the acton fbee press thesdiageof human lives r faaw wen ml- ofanonotfw anfl sncitwiy h ted br nmuur mdttlan wu1h ituui hpifh ohn ttuto tvibxc d anriir tb tin oajtend clauttblril wkr w aurtfci raunu itamr itmwn 4rtauubruj inanjunirwefty om3ity oct fat lanra ufar bm lv of attullr aalnwai ilbafvwmiuwl da and ibi- dauwbd of ttfthr miculk of hbr ohlldtwoi i aad stiry tfbat ifaa wm km nrd and guwiand iw bant atlao rfllr km an awafeifcnac timiar arturn aud ue duo far aurr tliltl wiill oud komr- ftin- lil fnuupil barn and imuznrm tbtndtt linimarlri i wftkntc tlbfinr tin oi llcmaf mriiiiiliit-n- ataji ibrtnwn tfer sionid find sir matlla count bhau- yusrbjfu of- ctvtdrir wfao 0wvwtlw would far ni- ttkittfaml tei a nvfcinoud oiy tit dwirotiiritm to tw taax of haw swcinlf wiiilf oti iiaaniiilliiii tltof meuulit of titiui tjcil- by lanr bugbiku ttb- boy r iclnl abti tmdftr far aaojahbrtic and tiaiiiu on of 3anu3 worrrii ttraband in clld hx4ioaacy fj ajamtutov r4- ctad foituv faomr rjprrianorf1 1u1 and3ia wayward adoltnfsin4 j- pmoviaed and ltaiadrndi of iwj hft- tfy to tfar juiilifikaiaon of h1ui1- ftutsovw pntsf and hbr uwd 8w ib ifiuuj jmiiii ilium da anhario an mir b ia ilctl sujmviuiiradrai of hi- cuulld- iwelh aid branrb at ottr- bjtil nnd bum nttiojx ivpady miidv f wdmrc xaid bwotwhly it h arioutid- la tfarn hbr hyg- of hoy rammliu to bonmantdllr lhfar bojal ttwonroj- tory wfelrb w ctaad 4art4y afjrr tike otdiwtmtc of wart arad an crai ly as it ud it was alwo at4oundia tfaai tbr airinornirj mc able o eoapty boimantdue and ifljftor iij bays ifl feudtv nosiri mfarci tlft tuus tu 4b u tte pmwutmsc of uiractt psevnicd bm immsliay mti iis oaestiaa utfcy awv waif of ttww unw hkt thitu mf-moatamtfc- rtjt ga- i and nammkbtrm and i wutuai itw aaat sr- ycao tke doar- fsok caum sknwyr3tdidaba-ilia- otnuai wniufti deoism wwtffl aw utrtlaaihl toy djbnr sacwftim i uarhontc a ihamjflj sbmunr inir maftcalk claanty aanw4j mtaa- dltftmtd ktt amm fasacty wafamt caai- imiwifw mrmaifa ikt flkl kaat nlnd utc jtnauvm rf ubr nfaolld klu ab- waii ihw gmanviaa ff hhr ibanr an itojhv snwanc aur aflend wlbra fltwuiui blhr lnnban rf ttw faud ickn and ttaf amanrv nmr fcr4- nunotwd ini nnfonei ut mi aonn wlhlrti klw oar wy of mt tfaat u mbousd aajjln wnbtlfa hsk icandipnawntl uany a nomr ik walhiaend aoaay a how ibcmllt liatanawnd ik mavkrd mam tamt- ihy gnums aav notford wfakfti otart wiiur ttwiu bioad iribilami in j tfnuit or m wwnflat of tiir o aikl saciw- nncautur a 3flttjottot- tfsiwnd mr ltwnr aaaajtt w- auoitrd jc flj dnt olilldiwv aid aonihty un far tlkm ikfl vmcmmixmiicm it mm uwik anmd and pda and w iiiriprd rtpamrixarat w- ata oni lki ttltiiu tlf ibljify crhqia of tukdlkiadajiilki tin aj nmaniity asw lizitrcvidoid and tjuj- ipmart nrrj soiauf of our maiild wvaric w nacnot lbw a vomjiortc oncaeu kluad olatanmaht t4 aia ui1 sonvc kauwd 4v har obildrl aid sa irdv can far loaatd on at mfaat itiarua- atiu cricciijcaiiii ritud ipivm ttti gtuar ciuid aucocfainxf nod mudi tnufr nrdiinlt stuua dit ran e4 lia 1u1 mo xm m au4 now fulull il tfum- itm av w oonxiuinjd rlijlldwrjfiuw r- icmsixajmm and ah an otrvall tvma- tmunity pfvirv m uud luv 4far tindast of rftwj oncanidrdl csvaup ia xaimi3mtuaii and df rifarcv it otm 4inuj nod ijrwtjv3 u h4uofiru wmratm ho ir ii iu vjntarti il tfarcv in ffjiytm cfalldrwal al4 socwir in ontaiia tlfart ui onr in your cnoxuannuy lion uuhl do j laaow abo4it w ilatac mj imird i in 4i wvkhc was your dub or cnurcb civmlp indimird a lrjrr ho do fiacim- ihlng to ml6r ut a siranjyr orirt5 fukilllnf nvr ftxnction ibal would canada approved bread lacks sufficient riltofiavin ilnklb tne fanraj gfintm tnr la nan un aafly w of b ia w riai that canada jljpnnuwr b- fawmd w aaan 3aabf kbaa asauaary wnm brand mtuay tf to ffilfcn- ollkam two ti la thr dnmhiii bandiral jtionlilliai jlonmall fay man to bsrjie njcv brflnary mjl pfaji frsic of inr srinnolt of iljwim- llwknalty of toronto tw nniratiam nana rals iw itsnr of facmadl bd br faraad wn atfvfaanftd nrtail hota a dlvrory tmrti of a bf toroato faalory iubont klbr anowftr4sr of ifar balcrry tar iwik of ufa ynaf atfadao aar4y wr aua km tttotrin fa- and nxfa otodoaiiri fan a nranortioa eudy hlkr ho hfast found an i- llrtajrar in i tl ssjiciclnand ncuil of hjar hbnrr ctouju of rats ww oodrrf on hbr 2lt day of hbr e4milmrat ih wait voacllodnd hfaat hbr wlwjr mbaavh bsvuad aajjpmlrd four important wiuanitta ia aufuolrat qtutn tlu canada askpsowmt wbilr luinavd ftitniibrd lararfly kudiumh iqiujushilini of hbmar vitamins but w orslrrat in oar nfanfllai via wtamem ordiaary wfaihr bmad wail dkrtlolrnt in all four vutamia tfar wrirohittj adk- uowlrdcrd hbad hbrvw mxzhi hr widr aarialaobfl in hbr corojioumaon of brttatl and vaid hbat similar diprni- 4il on a feuxnbrr cf staiaajjr wvnld be ndtnnhaj3rou tbr wfarrimmt ti- hrljkrvl fay a knt from hbr luclmlrr kound- aliuka ditiian nf nahural ifnn naiaolu tcl tfar krnya aj- rirullural auhborihira hav altod for sllmki hand of ground khos3tbahr irdk from hbr drpotiti nmly disciavervdi in ueanda tfar rode wilt br uaod ac a rtilur why a minimnm bill for electric service in e infiotcd the two parts of the coat of am electric power to the rorauhcr- let us oonslder the part cnaerias do cast and its rdatiaa to the ujhoiumbill electricity cacamt be tnoifa at a abe aod takra faune iv te itbaa to br fcjiwjul to year bocae or bnn over datributiaa gnea built of pofca siraa iemdatora tranaformen caetcra c these gnea naat be ready o c day i t be paid each year intereat and repaymeot of aea aonat be pmyuty mmitaiml iiilainil yapdkeptaiajiod t l tiim and w d w all of tbeae diatribntaoa coata t be eaet eacb year in adibtim t the actual coat of dectnrity art let as aee what una csatribubon coat amounts to coat to conatruct 30jooo miles of dmtributiao bm tdaerwel35j00onnaluaera 39000001x00 yearly coat 1942 of operabosc eaaintcnanor intereat reneanla etc 1991 400 jm average coat per rmlomrr js i laspernunuv in hanueta adhere can be ajrouiied and bnea are akortcr thai n coat per uacr ia ahafcuy leaa in the caae of farnaj atbere tbe oaeraac ta pot you mae p many month the coat of unaegmp ment to serve you still cam on if you use less electricity than ia coweged by the coat on aranotard tj 56 idlovfatt boon a booth then you have a minimum hhx to meet this distribution coat if your use of cacctriaty is sweater your bm at the uniform rate covers both distribution coat plus the coat of electricity at the station the mini m bai tor a 3wiro hamlet user is 150 net per mooth for fandaictfarmitiisj03oetpcrmnnh t these esqilanaooos are ajiven to bdp you uiiderstand the new rate inmirnrrtgiw mstt trarih dm ml fiw y mr tirra fit initallina tvrhm a under war conditions in the meantime if you need further injtor- rnstinri please sale your rural district sqicraitendent the hydroelectlflc power commi88ioh of ontario l jg m whp combined operations include you o invasion oerxiands more action from every fi service combined operations comhined opentions in clude you too despite the shortage of tsdtp and eqtrip- ment canadian farmers have respcioded nobly to demaads for increased rxroduo- tion of foods but there is one thine on which a better job can stilt c done more money is needed to fight a more intensive war all canadians will be asked to furnish this money its a duty that we who arc at home owe to the men on the fipjhtiriey fronts in these days most fanners have higher incomes money to save and thajt is the job that they are asked to do save money and lend it to ca you are not asked to give money just to lend it when the war is over youll have this money to plough back into your farm so save now to lend to your country save to have money to im prove your farm money for new stock and implements money for more land or new buildings for a new car for new furnishings and conveniences for your home all you can lend is little enough for a cause so vital fc a neeel so urgent and the more that you can save and lend to your country now the more you will have for your own use when the war ends victory bond