfl 19 the glory that shone around them was the ancient sheklnah that be tokened cods presence the shep herds were isore afraid when they beheld this glory the supernatural by bringing cod near always fills the heart of sinful man with fear rev 1- 17 luke 3 8 is 6 s but the angelic message at once dis pelled all fear they came to an nounce salvation not judgment they began with one of gods most fre quent massage to men fear not it is evident that god longs for a fearless people but the angels nol only bade them fear not but brought forward the only real cure for fear tho gospel they brought good tidings of great joy the coming of jesus the saviour christ and lord is the best news this old sincursed and satangoverned world ever heard but many even to this day do nt receive it as good tidings of great joy to yout the gospel the angel proclaimed wan a saviour born but that gos pel has for us been developed into a saviour not only born but crucified for our sins dead buried risen and coming again 1 cor is 14 ac 1 11 it was a strange place to be sent to see a king a barn and it was a strange sign to mark a saviour which la chrliit tho lord a babe wrapped ln swaddling clothes and lying in n manger the world re ceive this wonderful proclamation to this day with indifference but the heavenly army received it with ex ultant shouts of praise to god well thty might tho words suddenly how that they could hardly restrain themudveu until the mciasage was fully delivered they all but inter rupted tholr vokesmnns proclamat ion with their glad chorus thera wim to lie n twofold result of tho snvloutts birth glory to god in the highest on earth peace among mm of his good pleasure study out from the bible who the men in whom goil is well pleased are and in what kliiujs jesus brlngn thorn peace ino 2 ephr 1 7 uom 5 1 jno 11 27 phil 4 c 7 ii god speaking through his son 1 j- 1 ilobrowti is tho only itook of the bible to begin with the name of doltv i he uolv spirit tilt the writer with divine conviction that god has spoken there in no tuch thing as the silent hedvens god htin spoken how wondei f ul t ho provldonco that what he has spoken he caused to be written for oui loitrntttg horn 15 1 gods revelation litis come to ut at tiundrv tlmos nnd in divers man- m m this menus mint it was dis tributed then fore in different port ions mo abrnhnm was revealed tho nation through which the redeemer wim to inmo gen 1 14 to tntob tho vey ttlbv cm 40 10 to david tin fnmllv of tho fternnl king 2 imi 7 ii l to luiiiih tlu power and the glorv of tht coming king is fl 7 to mlcuh the very place w litre lit should be bom to daniel the marth of hlstorv to tin climax of the kingdom dun 2 41 15 1j j t this word also was given ln diver miimuts t htt has to do vv 1 1 it the nut hod of inspiration god is not bound to one form of convey ance for ills titlth he tnlk d aud ibly with abraham he was m n in iii form bv mosh and onothii bv totthun jtr mlah was commanded to write ezt kill was emit r d to prtmh daniel rtolvvl gods r vela tlon through deamn tin vnibtv of the forma inditnui the suikroalural origin of the st rlptures it is all onsummntid in the tlnnl expression of god spenklng through his son abraham bt tames a rtalliy trio 8 v58 lint nam s prophecy num m 16 17 attains fulfilment moses expectation becomes realiz ation ino 5 4547 isaiahs vision becomes corporeal isa 7 1416 matt 1 22 23 daniel figure of the ancient of das walks the earth as the son f man how carefully we should learn and ponder his words god who spoke the ten command ments of sinai ex 20 117 was speaking in jesus ln the sermon on the mount and at all other times jno 12 48 the authority of god there fore is in all the words of jesus our lord is next declared to be the divinely authorized heir of all things this assures us that jesut is the ultimate of an history all or our uvea talents pmiiniluni in this world rightfully belong to hun oaatl- 28 18 u lie is heir of lall uungs nothing it left out certainly the 11 things include each of us and all collectively the root of our troubles lies in mans constant effort to be sovereign of bis own life and affairs he is slow to learn and often unwilling to learn that christ is hu sovereign lord the son is further described as the maker of the worlds meaning the ages this declaration in harmony with other new testa ment teachings jno 1 13 col 1 ifi rev 4 11 the woii brightness means an off flash and signifies that through jesus deity was veiled in his hum- manlty he was manifestly god as was revealed by various signs and wonders matt 17 1s and now new zealand seeks bkitisii immigrants belfast 3 g a holmes on of three new zealand agricultural experts touring northern ireland says that he believes tht re should be room in new zealand for at least 100000 settlers while immigration was a matter of government policy he snld he in sun that after initial difficulties of the potwar period are overconu the policy will veer toward migrant from the rrituh ilo comes the declaration that jenun is the express image of gods lerson note the fart that god is a person he is no nebulous mist such as mod ernistic rationalism presents us nei ther is he an impersonal force or ideal or principle such as pagan phil osophers invent he is a thinking feeling volitional being with all the integrity of a personality then observe that the personality of god is expressed in jesus christ sotiungin thecountoy it is predicted that many service men when they return from the war will want to acquire farms and settle in rural locations it 1 a life of real labor to which they look forward settling in the country does hot mean the lonely life that many such people used to experience in former years they will probably have automobile which will take them to meetings and entertainments and to social lire in the nearest town their radios will bring the violoes of singers and the peifontuinox of fine orchestras into their home ami plenty of entertainment and instruct ihn their telephones will put them in vlose touch with their neighbors labor saving devices will receive many burdens of home and farm work so it is not the life of lonllness and hard ship that it once was in many coses smaulsf soltdikk niagara falls ont cp standing jut four feet 1 inch in his stocking foet pe vorno a greg- olre 10 of niagara falls is reported to be the smallest man in the can adian army atached to the rca m c he is stationed at camp borden 1me pick of iobacox h dobs taste good in a pipe the bank of nova scotia sno horn coat to coo tu m