i am irart abmsy wsasltlaai itinr hasaaa n nff amm iknn ill ifl f rtne ih sat oc fi- 3tfc at utarantd warn wvo itapr ot orton f itaat wan wtth iner itnothj or mra 3 if moore sflajomi irumkor o ite atunwnl rthai ymr at i dualt uto- sales ijctard ibimqj nf w tone long ssteait jew xortc aa wtettsi iher rfather mr ithoe ibamkty who iha i 1 and mrs ib 1- jsu nd secretary awl mrs c ib swack- ham attended itfae annual fairs con- vwentkan io tlaronto ilast woek- urails uartartart raft rtne i ean atattow ihnrrow rtsntj ii inn ttsa4tthe ftatdin a j une atory ot tine nextna of ilantic ootwoiy naawilu iiumiw ibafl me ik wsv ifilgtattsa fl ih ortaae tf ihaartilwug qntntao lie well i ita juntoo ibvtfwirilm ila tthe atory jam li iconvny was aamad dram wihat jintgtrt punota ite jvnnr t rtert iat inaeiknow i sjo ifcfftta i just n ed pulkftsd fast ifainfain bomcn onlyotaittleb intteir homes uondon cp ifor some ibrltiah woman ithe second grant ii on ithelr rdoarsteps and ithey are putting a hal of ammunition lnto ithe ibattle of ithe aexet and ithe iright tto rule rtheh- own irooau hhe ilondon ipreaa ihas ibeen dull of rthe case of mrs idorothy iblackweu vwho was jcood illttle wife and saved line housekeeping imoney which was promptly taken iby iher ihuaband the jaw court aodthe ihouap of c upheld inla xigm ito do ao and mm ilackwell waa ixvf used ithe irjgjht rto appeal ito ithe ihouse ot ilord iln ikent another wtue wvanted ito ibe quaen of iher own catlc and iliad iher vwriau alapped ibyithe imasiatrate the court dtamtated iher anphcatlon for aqparatlon rlrom iher ihuaband when iher icroutul were ithat iher ihua- iband wlu only came ihome itveek endji objected ito tflndlnc inl vwlfea irela- ttlvea atayinc iln ithe ihouae mow rthe joarried womnnv asaocla- itlon la iiu iln arms a npokeamnn tor ittie lorsanlzation said tfhoue caaea alniply iprove ithat a ihouaewife la one of ithe chatties of ithe ihome lllke ithe ipata and ithe dturnu fture a wife should ibe consldred an owner of the ihonw ithe same as iher ihuaband ibrltlah women itoday are worklnc as ttruok drivers thus conductora trail- troad vworkera imachlnlata are lao oraanlainc demand what itheir iplaoe tin ithe tpoat aaarxworid wllt iber i 3 all ipartiea lhavjn claims laicalnat rthe estate d marsmret el jar lute of ithe itownahtp of waaaaaaweya hi ithe county ehatton widow l- oeaaed who died on or about tttte ninth day of june 0943 are itwouired ito aend inarticulars andjproobt itbereof ito ithe lunderataned ibefore ithe tmiael teenth day of february 0904 uvuhen the aaaeta mill ibe distributed amon ithe ipartiea ilesally entltld ithemto1 ihavins iraaard only ito ithe claima which anal lhaue ibaen iflled as lafore- aaid jpurauant rto section si chapter 1185 ir s- o 0937 i idted at acton ontario tliis ttuirty- idrat day of january oma c if lieattheriand acton on- itario solicitor dor mary ie mear ad- imlnistratrix 31- ilaat all 6000 tmembera of ithe national council of women asked tthe muilatry of llabor aame ipalnted quea- tuona about ithe status of rthe worklnc woman ithe ttnioiatry ihas iuat ilaaued jutawera ito itheae queatlons hthe women wanted ito iknow if ithey would ceftaln rtheir i dobs after rthe war tthe kaxniernment aaid no iguarantae could ibe imade ibecauae cmany jjoba would dlaaodear and x- atsnutoemen and women uniut ibe ire- inatated will women nuuoyed iln jom iment aaruioa ireoauie eaual tpay lth anen the jowernment aaid it could inot aee its way clear ito latter ita ipreaent poaltloiu thioh ia that men and woi omen are ipald aually rfor jiaaltiana auch aa clerical work to rthe queatlan wu1 women alt on poatwar iplannlng oommitteea ithe gomernmant anawered that ithat xeatad with the woman vvotera to queatlona aaklnc if ithere would ibe tralniiui achemea to allow women war worjcars rto ilearn poatwar joba and if there would ibe poatwar in- creaaea in penaions and widowa al- lowancea itlie overnment ireplied that iboth altuatlona were iunder observa tion notieetogrieditrci all ipartiea ihauins clalma against ithe leatate at hamea ibusaell somer- wllle lutte of ithe ttownahlp of 3jaiua icaweya iln rthe county of walton farmer who died jwi or about tthe twentieth day of january 11944 are treauired ito aend particulars and rproofa thereof ito ithe lunexdataned be- rfave tthe ttwentylxth day of lkebrui ary 0944 when tthe aawta vwltl ibe dlatrlbuted among ithe ipartiea ilecally entitled thereto ihavinc irexard only rto ithe claims which ahall ihawe ibeen filed as aforesaid tpurauant ito s si chapter h6s it s to 19x7 dated at acton ontario tthla twentyiftfth d o hanuary mad c if ijeautheriand acton on- itarlo solicitor tfor igeorse irae som- crvllle executor 3t alhtattbafrnkj woktc fiusineaa la inot a kind of perpelual motion imachlne that runs along in definitely without anyone nuahlnx it ahead it naeda aame motive jwwer ihehlnd at aame kind of tonic force that ahall ibrinx in iw resources of atrenjth advertialnx is that kind of loauvcownr and tome force bus- ineaa cono are abvatya losing cus tomers ibecauae people di or oaove away or et interested in some com- petlna oftdoer off erinc adweruaina la ithe power that off- aata all auch losses and does a saofl deal more than that by constantly drawlim in new trade a gaui ad vertiaina policy faectc of the ooda of a atora tcuxaa la m wn atneam a flaw m and keeps lnaqy t way a 3ggd cast pays tasttth golden harvest chick starter 18 stmttvu clbot gregory theatre gohbtarrinjt judy garland and mickey irooney sport f 1 fun cartoon war xktca chapter is overland mau alatiattkat 4 thrtuiiuj with cheater morria nancy kelly mu6iem houoa1t date lekans george byron fox news tmatf si the advfiottjbds of tastttr fiobert tjkmat valerie hobaon seakiac of aii tails of the bonder unuaual oocupatioos tuironajh a gallant and rtdouraatsoms flight tat an ir- jbv flrooaaital liaberaitorl wptofa ihad attat oan- imlttaenbavitt tom cfudtt of rthe aaamatrthe ehelloakttla luaina tadater itaamla rtook place tdd oniaea rfxom lland tthe roonvoy ihad ipoxt and tthe i bomber iratmnad ito itta i base umttbout idamase ios crew i injury after aettiinc ttwo ulehikels on ifh and acorink ihits on rthe tthhrd tuhe liberator was captained iby iflt- ixt mush sutherland ah lenaliahni who wan awarded an ifanmadtate id ef c ihia crew waa imade iup of uyuot officer a ip glbb of vancouver rnaulj iflt fiot m 37 werbiakl of ibor iman drontiaunrnez ifyj bur qtficer 0 m iketcheaon tl itaenj ton second ipllot iflt fiart- w p ifoa- iter of cluelph irear isunner and flftltj ssta ie c ulavidaon land h th grleae llifelonc friends ifrom ibeachbutc ontario vwho operated tthe plane beam muns gibb iflisht aerjreant at ithe tinw of tthe operation and since promoted and userblttkl wen awarded the k if m hthe ihninkabt imade a auddenawoqp at rthe convoy rthroiulh tthe dlouda and sutherland ibraubue tthe iuxtonae antij aircraft ibarrase rthe iconvoy was aandj inc mp acainat rthe slaxl iplanwi de cided rto rtake on ithe vwhole formation one iby one tthoiwh lheauiyouipinnod tphe ituberatbr ifousht tthree anparate combats iln 3s tminutea sutherland attacked one xloiakcl just as iit ibocan ilts ibomb ttrun over tthe nhipfi lit did mat iffat in chance ito lunload ilts i bombs ibecauae tthe ibomb- r nmn aat hire rto rthe enemy star- board enslnes and ill ibroke off rthe battle j tuhe next iheinkel did ithe same of- ttr ilttj ensinea caucht jfirc and tthe ithud was ichaaod away after a ahotrl cbuih other lhelnkulthe iii c aj f did mot aay ihow imany were tin tthe formation scooted ifrom rthe aoene ibe- tfore ithe iboraber could met at tthero iphe mix canadian came aueraeas early iln 0943 and lhave ibeen tflyinjt rto- icether alnoe itlnder tthe uapel of tthelr ibattledreas a iblaak rand uihlte cloth j ireproductlon of tthe ihead of tdinty a stuffed rtoy tpanda anaacot idlnty came uilth tthem tfxom montreal ond ithey iworih tfy without ihlm plenty velable satjti afailable a tnumlwr of kind of mitable soeda vwere mat avalutb iln adejubtt smutly itaatacason rthe icfurrent ihe- wleu of acrlnultuial icondhmana iln canada tdiaaloaed in tthe llateht lisaue tto iremedy rthu idtuauon tthe acrio- tultural snnphos iboard acmnjied a iproduntion procrdro in tthe tprinf of 3943 wttli tthe result ithat tunnlc suj- llillea of aoed if or iboanfl rpeaa ibmits xorxots aulllowar auaumbers llet- rtuoe ontontt iradiahes apinach ttum- atoe awedes and tmaiujela ave ipected rtp ibe lavallaole tfor tthe u9o4 aprinct iplantinc st ihas ibeen tpoaalble ito develop lhardy idlaeaaehfree at- iletlea vwthlch do well lunder canadian climatic conditions as well a rprovidinx rfor idomestic irnguirernenta alupeaents iof tueiietable aaed rto rthe tthutad acinfdom total- 4inx aewecal imuhon rpntndi lhaue ibeen undertaken and deliueriea are in ipro- sas ifilana are ibeuuf anad to rpand further uesetahle aeed pnofluct- i iln 11944 with britiah x3alumbu aaaumirut important mole ia this crowing industry about s per cent d canadian produotlon rf ateaetamea and ifletbd iroot aeeda uene icrowai in ibrituih clrh flajd 3ar wedklywa and aunpliea ita rthe iftbrame ffront far rthe ipaat rtwo yeara and lis tthe ihub ia a metwotk off mill lines ft lehe mad army ihas lhauad m iheawy german itanfc att oattanefl tto ue ibrcae cbtaai tforaea llajuilkaahy ttnm- rpad ita tthe cghetfkaajy ipodnat aawrth ffinw rtmwt trarmwr rthat rot aodudod tto osolaw bleats oia- inally rtrappadlby tthe ff ita tthla tthe qecmatna ate imaatlnc tthelr i atmhy tcbecatptttte t ikoranm ita tthe ttliaailauiilaaa ffur- tthe rterrttory ibeifl iby tthe on tthe northern tend iof tthe ibtiattoin ff ttwo fflowiet amuea are imeattnaj eloaer tto tthe oextnanhoa1 abraaur- ihow and rrall junction of ibakoxr on rthe ibordera of tkatoma tito rthe morth of hake ipetaus rthe hw lhaue av iready pushed linto lektonla td lundeeataned ihaa itaoaniafl im- atbueuons tfitmi tthe t ot ttbe- qsatata itrf tthe avjc rpubhc inudtttmi at han 081 atmne ixnteaeat ita rthe iltallan campalsn oentrea on rt allied hth armymt casaino tthe g lhave comwtn- d rthe rtamous ibth century ibanesuct- ilne tmonastery ilnto a jo tforc- linc rthe allies tto employ iheayy ibom- ibexa acalnat tthe old abbey on rthe iinwaalon ibrtdsebead ito the inorthweat ibriilsh and american j ttroopa iboth ivepulaed german rattaoka and artillery prevented an enemy atj rtempt tto ibsldae a atoam ho tmlles above analo on maothern lltaly ibeavari ibombera pounded enemy trail and ihlfihway communications partloular- iy rthoae emecsinc from tthe ibae pass ulrime mlnlater ikhur on m ihalted ihouae idlacuaalon on rthe ireoent tretlrement of general mcfilaurjhton ihoweuer ihe ilnutted opposition ipaittyi headers tto consult with ihlm and irevl ilew cocreapondenae iln iconneationl vwlth rthe uoave icnuned rthe rformor ca anny oonimander oueraeab iln ireplyitur tto a laucnealian rthat gen- j exal mcmauchton ibe aneaant at tthe imeetinc tthe ffrclme mlnfartar aaid ltt vwould ibe preferable rto lhaue only rthe iparty lloadora at ithe rflrat tmeetinj defenoe minlater irabttoo amnounoj d iln rthe thouae of canunona rthat ithe canadian aeiny iprqpoaea tto draw gq- 000 anon from rthe tnanpowej- rpool duslnc tthe rfiacal 3ear u9444s ttfiv- 000 rfor wmolae anyuthetre mr ihals tton aaid rthat about s0ioo0 icd tthe 6qr- looo rmen tin tthe ihome defenoe atnny can ibe imade available rfor aemulce iov- eraeas ilf rfuture vuenia rmake such a imove mn a bdven wllth ibatfie llosaeii rthe arany ircmforcevnerrt pool ouoraeas ila tup tlo tthe stsencth oit- ilnally planned tfut lit tthe tmlhlstur atal- od authoattbda tin qfceett ibanmlnl hanttdtaeattti ittoabftn rrlubihor m3cosmsmm at one ojdlook tthe attuowtna linwaqt f3qwb a iblaok jtanaawl ckaar tfaeah naif at aide fl fikawnjaarj any oow faeah icalf at talde h je umlfar tfaeah calf at alde n kama oexaey icow faeah 6 tweoka a ieawn 0eeaey t3ow iln rfuu iftnw ibaad 6i tiwaeka s hhtmdle flewsrsy ccowa prinjh ihur ii irefl haurham oow due ttmw of aale a iblack hereby cow nhndtnc ii ifawa ilecaey cow wnilbutmic iler- aey tcowa ita tfull tttow mat ibsed tsroxnuc cannraje o jloreey ihetfexs flnrinc calvea ti ueratw ibeutera nl raar did a qummaey ibuit 2 amars utheae icatttle are an emonptlonallly tnoodi commercial hot ttmfxjemenitk h tfosdaon utractt- or naoublc lulsc 3iurowed conk- ahutt iiracttor irllow tlrac touhlvaoi hi mower grain tblndtn m oh m io araln xhtlll if jat w raeapnr m in lsiavloador 2 stay irabea icodkahutt manure flnroattor mkajidn toi uhoibi wmnm and lelay stock ualktnir trlow hinrjlortuirimvund eld- 1 line minw jbtmtl ibollnr b idnuma 2 fiteel loirunui q mtrt knd thnnvowa quanthw of hiumhor gas lelnrjlne qu sup mump nack ifamttnc mm ffidl of ficdlc j2 liaum mownm ot rtfl fltewntrt utower cllppent a ifard a model conch wtthigood ttbrea titrailer ant xttt ibadkband ihatmeek ifoolks iii ihoea bhovela ghalna utodla etc lhavaiod qraiwtm anna mlxnd ihay hm lima oaut iioo ihua stye several lhacs of ifiiok ouartthw of oil ii cdke ouanttty of meal quantity of cut straw fl ibtadk nf ibiny ibeall jekltame art tthe wamn ttimelll and rjilaoe wtlll ibe ioaetmd rfor anle auhjoot tto ia weuoiwe thld tthe banni wwwlirtinji of hon lantmt imawmr llew i rand lboinc m tot ihalf ilnt hi con iia e ithk rfaimi lis ao teaoqh rtionnuv wtill drained and nltuirtd rfarm itmiinc hmndy tin lachopl jandcilo rto lliiiihutay on said rfanaa li netttoflj hi a inew lltune wulth multdblr ibaima land i outbulldinini- 1 ttonrns inn ibital ertaie imade llonouml day of kalle 7 titeirtas tonj cgatu casfl jf a jefljuloinr jtiuntlonmtr ii ke ikord loinrk j3b arjcriokrsite itlnder iliurtiimntiunn tfnonv x i more tthan uiooo 1rajf ionfl irica if planoa tnartltiuiated ttuesday mlcht iln tthe iheaviost lrald of rthe war on berlin of the ihuce rfome 43 planes failed rto metutm ifour canadian plane wijto amoiyr rthoae rnuaitmc st waa annnunottd rthat tmore than 230u- rtona of adoauies were ahower- d over tthe igerjnan capital- tthe ibombs vwese dronped in 20 anlnuteo an avexajie iof tmore than 120 rtona to aninutc j monday rraid vuab rthetlstir of rs tmajor rpnapoirtion ao ibcriin ainoe rthe jjj hmt g canonaaion eltudmiilt tthlra oilne ibramoim ttoutnlmit ut iliiisitwiry i imo 7 on nnaafaa ssej ut mao jumw wliutur rche rfallourbur p oaoufie u fount giey tpttfttihronj aoed in imiiil icood rfanm ttuam ii huttiikl qmry fpiilly mlhlnr w- la woal one i wtusl iptrihihose shohiraaoitns tgradefc fl luar slue tniauur ii jw rild mo 1 v v iu lcuud ontj li iba tcau idue keb t q kaan ioou iduell ffjiib 5 fl ikoan cow due wkih 33 a euan cow due lktb ift q boan guwi due march uig ii leoan cow rmjh l autmika itlnle of mailf fl ibnd gou tbnedl htm tt ii koan metfr tbnad hbecl 1 imllkinx vwul q bed ssebfnr due i and ektcajf launched rtheir ohutexation campaign ita dlouember on jlanuary 30th tmone rthan 2300 ttona were imloaded on berlin wuthta a rperlod of 30 axunutea dots jkxdvotktwb usted bit bbc lokdon cp it tunned out after all that the treporited leantup of ccbc radio programmes ihad ibeen a little exaggerated a few days after rthe report on a wide mew hat of ec donta appeared the bbc put the matter atralcht ithere is ao than on jakea on amer ican soldiers ithe southern american aooent rthe ihome gruard the polloe ihe womens aervioea drinkizui or the ninging of taoatalgic aornga a for the iblack market we think that fchat is too serious a anarter to joke about and we do not allow any undue jipflg about ithe tbarnhtnx of german dtiea a bbc official aaid w do our beat to ae that officers are not constantly anefrrred to m the j ond ordinary aoldiera aa 11- literatea iw bmn on jarring the claasica re- xnalna officeboy uaenoualy air i think you are wanted phone bmplovr you think gxkkl af help marltetin maple syrup an incneaae of meanly onethirdwer rthe tt43 ulput ia aaked for ita ithe production of imajue wyirup and anaple produnta rfor rthe 094d nimr- it ila eapected rthat rtme q dabout tthmte lmlilion jn on a yrup uaaia vwould ttind a traady twi rpattticru- llainly in view of the irmc announae- tmenl iby tthe n hi t inn of rthe point board hqbectiue march 2 1944 rthe value of to ooupana tfor purchaming anaple syrup wju me rta- creaaed ao that a xallon of aymup may me obtained on surrender of igbt coupons arranxcsnenta ai alao melng anade aaya the current review of agricultural rym fa mius iia an ekneptiana1y ihoavy iproll ducing iherd with a wmy mlgh ihuttur flcat rteat be wunr uodk ttlhem ouer tjiounc icatnnle 2 steer aiuung 2i tra old 2 saotfere tnlatag 2 mwra old mebfer iriakur fl ir old 3 toungj calatea i ttttun merd rpaaatd a hean 1t3 ftctft meoftntjy voakshdqks moos i ouna- owjl due sheb sfch b sow due mar smh fl sow due apr oth q sow oie apri q2th- fl sow hih hitter of 9 rplga r wecika old fl voung sow wilrtm tutter of 7 pie werika old fl sow pigs at rfoot weeks old tme aboue atre a jot of waltbfled vonk sowa 5 oota of i shoarta atrloua agea mav 3bas3j and eootts a quan- itlrty of inimothy hay a qusntnv of dower mav- about 200 mua eatlly alaska 3942 gtena about ttso ibua of 1943 oats quantity of fed ltnnalpa and mangolds about ho ibaga fftotjlii ngpametctts 3 st w fiinder i cctout linajood orders ii p 0 mower s fft- urt fl m h side dieliuerr ealoe i rft hay bake iata hav loader s pea harvester fl fthnuta cultivator i 2 notion seed idmula 02 apout 2 seta i hanrowa icorkshutt biding plow no 1 32 fheury single slor sloneboat 111 m h scntner fl sotato hij gockahutt manure spxieader fl vpi and tboic omplete bubnertired i buxcy cutter a et sleieha mutfa i ada to rfardlhate mail order deliwea rplalfo rflvmm rfh ltzljl misceixanexkus fl chatham of ayrup thua rfurtber helping tme vrnxminz mih with nagger ii set sale of eyrup curect from producer to rmfrw scales 2i000 flba 1 snow consumer pjow fl water kettle fl ftelanal i oream separator 400 una ta new 3 hay back fl root pulper ii wiieelbarrow water ihroucb 16 i square buhdlnjr tumbera 3 2raas seeder 3 set of fluoubletreea forks chains too numerous to meaitloa hapness 1 mei breeching bank- j always prepared to offer ampiei hand t ut hf- muine enrtnf ik- trttn a ttwrd et harness 3 fctgh z jt stewardeaa on s ctasmi 2 eeta of nirkleplated itranacanada plane sat not dis driviaar haroeaa 3 lirht driitax coj- turbed during a recent trarnscnntin 3arar 2 strinea of bells entai fugbt licmaanllnatr paaaeavj j bad oom loose mutton which tbneaued to part land blakemih tools 40 gal ca i ly with ftiia tdouae artiian orum oil cans a good r young needles and thread are not cattle og r a atemardeas kit but mies linch xothin well airthe voice t the other end end aaid hello is that you sum cad idiotr of fj u prompt ta render- itag flrat aid to funiforma and with the help if a aafety pin perf whats tthe a meat operation the mlluary man was happy but mnw loncti auggeated tliat tie obtain proper button anchor age faefiare meeting terms cash to be removed until settled for sale helajrala or atunebaa4 afmaya open totflgtmay no 7 farm sold ko beserwe ptao now to at- tend his good outright sale no 2 group of the ctoka inauoute wttlje have a booth on grounds cor war older trees now tniheae ttsoea iae ibalna aanuaefl haas nfalhaive onnn trhe shtaario tefoaeatrjy onarndh col tube dhqsi it il ejekkehsfs mhuater tot alciunuse ji ncntrbm aoplk ibep tfor bttaffhan jivmii school area mo i h0wnsh1p of nfassacawkya iitlie hhruatm tbnard of ttownahlj aitma imn fl tnatuuujewya tulbmtt ihesemtitli tthe annual luepoitt idthuimiuna and iejijmmdltuiieii unr hbtth hlhe ibartnpajitira wllll ibe iglad tto iknnw teiutt rthe timrjpupu utortt dor ttlils aama 11 nihllowcat iln ttlw duimty tithe rugurcu tfor ttlie county abb raa sdllowa tesoueaiig ignoaa icoat rpnrpupu 9 thwo lleaa ujovnimnitint lorant v rtlsloo 3uasaacawrjya a a wlhdlr inaaaaaawejta ataia bsjo twaaaaoawtva 3tfo 6 inasancavueya 3uo 35 cnaaaagaweia 3uhkutfi ij ntrafalfiir 77h ueas mowmiim mramtt flaslho s ttoloo ueas tgoweimmnnt mratft silltod sobfllfm less moweimment igrmtt szofliad orluo ueas ajownmmnnl igxantt s 31660 s 77dilh unas movrimmnnt isrant s b21b0 v ncloo uosa tnovnnmnimt irjrmtt rflolon x jbsloo htai ujomiraunent inruid v tlfllod alloffougli our cet ila rttlte unweat ita tttbe ooutfty we iluuue qimnildafl ita luddltlon tto tthe mnsular luuhjoctij ssome lektunimilos and manuatl tlteah- ilng tlnr oilt udhodls llnjuhe amea hn ttihe tfour ears nf aama aihmiratian tfilw hutdiiuw has imramaand itvion atgotlioo ito a ibabmne nn lhand of sqouitm htbe atma sdhodli ome uafijrt ita iwol wujodlen tiar ttihe pupils actending ttlteue choulfi tto tche cluuiinuin and mnwberr df tttbe board tot torutftncfi stihodl aaxa wo fl lur and contllranon wte lhaue inomjthiied our aiudit tof mite bonks and lbnnundb nf sdboul anna stio it towmuhhi iof btiaasagnwea far tche 9nar xmdtng gfte iblat tttffl and mow muibnut inur tnnpont mm ficulawsn 0a statnmcrtt ibi idetaiu iof ibooatals and oisqimmdhiuiwii rfor ttihe wvat mdmg hhcocnibrir zelat mwb jm 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school sites value of bulming value of furniture valae of equipment a tk or taxa tto equalised assessment of area township grant aa nulls trustees levy 3jq sniua ieb liab s s no 10 21 mills remaining debenture debt secretaryla salary janitor salary foelcoata premises freehold j a wilkinson township auditor nassaxaweya january 31st 1944 2i1c8 100 j00 2mjoo 47325 322 a pnone 485 gait d- e boles autal iv h oakea clerks to sell them tell them siaai attaudifed timii