Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1944, p. 3

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thursday march stb the acton fseb press pace 1hrkb of interest to women hello ifofaemafcersj are the order of use day during ieot there are many ways ia sradch flab cu be prepared and s to provide ma appmldaje table offering ics not necec ry to eo in for aautetokc and deepfryie all the time beside fryiaje rjequlres plenty of fat and we mhould reme that fata have a f jjthling job lo da in uus war to set away from frying methods and off the beaten track as it wff her something we tried in the hyd ro kitchen the other day we pur chased 4 flab filled and a can of nm densed celery soup the fish fillets were coaled with half the can of soup next ue palled them with finely crushed cornflakes and placed them in a lichtly creased casserole these were baked in a prcheated oven for 25 minutes they were delicious serv ed with the rent of the eream celery soup try this method and were sure youll rfflcf i2 tablespoonbfiutter 5 tbsp ot flour i cup milk 1 egg 2 cups mackerel 3 cups rtced potatoes 3 tbsp chopped parsley aalt and pepper prepare a unite sauce with the but ter flour and milk season with j forks mix sauce with potatoes and fish add egg ulghtly beaten then the parsley place spoonfuls of the mix ture on u buttered baking sheet cook in electric oven 4400 degrees 3d min utes baked italihut wtt tamaio nanee 2 pound halibut salt and pep per 2 cups of tomato sauce or canned tomato soup wipe the slices of halibut with u damp cloth or paper place in buttered baking dish pour the sauce or soup around the fish and rook in electric oxen at 330 degrees for 35 minutes 2 cups raw diced fish 4 cups of water 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup chopped celery 2 cups raw diced or grated potatoes 4 cups milk cup minced onion salt and pep per fry onion in melted butter add fish tiotatoe and celery cook a few min utes season well add raid water and cook until tender then add cold milk and heat to the boiling point serve very hot any kind white- fleshed flali may be used tartare hauee to one em slightly beaten add one or two teaspoons of mustard 1 ten- spoon of salt m1h well then add a few riroju of oil ond heat with dover ct beater adding nil regularly u little at n time when the iiiuyoit- haise u thitk ndd two tnhleteiuumi of vlnegur then happed pickles pnrs- ley or else dill pickles onion cupen tr takk a til to oieriome fish hion u clean hatuu after handling row fuli by rub bing thini with salt nhd then rinsing j kill ctmiklng odurw hy ucorchlni oruiikf peel or coffee in n steel pan i lien udil vlntcnr nnd water to cican- ue it cl dishes which have it ul fish should lw wutthikl in warm will r to which a teuimon of dry mustard u added tin question ftox mrs c m usks why doe milk wometlmes curdle when used to pouch flh answer smoked fish may i urdle milk simmor fish in water before it l pom tied in milk mrs d v aslcs what is parch ment paper answer uutter wrappers are panh- ment iw to wrap fish mrs j mc asks is it hecessar to use lemon juice in the water to cook flsht answer no use vinegar when lemon are expensive vinegar u an ucld that keeps the flesh firm and white it is not necessary to use in the cooking of salmon mechanized warfare on australian rats sydney cp warfare on rats in sydney has been mechanized the hand men wpotuted to keep down these pests at tnelrworkplaces are now on war jobs their places have been taken by women and the experts say that women are not so food as ratcatchers the rat population la overrunning city buildings ao the official ratcat- rhera have had to improve their tech nique to keep pace their moat ef fective weapon is a tommygun firing cyanide six of them killed j14 rata in leas than half an hour in one city basement ttou cant miss says one of the operators once you get a line on a rat hes dead there is also a hand grenade con taining insecticide in three seconds it kills the fleas which bit the rats which carry the plagueand ao on educator appointed producer of educational broadwrtfi in the staritimes douglas b lukiy left the announcer vtaff of ctlci toronto studio recently lo take up his new po4 in hallfak be fore entering radio atr luuy wai a tearl r and vupervlsor of musk in ontntlo hiblu acliools moral lealetshi may solve problem of flawless tribes india ha more than 100 reform srtucaacnta where criaain- alfl work toward even tual freedom new youk cpk indiav oo year experiment with im r criminal tribes may furnuh a clue to the cure of some of the world social ills this word comet from rodney usherwilson of uncolnshlre eng land who hutt just arrived in the united slate after 10 years service on u rehabilitation project in tlu uomlurv urea where these tribes abound all over india these people num ber nearly a million he says and like parasites they live off the re4 vie named a few the charta waddars t ral ned from childhood to be pickpocket the kalkadls who have two spec ializing subdivisions housebreaking by day and burglary by night the haran shikaris who have a tradition of taking sheep and goats the chapparabands moslems onre counterfeiters but now under reclam ation and taking pride in holiest masonry no minor vole the ijimanls once so lawless that according to legend tlppu sultan made an edict that they might he excused three murder n day pro vided they supplied hlu urmle uith grain many other tribes gain their liv ing and rear children to lie thievtw rohlmni htaonuhlnurt and hundlt snntthfn continual ukherwlluoti ulth nmnui rioting clrunkennoss nnd inimonillty throun in now for tht luut 10 enft india hm tiled uiimhition uefonil hettlemeuts if till treatment dm not kutt the crlnilnnl trllwunum nr intenud in settlomontu thiy ore glvon ot- tumtumul training if they reumtnd the uork touiud evelitnnl fveelam with gmdualb inertavthi prliileet ttu nre put to work in imluatrufi luuipltiiu nnd baby ultare cimtr entultlitihed leattllnesi uiui sanitation are taught v tlur- wilson was in charge of onr kucii utttlement containing 000 r- tonit of alt ages rtpntlng 10 trlwa there are more than 100 sttltmint in india we feel tlik work hm achieved xr cellent resulth he soys we do hot feel legislation will solve moral prob lems we recognize that the only aluuer for groultd sstematically trained in wrung living l new moral leadership not from w ithout but raised up within the group itself such leadership among the house breakers for instance began to em erge w hen they associated religion with morality as opposed to their tribal beliefs which sanctioned crime counting the change someone remarks that old timers can remember when the change from a dollarwas worth counting in mod ern times a dollar does not seem quite the big sum that it did to our ancest ors on making change a good many people stuff what was returned to them into their pockets without coun ting it apparently they think that if an error was made it was not im portant many persons now throw around their money a little carelessly when depressions and unemployment come they may wish they had looked after their change a little more carefully nearly everyone is honest in making change but it is easy to make mis takes old fashioned prudence said it was better to discover these errors before it la too late chronicles oh ginger farm tae aaet free i hy owkndoukk i tuuuql u pays to advertise so runs tle vlogan and believe me it is inie i have found that out lime and again ilere i ih- latest proof we hivj promised lo help laughler buy a rad io lat ctiiktmas which she wanted to get for herself wanting was one thing getting another apparently there wasnt small radio to be bought in the city of toronto i ld i would see what 1 could do and as h beginning i ran a small want ad vertisement in our local weekly a young fellow answered it who live ulmost next door to us lie hadnt known w wanted a radio we didn t know he had one to sell but througn the medium of a small town weekly we managed to make a deal so there you are anything you want from a pinkeyed cat to a con jenlal oocnpanlon object matrlmntiy just advertise and you will get u hut if its matrimony be careful ad vertisements can be misleading we had a bachelor neighbour out wett who advertised for a wife lie finally arranged to meet her at the nearevt village to his prairie home they were married and aft r the ceremony drove straight to the farm the wom an took one look at the non-too- t lean one room shack and insluod that her husband drive her btralght liack to flie station it was the last the toor fellow saw of his bride it hay been cold this week very cold the only thing that looked warm around here was partners nose it had a lovely warm glow all us own no partner had not been imbibing it was merely the result of a boll the inflamatlon from which kpread itself over the extreme end of part tiers nose making that part of him look both bulbous and bibulous by the way i have twice taken up lied cross nursing and first aid but at no time did i learn how to dress or band age a boll immediately under a pat ients nose and speaking of the ills of the ftekh i suppose you have been taking an interest in press reports of the health insurance plans that our feder al and provincial governments are ar ranging for us as i itee it it u too early yet to formulate any definite op inion as to their respective merits ev en fitough they differ in ui many uays it in proikmted to make the fed eral health plan mandatory the proi inclal optional opttlonal health in surance uoula be a fine thing for those contributing but what about the ones who wouldnt the fact that they wouldnt insure it no guar antee that ntcdlcnl care would not iw twqulrod hy them i am afraid opt ional health insurance might work out pretty much the wimo uk optional car insurance a man pluyt tufe nnri in- tturei hit cur agaliikt properly mid perkontil liability then one dn mime fellow comet along driving a car whose brakes wont hold rmntheii into the tnmred tar with dire result h tin other fellow carries no insurance ami iuir no means to componuite to tho nnwer for damage inflicted thus ulth optional health insurance volun tary huhscrlhera would be protected nnd yet through additional taxation would have to my for the mod lea i core of indigent patients who wore nonsubscriber on the other hand the foderal plnn- xeemti like a pretty steep financial proposition the per capita tux would come hard on families with limited means however i am strongly in favor of some kind of health insur ance we heed that much boclal sec urity anyway and i hope u complete medical checkup every 6ar would tie one of the conditions of the plan with a medical card stamped to that effect thus incipient disease would be nipped in the bud and many unsus pected cases of venereal disease brought to light it would appear that v d in canada threatens to be come a national disaster i under stand that when a person thus af flicted consults a doctor embarrassing questions are not supposed to asked in russia where v d has practically been wiped out many questions are asked a russian doctor is required not only to cure his patient but to track down the infection to its source that may be one reason why russia has been able to put up such a mag nificent front it wouldnt be possible in people ravaged by the effects of venereal disease maybe noah s laughed s at these housewife weh itu sdve you a job you can gather the eggs in the chicken house if you wont steal any tramp- lady youae could trust me wid anytalng i was manager of a bath house for tea years and never took a hath itow did you lose your job at the dress shop my deart just because of something i said after i had tried 30 dresses on a woman she said i think 1 would look belter in something flowing so i told iter to go jump in the river customer 4 pointing to laundry par cels is that my nante in chinese lundryman hesitatingly nna customer gelling ruriouvk it nun hr some kind of an identification mark what is it w ijiundryinan its discliption it say 111 man who never smile a man travelling in south am r- ia entered a shop in the capital of a mnall tate to buy a watch and chain the watch maker wrapped up the article and with litem a revolv er i vsy observed the avtonlslied traveller t didnt want a revolve- said the watchmaktkr why you buy a gold watch you mean to keei it dont yout faatm dan doer iks bit to win tiie star a 12yearold nova scotia girt has shown how farm boys and girls of lhe province are doing their bit to help win the wai for democracy site lv adele kalr r of east ilalla harbor recently she told an official of the agricultural department of the can adian national rath ays here how the did this last year i took the prise mono i won at the potato club and bought a calf she said tended it all wn- ler anil this spring i turned it out to pasture now i am fattening it nnd plan 1 for beef iuring mif vacation last summer 4 got j jot pulling weeds and later picking tom atoes with this money i bought j w and a pig in the spring i ex ited to have some lambs and i he pig lo sell this winter my sister and i are doing the ham chores so my bro ther can go lo the lumber woods w have four tigs thirty hens flflc n iheep and a raw lo look after wjlh the money i make for tlte beef i ili kolng to buy another lf ami put lle tislanoe of lite money in win subttbiian house 1335 bjc a model of an egyptian noblemans house has just been put on exhibition ia the royal ontario museum it is enlirely based on houses excavated at tell elamameh a shortlived city of the islh century before christ some of the detail has been supplied by wall paintings of the same period the model was executed b miss sylvia ilahn except for tlte aba n of window glask which was unknown lo the ancients it closely resembles tlte modern functional house not only lias it a modern appearance with its flat plain exterior in a charm ing icarden betting but it is actually as carefully planned for comfort as are tti best of the mod rn houses the itllrhens and errtaittv quarters are in outbuildings the house itself po sitadous living quarters for llt- family tlte ential living room ua w ii iemod from lite summer itoil and wlnlrr cold tlte north rttni wad uhed b ua- family in sum- titer while tn lite utl vide was a huimy wlnt r living attorn on hot umm r e nlnt- the mutanls n- jt4d the iiih on i in flu i oof wohkm v lead ijondon d the number of women among the imwwo0u llrllonfl registered for employment exceeds tlte number of men by loouuo with registration of women aged so there are 11000000 women reglst red al together and 10o0ooo0 of hum are employed on war work t tti ijili u ii hit oi the ikih lllghhtiiilw wounded in klclly listens in lo a broadcast with two ital nt cluule street military hospital rred who has junt had an oiteruluui on iii eye was llowti from the luene of battle to h pltnl in 4 itli afiha and later to england lie had more i riiikf luloim of dill hhwtd mtuhi than he rouhl count wlu 11 men iom blood the way tlty di in this war mtjy rrml well lhres nothing iw liny nil gke them u then it changes constantly to meet this countrys changing needs beooato savings london cp post office savers set a record on saturday january 29 and nobody knows why on that one day 370000 depositors put jc 3000- 047 in the post office savings bank more than in any 24hour period since the bank opened in 1861 it a mystery an official said for instance ever wonder where your ration coupons go the answer is that your grocer takes your sugar butter and other coupons to his bank which acts as the govern ments agent in identifying and accounting for millions of spent coupons this vast bookkeeping job known as ration coupon banking is just one of the new additional assignments which the banks have assumed as part of their wartime service another is the payment on behalf of the government of cer tain subsidies arising out of war time price control still another is the handling of exchange trans actions as agents of the foreign exchange control board at the same time the banks have arranged facilities to serve mili tary establishments and new war- industry centres alike through loans to industry and agriculture they have helped to increase the supply of raw mate rials weapons and food they have acted as issuing agents for approximately s5700- 0oo0oo worth of victory bonds and war savings certificates as well as lending direct financial aid to the government through short term loans all this in the face of wide spread staff changes resulting from enlistments of 8360 trained bank employees th war rnvrgancy has proved th iadinss and ability of canadas banks to adapt their services to new conditions it has proved once again the strength of your banking system which is providing a firm base of financial service for th greatest economic effort in the nations history and will whh qua resourcefulness meet the challenge of the yea ahead the chartered banks of canada

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