the acton free press thursday jw udb rinaed that private property la land is imbkau inst tut took the sue- by ktuffoflheomfc threw bun lato the lane to be the icnitt wu weed and dvsnlatlon and russia began to siarsw lenin vry ooa had to pick the kulak out of the ditch and put urn back on the farm with instruct- long to eulltvate and exploit it for au it was worth until the soviet ready to take oa the jabr this u the wiser bernard shaw speaking lie goes further and what applies to farming eolerpri applies to au enterprise lenin had to rehabilitate the trader just a he had to rehabilitate the kulak while he still believes that collect ive farming and trading may ram- in time meanwhile the more private tannine nd trading flourishes the better for everybody dukea are bet ter landlord than needy freehold- era once heard mr shaw say in hi that no one should object to paying taxes the he has ev idently changed hbt mind or he may argue that his dictum ha been taken literally and that you ran have too much of a good thing lb u now calling upon the go to ab olish the surtax and the excess prof- its ta root and branch there can in pasting i should bdllhd jf d he bh1ah colon cto sy ltrilrjl sssd more cigarettes over that would snake your trip ton would have done a real senfe to the men of the canadian forces free them to send toon and to and them regularly isvery over here will thank you well that is the story you have t and the rest is up to you if you have any relative or friend overseas la wham l are even casually tater- eated make arran now to do something about augmenting his supply remember more cigarette and regularly one chap from kelowna told that his create thrill at christmaj was to receive two parcels of rigar- ettes from people whom he knew on ly casually he said he had apprec iated the parcels from his friend but when he found he had been remembered by only casual ao nnslntanre it was a real thrill he felt that the people back home had wot quite forgotten him after three wars absence but why wait for christmast you ran give these chaps a boost in mor ale any day by just seems that they receive their cigarettes jregularry it will be appreciated and w111 bring you dividends through the satlsfact- ton of giving pleasure to tern is the envy of the men from the other province apparently this i working out extremely well and meet the approval of all the b c men who participate in it to the people of british columbia i would suggest that they investigate this sys tem of sending cigarettes oversea one anal word send more cigaret tes and send them regularly ktol they oct thbckhil london the new of the battl ing it took to get through one of thj larget convoys et sent to russia i a reminder that although the uboat menace ha been beaten it has not been removed the convoy had to fight it wa through vwarmfc of german aircraft ould put private enterprise into re verse mr shaw has lived ions enough learn not only from personal ex perience but from current history that you cant have socialism democracy at one and the same time he has seen that the first impulse of the socialists is to injure those who profit by the capitalist system and as he says to liquidate all its function aries and replace them with congen ial revolutionists he warns against any attempt to repeat the russian ex periment with its terrible result kevertheless he says it seem quite probable that we shall repeat them alt and learn from experience at an appalling cost what we are in capable of learning from hutory and a mries of uboat attack two women expert uboat were sunk by the aircraft of the roal navys air arm aided by a de trover there were also votm ubu etc yombatm in cow tests new york cpevry cow hu probables not a single merchant her day and what day it is depends smliltv larf ttllff fka anatrwllah ls4 nn m 1 1 st ship was lost but the operation did cot one british destroyer it is clear that uboats won t stay beaten for ore moment unit- sub stantial naval and air fore are kept in constant vigilance and convov to russia still need powerful escort the ha been some question in the rain of sailors on the arctic route to russia as to whether they prefer to make the trip in the summer or the winter it is a choice of evil la be winter here l the frightful cold and the heavy weather but there la some protection from the enemy in the darkness of the 24 hour nights in the summer the going is a little more comfortable but the 24 hour daylight exposes the ships tos constant observation and attack from the enemy this particular convoy seems to have had the worst of both seasons the daylight is ettlns quite loos in the arctic but the weather was reported as mur- on a small group of women who are taking the lives of united states cowa into their hands since male cow testers have gone to war women have been deciding- whether bossle should munch her way through a normal life span or turn into roast beef for sunday din ner its quality not quantity that counts when testers examine for but- terfat content if bossles milk isnt up to standard off to the laughter yard she goes as early as 1941 the first girl test cr in new york state was deciding bovine destiny and since then new york has acquired 20 others perm slvanla has 15 and new hamp shires dairy herd improvement as sociations are aerved 100 per cent by women two wisconsin gau test 170o cows on 88 farms and a spring- vllle pt y wife who took over her husbands job keeps an aye on 19 herds yes sir i wear it on my arm and im proud of it for gs means general service on any fighting front anywhere in the world it means that i want to go overseas canada needs a lot of men like you and me i know its going to be tough but the job has got to be done so sign up as a volunteer for overseas service remember it takes months of thorough train ing to make you fighting fit come on fellows lets go